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Islam What Do You Think Of Islam?


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
Re: Muslims and Islam

jews dont believe in christianity.while christians dont belive in islam.

sounds familiar huh

Christianity came after Judaism, so Jews don't believe in the New Testament.
What you have selectively concealed is that Christians believe in the Torah which is a primarily Jewish scripture. The reason why Jews don't venerate the New Testament is that they don't believe Jesus as the promised Messiah. This is contrast to Muslims who reject all other Abrahamic books other than the Qur'an even when they claim to believe in the respective Prophets. Your comparison doesn't make much sense.

Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
Re: Muslims and Islam

Even the different Christian denominations can't seem to agree on everything... many a war have been fought, and many *many* people have died, over the nit picky small differences in the Abrahamic religions. It really blows my mind to think about it!

Protestant vs Catholic vs Lutheran vs Anglican etc.... even different Protestant denominations can't agree amongst themselves! The Mormons for example have a second book all of their own!

How do you expect the different Abrahamic religions to agree with each other's Holy books, when they are all different 'takes' on the same principle (Abrahamic)??


Mar 9, 2013
Re: Muslims and Islam

after the coming of new prophet all the previous rules and regulations brought by the past prophets are abolished.thats how it work.

to us all the prophets and followers of their time are muslims.
i m saying bcz allah has called them muslims.


Mar 9, 2013
Re: Muslims and Islam

Allah the Most High says; ”This day I have perfected for you your religion, and have completed my blessings upon you, and I am pleased in (having chosen) Al-Islam for you as your (complete) religion”. (05:03) And the Most High says; ”And whoever wants other than Al-Islam as religion, it will never be accepted of him, and he will be in the Hereafter of the loseres


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
Re: Muslims and Islam

i m not saying it by myself.it is said in quran by allah.

if u have problem have it with god not me

Well, for a start you would like to know I don't consider Qur'an to be the 'Word of God', no offence. And when I am raising a valid point about Islam I don't thing my God is going to be cross with me. So, I'm cool with that.
Secondly, what you are attempting is not a sincere discussion but excessively praising your own religion which is borderlining on proselytizing (and that is of course my personal view). Since you have been banned before, I advice you to take care of that.


Mar 9, 2013
Re: Muslims and Islam

whats your point?

quran is word of god and islam is a perfect religion.i m not saying it by myself,god is saying it

u say na quran isnt word of god.fine

so what now?


Mar 9, 2013
Re: Muslims and Islam

and islam hasnt rejected any books.

islam dont say that they didnt exist.

islam just say that they are corrupted.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Muslims and Islam

whats your point?

quran is word of god and islam is a perfect religion.i m not saying it by myself,god is saying it

u say na quran isnt word of god.fine

so what now?

Not a thinking man's or thinking woman's religion?

Two threads on islam have been merrged.


Mar 9, 2013
But those who were unjust changed it for a saying other than that which had been spoken to them, so We sent upon those who were unjust a pestilence from heaven, because they transgressed.
Qur'an 2:59
Do you then hope that they would believe in you, and a party from among them indeed used to hear the Word of Allah, then altered it after they had understood it, and they know (this). And when they meet those who believe they say: We believe, and when they are alone one with another they say: Do you talk to them of what Allah has disclosed to you that they may contend with you by this before your Lord? Do you not then understand? Do they not know that Allah knows what they keep secret and what they make known?
Qur'an 2:75-77
Nay! do you say that Ibrahim and Ismail and Yaqoub and the tribes were Jews or Christians? Say: Are you better knowing or Allah? And who is more unjust than he who conceals a testimony that he has from Allah? And Allah is not at all heedless of what you do.
Qur'an 2:140
(As for) those who take a small price for the covenant of Allah and their own oaths-- surely they shall have no portion in the hereafter, and Allah will not speak to them, nor will He look upon them on the day of resurrection nor will He purify them, and they shall have a painful chastisement. Most surely there is a party amongst those who distort the Book with their tongue that you may consider it to be (a part) of the Book, and they say, It is from Allah, while it is not from Allah, and they tell a lie against Allah whilst they know. It is not meet for a mortal that Allah should give him the Book and the wisdom and prophethood, then he should say to men: Be my servants rather than Allah's; but rather (he would say): Be worshipers of the Lord because of your teaching the Book and your reading (it yourselves).
Qur'an 3:77-79
And when Allah made a covenant with those who were given the Book: You shall certainly make it known to men and you shall not hide it; but they cast it behind their backs and took a small price for it; so evil is that which they buy.
Qur'an 3:187
Of those who are Jews (there are those who) alter words from their places and say: We have heard and we disobey and: Hear, may you not be made to hear! and: Raina, distorting (the word) with their tongues and taunting about religion; and if they had said (instead): We have heard and we obey, and hearken, and unzurna it would have been better for them and more upright; but Allah has cursed them on account of their unbelief, so they do not believe but a little.
Qur'an 4:46
But on account of their breaking their covenant We cursed them and made their hearts hard; they altered the words from their places and they neglected a portion of what they were reminded of; and you shall always discover treachery in them excepting a few of them; so pardon them and turn away; surely Allah loves those who do good (to others). And with those who say, We are Christians, We made a covenant, but they neglected a portion of what they were reminded of, therefore We excited among them enmity and hatred to the day of resurrection; and Allah will inform them of what they did. O followers of the Book! indeed Our Messenger has come to you making clear to you much of what you concealed of the Book and passing over much; indeed, there has come to you light and a clear Book from Allah;
Qur'an 5:13-15
O Messenger! let not those grieve you who strive together in hastening to unbelief from among those who say with their mouths: We believe, and their hearts do not believe, and from among those who are Jews; they are listeners for the sake of a lie, listeners for another people who have not come to you; they alter the words from their places, saying: If you are given this, take it, and if you are not given this, be cautious; and as for him whose temptation Allah desires, you cannot control anything for him with Allah. Those are they for whom Allah does not desire that He should purify their hearts; they shall have disgrace in this world, and they shall have a grievous chastisement in the hereafter.


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
first some ayats from quran.


how many versions of bible are there.

and they claim them to be all from god

First of all, Ayats from the Qur'an don't qualify as evidence.

Secondly, the most part of Torah text is agreed upon by all Jewish sects, the versions exist with only minor differences. As far as the New Testament goes, the 'versions' are only different translations of a largely identical body of original scriptural texts.

Thirdly, minor differences exist even in the different 'versions' of the Qur'an (See the article: http://www.answering-islam.org/Quran/Text/index.html ).
Till date, Muslim scholars cannot agree upon even on the number of total verses of the Qur'an, here are some of the 'estimates',

01. Tafseer Al Itqan fi Uloom al Quran, Volume
1 page 84 :
Allamah Jalaluddin Suyuti has recorded a tradition from Ibn Abbas [ra] wherein he says:
“The number of verses in the Quran are 6616”

02.Al Itqan fi Uloom al Quran, Volume 1 page
84 :
Allamah Jalaluddin Suyuti whilst citing Sunni scholarly opinion from Sunni scholar Uthman bin Saeed bin Uthman Abu Amro al-Daani (d. 444 H) wrote:
Al-Daani said: ‘They agreed that the number of verses of Quran are six thousand but they disagreed in what has been added further (to the Quran) , some of them didn't add more whilst others said it was two hundred and four. Some said two hundred and fourteen, others said two hundred and nineteen. Some said two hundred and twenty five, others said two hundred and thirty six. ’

03.Tafseer Ibn Kathir, Volume 1 page 7, number of verses&Tafseer Qurtubi, Volume 1 page 65, number of verses :
“The total number of verses Quranic verses are 6000. Disagreement remains about the remainder verses. There are various views and statements about them. One statement is that there are 6204 verses”

What evidence are you talking about, man?
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