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Islam What Do You Think Of Islam?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Muslims and Islam.

Welcome back from your break riskygujjar ji - Warning! If you do not abide by TOS the next step will be a permanent ban from the forum. Either make a constructive contribution to our discussions or your contributions will be nil. Thank you
Aug 13, 2013
Re: Muslims and Islam.

its not possible for everyone to learn quran.to learn it takes 4-5 years for a person to learn it.he is called hafiz.

a muslim has have aleast that much knowledge of deen that he can differ halal from haram.

and he has to learn that much quran so he can offer namaz.

i m telling a really story once there was muslim he didnt know how to read quran.then what he did was he he would do wuzu opens quran and everyday pointing fingure on the ayahs keep saying allah whatever u say is true(jo tune kaha woh sab such hai).

after on this he was pardoned from his sins and given jannah.in muslim languahe allah ne ushki magfirat farma di.

a person who reads quran will get puneh and a person who sit near that person and hear his recitation will get the same puneh

No offence guy, but do you even have basic knowledge of your own religion?

No one has been given "jannah" (paradise) yet, because according to Islam, rewards and punishments for this life will only be handed out on judgement day, which has not yet transpired. According to Islam, nobody at this moment in time is in heaven or hell, the dead will be raised on the day of judgement and that is when people will be sent to their eternal destinations.

Oh and another basic Islamic belief, no one other than Allah (God) knows who is going to go to heaven and who is going to go to hell. Please explain to me how you know that the man in question went to heaven, which contradicts two fundamental teachings of Islam (that heaven/hell will only be granted after the day of judgement and that only Allah knows who is going to end up in each destination).

Are you a new prophet?
Aug 13, 2013
Re: Muslims and Islam.

hi exploringsikhi ,

bodies or soul will be raised ?

what are dead doing now ?

heaven /hell are eternal ?

I haven't come across the verse in the Qur'an (I haven't read the entire thing), but going off of what Muslims have told me, it is both and if you were cremated, your body is restored.

The dead are dead, lying in their graves.

The orthodox Islamic view is that anyone who heard about Islam and did not accept the message will go to hell forever. Those non-Muslims who did not hear about Islam will be given some sort of a test to determine whether they should go to heaven or hell. A pious Muslim will enter heaven, a Muslim who has sinned will spend time in hell before eventually being granted access into heaven.


Mar 9, 2013
Re: Muslims and Islam.

Humans have devised several ways to dispose off their dead. Some bury their dead, some cremate their dead, while others leave them on the hills to be devoured by vultures and wild animals! It does not matter how the human races disposes its dead, for it is the Promise of the Creator, that He will assemble them all on the Day of Judgement.
The Creator who gave us life when we were nothing the first time, will do so again. That is His Promise in the Holy Quran!
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 56 Surah Waaqiah verses 47-50: And they used to say "what! when we die and become dust and bones shall we then indeed be raised up again?
"(We) and our fathers of old?"
Say: "Yea, those of old and those of later times
"All will certainly be gathered together for the meeting appointed for a Day Well-known.
Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 36 Surah Yaa Seen verses 77-79: Doth not man see that it is We Who created Him from sperm? Yet behold! He (stands forth) as an open adversary!
And he makes comparisons for us and forgets his own (Origin and) Creation: He says "Who can give life to (dry) bones and decomposed ones (at that)?"
Say "He will give them life Who created them for the first time! For He is well versed in every kind of creation!

Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 17 Surah Israa verses 48-51:
48 See what similes thy strike for thee; but they have gone astray and never can they find a way.
49 They say: "What! when we are reduced to bones and dust should we really be raised up (to be) a new creation?"
50 Say: "(Nay!) be ye stones or iron
"Or created matter which in your minds is hardest (to be raised up)--(yet shall ye be raised up)!" Then will they say: "Who will cause us to return?" Say: "He Who created you first!" Then will they wag their heads towards thee and say "When will that be?" Say "Maybe it will be quite soon!
There are literally tens of aayahs where Allah states, that in whatever state you might be, be it dust, or bones, or ashes, or as hard as stones or iron… He will bring you forth to life again on the Day of Judgement! Nobody has direct access to heaven, whether he be buried or burned! The Creator will Judge each according to his deeds, and if his deeds are done according to the Will of the Creator, he will deserve His Mercy and Forgiveness. If the deeds of one are done against the Will of Creator, he will deserve His Wrath and Anger. Thus each of us will be decided according to our deeds and not according to how we have disposed our dead bodies!
May Allah guide us all to the Truth.


Mar 9, 2013
Re: Muslims and Islam.

after on this he was pardoned from his sins and given jannah

what i meant to say he was given good news of jannah.

and he wouldnt be judged on basis of his deeds.


Mar 9, 2013
Re: Muslims and Islam.

na i m no prophet.

prophets are sinless.

only in india people make humans god?

so u wont understand the concept of prophets.

concept of prophet is like an alien concept to u.


Dec 3, 2011
its the mark of sajda it appears itself when a muslim offer 5 time prayers daily.

it has nothing to do with show off.

its just evolution.

at that time 1400 hears ago girls matured early which u people think as a child marriage.

12 years old kid at that time would go to wars for fighting.

and other wives prphet mohammad had were divorcee.

his first wive was khatija r.a
whose age was 40 and prophets age was 25 at that time

Kahtija was the elder woman with plenty of cash and property from what I gather. I believe that the incentive was $$$ money $$$ more than anything !

Yes, we know kids of 12 yrs may have been sent to fight back then.
However, there is one important fact I believe about Aiesha the 9 year old. The fact is that she would be often seen playing with dolls just like all other 9 year olds !
I'm sure that you would have come across this in your studies ?


Mar 9, 2013
omg what a critic u are.

after 1400 years today u say it is bad.

people of that time even the kaafirs didnt said anything about that.

not even the people prophet mohammad came into contact with.

who would have been the better critic a person who is debating now after 1400 years on this matter.or the persons who witnessed all by themselves

and it wasnt prophet mohammad who sent the proposal for marriage.it was khatija r.a who sent the proposal for marriage.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
riskygujjar ji

Based on your last few recent comments here and on the music is haram thread I am beginning to doubt you even are a muslim. You are heavy on the generalities and light on the specifics and details.


Dec 3, 2011
I hope I am not being a critic, unless you can be absolutely positive that Aiesha was not playing with dolls at that age or you can prove otherwise that she was completely matured and long grown out of childhood.
I believe that according to hadith, only pre-pubescent girls were allowed to play with dolls !

I am sure there were people (kaffirs) that talked about what was happening but they were silenced.

Khatija wasn't the only one sending proposals but she was the one who was paid attention to.
Do you wander what could have instigated this attention or bought some serious notice to her ??
Answer- $$$$$$...I would reckon !


Mar 9, 2013
In 595, Khadija needed an agent for a transaction in Syria. Abu Talib ibn 'Abd al-Muttalib recommended her distant cousin Muhammad ibn Abdullah. The experience that Muhammad held working with caravans in his uncle Abu Talib's family business had earned him the honorific titles Al-Sadiq (the truthful) and Al-Amin (the trustworthy, the honest).[7] Khadija hired Muhammad, who was then 25 years old, sending word through her kinsman Khazimah ibn Hakim that she would pay double her usual commission.[citation needed]
She sent one of her servants, Maysarah, to assist him. Upon returning, Maysara gave accounts of the honorable way that Muhammad had conducted his business, with the result that he brought back twice as much profit as Khadija had expected. Maysarah also relayed that on the return journey, Muhammad had stopped to rest under a tree. A passing monk, Nestora, informed Maysara that, "None but a prophet ever sat beneath this tree."[8] Maysara also claimed that while he stood near Muhammad as he slept, he had seen two angels standing above Muhammad creating a cloud to protect him from the heat and glare of the sun.[5]
Khadija then consulted her cousin Waraqah ibn Nawfal ibn Asad ibn 'Abdu'l-'Uzza.[8] Waraqah said that if what Maysara had seen was true, then Muhammad was in fact the prophet of the people who was already expected. It is also said Khadijah had a dream in which the sun descended from the sky into her courtyard, fully illuminating her home.[5] Her cousin Waraqah told her not to be alarmed, for the sun was an indication that the Prophet would grace her home.[5] At this, Khadija considered proposing marriage to her agent.[9] Many wealthy Quraysh men had already asked for her hand in marriage,[5] but all had been refused.

Khadija entrusted a friend named Nafisa to approach Muhammad and ask if he would consider marrying.[10] At first Muhammad was hesitant because he had no money to support a wife. Nafisa then asked if he would consider marriage to a woman who had the means to provide for herself.[11] Muhammad agreed to come meet with Khadija, and after this meeting they agreed to consult with their uncles. The uncles agreed to the marriage, and Muhammad's uncles accompanied him to make a formal proposal to Khadija


Mar 9, 2013
you give me a proof that she was just a kid and playing with dolls.which hadees?

kaafirs of that time were already abusing him
since he rejected their faith in 360 idols which they called gods.

if he would have done sonmething wrong they would have got anothewr chance to trash talk him.

they were silence ?

why so?

plzzzzz ypur accusation makes no sense at all

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Muslims and Islam.

Muslims don't believe on Bible or Torah because Qur'anic verses allege (for reasons they best know) that they were corrupted. I don't know which Bible you are talking about.




Those who "believe" in the Bible..burning it ?? sounds a fantastic way to show belief...


Mar 9, 2013
Re: Muslims and Islam

jews dont believe in christianity.while christians dont belive in islam.

sounds familiar huh

stupidity whatelse?

is there any fatwa to burn bibles?
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