- Apr 8, 2012
- 902
- 191
This is the best subject discussion i found on this site. i will put my two cents but today my mind is not here. thanks all.
Personally I stay well clear of any person that claims communication
God is everywhere
Which humanity do you serve? There are so many different factions, so many variables, how can you serve them all without contradiction?
Which social evils? By its very essence social evils change with time, what is evil today, may be good tomorrow, what was good yesterday, is considered evil today
What is a goodly virtue? again, these change over the course of time, is compassion a goodly virtue, is tough love a goodly virtue, the truth is, what is a goodly virtue depends on the social mood of the world, the circumstance of the event, the ability to have some forward sight as to what our actions will spawn, and a million other changing variables, and even then, once learned, this cannot be imparted.
Sat Sri Akaal,For me as a Ram Bhakt meditating on the formless Ik Onkar I think only of only Ram Ram "Ram Naam" . I also like to meditate on the form Ik Onkar; however the best explanation I have for that meditation is the Ras Tafari concept of "I and I" an expression to totalize the concept of oneness. Ex. there is no you and me, there is only I and I. When combining the form and formless in meditation I recognize that I am Ram and "you"I are Ram, Ram Ram.
I just want to know if you consider "communication with god" to be an idea of talking to the man up stairs, to put it in a crude way? Like you say God is everywhere, so can it not be you speak with God daily.
I love how children are blind to the very contradictions "wise" men are blinded by. With a Childs mind such contradictions fade away, as they are purely logical
contradictions and not practical ones.
Humm let me start by saying that I believe all people to be my Brothers or sisters. Our relation goes beyond the bounds set by kinship "blood". Each of us is a child of God and so i say brother or sister in this way.
The concepts of ethics my change according to such variables stated. Ethics is just another attempt to corrupt our understanding of truth here in Kali yuga. The morals of Satya yuga are forgotten. We have forgotten what is beseeming and what is no not beseeming of us, as children of God. We allow others to divide us then we place faith in that division.