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What Does Sikhism Say About Adam And Eve?


Feb 20, 2006
nottingham england
As i said before the pictures are explained if you look at the Bible as a simplistic way of explaining how the earth got from what it was to what it is. taking each day to mean a period in earths evolution. a day representing several millions of years not just 24 hrs. God creating all the lifeforms that ever existed. Man being his last creation.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
DalSingh Ji, It is best to remain mindful of the fact the SGGS as with all scriptures are written by wayfarers upon the path of truth. What seems an immense and complex universe on one day, on another seeks as a globe in our hands, an intricate sphere of firing neurons, and life energy flowing in an overall pattern with variations simmering under the surface. It is a perspective and measure of comprehension and consciousness....

The original tale of Creation, Eden, the principle figures and their downfall disclose the fundamental premise of all truths. From one seed grows a tree, of branches and leaves of seasonal change, bearing fruit and shade, taking pollutant and emitting clean air, propagating other trees to fall one day and be reduced again to the soil from where it arose.

We may analyse the trunk, the fruit, the colours and the shape of leaves, the age and the amenability, the emissions and the functionality, we may study the fruit or the composites of each particle taken from the wondrous tree itself born of one grain and its interaction with the environment, air, water and sun. The seed contains the potential for such wonderful creation, it is all truth required to be watered and alighted to be understood, to be lived to accomplish its full potential. ...

YouTube - Dr. David Berlinski Destroys Darwinism In Under 5 Minutes

I failed to get anything....the Creator has not limited......either the time taken to change..or the mathematical calculations needed..or "billions" of intermediary creatures from "Cow to Whale"....this man is taking the fundamental christian arguments BUT he said nothing that i consider to be "anti-Gurbani"/or proves Gurbani wrong. After all cows eat GRASS and Whales eat PLANKTON...the food remained the same as their lungs....etc - while cows cant swim..whales cant run.....so "Darwin" is wrong !! Maybe..?? Darwin is not Gurbani/Sggs compliant in FULL..he is just a man who may be wrong in some things..and right in others..probably more RIGHT than Wrong...the Adam Eve theory is definitley for the birds (excuse me).. I put ALL my faith in SGGS.

1. The Sikh GURUS are not "wayfarers"..THEY MADE THE HIGHWAY !! Nanak GADDEE RAAH Chaliayah says Bhai Gurdass... "Gaddee Raah is HIGHWAY to TRUTH..the NIRMAL PANTH.... TRUTH HIGHWAY. "wayfarers"....pick up things..thats why there are babylonian..and other ancient "stories of creation" that say the EXACT same things the Bible says....NO SUCH in SGGS.... the Sikh GURUS have their OWN INDEPENDENT OPINION ON ALL SUBJECTS.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
As i said before the pictures are explained if you look at the Bible as a simplistic way of explaining how the earth got from what it was to what it is. taking each day to mean a period in earths evolution. a day representing several millions of years not just 24 hrs. God creating all the lifeforms that ever existed. Man being his last creation.

I have heard this before...the "days" of Bhagwaans in heaven are supposed to be "millions of years"....is this grounded in fact..a "day" on jupiter is NOT the same as on earth... the Earth YEAR is NOT 365 days on Jupiter..Saturn..Neptune....and this is just in our neighbourhood....how LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG would be "days" on Galxies billions of light years away ???
But isnt this stretching the meanings of words?? Obvioulsy the Bible is written for MAN and for this EARTH..so WHY would the "DAY" be any different ?? IF it was different then why wasnt the TERMINOLOGY EXPLAINED so that no ambigiouity would arise...
I also read that in the Battle of Jericho...the SUN WAS STOPPED in the Sky so that a few extra hours could be gained for the battle to go on.....Now we know that the SUN is NOT a LAMP hung on the ceiling that you can keep up as you wish..IF the SUN ever "STOPS"...its the End of everything....GURBANI says something else alltogether..IT says that the Sun and the Moona dn everything lese..CONTINUES on a RELENTLESS JOURNEY...no stopping...no slackening....all in His HUKM..TIME and TIDE Wait for NO MAN is the real TRUTH.

a little humour....
A "Man" asked God..OK God How LONG is YOUR "minute".... OH its about a billion centuires. The Man was shocked....Can you grant me my Wish then..I am in a hurry....
Just a minute replied God.....


Jun 12, 2006
DalSingh Ji, It is best to remain mindful of the fact the SGGS as with all scriptures are written by wayfarers upon the path of truth. What seems an immense and complex universe on one day, on another seeks as a globe in our hands, an intricate sphere of firing neurons, and life energy flowing in an overall pattern with variations simmering under the surface. It is a perspective and measure of comprehension and consciousness....

The original tale of Creation, Eden, the principle figures and their downfall disclose the fundamental premise of all truths. From one seed grows a tree, of branches and leaves of seasonal change, bearing fruit and shade, taking pollutant and emitting clean air, propagating other trees to fall one day and be reduced again to the soil from where it arose.

We may analyse the trunk, the fruit, the colours and the shape of leaves, the age and the amenability, the emissions and the functionality, we may study the fruit or the composites of each particle taken from the wondrous tree itself born of one grain and its interaction with the environment, air, water and sun. The seed contains the potential for such wonderful creation, it is all truth required to be watered and alighted to be understood, to be lived to accomplish its full potential. ...

YouTube - Intelligent Design/Evolution Debate (1 of 8)

Ok, if you are portraying the Adam and Eve story in a metaphorical or allegorical sense I understand.

Still, strong evidence points away from the notion that the universe or indeed planet earth was created in a form similar to what we know today, which is the premise of the Adam and Eve account. The evidence for this is vast and compelling. We now know that the continents were likely to have been together at one point. We know that the planet existed a LONG time before humans existed and other lifeforms that are now long extinct existed. The planet has has cataclysmic events. We have had ice ages etc. The picture is infinitely more complex than the Genesis account of creation.


Feb 20, 2006
nottingham england
I was only trying to say how i saw a way of religion and science existing side by side without conflicting. Charles Darwins theory of evolution is no longer just a theory the preceding pictures are prove of this, Genetics are another way of provng his theory. So with science stating how the earth came to be, I sought a way of showing myself how God could exist that science could not disprove. Remember not all are raised in a Sikh or religious house hold, I had to cling to a believe in God when most where turning to science for their origins and questioning their believes, to keep reciting from an unproven book was not enough for most. Any way it worked for me
ps Thank you for translating the panjabi to English it helps no end


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Gyani ji, Tony ji

Apologies -- but let me add another problem to the mix where a literal reading of the Adam and Eve story is concerned. This story appears in the oldest part of the Hebrew Bible the Book of Genesis (Origins) and was not written down for centuries. Before that the stories were continued as part of oral tradition. Passed down, memorized by this and that group of Hebrews, who were nomadic tribesman and lived as clans. So then with oral tradition we have this problem -- more than one story is told about the same thing, all of them a little different from the others, or even very different from the others. By the time the oral narrative is written, the scribes are faced with a problem. How does one put all the stories together and resolve all the contradictions? In the book of Genesis more than one account of Creation is blended together in one book -- careful reading of Genesis leads to the amazing discovery that some stories sound as if they do not even come from the Jewish tradition, but possibly were from surrounding tribes and civilizations, such as Ancient Sumerian sources. Why? Maybe because the ancient Hebrews wandered throughout the area from what is now Jordan through to what is now Egypt and Saudia Arabia, picking up local creation myths and mixing the stories together.

The monotheistic belief of the ancient Hebrews actually comes into view much later historically than the Adam and Eve story. Think about that. Who is the God who is speaking to Adam. It cannot be the God of Abraham because Abraham was not yet alive -- hundreds of years had to pass. So then was it the God of Abraham who was inserted into an older story by a group of scribes who were adding their own twist?

The thing that I question is whether Jewish scholars of ancient Biblical literature take a literal translation themselves of Adam and Eve story? I suspect they do not. Another interesting thing: The centuries old scholarly debates in the Talmud going back to the middle ages do not concern themselves with this but rather with ethical interpretations of later books. In other words-- how do the scriptures give guidance to lead an ethical and moral life?


Jun 12, 2006
I was only trying to say how i saw a way of religion and science existing side by side without conflicting. Charles Darwins theory of evolution is no longer just a theory the preceding pictures are prove of this, Genetics are another way of provng his theory. So with science stating how the earth came to be, I sought a way of showing myself how God could exist that science could not disprove. Remember not all are raised in a Sikh or religious house hold, I had to cling to a believe in God when most where turning to science for their origins and questioning their believes, to keep reciting from an unproven book was not enough for most. Any way it worked for me
ps Thank you for translating the panjabi to English it helps no end

Well I find the notion that science and religion are mutually exclusive strange. I'm Sikh but I believe in the evolution theory and do not think it makes me compromise my beliefs in any serious way.


Feb 20, 2006
nottingham england
Dalsingh ji
I am now a sikh but was brought up as a christian and science does go a long way to disprove Genesis. As a young boy/man it was hard to understand how can the bible tell me the world was created in 7 days when in science im told in took millions of yrs, science contradicting religion. i wasnt born with an old mans mind and I gave what I thought was a way as a Sikh of explaining the book of Genesis and the Adam and Eve story without having a bash at another religion.


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
The picture is as complex or as simple as the interpreter relating it. Upon embarking on this path of historical allegories many have ardently strived to bury into nonexistence one will ultimately reach the conclusion that the spiritual path towards detachment and liberation from the constraints of mortal existence is the only way to free mankind from death and rebirth. With video evidence we cannot absolutely conclude the reasoning and involvement of the 9/11 tragedy let alone occurrences of six thousand years before, especially if the ancient Creator and his wisdom have no great and urgent need to be found.

There are many unfathomed mysteries in the scriptures. Then and now to present date truth is fact and data that serves the interests of those holding power at any given age. That is not truth but distortion. Iraq and its Leader were destroyed publicly by the powers at large before a witnessing world on the pretext of the nation concealing weapons of mass destruction. There were none, and had there been the war would undoubtedly be shorter lived than the ongoing media debacle it has become.

Then and now the world remains in the fiery ocean of hellish political spin. The innocent civilians dying by bullets and bombs would need look no further than the west and its cohort accomplice nations aiding and abetting the secretion of truth to further their own cause top power. Many have come and revealed the world as we know it to be an evil and terrible lie. Agar Lok Khudaar hai, then the one who rules the earth is neither God or Almighty but the Wizard of Chaos we see inhabiting the palaces, whitehouse and media of this age, and the ages gone by, passing temporal faces and names of the one demagogue and his cohort feminist.

What Gods do we seek and to whom do we pray. The people are as willful, malleable, corruptible as the ones who nurture, indoctrinate and preside over them. Gurmat teaches practice and understanding of the truth, word and wisdom to unshackle our souls from this hellish world and escape its entrapment. Those who heed find peace and salvation. Being led by politics or media brainwashing and sowing of the seed of discontent leads to suffering. All covet power and high positions gained by many grand promises, without acceptance of responsibility for the suffering, and none deliver, the people being as infidel as the rulers with multiple allegiances to sustain their power. That is truth.


Jan 6, 2009
Dear Amardeep Ji

As per Gurmat, none knows when the universe originated. Guru Nank Dev ji says in Japji Sahib (Ang 4) :

" ਕਵਣੁ ਸੁ ਵੇਲਾ ਵਖਤੁ ਕਵਣੁ ਕਵਣ ਥਿਤਿ ਕਵਣੁ ਵਾਰੁ ਕਵਣਿ ਸਿ ਰੁਤੀ ਮਾਹੁ ਕਵਣੁ ਜਿਤੁ ਹੋਆ ਆਕਾਰੁ ਵੇਲ ਨ
ਪਾਈਆ ਪੰਡਤੀ ਜਿ ਹੋਵੈ ਲੇਖੁ ਪੁਰਾਣੁ ਵਖਤੁ ਨ ਪਾਇਓ ਕਾਦੀਆ ਜਿ ਲਿਖਨਿ ਲੇਖੁ ਕੁਰਾਣੁ ਥਿਤਿ ਵਾਰੁ ਨਾ ਜੋਗੀ ਜਾਣੈ ਰੁਤਿ ਮਾਹੁ ਨਾ ਕੋਈ ਜਾ ਕਰਤਾ ਸਿਰਠੀ ਕਉ ਸਾਜੇ ਆਪੇ ਜਾਣੈ ਸੋਈ"

" What was that time, and what was that moment? What was that day, and what was that date?What was that season, and what was that month, when the Universe was created?The Pandits, the religious scholars, cannot find that time, even if it is written in the Puraanas. That time is not known to the Qazis, who study the Koran. The day and the date are not known to the Yogis, nor is the month or the season. The Creator who created this creation-only He Himself knows."

The Universe has been created and destroyed countless of times before. Guru Gobind Singh ji says in Chaupayee:

"jb audkrK kIAw krqwrw ] pRjw Drq qb dyh Apwrw ]
jb AwkrK krq ho kbhUM ] qum mY imlq dyh Dr "sbhUM ]

"When God thinks of creating, He makes countless people and lands.
When He wishes to annihilate them, all lands and people merge with Him."

Kawaljit Singh
Apr 11, 2007
Does anybody think there is a connection between adam and eve and shiva and parveti (shiva's partner incase i've spelt it wrongly), ?
  • They both have a connection with a serpent
  • Both one a male the other a female
  • both beginers of life
  • Adam beginer or Father of mankind
  • Shiva beginer and destruction of creation
  • Abraham was the founder or creator or the person that laid the foundation down for the kaaba
  • All the abrahamic faiths believe in adam and eve
  • The Kaaba is thought to have been an old hindu temple according to the legend or history of King Vikramadithya
  • Islam is a faith that believes in the story of adam and eve
  • Could the stories of shiva and parevti have also been tranformed and mis translated through time as many other words just like chinese whispers have over time
  • Hinduism is one of the oldest recorded religions in the world. If not the oldest
  • Just some thoughts to get people thinking anyone else that wants to add to these comparisons please do
  • Is alla another word for durga
  • Comparisons I have made are mostly with the hindu religion as that being one of the oldest faiths would be the one religion that would be more influental on the stories in other faiths
  • All the abrahamic religions have such stories on gods deeds and happenings
  • Shiva had kids
  • Adam had kids
  • Parveti is also looked as the goodess durga who is known in many forms
  • Eve was percieved as a sinner a saint and also the giver of life to mankind in the biblical connection
  • All these religions seem to hold alot of similarities in the stories.
  • Seems like a lot of alterations may have been made just as many kings and rulers do in time. Each adding there own take on things with their own advisors saying things happened this way and not that way. Just to show their public that god is with them the conqueres and not with the conquered.
  • Would be good to get to the bottom of all these similarities and to get to origins of all these religions
  • Hopefully all the origins are god
At least I can be happy being a sikh and I can forget about the stories, on whos right and whos facts are wrong and just get to believe in god with just faith.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Parma ji

You may be onto something big! Now you have me wondering about "creation myths" and their deeper spiritual meaning (even Adam and Eve myths). Check the writing of Joseph Campbell to see if he has anything to say that matches up with your theory.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Does anybody think there is a connection between adam and eve and shiva and parveti (shiva's partner incase i've spelt it wrongly), ?
  • They both have a connection with a serpent
  • Both one a male the other a female
  • both beginers of life
  • Adam beginer or Father of mankind
  • Shiva beginer and destruction of creation
  • Abraham was the founder or creator or the person that laid the foundation down for the kaaba
  • All the abrahamic faiths believe in adam and eve
  • The Kaaba is thought to have been an old hindu temple according to the legend or history of King Vikramadithya
  • Islam is a faith that believes in the story of adam and eve
  • Could the stories of shiva and parevti have also been tranformed and mis translated through time as many other words just like chinese whispers have over time
  • Hinduism is one of the oldest recorded religions in the world. If not the oldest
  • Just some thoughts to get people thinking anyone else that wants to add to these comparisons please do
  • Is alla another word for durga
  • Comparisons I have made are mostly with the hindu religion as that being one of the oldest faiths would be the one religion that would be more influental on the stories in other faiths
  • All the abrahamic religions have such stories on gods deeds and happenings
  • Shiva had kids
  • Adam had kids
  • Parveti is also looked as the goodess durga who is known in many forms
  • Eve was percieved as a sinner a saint and also the giver of life to mankind in the biblical connection
  • All these religions seem to hold alot of similarities in the stories.
  • Seems like a lot of alterations may have been made just as many kings and rulers do in time. Each adding there own take on things with their own advisors saying things happened this way and not that way. Just to show their public that god is with them the conqueres and not with the conquered.
  • Would be good to get to the bottom of all these similarities and to get to origins of all these religions
  • Hopefully all the origins are god
At least I can be happy being a sikh and I can forget about the stories, on whos right and whos facts are wrong and just get to believe in god with just faith.

EXACTLY and APTLY put Param Jio.
All these "creation Myths" have deep roots....and the same story is being told...just change of "names" as actors ( similar to PIRATED MOVIES these days..he he he...SAME STORY LINE..but Shah rukh khan (Bollywood version) instead of Sean Connery. (Hollywood version)..for example....

For a SIKH/GURMATT PATH is UNIQUE and STAND ALONE. Guru nanak ji Totally REJECTED all that was wrong in the earlier vedas, shstras, purans, kitabs and katebs etc...bypassing all those small pagdandis..village paths and gave us the Gurmatt SUPER HIGHWAY autobahn with unlimited SPEED !!! Why waste precious time..better used in Naam Kamaii....

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Dalsingh ji
I am now a sikh but was brought up as a christian and science does go a long way to disprove Genesis. As a young boy/man it was hard to understand how can the bible tell me the world was created in 7 days when in science im told in took millions of yrs, science contradicting religion. i wasnt born with an old mans mind and I gave what I thought was a way as a Sikh of explaining the book of Genesis and the Adam and Eve story without having a bash at another religion.


Guru Fateh.

Pardon my inquisitiveness. I have been reading your posts with great interest and can feel your love for Sikhi and you admirable bluntless for what you see wrong in the Sikhs when they do not follow the Sikhi path and its values, the ones you have discovered. With your comments you have given the credence to the Gurmat ideal that one is not born a Sikh but becomes one. BTw, there is a book by Dr. I.J. Singh named , " On becoming a Sikh". He has written many books and you will enjoy them all. If you find it difficult to get hold of his books then you can email him at IJ Singh" <ijsingh99@gmail.com>.

I apologise for getting away from my main reason of this post.

I would like you to share with us your own journey till you entered the tributary of the Sikh ocean and the reasons and the thought process behind it.

Would love to hear that.

Thanks & Regards.

Tejwant Singh


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
Does anybody think there is a connection between adam and eve and shiva and parveti (shiva's partner incase i've spelt it wrongly), ?All the abrahamic faiths believe in adam and eve. The Kaaba is thought to have been an old hindu temple according to the legend or history of King Vikramadithya. Islam is a faith that believes in the story of adam and eve. Could the stories of shiva and parevti have also been tranformed and mis translated through time as many other words just like chinese whispers have over time. Hinduism is one of the oldest recorded religions in the world. If not the oldest. as the goodess durga who is known in many forms. Eve was percieved as a sinner a saint and also the giver of life to mankind in the biblical connection’’
You are overlooking the obvious. Adam had a first wife Lilith who produced thousands of children daily, but he submitted and was destroyed thereby, to eve.

Shiva was Parvati's consort. Parvati is the oracle of wisdom and mountain of light. Shiva submitted instead to the witch who thereafter destroyed both Shiva and Parvati, Adam and Lilith.

The two subjugating sinful women gained great notoriety by witchcraft and manipulating the people with sorcery, but were invariably destroyed by other, equally ambitious and foul usurpers no better than themselves. The destroyers of Shiva and Adam are more famous than they both vile sinful witches, more than sinners, they caused the literal and metaphorical downfall of man...

There is no race of Gods in the world.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
adam's first wife lilith...producing "THOUSANDS" of children DAILY !! WOW....thats even more amazingthan the making of Eve from a RIB..( Actually the very FIRST CLONE PRODUCED !! he he ...the oh so slow "scientists" have only NOW managed to produce "clones" and that also of animals only....God beat them to it so long ago....)

Anyway i watched a Documentary the other day and it was about the THINGS THEY BANNED FROM THE BIBLE...and this lilith character was one of those !! Perhaps Jeei Ji can shed more light on this "loose woman" ( thats why she was banished form adams life i heard ??_)
Mar 26, 2006
there is no truth of adam and eve being Shiva and Parvati ...Since Lord Shiv ji is considered Aadi Deva ..He wasnt 'born' . Akaal Purakh is said to have created Brahma ji Shiv ji and Vishnu ji ...

If we consider first 'Man' in India it is Manu and his consort is Shatrupa...

Again there is no truth of Shiv ji being destroyed ...He is the Destroyer Diety Himself ..


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
Jesus was banned from life and murdered, sacrificed for the sins of worms who remain as sinful, Mohammed was cast at the feet of Ayesha to wash cutlery and darn her clothes, Sita was banished from her in laws house by the engineering of Kakeya, the banished by Ravann to live in his garden surrounded by demons, then banished by Ram to end her days in the jungle, Guru Gobind was made to remarry, Adam and eve were banished from the garden of Eden by God, John the Baptist was beheaded and his head laid at the feet of the idiot Kings evil queen, mankind is banished to this divided world to struggle, die or survive. There are few good Saints who wished well for teh world, refused to bow demagoguery who were ‘’banished ‘’...

Khalistan was banished too as was the last Gyani Jarnail Singh who tried to free Punjab, which remains banished to this day. In matters of banishment there are many victims of the evil who were brutally ‘’banished’’ ...

It would appear and I use the title loosely, ‘’Giani’’ dabbles more in gossip amongst gossiping wenches than any scriptures. It is said cursed be the blasphemers of The Holy Spirit or the Original Christ cloaked in the sins of man and his loose, immoral woman. Maybe you should change your name to something more appropriate of your ilk, you sad miserable wretched {censored} ..

With regard to the links regarding Lilith, I can only presume if an extreme group were to make a documentary about Sikhs, they would not depict the noble, square jawed Sikhs we know but an entirely bleaker and defamatory picture would they not, as would any enemy ...

Ditto to Ghulam Nabi '' You read your scriptures, I know my demons well ...
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