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What Does Sikhism Say About Adam And Eve?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Ghulam ji

The style of Hindu painting creates this look. I don't know how to explain this intelligently.
But hou will see in ancient art forms of India an idea of beauty in which Shiva's hair will be
braided and he will have jewels. The pics of women are different. The ideal of beauty for females/goddesses
is different -- in costume, jewels. etc. You have to look at the male/female images side by side
to see the differences.
Mar 26, 2006
Nabi ji ..there is a concept of people potraying Shiv ji as Ardha Narrishwara...which means Shiv ji had shown them that He was Half of His own and Half or his holy consort Maa Parvati...

The idea behind this is the indian concept of 'your better half' ..which signifies that love for your life partner should be such that you and she be One ...

Such concepts are symbolic to teach people ..
Mar 26, 2006
I am sorry ..i thought that was your last name ...No ..its not feminine qualities ...it is a concept of Him and his divine Consort Maa Parvati ji being ONE ...HE is known to be a Fierce Diety ..He is considered to be the Diety of War...


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
Answer to the post question – Sikhism moved away from the squabbles and power struggles of the deities and focuses solely upon the word and wisdom of the Guru Ji’s sacred teachings. Jealousy between the demagogues allows not for the adoration of any one sole singular Entity, and it is wise that it be so. Those sitting in positions of power demand a reverence the true Gods cannot with any conviction offer. The Gods do not require the adulation, praise singing of the faithful, it is enough humanity dwell peaceably amongst one another ...

to the moderator - why dont you be a little more specific as to what precise comments are deemed inappropriate, surely it would clarify matters...

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Jesus was banned from life and murdered, sacrificed for the sins of worms who remain as sinful, Mohammed was cast at the feet of Ayesha to wash cutlery and darn her clothes, Sita was banished from her in laws house by the engineering of Kakeya, the banished by Ravann to live in his garden surrounded by demons, then banished by Ram to end her days in the jungle, Guru Gobind was made to remarry, Adam and eve were banished from the garden of Eden by God, John the Baptist was beheaded and his head laid at the feet of the idiot Kings evil queen, mankind is banished to this divided world to struggle, die or survive. There are few good Saints who wished well for teh world, refused to bow demagoguery who were ‘’banished ‘’...

Khalistan was banished too as was the last Gyani Jarnail Singh who tried to free Punjab, which remains banished to this day. In matters of banishment there are many victims of the evil who were brutally ‘’banished’’ ...

It would appear and I use the title loosely, ‘’Giani’’ dabbles more in gossip amongst gossiping wenches than any scriptures. It is said cursed be the blasphemers of The Holy Spirit or the Original Christ cloaked in the sins of man and his loose, immoral woman. Maybe you should change your name to something more appropriate of your ilk, you sad miserable wretched {censored} ..

With regard to the links regarding Lilith, I can only presume if an extreme group were to make a documentary about Sikhs, they would not depict the noble, square jawed Sikhs we know but an entirely bleaker and defamatory picture would they not, as would any enemy ...

Ditto to Ghulam Nabi '' You read your scriptures, I know my demons well ...

BY WHO ?? and where is this written ??
And PLEASE use the Full Name of Guru Gobind SINGH......you may dispense with the "JI" but NOT SINGH.

Quote: In this single collection, THE HISTORY CHANNEL® has gathered a definitive survey of these "extracanonical" texts. Learn of their creation alongside - or even before - the more accepted books of the Bible we know today. Discover their messages and what we can conclude about the early Church from their exclusion. And see the lengths to which ancient editors went to hide them and to which modern scholars have gone to uncover them."

The History Channel is a reputable TV Station and certainly doesnt fit the "Extreme/enemy/anti-Christian etc category. Its equal in integrity to the Discovery Channel and National Geographic Channel.TTHE DOCUMENTARY ON NIHUNG SIKHS - KNIGHTS OF GOD MADE BY ONE OF THESE CHANNELS WAS VERY GOOD AND QUITE NEAR TO THE TRUTHFUL DEPICTION OF SIKH NIHUNGS. I WOULD TRUST THEM TO BE UNBIASED AND OBJECTIVE.


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
I refuse adamantly, no matter how bored and to converse with someone who gathers his information from media programmes, propaganda based productions made to make money than enlighten. Kindly consult your scriptures and spare me the vacant defence of the Guru is an attempt to appear noble, and kindly change your name, Jarnail Singh seems a little grand for one with a propensity to gossip and is influenced by media productions, a media that has defamed religion, doesn’t report atrocities {l994 Sikh holocaust }where their interests aren’t served, and do nothing but titillate and spread lies. I base all my reasoning on empirical and scriptural allegories*. The media plays the modern day role of the Wh0re of Babylon, lauding the degenerates whilst desecrating anything moral or wholesome, and those who are flattered, serviced or paid by it serve its interests well by defence.

I have the courage of my own convictions and do not use my religion or faith as a shield I also do not require your advice as to the addressing of the murdered Guru..

You would probably know better than I what loose women are, although admittedly I do not know of your pedigree. I am not in the habit of frequenting forums, and have done so only to share my understanding with others. Desist from your remarks and remain in your own kitty circle ...

***Addendum GJS : I too am banned by the media, retained in this haunted housew of demons where only those completely controlled by the demon king are allowed anywhere near me, and only as robots. No christmas cards, guest, social life or occupation. You are being used as a pawn for criticism he has niether the standing or courage to say. {My axe to grind}...***

Hopefully my last posting :idea::star::shutup::badmood::chainsaw::knit::AR15firing::swordfight::angeldevil::work::stirpot::closed::ban:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Answer to the post question – Sikhism moved away from the squabbles and power struggles of the deities and focuses solely upon the word and wisdom of the Guru Ji’s sacred teachings. Jealousy between the demagogues allows not for the adoration of any one sole singular Entity, and it is wise that it be so. Those sitting in positions of power demand a reverence the true Gods cannot with any conviction offer. The Gods do not require the adulation, praise singing of the faithful, it is enough humanity dwell peaceably amongst one another ...

to the moderator - why dont you be a little more specific as to what precise comments are deemed inappropriate, surely it would clarify matters...

I am more than glad to do that. Departures from the discussion of Adam and Eve that are really directed at the personality, intellect, religion, values, of another person are off topic and in some cases are defamatory. Any kind of belittling or criticism of a person rather than a person's expressed ideas are against forum rules. Discussions of another topic -- for example Shiva instead of Adam and Eve is off topic.

It is OK and probably a good thing to build on a previous topic when someone says something that you want to debate. But an entirely new direction would not be acceptable.

In the example where Gyani ji has posted some videos -- they are to make the point that Creation Myths are available for study in the TV media. This is not off-topic for two reasons: the Adam and Eve story are about Creation; the story of Lilith is part of the Book of Genesis, the part of the Hebrew Bible where Adam and Eve are discussed and is considered a story older than that of Adam and Eve. So that is not off-topic IMHO.

Everything that I deleted has been both off-topic and defamatory of another person.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Let me add

All thread participants: -- that the last several exchanges are getting super-critical of people. So the best path is to debate issues not personalities -- another forum rule.

Please abide by this. Thank you.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Its my personal "rule" that I never reply to personal attacks and am never in a bad/terrible/etc type of "mood"...I dont know whether its due to my face ( muscles pulling face into perpetual smile) or my insides. I used to be a virtual "flame thrower of the Napalm type"..Itt da jawab patthar naal in Punjabi lingo....slowly i wisened up...suche demons are not healthy for ones heart..Faridah Gussa mann na handhai ( Doctors will also tell you the same...but helathwise i am in the peak !!).
I feel so sorry for those taking part in the above "debate" who have sent me Private messages bordering on the pornographic and including the August Names of Guru Nanak Ji, His siter Bebe Nanki ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji etc in a failed attempt to rile me up..Sorry guys/gals...as far as the Gurus are concerned..spitting at the SKY guarantees the spit falls back on your own face....and you are free to carry on doing so..Tu Sultan kaho hau meean teri kavan wadaii..not a single word of ours can add or detract from His Wadaii. As always I welcome a good healthy debate as far and as much as my knowledge goes...BUT i am not for frollicking in the Gutters -that is your own private party and you are welcome to it. AND this is definitley NOT MY LAST message...Guru Ji Willing..I will continue writing as long as i have breath in my body.:welcome:

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Its my personal "rule" that I never reply to personal attacks and am never in a bad/terrible/etc type of "mood"...I dont know whether its due to my face ( muscles pulling face into perpetual smile) or my insides. I used to be a virtual "flame thrower of the Napalm type"..Itt da jawab patthar naal in Punjabi lingo....slowly i wisened up...suche demons are not healthy for ones heart..Faridah Gussa mann na handhai ( Doctors will also tell you the same...but helathwise i am in the peak !!).
I feel so sorry for those taking part in the above "debate" who have sent me Private messages bordering on the pornographic and including the August Names of Guru Nanak Ji, His siter Bebe Nanki ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji etc in a failed attempt to rile me up..Sorry guys/gals...as far as the Gurus are concerned..spitting at the SKY guarantees the spit falls back on your own face....and you are free to carry on doing so..Tu Sultan kaho hau meean teri kavan wadaii..not a single word of ours can add or detract from His Wadaii. As always I welcome a good healthy debate as far and as much as my knowledge goes...BUT i am not for frollicking in the Gutters -that is your own private party and you are welcome to it. AND this is definitley NOT MY LAST message...Guru Ji Willing..I will continue writing as long as i have breath in my body.:welcome:

Gyani Arshi ji,

Guru Fateh.

Well said and no one could have put it better. This is the reason this forum needs a person like you who can add clarity and sanity to some insane moments that do not happen rarely in this forum.

Thanks and regards

Tejwant Singh


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
My main reasoning for removing my own presence from all forums are many, mainly that my unseen demons evidently use angry malcontents to attempt criticism of an entity unwilling or unable to protect itself. Yyou may have received critical emails but those who use you as a pawn for their ill deeds have not, this is why the Bani encourage in these times silence or to speak with wisdom and tacit diplomacy. The war of the God, Man and his Creator may be fun for some, it is not if you are a mother. Although I gain great contentment from enlightening others to new world views that embrace and corroborate traditional scripture, I have no wish to expose good people to the demonic, cunning and evil forces that stalk and hound me whereso I roam. Of course as there is no scientific evidence to attest to the existence of God or demons, few can or are willing to admit to demonic haunting or siege. I gain no gratuity from bringing them to the door of innocents in this forum, who at times are less than so. Only for this reason I have withdrawn, my hell goes on, tragedies occur about me, death, crashes, disasters all caused by the sorcerers, with no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators. I am tormented and know them to be the two crows at the helm of these nations but of course I cannot prove it. Although like you I refuse to endure or suffer silently, forces and mechanisation of evildoers hounding others as well.

Brahm Giani sada nir-lep. Jaise Jal me kamal alep.
The Brahm Giani{Saintly} are unaffected and pure, As a lotus upon muddy waters remains pure.

Brahm Ginai sada nir-dokh, Jaise sur sarab ko sok.
The Saintly remain pious and free of sin. The burn the sinful as the Sun burns dross.

Brahm Giani ka drist sman. Jaise Raj rank kau lagai tul pavan.
To the saintly all men are as loved equal, as one. As the wind cools all without distinction or discrimination.

Brahma Giani da dukhian so narak paye
The slanderers/tormentors of the Saintly will be cast into hell.

We do not witness the slanderers of the good sand Godly being cats into hell, rather the contrary in this age of Kalyug. The fame and power seekers are given many glories whuilst the good and respectable are devastated and destroyed in their own homes by witches and sorcerers. What care I for paapi, allowed to wreak havoc to be punished later and for this reason and the battle of the Guru’s I have no great faith in any Primate ruling the world as God. It is a love for the Supreme Creators humankind that I divest my energies for ...

My remarks if any found to be untoward are as always directed at the swine who torment both the nations, world and I ...


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Gyani ji

One day later I am finding out that you too received emails bordering on the pornographic! :inca:You were one of a few people this happened to. This kind of behavior cannot be permitted here at SPN. The two involved are now toast. They are out! If they try to join under another name, one of us will recognize them by their style of writing. :p If it happens again please tell one of the mods's immediately -- not just you, but anyone who has this experience. I am very sorry that it happened in the first place.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Dear AAd0002 Ji,

Not your fault anyway....
but it was uncanny...a day earlier i viisited the topix website (after reading about it on spn) and one day later i saw the same sick nonsense in my spn mailbox...i was wondering..did i bring in this demon ?? is it due to my "comments " on adam and eve and all that ?? etc. I slept it on a day and decided to ignore it....now they are gone..and all i can say is thanks..good riddance to bad rubbish. Closed minds such as these have just simply cannot tolerate differences of opinion....and they cannot escape by just blaming their internal demons/bad moods... and what not. What i encountered on Topix was just utterly disgusting -lets endeavour to keep SPN as clean and envigorating as much as we can. Thanks for your encouragement. Appreciated.:welcome:


May 12, 2009
WOW does any punjabi sikh actually read the SGGSJ and understand??

When such possessiveness is erased and removed, then God comes and resolves his affairs. || 1 || Contemplate such
spiritual wisdom, O mortal man. Why not meditate in remembrance on the Lord, the Destroyer of pain? || 1 || Pause || As
long as the tiger lives in the forest, the forest does not flower. But when the jackal eats the tiger, then the entire forest
flowers. || 2 || The victorious are drowned, while the defeated swim across. By Guru.s Grace, one crosses over and is saved.
Slave Kabeer speaks and teaches: remain lovingly absorbed, attuned to the Lord alone. || 3 || 6 || 14 || He has 7,000
commanders, and hundreds of thousands of prophets; He is said to have 88,000,000 shaykhs, and 56,000,000 attendants. ||
1 || I am meek and poor . what chance do I have of being heard there? His Court is so far away; only a rare few attain the
Mansion of His Presence. || 1 || Pause || He has 33,000,000 play-houses. His beings wander insanely through 8.4 million
incarnations. He bestowed His Grace on Adam, the father of mankind, who then lived in paradise for a long time. || 2 || Pale
are the faces of those whose hearts are disturbed. They have forsaken their Bible, and practice Satanic evil. One who blames​
the world, and is angry with people, shall receive the fruits of his own actions. || 3 ||

You guys make us Sikhs people look bad
Your the type of people that would say that we dont believe in heaven and hell even though we do and say that
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