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What Is Detachment? Is It Misunderstood?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
ਤੋਹੀ ਮੋਹੀ ਮੋਹੀ ਤੋਹੀ ਅੰਤਰੁ ਕੈਸਾ ॥
thohee mohee mohee thohee anthar kaisaa ||
You are me, and I am You-what is the difference between us?

ਕਨਕ ਕਟਿਕ ਜਲ ਤਰੰਗ ਜੈਸਾ ॥੧॥
kanak kattik jal tharang jaisaa ||1||
We are like gold and the bracelet, or water and the waves. ||1||

ਜਉ ਪੈ ਹਮ ਨ ਪਾਪ ਕਰੰਤਾ ਅਹੇ ਅਨੰਤਾ ॥
jo pai ham n paap karanthaa ahae ananthaa ||
If I did not commit any sins, O Infinite Lord,

ਪਤਿਤ ਪਾਵਨ ਨਾਮੁ ਕੈਸੇ ਹੁੰਤਾ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
pathith paavan naam kaisae hunthaa ||1|| rehaao ||
how would You have acquired the name, 'Redeemer of sinners'? ||1||Pause||

ਤੁਮ੍ਹ੍ਹ ਜੁ ਨਾਇਕ ਆਛਹੁ ਅੰਤਰਜਾਮੀ ॥
thumh j naaeik aashhahu antharajaamee ||
You are my Master, the Inner-knower, Searcher of hearts.

ਪ੍ਰਭ ਤੇ ਜਨੁ ਜਾਨੀਜੈ ਜਨ ਤੇ ਸੁਆਮੀ ॥੨॥
prabh thae jan jaaneejai jan thae suaamee ||2||
The servant is known by his God, and the Lord and Master is known by His servant. ||2||

ਸਰੀਰੁ ਆਰਾਧੈ ਮੋ ਕਉ ਬੀਚਾਰੁ ਦੇਹੂ ॥
sareer aaraadhhai mo ko beechaar dhaehoo ||
Grant me the wisdom to worship and adore You with my body.

ਰਵਿਦਾਸ ਸਮ ਦਲ ਸਮਝਾਵੈ ਕੋਊ ॥੩॥
ravidhaas sam dhal samajhaavai kooo ||3||
O Ravi Daas, one who understands that the Lord is equally in all, is very rare. ||3||

Sant Ravidas
Ang 93
Sri Raag



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
jeetijohal ji

Yes, focus on the One. A friend told me this evening. The One cannot be subdivided so there can never be distraction. The One is a point, a circle without a radius, infinite.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
You have a valid point, but chupe chup na hove, has taken on a new meaning for me.

Regaining control of ones mind. Focusing upon the one rather than being besieged and inundated with inconsequential and irrelevant thoughts. To focus on love rather than being plagued by those we loathe and wish to excrete from our systems.

Help Help Bichao..


Guru Nanak says, ....Munn Jeetay Jagjeet....

You might now ask yourself,
"Why have I got this Mind ?
Why do I put the mind to good use ?
Why does good use mean Soul's use ?
Why does Soul mean happiness ?
Why am I the chosen one ?

Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS) - is the source of understanding the intricate nature of the mind.

YouTube - Bhai Davinder Singh Sodhi - Nanak Chinta Mat Karho (KIRTAN AND KATHA IN PUNJABI)


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
While we're talking about things out of the Bible, You recall the story, of course, about the rich young man who came to Jesus and said, "Lord, how can I be saved?" Jesus looked at him and said, "Give away all that thou hast and come follow me, "and the young man went away sorrowing for he had a lot of possessions and then Jesus turned and said, 'It's going to be easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven." Is that valid?
It means the same thing. Those who are attached so much to worldly things, how can they go back to God? They won't even want to hear about leaving this world. When they leave it, they will be hovering around the world.

(Source: Late Sant Kirpal Singh)
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Jan 9, 2008
Great NaamJap Ji,

Started 'Radha Suami Mat' Now!

So Mr. Aman Singh Ji,

You have Radha Suamees as Team Leaders, no wonder they dont want us to post Gurbani.

Some features of Radha Suamees:
They have two types of Langar- one free- one paid. Free is for poor, paid is for Rich.

Once who can pay more sit in the front rows of Sangat, those who can pay less sits afterwards, and those who cannot- poors can only stand outside the pandaals.


Jan 9, 2008
<> siqgur pRswid ]
Awsw mhlw 3 CMq Gru 3 ]
swjn myry pRIqmhu qum sh kI Bgiq kryho ]
guru syvhu sdw Awpxw nwmu pdwrQu lyho ]
Bgiq krhu qum shY kyrI jo sh ipAwry Bwvey ]
Awpxw Bwxw qum krhu qw iPir sh KusI n Awvey ]
Bgiq Bwv iehu mwrgu ibKVw gur duAwrY ko pwvey ]
khY nwnku ijsu kry ikrpw so hir BgqI icqu lwvey ]1]
myry mn bYrwgIAw qUM bYrwgu kir iksu idKwvih ]
hir soihlw iqn@ sd sdw jo hir gux gwvih ]
kir bYrwgu qUM Coif pwKMfu so shu sBu ikCu jwxey ]
jil Qil mhIAil eyko soeI gurmuiK hukmu pCwxey ]
ijin hukmu pCwqw hrI kyrw soeI srb suK pwvey ]
iev khY nwnku so bYrwgI Anidnu hir ilv lwvey ]2]
jh jh mn qUM Dwvdw qh qh hir qyrY nwly ]
mn isAwxp CofIAY gur kw sbdu smwly ]
swiQ qyrY so shu sdw hY ieku iKnu hir nwmu smwlhy ]
jnm jnm ky qyry pwp kty AMiq prm pdu pwvhy ]
swcy nwil qyrw gMFu lwgY gurmuiK sdw smwly ]
ieau khY nwnku jh mn qUM Dwvdw qh hir qyrY sdw nwly ]3]
siqgur imilAY Dwvqu QMim@Aw inj Gir visAw Awey ]
nwmu ivhwJy nwmu ley nwim rhy smwey ]
Dwvqu QMim@Aw siqguir imilAY dsvw duAwru pwieAw ]
iqQY AMimRq Bojnu shj Duin aupjY ijqu sbid jgqu QMim@ rhwieAw ]
qh Anyk vwjy sdw Andu hY scy rihAw smwey ]
ieau khY nwnku siqguir imilAY Dwvqu QMim@Aw inj Gir visAw Awey ]4]
mn qUM joiq srUpu hY Awpxw mUlu pCwxu ]
mn hir jI qyrY nwil hY gurmqI rMgu mwxu ]
mUlu pCwxih qW shu jwxih mrx jIvx kI soJI hoeI ]
gur prswdI eyko jwxih qW dUjw Bwau n hoeI ]
min sWiq AweI vjI vDweI qw hoAw prvwxu ]
ieau khY nwnku mn qUM joiq srUpu hY Apxw mUlu pCwxu ]5]
mn qUM gwrib AitAw gwrib lidAw jwih ]
mwieAw mohxI moihAw iPir iPir jUnI Bvwih ]
gwrib lwgw jwih mugD mn AMiq gieAw pCuqwvhy ]
AhMkwru iqsnw rogu lgw ibrQw jnmu gvwvhy ]
mnmuK mugD cyqih nwhI AgY gieAw pCuqwvhy ]
ieau khY nwnku mn qUM gwrib AitAw gwrib lidAw jwvhy ]6]
mn qUM mq mwxu krih ij hau ikCu jwxdw gurmuiK inmwxw hohu ]
AMqir AigAwnu hau buiD hY sic sbid mlu Kohu ]
hohu inmwxw siqgurU AgY mq ikCu Awpu lKwvhy ]
AwpxY AhMkwir jgqu jilAw mq qUM Awpxw Awpu gvwvhy ]
siqgur kY BwxY krih kwr siqgur kY BwxY lwig rhu ]
ieau khY nwnku Awpu Cif suK pwvih mn inmwxw hoie rhu ]7]
DMnu su vylw ijqu mY siqguru imilAw so shu iciq AwieAw ]
mhw Anµdu shju BieAw min qin suKu pwieAw ]
so shu iciq AwieAw mMin vswieAw Avgx siB ivswry ]
jw iqsu Bwxw gux prgt hoey siqgur Awip svwry ]
sy jn prvwxu hoey ijn@I ieku nwmu idiVAw duqIAw Bwau cukwieAw ]
ieau khY nwnku DMnu su vylw ijqu mY siqguru imilAw so shu iciq AwieAw ]8]
ieik jMq Brim Buly iqin sih Awip Bulwey ]
dUjY Bwie iPrih haumY krm kmwey ]
iqin sih Awip Bulwey kumwrig pwey iqn kw ikCu n vsweI ]
iqn kI giq Avgiq qUMhY jwxih ijin ieh rcn rcweI ]
hukmu qyrw Krw Bwrw gurmuiK iksY buJwey ]
ieau khY nwnku ikAw jMq ivcwry jw quDu Brim Bulwey ]9]
scy myry swihbw scI qyrI vifAweI ]
qUM pwrbRhmu byAMqu suAwmI qyrI kudriq khxu n jweI ]
scI qyrI vifAweI jw kau quDu mMin vsweI sdw qyry gux gwvhy ]
qyry gux gwvih jw quDu Bwvih scy isau icqu lwvhy ]
ijs no qUM Awpy mylih su gurmuiK rhY smweI ]
ieau khY nwnku scy myry swihbw scI qyrI vifAweI ]10]2]7]5]2]7]

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Aasaa, Third Mehl, Chhant, Third House:
O my beloved friend, dedicate yourself to the devotional worship of your Husband Lord.
Serve your Guru constantly, and obtain the wealth of the Naam.
Dedicate yourself to the worship of your Husband Lord; this is pleasing to your Beloved Husband.
If you walk in accordance with your own will, then your Husband Lord will not be pleased with you.
This path of loving devotional worship is very difficult; how rare are those who find it, through the Gurdwara, the Guru's Gate.
Says Nanak, that one, upon whom the Lord casts His Glance of Grace, links his consciousness to the worship of the Lord. ||1||
O my detached mind, unto whom do you show your detachment?
Those who sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord live in the joy of the Lord, forever and ever.
So become detached, and renounce hypocrisy; Your Husband Lord knows everything.
The One Lord is pervading the water, the land and the sky; the Gurmukh realizes the Command of His Will.
One who realizes the Lord's Command, obtains all peace and comforts.
Thus says Nanak: such a detached soul remains absorbed in the Lord's Love, day and night. ||2||
Wherever you wander, O my mind, the Lord is there with you.
Renounce your cleverness, O my mind, and reflect upon the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
Your Husband Lord is always with you, if you remember the Lord's Name, even for an instant.
The sins of countless incarnations shall be washed away, and in the end, you shall obtain the supreme status.
You shall be linked to the True Lord, and as Gurmukh, remember Him forever.
Thus says Nanak: wherever you go, O my mind, the Lord is there with you. ||3||
Meeting the True Guru, the wandering mind is held steady; it comes to abide in its own home.
It purchases the Naam, chants the Naam, and remains absorbed in the Naam.
The outgoing, wandering soul, upon meeting the True Guru, opens the Tenth Gate.
There, Ambrosial Nectar is food and the celestial music resounds; the world is held spell-bound by the music of the Word.
The many strains of the unstruck melody resound there, as one merges in Truth.
Thus says Nanak: by meeting the True Guru, the wandering soul becomes steady, and comes to dwell in the home of its own self. ||4||
O my mind, you are the embodiment of the Divine Light - recognize your own origin.
O my mind, the Dear Lord is with you; through the Guru's Teachings, enjoy His Love.
Acknowledge your origin, and then you shall know your Husband Lord, and so understand death and birth.
By Guru's Grace, know the One; then, you shall not love any other.
Peace comes to the mind, and gladness resounds; then, you shall be acclaimed.
Thus says Nanak: O my mind, you are the very image of the Luminous Lord; recognize the true origin of your self. ||5||
O mind, you are so full of pride; loaded with pride, you shall depart.
The fascinating Maya has fascinated you, over and over again, and lured you into reincarnation.
Clinging to pride, you shall depart, O foolish mind, and in the end, you shall regret and repent.
You are afflicted with the diseases of ego and desire, and you are wasting your life away in vain.
The foolish self-willed manmukh does not remember the Lord, and shall regret and repent hereafter.
Thus says Nanak: O mind, you are full of pride; loaded with pride, you shall depart. ||6||
O mind, don't be so proud of yourself, as if you know it all; the Gurmukh is humble and modest.
Within the intellect are ignorance and ego; through the True Word of the Shabad, this filth is washed off.
So be humble, and surrender to the True Guru; do not attach your identity to your ego.
The world is consumed by ego and self-identity; see this, lest you lose your own self as well.
Make yourself follow the Sweet Will of the True Guru; remain attached to His Sweet Will.
Thus says Nanak: renounce your ego and self-conceit, and obtain peace; let your mind abide in humility. ||7||
Blessed is that time, when I met the True Guru, and my Husband Lord came into my consciousness.
I became so very blissful, and my mind and body found such a natural peace.
My Husband Lord came into my consciousness; I enshrined Him within my mind, and I renounced all vice.
When it pleased Him, virtues appeared in me, and the True Guru Himself adorned me.
Those humble beings become acceptable, who cling to the One Name and renounce the love of duality.
Thus says Nanak: blessed is the time when I met the True Guru, and my Husband Lord came into my consciousness. ||8||
Some people wander around, deluded by doubt; their Husband Lord Himself has misled them.
They wander around in the love of duality, and they do their deeds in ego.
Their Husband Lord Himself has misled them, and put them on the path of evil. Nothing lies in their power.
You alone know their ups and downs, You, who created the creation.
The Command of Your Will is very strict; how rare is the Gurmukh who understands.
Thus says Nanak: what can the poor creatures do, when You mislead them into doubt? ||9||
O My True Lord Master, True is Your glorious greatness.
You are the Supreme Lord God, the Infinite Lord and Master. Your creative power cannot be described.
True is Your glorious greatness; when You enshrine it within the mind, one sings Your Glorious Praises forever.
He sings Your Glorious Praises, when it is pleasing to You, O True Lord; he centers his consciousness on You.
One whom You unite with Yourself, as Gurmukh, remains absorbed in You.
Thus says Nanak: O my True Lord Master, True is Your Glorious Greatness. ||10||2||7||5||2||7||


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
I try to show Unity in Diversity without loosing the essence of Sikhism. Just because Late Sant Kirpal Singh was a SantMat follower, doesn't make me his disciple.

I just pick the pearls from everywhere which are relevant to Gurmat. If people can accept Hindu quotes, Christian quotes with an open mind, then why not AKJ Quotes, Tapoban Quotes, Nirankar Quotes, 3HO Quotes (Yogi Bhajan), then why not Late Sant Kirpal Singh Quotes. All you need is open your heart to the guru's message. Not Dehdhari Guru - but SGGS.

You rightly put it that it is not an offence to produce Sant Singh Maskeen quotes in SPN. Maskeen Ji speaks about Sheikh Shaadi's quotes extensively. Many of Maskeen Ji's favourite quotes come from Muslim writers.

You may point to any quote I have written, if irrelevant, to be erased.
I will be happy to adhere to it.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
ਸੋ ਜਨੁ ਰਲਾਇਆ ਨਾ ਰਲੈ ਜਿਸੁ ਅੰਤਰਿ ਬਿਬੇਕ ਬੀਚਾਰੁ ॥੨॥
so jan ralaaeiaa naa ralai jis anthar bibaek beechaar ||2||
Those humble beings who are filled with keen understanding and meditative contemplation-even though they intermingle with others, they remain distinct. ||2||

Guru Amar Das
Ang 28


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
ਤੋਹੀ ਮੋਹੀ ਮੋਹੀ ਤੋਹੀ ਅੰਤਰੁ ਕੈਸਾ ॥

thohee mohee mohee thohee anthar kaisaa ||
You are me, and I am You-what is the difference between us?

ਕਨਕ ਕਟਿਕ ਜਲ ਤਰੰਗ ਜੈਸਾ ॥੧॥
kanak kattik jal tharang jaisaa ||1||
We are like gold and the bracelet, or water and the waves. ||1||

ਜਉ ਪੈ ਹਮ ਨ ਪਾਪ ਕਰੰਤਾ ਅਹੇ ਅਨੰਤਾ ॥
jo pai ham n paap karanthaa ahae ananthaa ||
If I did not commit any sins, O Infinite Lord,

ਪਤਿਤ ਪਾਵਨ ਨਾਮੁ ਕੈਸੇ ਹੁੰਤਾ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
pathith paavan naam kaisae hunthaa ||1|| rehaao ||
how would You have acquired the name, 'Redeemer of sinners'? ||1||Pause||

ਤੁਮ੍ਹ੍ਹ ਜੁ ਨਾਇਕ ਆਛਹੁ ਅੰਤਰਜਾਮੀ ॥
thumh j naaeik aashhahu antharajaamee ||
You are my Master, the Inner-knower, Searcher of hearts.

ਪ੍ਰਭ ਤੇ ਜਨੁ ਜਾਨੀਜੈ ਜਨ ਤੇ ਸੁਆਮੀ ॥੨॥
prabh thae jan jaaneejai jan thae suaamee ||2||
The servant is known by his God, and the Lord and Master is known by His servant. ||2||

ਸਰੀਰੁ ਆਰਾਧੈ ਮੋ ਕਉ ਬੀਚਾਰੁ ਦੇਹੂ ॥
sareer aaraadhhai mo ko beechaar dhaehoo ||
Grant me the wisdom to worship and adore You with my body.

ਰਵਿਦਾਸ ਸਮ ਦਲ ਸਮਝਾਵੈ ਕੋਊ ॥੩॥
ravidhaas sam dhal samajhaavai kooo ||3||
O Ravi Daas, one who understands that the Lord is equally in all, is very rare. ||3||

Sant Ravidas
Ang 93
Sri Raag

As long as the mind is in a state of perpetual flux and unrest, and is filled with thoughts of I-am-ness, Shabd fails to impart its sweet fragrance and Naam fails to inspire love and attraction.
(Guru Ram Das)​

Our human body is a receiving set for catching the Sound Current and like a radio, has to be adjusted properly to
bring it in tune with the ethereal waves.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
ਰਵਿਦਾਸ ਸਮ ਦਲ ਸਮਝਾਵੈ ਕੋਊ ॥੩॥
ravidhaas sam dhal samajhaavai kooo ||3||
O Ravi Daas, one who understands that the Lord is equally in all, is very rare. ||3||


Jan 9, 2008
kwnVw AstpdIAw mhlw 4 Gru 1
<> siqgur pRswid ]
jip mn rwm nwmu suKu pwvYgo ]
ijau ijau jpY iqvY suKu pwvY siqguru syiv smwvYgo ]1] rhwau ]
Bgq jnW kI iKnu iKnu locw nwmu jpq suKu pwvYgo ]
An rs swd gey sB nIkir ibnu nwvY ikCu n suKwvYgo ]1]
gurmiq hir hir mITw lwgw guru mITy bcn kFwvYgo ]
siqgur bwxI purKu purKoqm bwxI isau icqu lwvYgo ]2]
gurbwxI sunq myrw mnu dRivAw mnu BInw inj Gir AwvYgo ]
qh Anhq DunI bwjih inq bwjy nIJr Dwr cuAwvYgo ]3]
rwm nwmu ieku iql iql gwvY mnu gurmiq nwim smwvYgo ]
nwmu suxY nwmo min BwvY nwmy hI iqRpqwvYgo ]4]
kink kink pihry bhu kMgnw kwpru BWiq bnwvYgo ]
nwm ibnw siB PIk iPkwny jnim mrY iPir AwvYgo ]5]
mwieAw ptl ptl hY BwrI Gru GUmin Gyir GulwvYgo ]
pwp ibkwr mnUr siB Bwry ibKu duqru qirE n jwvYgo ]6]
Bau bYrwgu BieAw hY boihQu guru Kyvtu sbid qrwvYgo ]
rwm nwmu hir BytIAY hir rwmY nwim smwvYgo ]7]
AigAwin lwie svwilAw gur igAwnY lwie jgwvYgo ]
nwnk BwxY AwpxY ijau BwvY iqvY clwvYgo ]8]1]

Kaanraa, Ashtapadees, Fourth Mehl, First House:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Chant the Name of the Lord, O mind, and find peace.
The more you chant and meditate, the more you will be at peace; serve the True Guru, and merge in the Lord. ||1||Pause||
Each and every instant, the humble devotees long for Him; chanting the Naam, they find peace.
The taste of other pleasures is totally eradicated; nothing pleases them, except the Name. ||1||
Following the Guru's Teachings, the Lord seems sweet to them; the Guru inspires them to speak sweet words.
Through the Word of the True Guru's Bani, the Primal Lord God is revealed; so focus your consciousness on His Bani. ||2||
Hearing the Word of the Guru's Bani, my mind has been softened and saturated with it; my mind has returned to its own home deep within.
The Unstruck Melody resonates and resounds there continuously; the stream of nectar trickles down constantly. ||3||
Singing the Name of the One Lord each and every instant, and following the Guru's Teachings, the mind is absorbed in the Naam.
Listening to the Naam, the mind is pleased with the Naam, and satisfied with the Naam. ||4||
People wear lots of bracelets, glittering with gold; they wear all sorts of fine clothes.
But without the Naam, they are all bland and insipid. They are born, only to die again, in the cycle of reincarnation. ||5||
The veil of Maya is a thick and heavy veil, a whirlpool which destroys one's home.
Sins and corrupt vices are totally heavy, like rusted ****. They will not let you cross over the poisonous and treacherous world-ocean. ||6||
Let the Fear of God and neutral detachment be the boat; the Guru is the Boatman, who carries us across in the Word of the Shabad.
Meeting with the Lord, the Name of the Lord, merge in the Lord, the Name of the Lord. ||7||
Attached to ignorance, people are falling asleep; attached to the Guru's spiritual wisdom, they awaken.
O Nanak, by His Will, He makes us walk as He pleases. ||8||1||


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
In the rehaao line of this shabad, Guruji says that we are asking to be blessed with his Name and understand that His Treasure in overflowing. This line is like a pivot, a turn in our vichaar. Before the rehaao, Guruji says that uncountable numbers of us are beggars, we beg of the Great Giver. We beg for Him to fulfill the desire within our hearts. Just before the rehaao, Guruji tells us about the the pre-requisites - we lay the foundation in chanting, meditation, self-discipline. We beg and we hope. Will we be blessed with His overflowing treasure? After the rehaao Guruji tells us what this blessing is like. The shabad explains what "equipoise" is like.

gUjrI mhlw 1 ]

goojree mehlaa 1. (503-14)
Goojaree, First Mehla:

kvn kvn jwcih pRB dwqy qw ky AMq n prih sumwr ]

kavan kavan jaacheh parabh daatay taa kay ant na pareh sumaar. Those who beg of God the Great Giver - their numbers cannot be counted.

jYsI BUK hoie AB AMqir qUM smrQu scu dyvxhwr ]1]

jaisee bhookh ho-ay abh antar tooN samrath sach dayvanhaar. ||1||
You, Almighty True Lord, fulfill the desires within their hearts. ||1||

AY jI jpu qpu sMjmu scu ADwr ]

ai jee jap tap sanjam sach aDhaar. O Dear Lord, chanting, deep meditation, self-discipline and truth are my foundations.

hir hir nwmu dyih suKu pweIAY qyrI Bgiq Bry BMfwr ]1] rhwau ]

har har naam deh sukh paa-ee-ai tayree bhagat bharay bhandaar. ||1||rahaa-o.
Bless me with Your Name, Lord, that I may find peace. Your devotional worship is a treasure over-flowing. ||1||Pause||

suMn smwiD rhih ilv lwgy eykw eykI sbdu bIcwr ]

sunn samaaDh raheh liv laagay aykaa aykee sabad beechaar.
Some remain absorbed in Samaadhi, their minds fixed lovingly on the One Lord; they reflect only on the Shabad, the Guru’s Word.

jlu Qlu Drix ggnu qh nwhI Awpy Awpu kIAw krqwr ]2]
jal thal Dharan gagan tah naahee aapay aap kee-aa kartaar. ||2|| In that state, there is no water, land, earth or sky; only the Creator Lord Himself exists. ||2||

nw qid mwieAw mgnu n CwieAw nw sUrj cMd n joiq Apwr ] naa tad maa-i-aa magan na chhaa-i-aa naa sooraj chand na jot apaar. There is no intoxication of Maya there, and no shadow, nor the infinite light of the sun or the moon.

srb idRsit locn AB AMqir eykw ndir su iqRBvx swr ]3]

sarab darisat lochan abh antar aykaa nadar so taribhavan saar. ||3||
The eyes within the mind which see everything - with one glance, they see the three worlds.

Guru Naanak Dev
Ang 503

I read some vichaar on another web site a few days ago. The author explained how important it is to think about the rehaao line itself. The word rehaao means Pause and Think About This. Each side of the rehaao sets up two sides of the vichaar of the shabad. Our spiritual condition first, what we must think about(the rehaao), then the consequences, what will unfold.


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
You have not answered my question aad0002. Detachment is an impervious immunity of worldly matters and temptations that distract us from the path of self realisation and frredom from the bonds and shackles of existence, fear, ignorance and dependancy upon others and earthliness that do not avail us in times of distress or need.

Kya Kyaal ahi aapka...


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Aad Ji,

Kya Khayal Hai Aap Ka - means What's your opinion ?


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
Na Koi Vairi, Na Koi Biganna, Nanak ki Pechan sub samje apna ...

I cannot meditate. Bhoot Sitar rahe hai..
Ilaaj kuch dussna ...

Nanak said the voices bark like maddened dogs, and when retaliating , I bark as loudly.. It is one verse that keeps me strong in times of darkness... John Nash, A beautiful mind - a truly intelligent person cannot be insane or incoherent or possesed because they are led by reason, and truth shall keep them upon the path of righteousness in times of torment and darkness ...


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
jeetjohal ji,

Please forgive me if I did not answer your question earlier in the thread. Sometimes I get distracted. I started this thread because detachment is one issue where, at least in my opinion, there are not easy answers, no quick fixes. No silver bullet. Follow this sadhana and you will find detachment -- which is what we are told.

You quote, Hours of darkness when the mind barks like a dog and quote the verse that says, "I cannot meditate." When you repeat the metaphor, my mind barks like a dog, I know exactly what that is saying. That happens to me.

When NamJap says, As long as the mind is in a state of perpetual flux and unrest, and is filled with thoughts of I-am-ness, Shabd fails to impart its sweet fragrance and Naam fails to inspire love and attraction. (Guru Ram Das)

Yes, this is part of the problem. Here again is an insight into the mind that is snared by Maya. And we can see how this is not a pleasant thing. If there had never been our Gurus, even without this forum, even without all the study of religious scholars, we know that this is not good for us. And there are hosts of people for whom Maya, the web of illusion that snares us, is the only thing. So there is no use in discussing detachment in that corner. They believe that they have truth and reality all figured out.

Where does that leave us? We sift through the writings of people who have "wisdom" to share. We examine all of our high tides of relentless thought. We study all kinds of theories and approaches to spiritual practice. Much of it is so abstract that I don't know half the time what is being said in these articles. Some writing contradicts other writing. We observe some truly holy people who seem to have this inner calm. And we wonder, How to get from knowledge and theory to the actual, real experience of "detachment" ? Sikhism adds another challenge to this. Be a householder living in the world, having a full life -- and be detached.

What is my opinion? You said something that I suspect is on the right track, Detachment is an impervious immunity of worldly matters and temptations that distract us from the path of self realisation and frredom from the bonds and shackles of existence, fear, ignorance and dependancy upon others and earthliness that do not avail us in times of distress or need.

Now please forgive me again when I say that I agree with you, and also that this is not the whole story. There has to be 'I-ness" to get through the day if you are a Sikh. If you are living in a cave, that is a different story.

I am going to respond in a simple-minded way, because I can't find the shabad I am looking for that expresses something very important. Detachment is "equipoise. " I trust Guruji. There is one who is truly detached, always. That is Akaal, Prabhu, Hari, Waheguru. Always in equipoise. He shows the way.

Sorry, this is a lame answer. But the discussion is open. We should say what is on our minds. When I find that shabad, I will post it. Meanwhile think of the Ch'uan master who when asked what is the Truth said nothing and instead picked up one red rose and stared at it for a long time in silence.
Apr 4, 2007
You quote, Hours of darkness when the mind barks like a dog and quote the verse that says, "I cannot meditate." When you repeat the metaphor, my mind barks like a dog, I know exactly what that is saying. That happens to me.

it happens to everyone, i think. a trick i learned from some buddhist monks is to let the thoughts, the "barking dog" pass through you, without grabbing hold. if one holds onto those thoughts, on cannot meditate. but it's possible to be detached even when distractions fill your head... just don't attach yourself to the barking of the dogs.

wow, i hope that makes sense. :)


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Jasleen ji,

It is a good metaphor isn't it? The advice that you pass should work. Now there are times when my mind does not bark like a dog, when it is very still and peaceful. Here comes my next question --

Assume we achieve inner peace during our meditation, that our sadhana has taken us to a sensation of inner balance. For 10 minutes, an hour or more our mind is still. What has really happened of value if one hour later we are shouting, losing our temper, criticizing other people, feeling sorry for ourselves, or whatever, complaining in reaction to things, people, situations that bother us in the world.

What is detachment? Doesn't a change in the fundamental core of our being have to also occur so that the barking inside and outside is stilled?

The article given us by kaur-1 is really interesting on this point. "countless talk of vairag", but vaimglis lie whom He wills so to be" (GG, 634).
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