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Which Is More Important Simran Or Sewa?

Which is more important Simran or Sewa?

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Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Ravneet ji,

Guru Fateh.

I think you totally misunderstood what Kamaee with Blood, sweat and tears means. It is not just physical as you claimed signifies in my post.

My quote:
"There is a very important word in above verse which is ਕਮਾਵਨਾ[FONT="] kamāvanā that literally means earn with one’s blood, sweat and tears. It requires, honesty and hard work.[/FONT]"

Your response:

"Kamai" or "Kamavna" is not only physical earning.

First of all I never
mentioned physical earning anywhere in my post. I have no idea where you got that from.

I do not know what you mean by physical earning. It could also mean lifting weights and become stronger physically. But that is no the point.

Lastly, to earn with blood, sweat and tears does mean Spiritual, Mental and of course to live in the balance of Miri Piri, one has to earn a living.

And to accomplish all the above, one needs to be honest and a hard worker not just physically, but also mentally and spiritually.


Tejwant Singh


Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Respected Tejwant ji,

It is wonderful idea. I would also like to participate and shall wait the beginning of the 'Veechar' in some different thread.
Warm Regards

Taranjeet ji,

Guru Fateh.

Yes, it is. It has been bubbling in my mind for quite sometime where we can involve the Sangat to evolve together. This is the way we will all be able to grow organically from the within and the treasures we gather due to this will be used in our everyday lives, so that we can make a real difference in this speck of sand called the Earth. This is the duty of every Sikh.

And, there is no better person than Ambarsaria ji who has gladly accepted this seva who can put this to fruition.

I only urge all the Sadh Sangat to pitch in with their thoughts no matter how much they disagree with others'. It is a Sikh's duty to learn, unlearn and relearn daily in order to become better humans and only through this way we can do that.

Kudos go to Ambarsaria ji.

Will be eagerly waiting for your thought sharing and of others in this.

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

May "Guru's Bani" blesses all of us with this idea of "Kamaai"

It comes with blessings from wise.

Thanks for post.

Wheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Nov 16, 2011
ਸਲੋਕੁ ਮਃ ੩ ॥ ਸਾਹਿਬੁ ਮੇਰਾ ਸਦਾ ਹੈ ਦਿਸੈ ਸਬਦੁ ਕਮਾਇ ॥ (ang 509)
we need to follow guru granth sahib ji's teaching in our daily life. i think sewa and simran can't not be seperated. we need to do sewa while doing simran in our mind.


Aug 13, 2008
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
All jios
I think you'll all need to do a few pure, and perhaps - I hate to say it - a few not so pure things, and then meditate upon the subject in a dewy glade.......then and only then will you, maybe, if your not really all that lucky (because you're still living here, man), know what Simran really means; then, maybe, you'll be One - if only for the briefest of times - and see the Universe; it's Membrane, it's Bulk (See: String Theory); correctly, for the first time.
I did much sewa as a child, as we we're quite fortunate to be able to help financially and with the application of a lot of pro-civil rights related Power in our Military Communities, and I grew up cooking in a bingo parlor that made money ro feed the people in the Old Folks Home.
Sewa is wonderful, as it keeps you humble, and prepares you for the day when you might be the recipient of someone else's sewa......as so often happens, if you have serious pain issues, like me.
Psst! I Love the Blue 'Turbans". I Protest Many Things Herbal........that's My Sewa.
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

Just read your post, all our translations seem to have a lot in common, but they are all also extremely personal to us as individuals. This is one reason it is very difficult to get meaning out of anothers translation.

Without a doubt the hardest thing to do is to live your life by what you are reading, but is also the ultimate thing to do, otherwise what is the point, you would be like a miser hoarding gold with no desire to ever share or spend it, just keep it locked away so no one can else can have what you have, but then I do know some people like this, they know 'everything' but share nothing, they are misers of knowledge.

I look forward to Ambersariajis posts

When I was a young child watching those around me (not my parents) behave like sikhs, I remember thinking how much ritual and pointless things needed to be done to be a sikh, if someone was described as 'very religious' this normally meant they were dead against fun of any kind, looked very stern, but knew all the mythical rituals that enabled them to speak with some authority about God, when I read the posts here from so many enlightened people, it makes me realise what being 'very religious' actually means, to me, now, it means making sure people know you are religious, rather than being a good Sikh. A good Sikh is filled with Chardi Kala, is kind, helpful, passionate, and eager to learn and eager to serve, not for brownie points, or to please God, but because in doing so, it is the right thing to do, for oneself, and for Creation.


Aug 13, 2008
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Harry Haller ji
I think it's awful that, even though most of the persons, like Guru Nanak, who've truly communed with (fill in the blank with name of just about any Deity Entity you can think of, as It has for certain communed with at least one person in that community over the Aeons) God, brought back a description of a Truly Understanding, Compassionate, Kind, Loving, even Forgiving God, that these 'stern people' seem to see themselves as being, "In Charge of what's Holy".
No, God Loves Technology, like: More Modern Medicine vs. Less Faith Healing, and More Birth Control vs. Less Going Forth and Prospering.
I know the Sikhi see things my way, on this: We who care all Love what 'India' is trying to do.
God Loves Love, like: Less Blowing Things Up vs. More Mining The Moon and Asteroids for Raw Materials Without Casuing Any Harm To The Earths Environment; more Free Love (with Birth Control, and Respect for the Power of Love to Hurt Others) and LGBT Tolerance (they were "created" the way they are, they didn't simply "decide to be gay") vs. Less Stoning to Death and/or "Honor Killing" for Reasons Supposedly related to the violation of Commandments Given By The Great All-Knowing, All-Understaning, All-Caring, All-Loving, and All-Forgiving God.
Wouldst but that we all liveth in such a realm!


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Tejwant Singh Will be eagerly waiting for your thought sharing and of others in this. Thanks & regards Tejwant Singh[/QUOTE said:
Tejwant Singh ji thanks for your post. I have started working on the project. I have completed two Ashtpadian. However I believe I need to do bit more before I start posting. I am getting pretty much in Synch with Guru ji's thoughts but some words I am trying to find better interpretations or essence of.

From a positive point of view it is going little better/faster than I expected since there is considerable focus in the shabads to hammer certain points so that we all idiot(s) (at least I call myself such in comparison to the Guru jis) peacesign have no confusion on what they are driving at.

Sat Sri Akal.
Oct 21, 2009
Ambarsaria ji,

We are no experts, But learners some may be seekers. You can post First ashpadi in parts as these are fairly lengthy. In the mean time,permitting time, you may keep on working on the next ashtpadi. If you post the entire Astpadi in a single post, I apprehend, the learners like me would find it very difficult to assimilate.
Kindly give it a thought. Also please begin a new thread for this purpose.

Thanks and Regards,


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Ambarsaria ji,

We are no experts, But learners some may be seekers. You can post First ashpadi in parts as these are fairly lengthy. In the mean time,permitting time, you may keep on working on the next ashtpadi. If you post the entire Astpadi in a single post, I apprehend, the learners like me would find it very difficult to assimilate.
Kindly give it a thought. Also please begin a new thread for this purpose.

Thanks and Regards,
Taranjeet Singh ji as I write I have completed 11 ashtpadian in first draft form. I am trying to do two a day and each one takes about couple of hours plus minus.

I do want to present in ways so it is easy to correct with spn sangat inputs, comments, criticisms and so forth. I want to complete as many as possible and then start the post later next week.

At that time we can review the best mode of posting but I thank you for your interest and encouragement/ideas.

Sat Sri Akal.


Feb 20, 2012
dare I say it?

A moment spent in meditation for the self, is a moment lost to Sewa

Satnaam harry Ji,

a famous singer called michael jackson :) once said "if you want to make the world a better place...take a look at yourself and make a change"

so self evaluation is the key. If we have many arguments, stop looking at the other person...evaluate oneself first and think how we could have acted more humbly.

following on from this...
Lets say we're standing at a buss stop, and an attractive woman stands next to us...a thought comes into our minds, saying "wow, she is soo attractive, i wouldnt mind being with her".
Now, we may not attack her or force something on her which is good
but, why is this thought coming into our minds?

this woman may be standing next to us feeling safe, but would she stand next to us if she could hear our thoughts?....i think she would move away.

We all have the experience of having some crazy thoughts...and we feel ashamed that we had the thoughts, and we sometimes hold our heads and ask that the thoughts stop....can we not control our own thoughts? where are the thousands of thoughts coming from on a daily basis?

answer is our Subconscious mind which pours in thoughts ever second.
When we sit quietly and focus on doing Simran, we can start to pay very close attention to our thoughts...what they are, and start to seperate ourselves from the thoughts and make them powerless.

Eventually, those negative thoughts, fears, desires, start to subside and go away.

If my mind becomes purer, my Seva also becomes purer and more fruitful.

therefore, it cannot be selfish when someone is trying to clear there minds of negativity.

God bless all.



Feb 20, 2012
Seva is the only Simran. Seva of reading,understanding,accepting and putting Gurbani into practice to make this world a better place is the true Simran.

Without the above, the Simran is nothing but a parroting of some mumbo jumbo which may make one a great parrot with an ugly plummage, like a quick fix for a drug junkie whose effect is very transitory.
Satnaam Tejwant Singh, when i sit in a quiet room (daily), repeating the word Satnaam in my mind, focussing on the vibrations that flows through my mind, feeling my third eye (pineal gland) vibrate gently, and i see the parkash (divine light) of my soul, and i feel the energy flow through my body....but at the same time, my mind tries to stop me from focussing on my satnaam, with thoughts of women, money, family issues, anger towards someone.....but then i shake it off and continue focussing on waheguru ji, and my mind settles again and i smile whilst in meditation, maybe a tear due to the Bhairag (sadness) i sometimes feel at feeling seperated with Giod when i know he's sitting right there inside of me...

i dont think this is just mere "parroting of some mumbo jumbo"

after an hour or two doing my Simran, i feel refreshed, energized, cleared of sexual thoughts, greed for money and feel forgiving to everyone no matter what they say to me....then my daily Seva starts to take on a whole new meaning and level.

If feeling good for a little while is the only objective, then one can repeat "Lady Gaga" for half an hour daily and feel great for a little while. One has met the end objective by repeating some words whose effect will not last long but it may hang the mental banner within of,"Mission Accomplished" for the sake of Me-ism.

This mumbo-jumbo is Gurbani, a manifestation in the physical world of the anhad shabad that flows through the creation...the mind vibrations of the universal conscious mind (god). Lady Gafa will definately not have the same effect :)

But if doing good through Seva is the means of feeling good, then it is the true Simran in Sikhi which not only lasts longer but eventually becomes our second nature. Hence, second nature of doing Seva makes feeling good for good.

This is the only Simran in Sikhi.
From my own experiences, Seva has bought in Humilty and respect for all things created by God, Humulity is the opposite to Ego, and will provide the grounding to experiencing the divine light within our own self.

iehu Bvjlu jgtu sbiw gur trIA{ .
A;tr kI wuibWa A;tir jrIA{ .
p;c baN l[ jm kxu mar{ ggn;tir WNKu czaieAa .9.
sakt nir sbw surit ikxu paeIA{ .
sbwu surit ibnu AaeIA{ jaeIA{ .
‐ SGGS 1042
Through the Shabad Guru, one crosses over this world‐ocean.
The duality (separation belief) within is burnt within.
The five celestial sounds ( panch shabads) being the arrow and the drawn bow is aimed at the Tenth Gate in the Sky within, the death is beaten.
The faithless cynics cannot attain enlightened awareness of the Shabad.
Without awareness of the Shabad, they come and go in reincarnation.
‐ SGGS 1042

Tejwant Singh

PS: On a side note, my wife's name is Simran, so if I repeat her name twice to beg for her attention, then I am in big trouble and the sofa gives me back cramps.

God bless all


Feb 20, 2012
Satnaam Sat Sangat Ji,

Please take the time to read this very short E-Book:
ANHAD SHABAD - The Celestial sound within

It beautifully describes the essence of Naam, Anhad Shabad that flows through creation, what Shabad Guru is, and how we can connect to the source - our creator Lord.

It has many gurbani quotes backing up the descriptions.

It is said that the length of our life is determined by a set number of breaths, not years and months...but breaths...

Lets all not waste any more breaths and concentrate with full faith on doing our Simran :)

My Guru is always with me, near at hand. Through simran and simran by
remembering Him, I keep Him with me ever.

-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji 394

and then maybe the follwing will take place

sc{ sbiw mnu m]ihAa pRiB Aap[ le[ imlaie .
‐ Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji 35
The Shabad of the True one fascinates the mind;
And then God Himself arranges the meeting.
‐ Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji 35

God Bless all<!-- google_ad_section_end -->


May 29, 2012
Which one is more important from these two in the life of sikh ?
  • Simran.
  • To apply GGS into daily life through Sewa
My own opinion, and it is only an opinion, and opinions change with time, is that Simran is for the self, Sewa is for Creation


Ok, heres's what it is. Gurbani tells us to wake up in the ambrosial hours. This is The amrit vela- 1am- around 6am. Amrit vela Naam simran from 1am to 3:30 am is literally a million times magnified compared to daytime/evening simran at the beginning of bhagti.

It may feel like discipline awaking at this time at the beginning- but it is actually Love.

During these hours, attune yourself to naam- give up your sense of self- Silence your Mind(to live by the true heart- which is His heart)- Shut those theives up!

Relax, listen to anhad naad(symbolic of the Silence/ the frequency of Truth) let go, let the smaadhi take you over. Attunement to the frequency of Naam is Attunement to Truth as Naam=Truth/silence/Nothing. The Silence/Frequency of Nothing is beyond maya.

Naam simran is not just a name that you repeat with your tongue or in your body. Naam is All Pervading- it is Truth. The trees whisper it, the beings of the universe live in Karam of it.

It is the frequency of a balanced gyan that applies across a universal spectrum that lives to discover while remaining detached from the nasha of the disocvery- be it a high(worldly pleasure) or low(pain).

It is Embracing the entire creation- to remain in the balance in which the universe and Beyond always remains in- instead of embracing and attaching ourselves to certain parts of it- i.e pleasure or pain through certain people, places etc.

Living in maya is listening to worldly logic that makes us believe things are separate. Truth is the awareness that it's All the Whole/Truth. Pleasure(heaven)+ pain(hell)=Nothing/Balance.

Through samadhi/attunement to Truth, we begin to discover the reality of the creation around us.

To practice the Truth that you discover in samadhi during the day- throughout your natural life is practicing Truth, going further than this, Gurbani asks us to do seva. Helping others is doing bhagti- but remember what Gurbani says about doing charitable acts without practicing Truth..

We speak Truth, serve Truth, Deliver Truth, Die Truth.

Our purpose is to detach from the khel, then teach others out of it aswell.

Our Gurus were the perfect examples of True sewadars- they spoke, served and delivered Truth to the masses, while remaining in death of it(death of self into Truth/Hukam/God).

Through disregarding the Self as Nothing, living at the feet of others(remaining lowest of the low and serving/delivering Truth) and in finding the death of self(in accepting God/Hukam/Truth as our keeper), we go further than just samadhi through naam simran.

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Kaur 1968

Dec 29, 2010
canada bc
Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh!

I agree with Mai Harinder Kaur ji

many are agree that seva is for others and simran is for own sake. simran makes oneself happy and seve makes others and oneself happy. naam to bina kiti seva shows our pride. Guru Granth Sahib ji is not the rule book, one can read overnight and next day apply easily on them. we need to teach our mind first by doing simran. God did great kirpa on Harry veer ji so he doesn't need to do simran. But honestly i would say some like me are biginner and so really need it

i have been reading gurbani since i was a child, at first only 5 pauria Japuji Sahib, then whole Japuji Sahib and then start panj bania after i baptized in 1999. Now i am hungry for simron it teaches me to conect me with ownself

bhul chuk Maaf



Dec 3, 2011
Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh!

I agree with Mai Harinder Kaur ji

many are agree that seva is for others and simran is for own sake. simran makes oneself happy and seve makes others and oneself happy. naam to bina kiti seva shows our pride. Guru Granth Sahib ji is not the rule book, one can read overnight and next day apply easily on them. we need to teach our mind first by doing simran. God did great kirpa on Harry veer ji so he doesn't need to do simran. But honestly i would say some like me are biginner and so really need it

i have been reading gurbani since i was a child, at first only 5 pauria Japuji Sahib, then whole Japuji Sahib and then start panj bania after i baptized in 1999. Now i am hungry for simron it teaches me to conect me with ownself

bhul chuk Maaf


You say you are hungry and wanting to do simran now. This is because you really feel and know that you need it.
I understand, as I felt the same not too long ago.
I had actually never gave simran and meditation a single thought before, but for some reason a point came in my life where I was 'needing' this.

I'm not sure what sparked it or what was the cause, but it was almost like an awakening. Trust me, you will find what you are looking for.

It seems that sometimes the Lord requires us to make that little extra effort whilst he guides us there.
The Guru is giving you that yearning and wanting to take the simran path.

You will find that it will come much easier this way and you will wonder why you never did this before.

We get too busy thinking that we know what we need to know. But, we never know it all and there is so much to learn that the Guru gives us this whole lifetime which still isn't enough for most of us as we waste too much time.

Lucky Singh


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

Simran is in Mind
Sewa is Physical

One should do "Sewa" all actions with "Simran" of "GURU's BANI".

Earth and Sky have no comparison, both are equally important.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
What is more important? Simran or Sewa?

It is neither if it does not lead to understanding and wholly accepting His will.

In Asa Di Waar,

Sabhnee Challa Marriyaa, Karta Karey So Hoey.

Everyone makes an attempt, but what the creator Lord does, comes to pass.


Feb 20, 2012
Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh!

I agree with Mai Harinder Kaur ji

many are agree that seva is for others and simran is for own sake. simran makes oneself happy and seve makes others and oneself happy. naam to bina kiti seva shows our pride. Guru Granth Sahib ji is not the rule book, one can read overnight and next day apply easily on them. we need to teach our mind first by doing simran. God did great kirpa on Harry veer ji so he doesn't need to do simran. But honestly i would say some like me are biginner and so really need it

i have been reading gurbani since i was a child, at first only 5 pauria Japuji Sahib, then whole Japuji Sahib and then start panj bania after i baptized in 1999. Now i am hungry for simron it teaches me to conect me with ownself

bhul chuk Maaf


Satnaam Ji,

this is a great post.
Seva brings humilty within us, helps remove Ego, and allows the god sttributes to shine through us.The humilty lays the seeds for your journey through Simran...you will be in a better frequency and frame of mind to enjoy the journey back to God.

But once you start the journey of Simran, you will start to study your 'consciosness' - consciousness is God...we are conscious beings...Simran will raise your consciosness to levels of awareness you cannot comprehend....but it is our birthright. this is the TRUE journey within to experience god WHILE WE ARE STILL ALIVE.

When we connect with our soul and experience divinity, we will feel connected to the whole universe and beyond, and then our Seva here on earth becomes 100% pure, and we can help motivate, guide and uplift other souls.

Keep your Simran and Seva going, by the sounds of it you're doing really well :) My daily Simran consists of 30 minutes in the morning before work, 1 hour at the gurdwara on a weekday after work, and lying in bed before sleeping everynight (however long that may be before i fall asleep).
I did 2 hours once during amrit vela and it was completely something else...the energy felt was amazing, so the next step is to do regular amrit vela.

God bless you and the sangat.

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