Sounds Ecstatically Exelent to me !
Let us not get astray by incorrect interpretation of gurbani. Here sabhnee is all my body organs and karta is my mind and not creator. The basic fundamental of gurbani is God does not interfere.What is more important? Simran or Sewa?
It is neither if it does not lead to understanding and wholly accepting His will.
In Asa Di Waar,
Sabhnee Challa Marriyaa, Karta Karey So Hoey.
Everyone makes an attempt, but what the creator Lord does, comes to pass.
Let us not get astray by incorrect interpretation of gurbani. Here sabhnee is all my body organs and karta is my mind and not creator. The basic fundamental of gurbani is God does not interfere.
Best regards
Mohinder Singh Sahni
Only the select few, on the basis of their good deeds, receive His Grace.
Only upon pushing Ego to one side, does the illusion of seperateness dissapear and we realise that we have always been ONE with GOD.
I personally feel good deeds count for nothing, I think it is the state of mind that we attempt to achieve, not through parrot squawking, inward contemplation or other fancy new age rituals, but boring hard understanding and practice of Bani.
Good deeds are NOT a waste of time. What makes a person is their actions and deeds.
Isn't seva a good deed then ?
What do you mean by inward contemplation ?
I think this is done when you only have your own interests of gain at heart.
Simran is clearly not this, I have explained before and will say it again, that it is getting in touch and in tune with the creator and creation within you.
It is not a selfish act if it helps one become more spriritual and more in harmony with all that is around them.
I feel at one with God right now veerji, I have no illusion of seperateness, and my ego remains intact. Also, I feel truly pushing the ego to one side requires a bit more than paying lip service to the concept.
If our insides do not match our outsides, what is the point,.
I do not know what we are debating here. Understanding Gurbani and adopting its teachings in our practical lives may be difficult at times but certainly not boring - it is an exiting and uplifting process of learning, assimilation and application.
I accept we all interpret this according to our own experience and spiritual status. If this practice does not translate into good deeds then what will? At the end of the day we are judged by our actions. Let us take the relevant pankti again.
Agreed ji but it goes a little further than just putting it to one side. I wrote a whole article on ego which was posted on SPN under ‘Spiritual Articles’. It may (or may not) help.
and no offence or discourtesy intended.
Good deeds are NOT a waste of time. What makes a person is their actions and deeds.
Isn't seva a good deed then ?
What do you mean by inward contemplation ?
Simran is clearly not this, I have explained before and will say it again, that it is getting in touch and in tune with the creator and creation within you.
It is not a selfish act if it helps one become more spriritual and more in harmony with all that is around them.
Your ego is within you. To be able to push it and dampen it can only be done if you are able to understand and be in tune with your own 'within'.
I still think that you feel that seva is far more superior to simran.
But a person that does both, doesn't find any reason to compare.
One persons definition of seva is not the others. In another thread, I did point out the problem that we can very easily encounter with our ego associated with acts of seva.
The problem with Sikhism is that is its quite boring. By my understanding, no miracles, no afterlife, no divine intervention, no prayers answered by soul stirring music, thunder and lightning etc. No bells to ring, no candles to light, no photos or idols to bow before, no heaven, no sin, I mean its no wonder really that many have adopted Vedic practices and some still maintain that a mention in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is a validation of existence.
Satnam Harry Ji, you say above 'by your understanding' ...please make your sangat more with some of the souls on this forum who have gone beyond 'understanding' and are actually 'experiencing'. They will kindly explain as i have done in the past the power of Simran...and when you also start to 'experience' rather than have your mind 'create an understanding' then you will know that sikhi is way BEYOND all fantasy ideology like you mentioned is sooo soo much MORE. Then gurbani will be literally be ALIVE inside of you. the whole of creation will be there before you and all you'll want to do is serve and love everyone and everything whilst being jivan mukt.
Therefore i feel sorry that you think Sikhi is Boring....becuase for me and many forum members it has gone beyond anything we could ever have imagined.
Also underneath all religion, is the TRUTH, that TRUTH is the SAME for aLL, and has always been the SAME for all. push aside all the crap that EGO filled MINDs have created....all is ONE and the SAME.
I find studying the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji similar to when I was a student at school. There is theory, practical, after a while you come to love and respect the words as if they had personality themselves, which they do. What we are debating here is whether it is better to go out in the world and do the best you can, or hide away in dark rooms and connect with your self.
Guru Ji contantly tells us to "remember who we are", to "wake up" to "realise ourselves" and tells us we need to "look within" then goes on to mention the "seven Seas (seven Chakra), Dassam Duar, ambroisial nectar which all exists WITHIN and how to unlock it all and REMEMBER once again who we actually are...and WHAT WE ACTUALLY ARE.
gharree moorath simarath pal va(n)n(j)ehi jeevan safal thithhaaee jeeo ||1||
If you remember the Lord in meditation for a moment, even for an instant, then your life will become fruitful and prosperous. ||1|| 107
Who judges us? what is the punishment? what is the reward? My understanding is that there is no judgement, no punishment and no reward. Judgement is handed out immediately by Creation depending on your actions, if you kick a dog, it will bite you. Your post seems to intimate that good deeds will bring us a positive judgement, I agree to this to the extent that doing good rarely has bad consequences, but accountability to a higher power, I do not think so, we have free will to either follow Hukam or not, if a smoker ignores advice not to smoke and gets lung cancer, that is not celestial justice, that is Creation at work within the laws set out by Creator, intervention is non existent in my view.
Please watch this video from Bai Mohinder Ji - very enlightened person. He discuses Judging.
God bless all
Good deeds alone by their very definition are a complete waste of time. If a deed needs to be preceded by the word 'good' than it implies some sort of quota system, ie, 'today I will do some good deeds' as opposed to 'today I will not do some good deeds', surely when all deeds are good, than there is no distinction between deeds and good deeds. The argument between what is more important is pointless, good deeds alone, just like simran on its own, is pointless. I would have thought what makes a person is what their thoughts are. Actions and deeds can be made regardless, but a mindset, that is a different matter.
A good deed is one that is done for the benefit of 'Others' and not for 'Oneself' (selfless service) -as a by-product it brings humilty in ourselves.
A good deed done with Self may still help the other party, but will bring no humilty in us, and our spiritual path is made more dificult.
But Simran will clear your thoughts, make them more pure THEN just like you said, your actions and deeds are done with the right mindset, a pure mindset and ALL your deeds are good deeds.
putting yourself in a trance through repetition of words, it is a drug like state with little or no redeeming features in my opinion.
For me it opens my consciosness to experience my soul, and opens me up to higher energies. what i'm experiencing is the TRUTH. it is in no way a Drug like state...I am fully aware of all that is occuring and being shown to me. I sit with openness and accept i am nothing and God is all, and Guru Ji does the rest.
all one has to do is listen, elaborate breathing/muttering/chanting bring nothing extra, I can be in touch and tune with Creator whilst I am driving, walking, eating, it is the concept of a special time when one gets in touch and in tune with Creator that I find hilarious, its a bit like those that think God only exists in the temple, and outside of that anything goes. I have also explained before, but will also say again, this is not my definition of simran, this is my definition of meditation.
pa(n)chaa kaa gur eaek dhhiaan ||
The chosen ones meditate single-mindedly on the Guru.
Please pay careful attection to the words meditate 'Single-minded'.
If you're able to do this whilst driving, working, eating, drinking...then please share
I have heard the same phrase used by pot smoking hippies, next you will be telling me you can smell the colours too..
Someone on Ecstacy drug will say they felt Bliss....someone connected to God will say they felt Bliss....can you differentiate between the two 'bliss' experiences....point is doesnt matter what anyone need to experience it yourself, then only you will know.
once you have achieved naam, everything is mapped out for you, your connection is 100% 24/7, under this state everything is seva and simran, all at the same time.
Gurbani is giving you the technology to 'Achieve Naam' as you put it.
If you are on the 4th floor of a building and need to get to the ground floor to pick up a parcel, Yes you can jump out the will get you to the ground floor, or you can walk down the stairs (i know which i'll rather do). point is, Guru ji shows us the way...we can take the easy way as defined by Guru Ji, or we can take the harder way (as confused by the Ego mind).
There can also be ego in simran, lets face it, there can be ego in everything, seva without understanding, without it coming from the heart, without it being an extension of your mindset, can only be the product of ego
Simran allows you to face your ego, understand it, seperate yourself from its stranglehold and free youself to experience god. Yes Ego will exists in the initial stages but with Guru Ji's grace, progress will be made and the light starts to shine through Ego.
Satnam Harry Ji, you say above 'by your understanding' ...please make your sangat more with some of the souls on this forum who have gone beyond 'understanding' and are actually 'experiencing'
The phrase ' by my understanding' is deliberate, I dislike making categoric universal statements that imply I alone have all the answers. You will also find, 'I think' 'it is my belief', 'in my opinion' rather than 'there is', 'there can be', 'then you will know' etc.
I think you may have posted the wrong link
Therefore i feel sorry that you think Sikhi is Boring....
Again, I repeat, Sikhi is certainly not boring. True we do not have the razmataz attached to other faiths, but that does not make Sikhi boring.
Wrong video I think, I was all geared up for judgement, and I got spirituality