Pl accept my divine Greetings,
I thak you for appreciating the use of underline in the Gurbaani Word NAAMu.I fully agree to your explanations .I am sure you may get more clarifications to the significance of such words This shall be done by SATiGURU ji only .
You have mentioned regarding change of language with time.Is this aspect applicable to GURBAANI which we say as JUO JUG ATAL BAANI.Who gives us the right to alter the form of Gurbaani words? Is this our GURMATi which allows us ?.These questions need to be answered before we can accept the change.
In the mean time I would be grateful to you if you can tell me where do I get in Guebaani that ONKAAR is as EK ONKAAR.I am eqully interested and open to accept if
there is something wrong with my own thinking.I am fully prepared to change if satisfiedas per Gurbaani Vichar only.
You say ONKAAR is GOD.But if I ask my GURU I dont get the answer so.I should accept what you say or accept what GURU is telling?
I look forward to your response in the subject
With best wishes
Pl accept my divine Greetings,
I thak you for appreciating the use of underline in the Gurbaani Word NAAMu.I fully agree to your explanations .I am sure you may get more clarifications to the significance of such words This shall be done by SATiGURU ji only .
You have mentioned regarding change of language with time.Is this aspect applicable to GURBAANI which we say as JUO JUG ATAL BAANI.Who gives us the right to alter the form of Gurbaani words? Is this our GURMATi which allows us ?.These questions need to be answered before we can accept the change.
In the mean time I would be grateful to you if you can tell me where do I get in Guebaani that ONKAAR is as EK ONKAAR.I am eqully interested and open to accept if
there is something wrong with my own thinking.I am fully prepared to change if satisfiedas per Gurbaani Vichar only.
You say ONKAAR is GOD.But if I ask my GURU I dont get the answer so.I should accept what you say or accept what GURU is telling?
I look forward to your response in the subject
With best wishes
Ek OnKaar Sat Naam/u
Prakash ji, I was hoping you would be providing your understanding of words like Gur; Guroo; Shabd; Shabdu instead of leaving me to learn from SatiGuru ji only.
You also didn't pick up on use of sihari before tatt ha in "Sati" when you picked up on missing aunkar under mamma in Sat Naam.
The same sihari appears in "SatGuru". This is translated as "True Guru", whereas when it comes to Sat Naam, this is commonly translated as "The Name is Truth" So in one form it is translated as True, and in another as Truth. At same time "sach" is also translated as "true", and Sati is only pronounced as Sat instead of Sati. The pronunciation is actually same as for the number seven (Satt) which uses an adhak and no sihari at all.
Never mind though. As long as we understand the intention the detail is immaterial.
This web-site may be of interest to you whilst pursuing grammar, language and script issues:
As for your point regarding "Ek-OnKaar":
One doesn't have to read in "God" if one doesn't wish to. This is the duality creeping in, setting God apart. When one reads this phrase, one could understand "Ek-Onkaar" as "There is only one complete creation in which the creator pervades throughout". Guru Nanak Dev ji doesn't describe a separate God who lives well away from individuals. Instead Gurbani states He is both very near, and far. One who wishes to realise "God" will need to break down the duality in one's mind, and identify with the ever resident Lord. One has to accept one's mool (origins), instead of living in a separate delusory state created by ego
jaisaa ghar baahar so taisaa.
Just as He is within the home of the self, so is He beyond.
saglee jot jaataa too so-ee mili-aa bhaa-ay subhaa-ay.
Your Light is in everyone; through it, You are known. Through love, You are easily met.
"God resides in His Creation" and "His creation resides in Him".
jaat meh jot jot meh jaataa akal kalaa bharpoor rahi-aa.
Your Light is in Your creatures, and Your creatures are in Your Light; Your almighty power is pervading everywhere.
( p469)
Prakash ji wrote:
You say ONKAAR is GOD.But if I ask my GURU I dont get the answer so.I should accept what you say or accept what GURU is telling?
Veer Prakash ji, you are questioning whether you should accept my advice, or Guru ji's advice. Ji, this is a forum for discussion. You will read many different versions because people understand matters differently. If not there would be little to discuss. Guru Ji's advice is there plain and simple, in ink, in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji.Any advice which you may see as advice from me, is not offered as a warranted reinterpretation of what was on Guru Sahibans mind when Bani was written. I was not there. Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji has given me an understanding which I am sharing wth you. You can go directly to Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, and this is the best option for you. It is the same Guru Ji who provides advice to me. It seems quite straightforward to me, but then I am not worrying about grammar issues, or single lines. I don't really care if there is an aunkar or not, but I can see you are concerned. The translations are very good and provide a wealth of invaluable advice. Over the whole of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, any discrepancies that happen to be spotted between translations and the original become insignificant, to the point that they can be ignored and forgotten. It is the message that counts, and it is the message that changes thinking in the mind, rather than individual words.
jin kahi-aa tin kahan vakhaani-aa.
One who speaks, merely describes speech.
jin boojhi-aa tin sahj pachhaani-aa.
But one who understands, intuitively realizes
However if you are finding difficulty in accepting translations, then you can choose to read other's interpretations, as together they may help you to understand better, and so form an intuitive understanding. Not all people spend their time trying to mislead others. I frequently read posts suggesting people are out to deliberately misguide others. To me this suggests there is some paranoia within some members of Sikh forums. My own personal opinion is that most people do not have the time or patience to engage in this sort of activity. There may be some manic people about but most people do try to help others when possible. They may make mistakes, but who doesn't? Whether you accept what someone else writes is entirely your choice, and it your right to reject any advice as well.
The whole of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji provides wonderful advice, but for the purpose of this thread, running into discussion of what are Gurus, grammar, words, and use of "God" in Ek OnKaar, I would urge you to read the shabd beginning p220 ending middle of p228, entitled:
There is only one creation and one God, and you are part of it; when you realise this, all your doubts and questions about grammar, gurus and God will disappear, as will notions about great respect and disrepect. All the differences will become immaterial, and you will not be interested in the correctness of answers. Problems of all people who follow organised religions but still look for ever deeper meanings in scriptures, are created by the mind, as the mind seeks to set itself apart from the truth. Sikhi is very simple, but Sikhi is as much prone to misinterpretation as any other religion, by people who are not interested in learning from Sikhi, but are instead attached to Sikhism, as their form of identifier. They will then seek parts they can use to create division. This statement is not intended to malign or condemn you, as it is a natural process of the mind caught in duality, whilst ego presides. What one must do is destroy ego, and you will then view yourself as neither Hindu, Mussalman or Sikh. You will only be a GurSikh, with no attachment to any religious grouping, but great love and compassion for all. (I am not suggesting you need to give up 5ks, etc, but am saying your mind will not be attached to your Sikh identity, to the point that you judge others or yourself by reference to that identity)
Sat Sri Akal