vkiram9274 ji
In a way you are making a quick retreat without making any retreat whatsoever.
Your focus on Waheguru, your need to find peace, and your experience that gurdwaras have become placs of controversy and political talk are a very different kind of reply. Contrast that to some of your earlier statements. They were more confrontational.
Good that we can agree that Sri Guru Granth Sahib is our guru. Sri Guru Gobind Singh may have believed he ended all controversy in 1699. That seems more logical reason why he would not be interested in discussing the matter any further. I refer to your comments about our gurus being unlikely to find the discussion of Dasam Granth to have any merit. ("Like i said, I do not think that the same Guru's who went through so many hardships, would have minded if someone sat next to them, or even if they sat on the floor while everyone else sat on a higher platform.")
And yes -- in the scheme of eternity - parkash of Sri Guru Granth Sahib cannot be fathomed by the human mind because the human mind cannot fathom eternity. Not that I agree that makes this controversy trivial. The operative words are aad sach, jugaad sach, hosi bi sach. So I believe that Guru Nanak has resolved that part of your dilemma, and cleared any doubts.
We should keep in mind that December 5 is not too far off. It makes sense that this is a time to throw some hard punches. For example, some have stated i.e., Professor Darshan Singh made his money from Dasam Granth, and now is a preaching hypocrite, nothing more than a materialistic money grubber. Why did he suddenly change his mind, and so forth?
There are many people who are sitting on the fence, have doubts about their understanding of Dasam Granth, don't know what to think, have not made up their minds, wish the discussion would just go away, hate it when their inner peace is disturbed, etc. etc. -- they are the very people who are supposed to be persuaded by watching these punches thrown, outside of the rules of debate. Not that I am suggesting that you are doing that.