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Who Is This Creator Who Cares For Us In Such Grand Fashion?


Feb 25, 2016
High Desert, CA
Respect all faiths. Respect all paths. Respect all others. Respect opposing views.

Unlike others I know that due to my health I have a finite number of days before I enter the realm of obscurity. For this reason I attempt to live conflict free, including within my thought life.

I encourage you, my friends, to strive for peace and love. Accept each other for the weirdo we all are. For the struggle we all face. For the fear we all possess. For the love we all seek.

Our Creator, reveals to us, each, in a fashion that we understand. So let's not argue (or any other term that represents whatever you think is happening here other than argue) about our independent thoughts, considerations and revelations of this Creator who cares for us in such a grand fashion.

There is enough hate, fear, confusion and ignorance of the path we walk along together. There's enough of that outside, let's not allow that within.


Aug 13, 2012
Unlike others I know that due to my health I have a finite number of days before I enter the realm of obscurity. For this reason I attempt to live conflict free, including within my thought life.

It may seem like a good idea at first, but you of all people should have realized by now that there is no such thing as a conflict-free life. As long as you are dealing with other human beings, you will encounter some level of conflict. And if you avoid all contact with all humans, you might still be conflicted within yourself.

I encourage you, my friends, to strive for peace and love. Accept each other for the weirdo we all are. For the struggle we all face. For the fear we all possess. For the love we all seek.

What you're really saying is that you want to avoid the unpleasant emotions associated with conflict. Is it not possible for you to accept and love someone with whom you are in conflict with? Then what of all this talk about how enlightened you've become and how you've "let God out" and all that stuff? If it won't even let you love and accept someone until they agree with you, it's quite a narrow minded view after all.

Our Creator, reveals to us, each, in a fashion that we understand. So let's not argue (or any other term that represents whatever you think is happening here other than argue) about our independent thoughts, considerations and revelations of this Creator who cares for us in such a grand fashion.

What's so wrong or bad about arguing? Why does it offend your Creator so much when we argue? Aren't the most meaningful and long-lasting lessons learned after an argument? How would you propose that differences are resolved, that unity is created, and then understanding and learning is achieved? By everyone sitting around and singing kumbaya and having a group hug? Is this Creator of yours all sunshine and rainbows? Then where does the hurricane, the tornado, the black clouds, all the dark energy, where does that all come from? Is it not from the same Creator? Or are you disavowing yourself of all that because it's uncomfortable, unpleasant and unknown and scary?

There is enough hate, fear, confusion and ignorance of the path we walk along together. There's enough of that outside, let's not allow that within.

There's too much ignorance, probably 99% ignorance . It all begins as you know inside. Everyone here is trying to work on themselves. Where have you come up with this idea that we're all pristine and pure on the inside, and all the hate, fear, confusion is on the outside? Everything is on the inside! Nothing is outside.

Perhaps you feel more fragile now than you did before. Perhaps you realize there is more to life than you ever stopped to consider before. And that's a wonderful realization. But please have the decency not to assume that everyone is a brainless idiot who hasn't done any sort of soul-searching. Have enough respect for others to understand that their path may be different than yours has been.



Aug 13, 2012
AoG, you never let me down. You are truly the funniest person I have ever been in contact with.

So if you don't have anything useful to say, you resort to belittling and putting other people down? That's rich coming from someone who is supposedly pining for peace and love.

Be the change you wish to see in the world!


p.s. try a little humility, a little respect, and little understanding. Your holier than thou attitude combined with insulting those who don't agree with you is really off-putting. In other words, don't be a jerk.


Feb 25, 2016
High Desert, CA
Wow. I am so sorry. I never meant for you to take insult to what I say.

I truly found a great deal of humor in your response. If you meant it another way then I accept responsibility for not being aware.

I apologize. Truly.


May 9, 2006
Please tell me how one serves the divine light in everyone?

Sorry for just jumping in - I haven't had time to keep up with this thread.

To me, there is no one except Guruji. Our individuality is just our temporary ego. Take the ego away, and only Guruji has the steering wheel.

When someone disrespects you, it's their ego doing it. Sikhs know the ego is just fluff, and know that underneath that, is just Guruji. THAT is what we serve. THAT is how we can be compassionate to people. THAT is what we want to try to wake people up to, so they don't act so mean in ego, and find peace and productivity by seeing the Light in all (including themselves).


May 9, 2006
I need to have a look at this thread in more detail, but for now, just a kind reminder to everyone of our new Code of Forum Etiquette:

Discussions about religion, philosophy, faith, ways of life / lifestyles, and traditions are often held very close to the heart and differences of opinion will always exist. It’s best to disagree with the issue, and not the poster. Remember, there is a real person on the other side of the screen, who has an opinion due to their experiences, education and understanding. Be respectful of your fellow SPN’ers and treat others as you’d like to be treated.
Apr 11, 2007
How are £1 Billion mouths going to look with out dental floss though and they say that I'm not good enough to be a fashion show model lol. Now that's a new type of clothing range. Like the old great plastic MJ said; it's black it's white; yeah yeah yeah yah yah yah Jokers. And so the philosophy on Grey being a sensible colour makes sense. To all sat sanatorium sangat. Bite lol
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May 9, 2006
How are £1 Billion mouths going to look with out dental floss though and they say that I'm not good enough to be a fashion show model lol. Now that's a new type of clothing range. Like the old great plastic MJ said; it's black it's white; yeah yeah yeah yah yah yah Jokers. And so the philosophy on Grey being a sensible colour makes sense. To all sat sanatorium sangat. Bite lol

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