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Jul 8, 2007
If both the religions lead to the same path. Then its much easier to be a christan than a sikh. Then i dont understand why in the heck one would become a sikh.

Who said it's easier to be cristian? I think that sikhi is the easiest path to God. I've heard MANY people say that Sikhism is the most direct path to God.
Sikhi is NOT hard. Just pray daily, meditate with love on God and take amrit.
You WILL meet God in the end!!
Jul 8, 2007
Here ya go Amritdhari_grl, deepsingh ji has a point.

If following Christianity one reaches his/her true destination why would he/she bother going to the tough route. In fact what you saying suggests our Guru never intended to start a new religion and if did intend to start a new religion, it means either other religions failed to give the right path or their followers failed to grasp it, and in both the cases the other religion(s) did fail to do the job and gave the way to other one.

okay. as i said before SIKHI IS NOT TOUGH! people just think it is. I also never said that Guru ji didn't intend to create a religion. he did. The other religions worked but they might not have been clear enough one what to do to attain god . Guru ji created a path that ANYONE could follow and long as they had devotion and love for god in thier heart. pray,mediate and live an honest and simple life. that's all. how hard is that? anyone can do it if they have their heart set on it. Do all those things and you WILL be with God. OTHER religions don't make it so clear, they are the hard religions. but if you want to keep arguing go right ahead but i believe i'm right even if you don't.
(by the way. even though you may disagree with Chritianity keep your opinions to yourself. it's a religion, though ablsolutly different from Sikhi it's STILL a religions. don't insult it by saying to only aims to controll people. if that's what you think keep it to yourself. Isn't it a sin to insult other religions no matter how much you disagree with them?)


Jun 3, 2007
If you could explian if sikhi is the easiest religion, then why is it that people from the sikh relgion can not follow its teachings. (if you have the gurus blessing then it doesn't mean its easy for the rest of the world will)


Apr 8, 2007
okay. as i said before SIKHI IS NOT TOUGH! people just think it is. I also never said that Guru ji didn't intend to create a religion. he did. The other religions worked but they might not have been clear enough one what to do to attain god . Guru ji created a path that ANYONE could follow and long as they had devotion and love for god in thier heart. pray,mediate and live an honest and simple life. that's all. how hard is that? anyone can do it if they have their heart set on it. Do all those things and you WILL be with God. OTHER religions don't make it so clear, they are the hard religions. but if you want to keep arguing go right ahead but i believe i'm right even if you don't.

Thanks for enlightening me. So you can have love for god, pray and meditate daily, live an honest and simple life and don’t forget to keep your unique identity alive as well, all this without any difficulty in the most volatile time in history since the inception of Sikhism, which world you live in? If that was so easy, Sikhs would not have to give the kind of sacrifices none of other religion might have seen in recorded history.

(by the way. even though you may disagree with Chritianity keep your opinions to yourself. it's a religion, though ablsolutly different from Sikhi it's STILL a religions. don't insult it by saying to only aims to controll people. if that's what you think keep it to yourself. Isn't it a sin to insult other religions no matter how much you disagree with them?)

Why I keep my opinion to myself when creator of this post didn’t keep his opinion to himself and you don’t keep YOUR to yourself, firstly do it yourself and then try preaching your ideology. And I still say and will say again and again Christianity aimed at controlling people and nothing else, it is purely a missionary religion and have no considerable knowledge in their book, no spiritual values and was used to advocate the worst crimes in history by the same church. Your remarks suggests all early Sikhs who gave up their religion to join Sikhism were greatest sinners because they didn’t agree to their existing religion and gave it up (And criticised it as well directly or indirectly). YES I CRITICSE CHRISTINAITY because I have no reason for not doing so when it is put forward in this manner which openly aims at conversions.
Feb 19, 2007
Delhi India
I am Sikh because I enjoy being a Sikh. Because my Gurus have taught me not to look down upon any faith in a derogratory manner. They taught me to shun the corrupting influences that had crept into the mankind.

Sikhism is not difficult to follow. Guru Nanak ji principle for ordinary human beings is very simple : Kirit Karo, Wand Chako & Nam Japo! Guru Gobind Singh ji gave me an unique and majestic identity which is not difficult to maintain.

For those are interested in phliosophy the universe and metaphysics, my gurus have enunciatited these with amazing clarity and accuracy which is not in contradiction to the scientific principles of today.

Lastly Sikhism is the only religion that does not actively propogate conversion.



Jun 3, 2007
Why do the gurus say that its hard to say the true name. or this path is thinner than a hair sharper than a sword. its obviously not the easiest path . I agree the rules are simple, eat less, sleep less, but to exercise these things is hard, you have to be aware of your awareness to succed. Then again why do the gurus say its very hard or very rare to have site of a gurmukh. So it's certainly not a easy path to follow, but it is indeed simple.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
It is very hard for non-sikhs to follow Guru's Instructions because most non-sikhs are not prepared to accept "sava lakh se ek laraun" concept. It is foreign to non-sikhs to understand "je tu prem di gali vich auna, talli uttey seesh rakh le ". Non-sikhs do not understand that the road to heaven starts from within one's self. Most people seek outer miracles, most people are go-getters thus their lives are surrounded by misery.

How can one find heaven when he's trying to get rid of misery?
One has to first get out of the prison of misery before one can begin to find heaven. Most people try desperately to find happiness, joy, fulfillment, tranquility and peace out there in the world, not knowing that the nature of happiness is such that it can only exist within one's heart.

The greatest miracle there is for me is that I am alive and conscious of what Guru Ji's instructions are. The doorway to happiness is within you. That something missing in your life can be found within you. SGGS is the manual you have managed to find in this lifetime. Read and understand what is written and you will be on your way back to heaven. Nobody else can do it for you, not even Jesus.

The manual known as Sri Guru Granth Sahib will show you the "Stargate" that leads to heaven, Sach Khand.

Most of the non-sikhs might never even lay their hands on SGGS and they will never be able to leave this prison of misery because they don't even realise that they are in a prison of the 5 passions.

When we were born, Waheguru gave us a package. This package included all the 'necessary' things we will be needing during our visit on earth. As we grew older, we forgot about this package so we really never opened it to use it. This package had all the cures of the diseases of the mind and emotions. The fortunate realised their innate possession and used these gifts of joy, happiness, peace and tranquility and exhibited them in their daily lives. Thus they were hardly affected by dissappointments, sadness, turmoil and war. Their immunity was strong against the evils of the world.
All these qualities are also the nature of soul, our trueself.
The nature of joy or happiness is not complicated nor complex. It is simply beautiful. If you can't see it yet, then slow down and try to still your emotions. The breaths or swas are very precious. They are irreplaceable.

Learn how to appreciate every breath for at least 2 minutes for a start. Later increase the time and the more you practice this technique the more you will start understanding how easy Sikhi really is.

There are many of us willing to help you. But the first condition is you must be ready to follow instructions. This forum is the right place to be.


Jun 3, 2007
Re: Why do I believe in Jesus? An ex-sikhs journey in faith deepsingh ji

What is your understanding of the path the Gurus have asked us to take?

All gursikhs have the same understanding because we have the same guru and a common goal. OR a gursikh does not have a understanding because he has given him self to the guru. What the Guru says is the gursikhs opinion and understanding.

If by understanding you mean spirtiual state. I am nowhere to be found on the spiritual map if one created it, because i have not given my self to the guru, and still apply my maatt to the gurus teachings and thereof lack in understanding the hukam.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Deepsingh ji

No, that is not what I meant. What is your personal understanding?

Here is what you said,

All gursikhs have the same understanding because we have the same guru and a common goal. OR a gursikh does not have a understanding because he has given him self to the guru. What the Guru says is the gursikhs opinion and understanding.

Are you saying that you do not have a personal understanding, because all gursikhs see things in exactly the same way -- the Guru's way.

Or are you saying that the question doesn't apply to you because you are not "on the spiritual map" and have not "given" yourself to "the guru". But I don't want to get it wrong. That is why I am asking again.

It seems to me that as individuals we would give a considerable amount of thought to the way Waheguru works in their lives. Or maybe we don't. Or maybe I am wrong. Maybe we shouldn't think about the way Waheguru works in our lives.


Jun 3, 2007
now you really confused me. as indvidulas you can anyalize how waheguru works in your life because thats how you find passion and build hunger to pursue the truth. Still i dont understand why gursikhs would differ. They would only differ if "I" still exists. Yes i believe all gur sikhs see it the same way the guru's way.
May 16, 2005
Vernon, BC Canada
Is this hilarious or what?
Nobody kows what jesus did or stood for.
1 He never left anything behind. Ummm Like Gurus did.

It is all heresy

2 That is the reason Bible gets changed every 50 years or so.
So it becomes religon of convenience.
We can be gay, pedophiles [priests,] smokers, drinkers and manipulatorers and still be good christians.

3 About him going to death willingly like Ninth Guru Ji--nope!
He was tied to his cross with romans carrying whips behind him.
Hey! You can call it willingly!

Bibe is the ONLY book that gets changed unashamedly.
Bhgawat Gita --No
Bible-YES everyone can change it to fit them.

AND it appeals to dimwits. Eastern religons are for higher thinkers.

FLAT EARTH!!!!!!!!




Earth is on 6000 years old?

Oh and all the herbalists are witches

PLEASE stop it-you are killing me!:rofl!!::}{}{}::whisling:

It has been proven that BIble brought on DARK AGES.
I hope you read history.
The priests had to unlearn greek, roman, persian Indian knowledge
and make people dumb-

Thank god to people like galileo who went to prison and brough some of it back

Ummm Thats christianity in a nutshell for ya.

Your joking right?

The ramayana has been changed many times from its original conception, due to the fact that the story was passed down through many people over many years. The SGGS, people take quotes and use them to forward there own agenda. The quran, torah have had the same fate too.

I see alot of pride and arrogance in this post, i thought those where traits that sikhs are supposed to keep away :hmm:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Deepsingh ji

now you really confused me.

Good then that I did ask my questions because you provided an answer that I understand.

as indvidulas you can anyalize how waheguru works in your life because thats how you find passion and build hunger to pursue the truth.

That was what I wanted to know. What your thinking was -- individuals find passion and build hunger to pursue the truth. That is something that I can learn from.

Still i dont understand why gursikhs would differ. They would only differ if "I" still exists.

This part wasn't the problem. It makes sense to me and I agree (though my opinion here is not important).

Yes i believe all gur sikhs see it the same way the guru's way. Agreed.

Thanks for giving your time and attention. It was just my interest in your point of view that motivated my question -- wanted you to elaborate a little more.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: An ex-Sikh’s Journey in Faith

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