As a Sikh this is what I see and have experienced. I don't know about other girls but I'm damn sure about Sikh girls that 99% Sikh girls are spoiled... Smoking and drinking, cutting hair and waxing is regular thing for them, blasphemy and interfaith marriage has become a new trend among Sikh girls, and there are so many videos that shows how easily they are getting groomed sexually by Non Sikhs in India as well as abroad.
oh its you again, so 99% of all Sikh girls are spoiled? and luckily we also have your definition of spoiled! smoking, drinking, cutting hair, blasphemy and interfaith marriage. So, I am curious, how many Sikh boys do you think are spoiled in the same way? Why are we not having a discussion about Sikh youth?
Maybe you feel that Sikh boys would be a lower percent than the 99% you have given the girls?
Do you feel that Sikh girls need manly help from Sikh men to stop them being groomed? What you call grooming, do they call free choice? Do you think choice should be limited for people born into Sikh families? Maybe you feel that ones life should be mapped out from scratch, and if it does not agree with what you feel life is, it should not be allowed?
Actually the problem is, all major religions in the world have their countries but Sikh community they are wandering from one country to another like orphans, seeking for justice and equal rights, striving for freedom but nobody gives a shit.
and why is that? Is it because whoever was negotiating for us when partition happened ended up being completely outclassed by Nehru and Jinnah? Was it because we were too naive? too trusting?
Being a Sikh in this world is not an easy thing
my parents find it easy....
Indians are backstabbers but the rest of the world they also don't know much about Sikhs
I love these definitive statements, all Indians are backstabbers, as for the rest of the world, lets face it, even Sikhs don't know much about Sikhs
No offence but I feel ashamed to see my own community.
until you get over your victim complex, and stop blaming everyone else, then shame should be felt, its if you want to blame , then blame the complete lack of understanding of Sikhism amongst the majority of those that call themselves Sikhs, lets face it, If Guru Nanak was around right now, he would be amazed that the religion that he founded, based on a lack of superstitions, caste discrimination rituals and pointless ceremonies, has ended up the way that it has,
You come across as a bitter racist misogynist who is happy to blame anyone other than those that have put us in this place, I do not see what you see, I see more people asking questions, seeking answers, trying to figure out why there are so many double standards, and questioning the age old attitude that women in Sikhism really do not know what is best for them,