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Why Do So Many Sikh Girls Date Hindu Guys And Despise Sikh Guys?

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Aug 13, 2012
A) the statement is true...lot of Sikhs complain about it...many have experienced it...and you can see it around yourself

B) Sikh is a learner...who always learns and follows words of Waheguru

C) because women are the backbone of Sikhi....that being said...Men too should maintain Maryada....usually Men are more concerned about Sikhi than Women
The statement is not true, it can't be true . Simply because of the nature of its construction
Aug 4, 2018
Turbanedtiger maybe you said it on the verge that Hindu girls want to marry Sikh men, that is not true unless you are a rich man. Maybe they give you some respect but they aren't going to marry you. Hindu girls marry to Hindu men, Muslim girls marry to Muslim, Catholic girls prefer Catholic but it's a fact that Sikh girls don't want to marry Sikh men... It's all about money and power thing,
before 1984 every woman wanted a Sikh man as their groom because Sikhs were far ahead from other communities in terms of religion, money.culture, tradition and lots of people from other religion and lower cast people were accepting Sikhism. Therefore Indian government (Hindu government) has always been jealous of Sikh community that's why they did everything to put us down, they used their mind games, political power and finally used their arm forces. They killed lakhs of Sikhs, looted Punjab, raped women, even evil himself sank through the floor watching that inhumanity against Sikhs... However, you can see the transformation of these so called "Sikh Girls" gradually they started to abandon Sikhi they are getting married to Hindus, Muslims and clean shaven punjabi munde... In Sikhism equal rights and same teaching given to men and women but that shows Sikh girls do not want equal rights they are concerned only to fulfill their sexual desires. Now they don't want anyone with turban and beard and Amritdhari Sikhs are forbidden for them.
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Turbanedtiger maybe you said it on the verge that Hindu girls want to marry Sikh men, that is not true unless you are a rich man.

so let me this right, all hindu girls are shallow

Maybe they give you some respect but they aren't going to marry you.
and devious!

Hindu girls marry to Hindu men, Muslim girls marry to Muslim, Catholic girls prefer Catholic but it's a fact that Sikh girls don't want to marry Sikh men...
a fact eh? can you back up this fact at all or is it just something you heard down the pub?

It's all about money and power thing,
gosh you really are well informed about such things?

before 1984 every woman wanted a Sikh man as their groom
I just love these sweeping statements, every woman?

However, you can see the transformation of these so called "Sikh Girls" gradually they started to abandon Sikhi they are getting married to Hindus,

well evil bitches that they are for wanting to make their own choices in the world, maybe we should have some sort of task force to educate them?

In Sikhism equal rights and same teaching given to men and women but that shows Sikh girls do not want equal rights they are concerned only to fulfill their sexual desires.
ah ok all hindu girls are shallow, and all sikh girls are nymphomaniacs
Now they don't want anyone with turban and beard and Amritdhari Sikhs are forbidden for them.
I think your on the wrong forum mate, you need to find some sort of social Sikh forum where you can get a few other people contributing in the same vein, you see the clue is in the title, philosophy,

but thanks for the heads up, and riveting information on the sexual and social habits of women in India,
Aug 4, 2018
As a Sikh this is what I see and have experienced. I don't know about other girls but I'm damn sure about Sikh girls that 99% Sikh girls are spoiled... Smoking and drinking, cutting hair and waxing is regular thing for them, blasphemy and interfaith marriage has become a new trend among Sikh girls, and there are so many videos that shows how easily they are getting groomed sexually by Non Sikhs in India as well as abroad.

Actually the problem is, all major religions in the world have their countries but Sikh community they are wandering from one country to another like orphans, seeking for justice and equal rights, striving for freedom but nobody gives a shit.

Being a Sikh in this world is not an easy thing, Indians are backstabbers but the rest of the world they also don't know much about Sikhs. Even if Sikhs clarify their religious affiliation and create awareness about the Sikh religion, bigots may still target Sikhs because of racism, religious exclusivity, and xenophobia... In simple words who wants to get difficult life?.. and if Sikh girls having an easy way out so they choose that way, even Sikh boys also are abandoning Sikhi, nobody force them to follow Sikhism. For instance, if I remove my turban and cut my hair who would know? maybe you don't know about this but in India especially in North India if a person cuts his hair it becomes a cause for party and celebration, if he is told he has now become a human being. Anyways Turbanedtiger brought up some very good points but I'm not going to repeat that.

Whereas look at the Jewish girls the whole world was against them in spite of that they built their own nation and Israel is now one of the powerful country in the world nobody can touch them, and that is because Jewish girls, naturally it is women responsibility to uphold the culture and tradition and Jewish girls didn't lose their character, hope and faith, mostly they marry Jewish men only. No offence but I feel ashamed to see my own community.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
As a Sikh this is what I see and have experienced. I don't know about other girls but I'm damn sure about Sikh girls that 99% Sikh girls are spoiled... Smoking and drinking, cutting hair and waxing is regular thing for them, blasphemy and interfaith marriage has become a new trend among Sikh girls, and there are so many videos that shows how easily they are getting groomed sexually by Non Sikhs in India as well as abroad.

Actually the problem is, all major religions in the world have their countries but Sikh community they are wandering from one country to another like orphans, seeking for justice and equal rights, striving for freedom but nobody gives a shit.

Being a Sikh in this world is not an easy thing, Indians are backstabbers but the rest of the world they also don't know much about Sikhs. Even if Sikhs clarify their religious affiliation and create awareness about the Sikh religion, bigots may still target Sikhs because of racism, religious exclusivity, and xenophobia... In simple words who wants to get difficult life?.. and if Sikh girls having an easy way out so they choose that way, even Sikh boys also are abandoning Sikhi, nobody force them to follow Sikhism. For instance, if I remove my turban and cut my hair who would know? maybe you don't know about this but in India especially in North India if a person cuts his hair it becomes a cause for party and celebration, if he is told he has now become a human being. Anyways Turbanedtiger brought up some very good points but I'm not going to repeat that.

Whereas look at the Jewish girls the whole world was against them in spite of that they built their own nation and Israel is now one of the powerful country in the world nobody can touch them, and that is because Jewish girls, naturally it is women responsibility to uphold the culture and tradition and Jewish girls didn't lose their character, hope and faith, mostly they marry Jewish men only. No offence but I feel ashamed to see my own community.

Ramneet ji,

Guru Fateh.

It seems you have packed a lot in this great paragraph of yours. As many subjects in your posts can only be discussed on their own basis and merit, please let us know where you would like to start first.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
As a Sikh this is what I see and have experienced. I don't know about other girls but I'm damn sure about Sikh girls that 99% Sikh girls are spoiled... Smoking and drinking, cutting hair and waxing is regular thing for them, blasphemy and interfaith marriage has become a new trend among Sikh girls, and there are so many videos that shows how easily they are getting groomed sexually by Non Sikhs in India as well as abroad.

oh its you again, so 99% of all Sikh girls are spoiled? and luckily we also have your definition of spoiled! smoking, drinking, cutting hair, blasphemy and interfaith marriage. So, I am curious, how many Sikh boys do you think are spoiled in the same way? Why are we not having a discussion about Sikh youth?

Maybe you feel that Sikh boys would be a lower percent than the 99% you have given the girls?

Do you feel that Sikh girls need manly help from Sikh men to stop them being groomed? What you call grooming, do they call free choice? Do you think choice should be limited for people born into Sikh families? Maybe you feel that ones life should be mapped out from scratch, and if it does not agree with what you feel life is, it should not be allowed?

Actually the problem is, all major religions in the world have their countries but Sikh community they are wandering from one country to another like orphans, seeking for justice and equal rights, striving for freedom but nobody gives a shit.

and why is that? Is it because whoever was negotiating for us when partition happened ended up being completely outclassed by Nehru and Jinnah? Was it because we were too naive? too trusting?
Being a Sikh in this world is not an easy thing
my parents find it easy....

Indians are backstabbers but the rest of the world they also don't know much about Sikhs
I love these definitive statements, all Indians are backstabbers, as for the rest of the world, lets face it, even Sikhs don't know much about Sikhs

No offence but I feel ashamed to see my own community.
until you get over your victim complex, and stop blaming everyone else, then shame should be felt, its if you want to blame , then blame the complete lack of understanding of Sikhism amongst the majority of those that call themselves Sikhs, lets face it, If Guru Nanak was around right now, he would be amazed that the religion that he founded, based on a lack of superstitions, caste discrimination rituals and pointless ceremonies, has ended up the way that it has,

You come across as a bitter racist misogynist who is happy to blame anyone other than those that have put us in this place, I do not see what you see, I see more people asking questions, seeking answers, trying to figure out why there are so many double standards, and questioning the age old attitude that women in Sikhism really do not know what is best for them,

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Aug 4, 2018
Harry Haller I didn't come here to convince anybody nor I represent chauvinistic mindset. This is the 2 way street both men and women have to deal with their desires and the truth is, now their desires are their priority like any other human being. I think first we need to understand that there are only 3 things that proliferated in this world which is “Money, Power and Sex” and sex goes there where is money and power… so if Sikh girls are getting married to out of community this could be the main reason. As you know before 1984 most girls wanted to marry Sikh men (so you can do the comparison sharp declining of Sikh community afterwards).
I'm not against interfaith marriage at all, if you love someone then you should marry them but mostly Sikh girls are doing this on purpose. Their preference are Non Sikh boys but for this deed women would be blamed more because naturally it is women responsibility to uphold the culture and tradition. It is women's duty to pass on the religious teaching to their children. If she got married to Hindu, would she raise her children as Sikh or Hindu?.... on political level this is all just witty conspiracy, these people are very clever, now they have changed their strategy and they are tackling Sikhs in a different, non violent yet poisonous way by silently diluting the faith making Sikhs appear as clown in the media or proving that they are basically Hindus... If Sikhs are Hindus and Hindus are Sikhs then Sikh girls find no difficulty to choose their preference... Now you would come and pound on me, Sikh girls are so naive they can't understand the difference??, Yes they can't understand the difference and I'm not saying this hypothetically.
I'm just being careful with my words otherwise there are so many things which may be inappropriate on this site. Every human is filled with lust, greed, ego, anger and these cardinal sins emerge out when we get an opportunity and those who seem very modest maybe they haven't got any opportunity yet... However, I'm not different from others I also have to fight with myself everyday but I feel ashamed and demotivated when I see my own community.
Mar 27, 2018
Turbanedtiger maybe you said it on the verge that Hindu girls want to marry Sikh men, that is not true unless you are a rich man. Maybe they give you some respect but they aren't going to marry you. Hindu girls marry to Hindu men, Muslim girls marry to Muslim, Catholic girls prefer Catholic but it's a fact that Sikh girls don't want to marry Sikh men... It's all about money and power thing,
before 1984 every woman wanted a Sikh man as their groom because Sikhs were far ahead from other communities in terms of religion, money.culture, tradition and lots of people from other religion and lower cast people were accepting Sikhism. Therefore Indian government (Hindu government) has always been jealous of Sikh community that's why they did everything to put us down, they used their mind games, political power and finally used their arm forces. They killed lakhs of Sikhs, looted Punjab, raped women, even evil himself sank through the floor watching that inhumanity against Sikhs... However, you can see the transformation of these so called "Sikh Girls" gradually they started to abandon Sikhi they are getting married to Hindus, Muslims and clean shaven punjabi munde... In Sikhism equal rights and same teaching given to men and women but that shows Sikh girls do not want equal rights they are concerned only to fulfill their sexual desires. Now they don't want anyone with turban and beard and Amritdhari Sikhs are forbidden for them.

What experiences have you faced when it comes to Sikh girls...Sikhs girls prefer Hindu guys over Sikh guys...Sikh girls in colleges, universities or offices date Hindu guys

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
What experiences have you faced when it comes to Sikh girls...Sikhs girls prefer Hindu guys over Sikh guys...Sikh girls in colleges, universities or offices date Hindu guys
I'm curious, what experience have you faced when it comes to Sikh girls?


May 11, 2016
Why do so many Sikh Women date and have relationships with Hindu Men and despise Sikh Men or choose Hindu Men over Sikh Men as their partner...

What is wrong with Sikh Girls? Shouldn't we ex communicate Sikh Girls having Hindu boyfriends?...

Sikh Girls do not want to date or marry Sikh Men... Sikh girls make fun of Sikh men, tease them along with their Hindu men and are repulsed by Sikh Men and go after Hindu men... Such Sikh girls who hate Sikh men and prefer Hindu men are in majority unfortunately.

Sikh girls make such faces as if they are disgusted by Sikh men when they come across Sikh men in their lives, in colleges or work places etc.

On the other hand non sikh women are very much interested in dating and marrying Sikh Guys...That is why i have a huge respect for Hindu girls... Hindu girls never make fun of or judge Sikh guys.

I think Sikh men should marry Hindu women or other non sikh women instead of Sikh Women... Because Sikh girls are really not interested in dating or marrying Sikh guys... Sikh girls always seem to choose Hindu guys for relationships and marriage. Even the ugliest looking Hindu men get to date absolutely beautiful Sikh women.

Racist people like you should be excommunicated.

We are One. Stop being intolerant.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Sikh girls want to date Hindu guys...they don't want to date/marry Sikh guys...why are so many Sikh girls dating Hindu guys in reality...think about it

I have no idea, but you did not answer the question, do you wish me to repeat it?

I'm curious, what experience have you faced when it comes to Sikh girls?
Mar 27, 2018
I have no idea, but you did not answer the question, do you wish me to repeat it?

I'm curious, what experience have you faced when it comes to Sikh girls?

I have seen many Sikhs girls and have also seenany Sikh girls...they don't want to date or marry their own Sikh guys...because many prefer Hindu guys...vast majority of the Sikh girls I knew in colleges or universities and offices had Hindu boyfriends...

These are not just my experiences...but experiences of many people are know
Mar 27, 2018
I have no idea, but you did not answer the question, do you wish me to repeat it?

I'm curious, what experience have you faced when it comes to Sikh girls?

You have no idea...but in reality many Sikh gitkg want to date and prefer Hindu guys only right...even you know it .... otherwise you wouldn't be saying that you have no idea....because you don't know the reason but it's happening

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
You have no idea...but in reality many Sikh gitkg want to date and prefer Hindu guys only right...even you know it .... otherwise you wouldn't be saying that you have no idea....because you don't know the reason but it's happening

tell me something, are you a virgin? do you feel inadequate or less manly because of this, if this is indeed the case?
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