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Why Do So Many Sikh Girls Date Hindu Guys And Despise Sikh Guys?

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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Harry Haller I didn't come here to convince anybody nor I represent chauvinistic mindset.
well I would beg to differ, you come across as a bit of a misogynist. I mean hating people is ok and all, but you can't pick and choose individual groups, personally I despise society as a whole, regardless of sex, colour or orientation, but you seem to have an issue with women.

This is the 2 way street both men and women have to deal with their desires and the truth is, now their desires are their priority like any other human being

ah now we are getting to the crux of the problem, for years men have been able to deal with their desires, and women have been hidden away and told what to do, now they are equally living and dealing with their desires, just like men have been for an eternity, and folks like you cannot deal with it, those naughty women folk, wearing short skirts and having fun when they should be at home making daal!

I think first we need to understand that there are only 3 things that proliferated in this world which is “Money, Power and Sex” and sex goes there where is money and power… so if Sikh girls are getting married to out of community this could be the main reason.

Money, power and sex mean nothing to me, and there are many like me, just because you are entwined in the maya of the world, does not mean everyone is, there is a saying, we hate in others, what we hate in ourselves, are you projecting your own issues on to others I wonder, maybe Sikh girls are fed up with the complete identity massacre that takes place when they are married, they have to go from being strong independent women to married zombies, maybe they have had enough.

As you know before 1984 most girls wanted to marry Sikh men (so you can do the comparison sharp declining of Sikh community afterwards).

Where are you getting these facts from? Perhaps you could lend me your copy of 'fairytale facts for the bonkers'

I'm not against interfaith marriage at all,
who cares? who cares whether your for or against marriages with donkeys? do you not see? it does not matter anymore whether you wish to validate it or not, your type are dying out, your a neanderthal wishing for the days when you could grab a woman by the hair and drag her back in your cave, and now your throwing your toys out of the pram because those women choose not to play anymore.

if you love someone then you should marry them but mostly Sikh girls are doing this on purpose.

yeah just to spite you, damn those Sikh girls falling in love and getting married ..

Their preference are Non Sikh boys but for this deed women would be blamed more because naturally it is women responsibility to uphold the culture and tradition.

while the men go out whoring and drinking? so whats the problem, does this mean that men will have to take responsibility for this rather than just talking wisely and making lip service? Are you scared you will have to raise the bar?

It is women's duty to pass on the religious teaching to their children.
And the mans duty to? no, let me guess, be the man and be king in his own house! I feel sorry for you, for years you have watched your mothers and aunties slave over their families and their husbands and now its your turn, and they are all marrying Hindus for a life of love and freedom, its a {censored}.

If she got married to Hindu, would she raise her children as Sikh or Hindu?.
What difference would it make, I take it you were raised as a Sikh, but I do not see much Sikhi in your writings, just hate and anger, in any case, given the way Sikhism is going at the moment, with the rituals, ceremonies, politics, and complete lack of any real philosophy other than the precious sakhis that make up most of what is taught in Sikhism, it really does not matter.

on political level this is all just witty conspiracy, these people are very clever, now they have changed their strategy and they are tackling Sikhs in a different, non violent yet poisonous way by silently diluting the faith making Sikhs appear as clown in the media or proving that they are basically Hindus...

oh come of it, we can do that job much better ourselves, we don't need any help

If Sikhs are Hindus and Hindus are Sikhs then Sikh girls find no difficulty to choose their preference..

Lacking in basic intelligence these Sikh girls huh.

Now you would come and pound on me,

Err I think I will pass, your not my type

Sikh girls are so naive they can't understand the difference??, Yes they can't understand the difference and I'm not saying this hypothetically.

well luckily we have people like you here to educate our naive Sikh girls, phew.

I'm just being careful with my words otherwise there are so many things which may be inappropriate on this site.

we are all adults, what you have already said is pretty inappropriate towards women, so don't worry too much, knock yourself out,

Every human is filled with lust, greed, ego, anger and these cardinal sins emerge out when we get an opportunity and those who seem very modest maybe they haven't got any opportunity yet.

So you decide when and if they should have that opportunity?
However, I'm not different from others I also have to fight with myself everyday but I feel ashamed and demotivated when I see my own community.

strangely enough I felt like that just reading your post
Mar 27, 2018
tell me something, are you a virgin? do you feel inadequate or less manly because of this, if this is indeed the case?

Why would I feel less manly? This is not even relevant..

Dont you think Sikh girls should date their own Sikh guys....

you are ok with many Sikh girls dating and sleeping around with their Hindu boyfriends?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Why would I feel less manly? This is not even relevant..
its just you come across as quite immature and insecure, can you answer the question, are you a virgin?

Dont you think Sikh girls should date their own Sikh guys....

I could not care less if they dated one armed lesbians who worshiped the devil, its none of my business.
you are ok with many Sikh girls dating and sleeping around with their Hindu boyfriends?


I am absolutely fine with many Sikh girls dating and sleeping around with whoever they wish, its none of my business, or yours for that matter.


Aug 13, 2012
You have no idea...but in reality many Sikh gitkg want to date and prefer Hindu guys only right...even you know it .... otherwise you wouldn't be saying that you have no idea....because you don't know the reason but it's happening
Mate maybe they just don't want to date guys like you?
Mar 27, 2018
its just you come across as quite immature and insecure, can you answer the question, are you a virgin?

I could not care less if they dated one armed lesbians who worshiped the devil, its none of my business.

I am absolutely fine with many Sikh girls dating and sleeping around with whoever they wish, its none of my business, or yours for that matter.

So won't many Sikh girls dating and sleeping around with their Hindu boyfriends affect Sikhi?

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
So won't many Sikh girls dating and sleeping around with their Hindu boyfriends affect Sikhi?

Please define Sikhi in your post above so I can understand where you are coming from and what religion do you belong to Turbanedtiger?
But more importantly, what is the point of your post?
What do you intend to learn from it?
Please share with us so we can learn together. Thanks

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
So won't many Sikh girls dating and sleeping around with their Hindu boyfriends affect Sikhi?

yeah it might make people like you question what they are doing wrong! God works in mysterious ways..........

You still have not answered my question, are you a virgin? I take it you are, as you shy away from it,

Your clearly suffering from sexual frustration and envy, the only problem here is yours, if you write more honestly, we may be able to help.
Mar 27, 2018
yeah it might make people like you question what they are doing wrong! God works in mysterious ways..........

You still have not answered my question, are you a virgin? I take it you are, as you shy away from it,

Your clearly suffering from sexual frustration and envy, the only problem here is yours, if you write more honestly, we may be able to help.
Stop your nonsense...losing virginity before marriage is against Sikhi...I have saved my virginity for the decent Sikh girl I am going to marry...no frustrated...you are just Brainwashed by the immoral western media.....that is why you talk such nonsense...y'all whine about everyone has a choice...then proceed to create a propaganda against those who don't want to lose their virginity....you are just another western wannabe....brainwashed with lies...that's why clowns like you whine all the time....oooo he is Still a virgin...ha ha ha...blah BLAH BLAH BLAH...what makes you think no losing virginity before marriage is wrong...? Just goes to show how Brainwashed you are with lies...grow up...you act like a 16 yr old immature clown...why not losing your virginity before marriage is made fun of by people like you?? Tell me....brainless low IQ western wannabe...fools like you don't even know that prenarprem sex lead to the downfall of the west...I pity people like you...sad
Mar 27, 2018
Please define Sikhi in your post above so I can understand where you are coming from and what religion do you belong to Turbanedtiger?
But more importantly, what is the point of your post?
What do you intend to learn from it?
Please share with us so we can learn together. Thanks

Point is why many Sikh girls have Hindu boyfriends...and why don't they want to date Sikh men...why can't they be with their own

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Point is why many Sikh girls have Hindu boyfriends...and why don't they want to date Sikh men...why can't they be with their own

This is pointless because you have shown again and again in your posts that you have not enough good qualities for the Sikh girls to have you as their date. In other words, you lack what they think they deserve. Respect may be a good starter.

When I was a single man many moons ago living in London, then in the US, I never had problems dating Sikh girls.
Mar 27, 2018
This is pointless because you have shown again and again in your posts that you have not enough good qualities for the Sikh girls to have you as their date. In other words, you lack what they think they deserve. Respect may be a good starter.

When I was a single man many moons ago living in London, then in the US, I never had problems dating Sikh girls.

Veerji....I am not talking about myself...I am talking in general...I am from Delhi...and here Sikh girls don't date Sikh guys...they go after Hindu guys...same happenns in Mumbai, Chandigarh etc...

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Stop your nonsense..

never, I will never stop my nonsense, as long as folks like you think its nonsense, I feel I am in the right area

osing virginity before marriage is against Sikhi.

nope, it is not, can you provide any bani that supports this?

.I have saved my virginity for the decent Sikh girl I am going to marry

Can you define decent? do you mean subservient?

no frustrated.
hahahah, oh yes you are, your frustrated and insecure

you are just Brainwashed by the immoral western media.
oh well, I'd rather be brainwashed by the immoral western media than the men with white beards

hen proceed to create a propaganda against those who don't want to lose their virginity

or can't

that's why clowns like you whine all the time.
read the thread, only one of us is doing the whinning

you act like a 16 yr old immature clown..

true, I do, but I also accept I am an immature clown, rather than thinking I am some big strong tiger Sikh sent here to save innocent Sikh girls from themselves, I know I am a clown, you my friend are just a confused and rather horny young man taking your frustrations out on everyone else.

why not losing your virginity before marriage is made fun of by people like you??

because it creates people like you

Tell me....brainless low IQ western wannabe...fools like you don't even know that prenarprem sex lead to the downfall of the west...I pity people like you...sad
ah right, is this the same West that seems to be the biggest influence on young people in India today?
Mar 27, 2018
never, I will never stop my nonsense, as long as folks like you think its nonsense, I feel I am in the right area

nope, it is not, can you provide any bani that supports this?

Can you define decent? do you mean subservient?

hahahah, oh yes you are, your frustrated and insecure

oh well, I'd rather be brainwashed by the immoral western media than the men with white beards

or can't

read the thread, only one of us is doing the whinning

true, I do, but I also accept I am an immature clown, rather than thinking I am some big strong tiger Sikh sent here to save innocent Sikh girls from themselves, I know I am a clown, you my friend are just a confused and rather horny young man taking your frustrations out on everyone else.

because it creates people like you

ah right, is this the same West that seems to be the biggest influence on young people in India today?

Lol you are just proving me right on a cinstcon basis all the time...you are still a kid...look at you lol...see the way you reply....I really pity clowns like you...the west doesn't have any influence on young Indian minds...Indians are waking up and getting rid of the Western filth....

Who are you to decide whether I can or cannot lose my virginity...dear Brainwashed western wannabe...try to be all Western or "modern" an all...just proves what kind of sick mentality the west teaches...you are heavily Brainwashed you {censored}....no you aren't on the right track...you are a Brainwashed wesrerw wannabe with a fake English accent...a self hating idiot...you are no one to decide what is right or wrong...it's you who is frustrated not me...you seriously proved you are an immature 16 yr old...look at your language...so immature...you are indeed a troll

Your haven't answered my question...why is it wrong to not lose your virginity before marriage? Please tell me Brainwashed self hating wannabe....
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