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Why Is Sikhism The True Religion?

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Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Re: Why is Sikhism the true religion ?

the bible says :

"All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, reproof, correction and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."

wheter you believe , the bible is trustworthy, or not, is entirely your decision.
I can only testify that i believe, its God's word, 100%. There are many reasons to believe so. If Jesus would not have ressurrected, there would be no christianity today.


Kairos ji,

Guru Fateh.

I am just stating the facts. It is your call to accept them or not. Facts have nothing to do with any belief.

And Next time do not put any URL but you be able to explain it yourself in your own words or you can quote the Bible wit the verse Number and we can discuss about it. Posting URL means that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Who wrote the above verse, when and why? Please give details in your own words rather than copying and pasting url.

And only living animals including humans breathe. So, if your claim is correct, then the God you serve is a mere mortal. Those are your words, not mine about God breathing.

Make knowledge your best friend rather than your worst enemy.:)


Tejwant Singh
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Jul 17, 2010
Something that i find very beautiful of sikhism is that it does not condemn you to some sort of Hell for not being part of that faith rather your judged upon your good and bad actions

Than Sikhism does not distinguish amongst many other religions. The bible is in this regard quit unique. In the sense, that Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of all humanity, and we can find forgiveness for our sins, and eternal life, only through repentance of our sins, and faith in Jesus Christ, as our lord and savior.


Jul 17, 2010
So if your christian you can go out drink,hurt people,start fights,egotistic.etc (commiting Sins)
if i repent for that ill be forgiven then i can do it all over again and then repent and be forgiven again and obtain Eternal life , because Jesus died for humanity on the cross 2000 years ago???

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you are saved 19 through faith, 20 and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God; 2:9 it is not from 21 works, so that no one can boast. 22 2:10 For we are his workmanship, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works that God prepared beforehand so we may do them. 23

true repentance means, someone leaves its sinful life and lifestyle , and starts a new life in Jesus Christ. And in gratitude for the received forgiveness, that person starts to do the good works and proves this way, that his repentance and becoming a christian was honest and true.
If someone shows no change in life, it is evidence, its commitment with God and Christ was not true.
So clearly good works must follow the ones, that call themself Christians, otherwise they are not. That does not mean, a Christian does not fail and sin anymore. But it is not as before, a lifestyle and habitude, but it happens one or another time. But then, when we fall, we stand go up again, ask Jesus for forgiveness, and be sure, God is ready to forgive us.

Bahadar S

Nov 15, 2009
United States
I have some friends who call themselves Christians.They go and do pretty bad things,i rather not go into detail, but they ask for forgivness from Jesus because they have faith in him ,and then they go do there bad things again technically are they considered christians. They can simply say that i believe in Jesus but they cant go as far as to change there lifestyle and make that commitment, are they considered Christians, are they going to have Eternal Life and be in "Heaven". If not there not considered christian,then there obviously going to hell because in christianity if your not christian you are going to hell. And lets say you from a different religion lived a pure life stayed away from sin as much as possible lived a good life of many pious deeds, youre going to hell because your not christian...


Jul 17, 2010
does the Bible find other life forms to hold any importance do they have a purpose (birds,bears lions etc..).

Of course. All creation was made by God, to glorify him. This includes all creatures, all animals, all plants. Everything.


Jul 17, 2010
I have some friends who call themselves Christians.They go and do pretty bad things,i rather not go into detail, but they ask for forgivness from Jesus because they have faith in him ,and then they go do there bad things again technically are they considered christians. They can simply say that i believe in Jesus but they cant go as far as to change there lifestyle and make that commitment, are they considered Christians, are they going to have Eternal Life and be in "Heaven".

First of all, there is a reward for the once that sanctify themself , and obey Gods commands, and do his will. There are many, that call themself christians, but their doings prove quit the contrary. They are not true christians. But its in the end God to judge, we cannot judge anyone else.

If not there not considered christian,then there obviously going to hell because in christianity if your not christian you are going to hell. And lets say you from a different religion lived a pure life stayed away from sin as much as possible lived a good life of many pious deeds, youre going to hell because your not christian...
Indeed the bible says, good deeds will not save anyone. This is quit clear in the bible.

"For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23

The only way to heaven is to repent from your sins, believe in Jesus Christ as lord and savior, and as consequence follow him truehartly.

"He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy." Titus 3:5

According to the Christian Testament, it is believed by Christians that
(Narayanjot Kaur thinks this discussion has been very civilized so far. So she has added this sentence in green, so that some are saved from the temptation to preach to the forum and possibly err by proselytizing ;) )

John 3:16

God demonstrated His love by sending His promised Son, the Savior and Messiah, Jesus Christ, and allowing Him to be crucified. God paid for our sins Himself. The Lord is good, just and merciful beyond our understanding.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life“.

Bahadar S

Nov 15, 2009
United States
Well Kairos I have one question to what you stated but I think for the betterment of this forum, and sanctity of both religions i wont state it. I respect Christianity because Sikhism teaches to respect all religions.:carefreemunda:


Jul 17, 2010
Well Kairos I have one question to what you stated but I think for the betterment of this forum, and sanctity of both religions i wont state it. I respect Christianity because Sikhism teaches to respect all religions.:carefreemunda:

you can send me also a personal mail , i will respond , no problem.


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
Kairos Ji

I have read your posts with interest

You said earlier:
"thanks for your explanations. As you know, there are thousands of different religions around the world. Each one proclaiming a different divinity, and different spiritual orders and existences. How do you distinguish the one that tells us the truth, from the one, that is human invention,and does not reflect truth and reality ? what makes you sure, Sikhism is the true religion, and not islam, or christianity, or Buddhism, or something else ? What makes you believe, the teaching of reencarnation is true ?"

You then stated your belief very clearly afterwards and so you are saying that Christianity is the only true religion and all these thousands of other religions are a waste of time

I note Tejwant Singh Ji made some very valid points about the distinction between the Christian scriptures and Sikh scriptures

The Sikh scriptures have not had the same level of manipulation as those in the Bible which at different times throughout history have been included/excluded/found buried etc

So having discussed the "true religion" I would ask what is the "true Bible?"

Considering they are supposed to be eyewitness accounts, the 4 Gospels in the current "offical" version of the Bible have a remarkable number of inconsistencies. Just do a technique called parallel reading and see these differences yourself

For example, the parable about the faith of the Centurion. In one version, it is the centurion who approached jesus for help yet in another it is his servants. One would assume eyewitnesses could distinguish between a Roman centurion and his servants?

2000 out of 2500 prophecies?? I think not!

I also found your belief in miracles as justification for the validity of Christianity as the true religion surprising in light of various quotes in the Bible discouraging believers from chasing miracles. Here's one:

Then some of the scribes and pharisees said to him, “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.” He said to them in reply, “An evil and unfaithful generation seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it except the Sign of Jonah the prophet. Just as Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights.” (Matthew 12: 38-40)


Jul 17, 2010
The Sikh scriptures have not had the same level of manipulation as those in the Bible which at different times throughout history have been included/excluded/found buried etc

This is a critic i hear frequently. But we have for example the qumran rolls, which are dated 100BC. That means , when they were found, they were several hundred years older than the oldest manuscripts known until then. No significant differences were found. The jews copied with great precision, so we can be confident, that nothing was manipulated or changed. There are literally thousands of fragments and documents known, also of the New Testament, that we can compare against each other to find out what belongs and what was added.so we can be confident that we can read today, what originally was written.

So having discussed the "true religion" I would ask what is the "true Bible?"

I don't know what is your language. But i would say, the most common bible you will find in your language, you can trust. In my language, there are different translations. Some are closer to the original text, some others are translated in a way, that a laymen can understand it better. The choice is upon individual taste.

Considering they are supposed to be eyewitness accounts, the 4 Gospels in the current "offical" version of the Bible have a remarkable number of inconsistencies. Just do a technique called parallel reading and see these differences yourself

there are various answers to this question. First of all, i believe that different eye witnesses, never remember everything 100% the same as others. So we can be confident, that the 4 gospels had different authors. The authors may have heard the gospels from the disciples, and then wrote them down. John was probably written by the apostle John. I think each author wanted to portray a particular side of Jesus, and Matthews for example was writing specially for the Jews, emphasised Jesus as the long awaited Messiah. Different authors wanted to emphasize different aspects of his divine nature.
Thus some people believe that Matthew, Mark, and Luke mainly show his human side, whereas John mainly shows his spiritual side.

For example, the parable about the faith of the Centurion. In one version, it is the centurion who approached jesus for help yet in another it is his servants. One would assume eyewitnesses could distinguish between a Roman centurion and his servants?

The order of events seem to be that the Centurion first sent the Jewish elders
Jesus then agreed to go. Then the Centurion came to Jesus. The Centurion heard, that Jesus was nearby, then he sent friends to speak to Jesus and say that he, the Centurion, was not worthy for Jesus to even enter his home. Jesus continued on. Then as Jesus neared the home, the Centurion himself approached Jesus to tell Him that he was not worthy for Him to enter his house.

2000 out of 2500 prophecies?? I think not!


I also found your belief in miracles as justification for the validity of Christianity as the true religion surprising in light of various quotes in the Bible discouraging believers from chasing miracles. Here's one:

Then some of the scribes and pharisees said to him, “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.” He said to them in reply, “An evil and unfaithful generation seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it except the Sign of Jonah the prophet. Just as Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights.” (Matthew 12: 38-40)

Jesus himself made many miracles, to show, he was the true Messias.
So he didnt say it to the Scribes, because he was against miracles.

Why did the Pharisees ask Him for a sign? The answer appears in the section immediately preceding their request. Jesus had been preaching that a tree is known by its fruit , so naturally, these Jews asked for a sign from Jesus to prove He was the Messiah! They wanted to see what fruit He would produce!
Jesus denied their request because they had completely missed the point . To satisfy their curiosity, they wanted to see a miracle, but the fruit Jesus meant was repentance, good works, and spiritual growth. So he did not attend them with their request.


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
Dear Kairos Ji

Some comments from me in a different colour:

This is a critic i hear frequently. But we have for example the qumran rolls, which are dated 100BC. That means , when they were found, they were several hundred years older than the oldest manuscripts known until then. No significant differences were found.

I'm afraid I disagree completely. Scholars believe the scrolls to have been the work of a group called the Essenes and their "Teacher of Righteousness" is identified with Jesus and is different from the NT in a number of ways

I don't know what is your language.

i would say, the most common bible you will find in your language, you can trust. In my language, there are different translations. Some are closer to the original text, some others are translated in a way, that a laymen can understand it better. The choice is upon individual taste.
It is fair to say something is lost from the original when it is translated and
I have read both the New King James and New International versions. But my main point was not about translation but entire Gospels that have been deliberately excluded. The Bible and Christian faith have been deliberately moulded by the Church. I suggest you look up the Councils of Nicea for more background.

there are various answers to this question. First of all, i believe that different eye witnesses, never remember everything 100% the same as others. So we can be confident, that the 4 gospels had different authors. The authors may have heard the gospels from the disciples, and then wrote them down. John was probably written by the apostle John. I think each author wanted to portray a particular side of Jesus, and Matthews for example was writing specially for the Jews, emphasised Jesus as the long awaited Messiah. Different authors wanted to emphasize different aspects of his divine nature.
Thus some people believe that Matthew, Mark, and Luke mainly show his human side, whereas John mainly shows his spiritual side.

The order of events seem to be that the Centurion first sent the Jewish elders
Jesus then agreed to go. Then the Centurion came to Jesus. The Centurion heard, that Jesus was nearby, then he sent friends to speak to Jesus and say that he, the Centurion, was not worthy for Jesus to even enter his home. Jesus continued on. Then as Jesus neared the home, the Centurion himself approached Jesus to tell Him that he was not worthy for Him to enter his house.
That would be a convenient explanation for the inaccuracies displayed in the "eyewitness" accounts. There are many others also. I believe the Gospels were written many years after the actual events which is why we see these differences. But then I have to ask, if great miracles were indeed happening, why weren't they written at the time? Surely such momentous events would have been worthy of recording there and then?


It could also be argued that the NT fulfils OT prophecy because it was written that way.

Let's look at Matthew which is regarded as one of the earliest of the 4 "official" Gospels. It starts of with a detailed Genealogy which nicely links OT and NT together all the way to the birth of Jesus. Further on we read:

Matthew 3:1-12 1 In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, 2 "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." 3 For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah when he said, "The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight."

So, we again have the Gospel writers again fulfilling OT prophecy and saying they are doing that via there own text. There are many other examples like this.

Returning to the site in your link, I must say it is fascinating how they have included some impressive looking probability statements to accompany and support each "prophecy". Perhaps I missed it but it would be interesting to see the underlying mathematical computations and assumptions that went into producing those probability statements.

It would also be helpful to see a similar analysis for my hypothesis that the NT scribes were aware of their culture and long-standing prophecies and so deliberately wrote the NT Scriptures to fulfil those prophecies. I would wager the probability of that happening is significantly more likely than all those other probability statements on that site!

I also note there was some media interest in the 90s in a book whose title wasn't important enough for me to remember that purported evidence for Bible prophecy using a letters and numbers matrix. To me, that is numerology and I don't believe in numerology at all. I do believe however that if your source is sufficiently detailed so you can work with a huge volume of letters and numbers, then there is greater scope to divine patterns and meaning

Jesus himself made many miracles, to show, he was the true Messias.
So he didnt say it to the Scribes, because he was against miracles.

Why did the Pharisees ask Him for a sign? The answer appears in the section immediately preceding their request. Jesus had been preaching that a tree is known by its fruit , so naturally, these Jews asked for a sign from Jesus to prove He was the Messiah! They wanted to see what fruit He would produce!
Jesus denied their request because they had completely missed the point . To satisfy their curiosity, they wanted to see a miracle, but the fruit Jesus meant was repentance, good works, and spiritual growth. So he did not attend them with their request.

I think you missed my point. There are other examples in the Bible as well. The point was about the need for miracles vs faith in the Truth. Sikhs focus on the latter and not the former, although there are many examples of miraculous acts by the Ten Gurus

I have huge respect for the Bible but I also tend to take a more arms length approach when it comes to Biblical scriptures, focusing on the lesson and overall message but not reading too literally into the text. I can do this and believe this as I am not a Christian. Obviously, your approach will be completely different

Thanks for reading
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May 24, 2008
Re: Why is Sikhism the true religion ?

Kairos ji,

Guru fateh.

I have been watching this interaction going back and forth and decided to give me 2 cent worth in a factual manner.

The fact is:

What "Jesus said" is in doubt. All Jesus' words are second-hand quotes by Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. This Son of an omnipotent, omniscient God who could confound the wise men of the temple never wrote his own gospel, not even a single word.

Whereas all the Gurbani in Sri Guru Granth Sahib, our only Guru, is written by the original authours. There is no hearsay in Sri Guru Granth Sahib as it is in the Bible.


Tejwant Singh

This is what Max Arthur Macauliffe wrote about the authenticity of the Guru's teaching
"The Sikh religion differs as regards the authenticity of its dogmas from most other theological systems. Many of the great teachers the world has known, have not left a line of their own composition and we only know what they taught through tradition or second-hand information. If Pythagoras wrote of his tenets, his writings have not descended to us. We know the teachings of Socrates only through the writings of Plato and Xenophanes. Buddha has left no written memorial of his teaching. Kungfu-tze, known to Europeans as Confuscius, left no documents in which he detailed the principles of his moral and social system. The founder of Christianity did not reduce his doctrines to writing and for them we are obliged to trust to the gospels according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Arabian Prophet did not himself reduce to writing the chapters of the Quran. They were written or compiled by his adherents and followers. But the compositions of the Sikh Gurus are preserved and we know at first hand what they taught."


Jul 17, 2010
Re: Why is Sikhism the true religion ?

This is what Max Arthur Macauliffe wrote about the authenticity of the Guru's teaching
"The Sikh religion differs as regards the authenticity of its dogmas from most other theological systems. Many of the great teachers the world has known, have not left a line of their own composition and we only know what they taught through tradition or second-hand information. If Pythagoras wrote of his tenets, his writings have not descended to us. We know the teachings of Socrates only through the writings of Plato and Xenophanes. Buddha has left no written memorial of his teaching. Kungfu-tze, known to Europeans as Confuscius, left no documents in which he detailed the principles of his moral and social system. The founder of Christianity did not reduce his doctrines to writing and for them we are obliged to trust to the gospels according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Arabian Prophet did not himself reduce to writing the chapters of the Quran. They were written or compiled by his adherents and followers. But the compositions of the Sikh Gurus are preserved and we know at first hand what they taught."

I understand your point. Well, John was Jesus eyewitness, and the other gospels were written by disciples, which had their informations also from eyewitnesses, namely Jesus' apostles. That fact does not make necessarly the Gospels more ore less faithful and true. Beside this, we have the letters, written by the apostels, like Paul, John, Peter etc. which gave us all instructions and doctrine . What we have to focus on, is : are the writings of the sacred scriptures, independently if they were written by the great teachers themself, or by their disciples, a human invention, or are they the revelation of the true living God ? I do not believe, the living God is a lier, which decieves willfully his creatures. There is only one reality, and one truth.
Since there are literally thousands of religions in the world, and all say something different, its obvious they cannot all be true. The truth is only one.
So we have to ask ourself : which one does have the credentials to reflect the true truth ? Only one is possible. Jesus Christ differentiates himself from all spiritural leaders, which entered this world, manyfolds. First of all, Jesus came as the impersonification of the living God, truly men, but truly God as well. Jesus made miracles, which no other human being did before, and after him. Jesus was the fullfillment of over 400 prophecies in the old testament, and fullfilled ALL of them. One of the most explicit one is in Isaiah 53, where its written :

53:1 Who would have believed 1 what we 2 just heard? 3
When 4 was the Lord’s power 5 revealed through him?
53:2 He sprouted up like a twig before God, 6
like a root out of parched soil; 7
he had no stately form or majesty that might catch our attention, 8
no special appearance that we should want to follow him. 9
53:3 He was despised and rejected by people, 10
one who experienced pain and was acquainted with illness;
people hid their faces from him; 11
he was despised, and we considered him insignificant. 12
53:4 But he lifted up our illnesses,
he carried our pain; 13
even though we thought he was being punished,
attacked by God, and afflicted for something he had done. 14
53:5 He was wounded because of 15 our rebellious deeds,
crushed because of our sins;
he endured punishment that made us well; 16
because of his wounds we have been healed. 17
53:6 All of us had wandered off like sheep;
each of us had strayed off on his own path,
but the Lord caused the sin of all of us to attack him. 18
53:7 He was treated harshly and afflicted, 19
but he did not even open his mouth.
Like a lamb led to the slaughtering block,
like a sheep silent before her shearers,
he did not even open his mouth. 20
53:8 He was led away after an unjust trial 21 –
but who even cared? 22
Indeed, he was cut off from the land of the living; 23
because of the rebellion of his own 24 people he was wounded.
53:9 They intended to bury him with criminals, 25
but he ended up in a rich man’s tomb, 26
because 27 he had committed no violent deeds,
nor had he spoken deceitfully.
53:10 Though the Lord desired to crush him and make him ill,
once restitution is made, 28
he will see descendants and enjoy long life, 29
and the Lord’s purpose will be accomplished through him.
53:11 Having suffered, he will reflect on his work,
he will be satisfied when he understands what he has done. 30
“My servant 31 will acquit many, 32
for he carried their sins. 33
53:12 So I will assign him a portion with the multitudes, 34
he will divide the spoils of victory with the powerful, 35
because he willingly submitted 36 to death
and was numbered with the rebels,
when he lifted up the sin of many
and intervened 37 on behalf of the rebels.”

more prophecies, which fullfilled in regard of Jesus, you can read here :


beside this, we have prophecies in the bible, which did not fullfill already, but if we look around us, we see how the world is running exactly toward the end of times with things preparing to happen exactly as described in the bible. For example the bible tells us that a Antichrist will come, which will be the leader of a one world government, a totalitary and dictatorial system , with total control of its citizen, where nobody will nead cash money to buy, and to sell.
Well, what we see today, is exactly this scenario : the world is running towards a one worls government. The freemasons, the illuminati, and some other organisations, are ruling the world behind the scene. The european union is already a reality. The Bilderberg group reunites each year the most influent men to decide the destiny of our world. They are the leaders, which control the industry, banking system, media, governments, simply everything. Each crisis is provoked by them, with the clear goal, to have a new world order, which is a system of a one world government. Nobody will be able to buy and sell through cash money. Each one of us will need to have a microchip implant in our skin, exactly as prophetized in the bible, without it, nobody will be able to buy or sell anything.

just a few examples. Later on i can write more reasons which make me believe, the Bible is the inspired word of God.


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
Re: Why is Sikhism the true religion ?

Dear Kairos Ji
Some comments from me in green:

I understand your point. Well, John was Jesus eyewitness, and the other gospels were written by disciples,

How can you be 100% certain of this??

which had their informations also from eyewitnesses, namely Jesus' apostles.

And this?

That fact does not make necessarly the Gospels more ore less faithful and true. Beside this, we have the letters, written by the apostels, like Paul, John, Peter etc. which gave us all instructions and doctrine . What we have to focus on, is : are the writings of the sacred scriptures, independently if they were written by the great teachers themself, or by their disciples, a human invention, or are they the revelation of the true living God ? I do not believe, the living God is a lier, which decieves willfully his creatures.
True. But is it God deceiving or is it Man? Did God write the texts or did Man? Did Man write the texts when these world changing events occurred or did he write them many years later? How reliable is "eyewitness" testimony decades after the event? You have made some implicit assumptions here that I am challenging

There is only one reality, and one truth.
Since there are literally thousands of religions in the world, and all say something different, its obvious they cannot all be true. The truth is only one.
I agree on one source. I also believe the difference are there because different men wrote the respective scriptures. This is why I look for the message and not dwell on the literal text. When you take that sort of approach you will find there is a lot of commonality amongst these religions

So we have to ask ourself : which one does have the credentials to reflect the true truth ? Only one is possible. Jesus Christ differentiates himself from all spiritural leaders, which entered this world, manyfolds. First of all, Jesus came as the impersonification of the living God, truly men, but truly God as well.
Jesus made miracles, which no other human being did before, and after him. Jesus was the fullfillment of over 400 prophecies in the old testament, and fullfilled ALL of them.

No offence but please do not state your beliefs as factual evidence
One of the most explicit one is in Isaiah 53, where its written :

53:1 Who would have believed 1 what we 2 just heard? 3
When 4 was the Lord’s power 5 revealed through him?
53:2 He sprouted up like a twig before God, 6
like a root out of parched soil; 7
he had no stately form or majesty that might catch our attention, 8
no special appearance that we should want to follow him. 9
53:3 He was despised and rejected by people, 10
one who experienced pain and was acquainted with illness;
people hid their faces from him; 11
he was despised, and we considered him insignificant. 12
53:4 But he lifted up our illnesses,
he carried our pain; 13
even though we thought he was being punished,
attacked by God, and afflicted for something he had done. 14
53:5 He was wounded because of 15 our rebellious deeds,
crushed because of our sins;
he endured punishment that made us well; 16
because of his wounds we have been healed. 17
53:6 All of us had wandered off like sheep;
each of us had strayed off on his own path,
but the Lord caused the sin of all of us to attack him. 18
53:7 He was treated harshly and afflicted, 19
but he did not even open his mouth.
Like a lamb led to the slaughtering block,
like a sheep silent before her shearers,
he did not even open his mouth. 20
53:8 He was led away after an unjust trial 21 –
but who even cared? 22
Indeed, he was cut off from the land of the living; 23
because of the rebellion of his own 24 people he was wounded.
53:9 They intended to bury him with criminals, 25
but he ended up in a rich man’s tomb, 26
because 27 he had committed no violent deeds,
nor had he spoken deceitfully.
53:10 Though the Lord desired to crush him and make him ill,
once restitution is made, 28
he will see descendants and enjoy long life, 29
and the Lord’s purpose will be accomplished through him.
53:11 Having suffered, he will reflect on his work,
he will be satisfied when he understands what he has done. 30
“My servant 31 will acquit many, 32
for he carried their sins. 33
53:12 So I will assign him a portion with the multitudes, 34
he will divide the spoils of victory with the powerful, 35
because he willingly submitted 36 to death
and was numbered with the rebels,
when he lifted up the sin of many
and intervened 37 on behalf of the rebels.”

more prophecies, which fullfilled in regard of Jesus, you can read here :


beside this, we have prophecies in the bible, which did not fullfill already, but if we look around us, we see how the world is running exactly toward the end of times with things preparing to happen exactly as described in the bible.
I commented at length on Bible prophecy in my last post, to which you have yet to reply. Suffice it to say, I do not agree with anythinig you have written here

For example the bible tells us that a Antichrist will come, which will be the leader of a one world government, a totalitary and dictatorial system , with total control of its citizen, where nobody will nead cash money to buy, and to sell.
Well, what we see today, is exactly this scenario : the world is running towards a one worls government. The freemasons, the illuminati, and some other organisations, are ruling the world behind the scene. The european union is already a reality. The Bilderberg group reunites each year the most influent men to decide the destiny of our world. They are the leaders, which control the industry, banking system, media, governments, simply everything. Each crisis is provoked by them, with the clear goal, to have a new world order, which is a system of a one world government. Nobody will be able to buy and sell through cash money. Each one of us will need to have a microchip implant in our skin, exactly as prophetized in the bible, without it, nobody will be able to buy or sell anything.

just a few examples. Later on i can write more reasons which make me believe, the Bible is the inspired word of God.
A good melting pot of various conspiracy theories. You've missed the freemasons and Illuminati and Corpus Dei of the Roman Catholic church. But I guess you will come to these like you said .....


Jul 17, 2010
Re: Why is Sikhism the true religion ?

A good melting pot of various conspiracy theories. You've missed the freemasons and Illuminati and Corpus Dei of the Roman Catholic church. But I guess you will come to these like you said .....

these are not theories, these are facts. Just google, and you will see....
if you have further specific questions, feel free to ask.
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