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Islam Why Not Halal Meat?

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom

Right Now I would say Halal or no Halal Meat shouldn't be allowed at all to any Sikh on this earth jesi boti vesi Soti

Maas Maas ker murkh zagre
Just look at the inccident in Toronto We have more in our plate than Halal Meet at this moment

Hunting, giving a chance to hunt or get hunt by other in same fact

Halal doen't give any equal chance to Kasai to cut his throat.

So I will be back with your topic later
We all Sikh on this website have to be work together to save our Kirpan & Turban other wise people like in power of punjab will take it away from you soon
ਧਰਮ ਰਾਇ ਜਬ ਲੇਖਾ ਮਾਗੈ ਬਾਕੀ ਨਿਕਸੀ ਭਾਰੀ ॥
dhharam raae jab laekhaa maagai baakee nikasee bhaaree ||
When the Righteous Judge of Dharma calls for my account, there shall be a very heavy balance against me.

I hope I have make my self clear of Halal or no Halal (Hala or bol Hala to save)

Gurfateh ji


This is not what the SRM says. You are going against Sikh principles if you say this.

This is all speculative. If you have issues about meat then raise them under Fools Wrangle Over flesh.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
So how do I make sense of this verse?

You kill living beings, and call it a righteous action. Tell me, brother, what would you call an unrighteous action? If you religious people are doing 'religious' killing for meat, then what is Adharam (atheism)? If you are a religious person then whom will we call a butcher?" (SGGS 1103)

Also just because meat is slaughtered in the halal or kosher way, why would this taint the meat and make it forbidden to eat it?

Read this and raise debates about meat here:

Apr 5, 2010
JC mullah stop your bukwaas. What effect it will have on your mind whether the Gurus killed for pleasure or needs. Right now teenage muslim widows are bombing and killing innocent people all around the world. You should worry more about that.

yes extremism, both religious and secular, is a serious concern.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
You were not blocked because of an infraction. You were blocked for using multiple identities, TooManyQuestions. They are two different things. I would send this by private message; however pm's and comments on your Visitor's Wall are not enabled.


Mar 25, 2011
Protest about UNLABELLED Halal like this gentleman did when he found out that they were serving it up at his local school (this is happening at many schools now, since Janan Meats (MD of Janan is Navid Syed - also on the Halal Steering Committee set up by EBLEX) won the contracts for supplying hospitals, prisons & schools with halal meat!!!

Dear Sir

Re: Halal only meat served at a public north London primary school

We are requesting your much required help

It has come to our knowledge that the school which our 3 young children attend have been serving halal meat as part of their school meals without the knowledge of parents. We recently were given a form requesting if our children would like to have Christmas dinner. We opted for the traditional Christmas dinner and when we submitted this form to the school office, we by chance mentioned halal, and we were told that Christmas dinner – turkey will be halal. We explained that we are SIKHS and so halal consumption is FORBIDDEN, to which the response was that our children would have to have the vegetarian alternative. Therefore we have started a petition. The petition simply requests that SCHOOLS MUST GIVE ADVANCE NOTICE OF THEIR SCHOOL MEALS POLICY AND THAT IF HALAL MEAT IS PROVIDED, SO SHOULD NON HALAL MEAT. This is not only because Sikhs are forbidden to eat halal on religious grounds but many non-Sikhs do not wish their children to consume halal meat.

Please sign our petition

We will inform all Sikh Gurdwaras in the UK and also world wide.

Thank you



Mar 25, 2011
Sikhs have no food taboo's. The only food they are forbidden from eating is "Kuttha" or that which is ritually killed (like Halal or Kosher).

In the Rehit Marayada (http://www.sgpc.net/rehat_maryada/section_six.html), Section Six, it states:

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_sikh_cant_eat_kutha#ixzz1HeEK4izG

Sikhs cannot eat this kind of meat, but only Jhatka meat. Meat killed with one blow.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_sikh_cant_eat_kutha#ixzz1HeE3DuzU

The undermentioned four transgressions (tabooed practices) must be avoided
1. Dishonouring the hair;
2. Eating the meat of an animal slaughtered the Muslim way(Kutha);
3. Cohabiting with a person other than one's spouse
4. Using tobacco.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_sikh_cant_eat_kutha#ixzz1HeDxGV3m

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Sikhs have no food taboo's. The only food they are forbidden from eating is "Kuttha" or that which is ritually killed (like Halal or Kosher).

In the Rehit Marayada (http://www.sgpc.net/rehat_maryada/section_six.html), Section Six, it states:

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_sikh_cant_eat_kutha#ixzz1HeEK4izG

Sikhs cannot eat this kind of meat, but only Jhatka meat. Meat killed with one blow.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_sikh_cant_eat_kutha#ixzz1HeE3DuzU

The undermentioned four transgressions (tabooed practices) must be avoided
1. Dishonouring the hair;
2. Eating the meat of an animal slaughtered the Muslim way(Kutha);
3. Cohabiting with a person other than one's spouse
4. Using tobacco.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_sikh_cant_eat_kutha#ixzz1HeDxGV3m

Hi, Ptter ji and welcome to SPN! welcomekaur

Actually, although all Sikhs should follow those, they are only absolutely binding on the Khalsa (Amritdhari or initiated or baptised - all three terms are used) Sikhs.

Although I know Sikhs who don't keep kesh (unshorn hair), the others are pretty much universally kept by Sikhs.
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Aug 11, 2012
When muslims do any deed an bismillah is uttered ie in the name of Allah. What it means could differ in context. Literally it means in the name of Allah. What it means could be in seek permission of Allah, I am doing for sake of Allah, I do this because it is permitted by Allah.

When an animal is slaughtered for it to be permitted(Halal) for consumption by a muslim a few criteria have to be met. 1) it should be among the permitted animal types. 2) It should be an healthy animal. 3) pertaining to the second point an animal which is pregnant, which has been starving, which has been transported thus not had access to food (some times animals eat their own extrement due to hunger) needs to be first relaxed and healthy. In case of transported animals feeding of normal food for 3 days is recommended. 4) Animal should not be at any time consuming the food made out of meat of any animal including its own kind.
Then comes the criteria of slaughtering.

These constitute Slaughtering by cutting the wind pipe and the 3 main arteries in one to one and half knife stroke(Not as many sikhs allege by butchering the throat) The spinal chord has to remain intact to facilitate the body to pump out the blood which is prohibited(Haram).

Before slaughtering the animal Bismillah is uttered and some times Allah hu Akbar is uttered the Idea here is a muslim is not permitted to use or kill animals except in certain circumstances. For instance use of animals for riding, milk , agricultural work as beasts of burden etc is permitted. Use for pleasure by confining animal like pet keeping is frowned. Killing animals for sake of pleasure is prohibited. For purpose of food or safety hunting is permitted.

It is in this context that the Bismillah is used ie I take this life because it has been permitted for food. Muslims loosely describe this as a blessing some others describe this as an offering of sacrifice. Both are far from the truth. Here what is happening is a muslim is acting as per the permisson granted to him to use the meat of an animal and is reinforcing this permission by uttering out the words in the name of Allah ie in the name of the one who has made it permissible to take this life for sake of food.

Muslims even utter Bismillah while entering an house, leaving for their job, or even drinking water it does not mean that they are sacrificing any of those things for Allah or are offering it to Allah.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
I saw a video of the Talibans beheading journalists/civilians they caught..they also shouted Bismillah while holding back the victims head and slitting his neck...
Yes Bismillah can be used/misused just as any other greeting/thanksgiving phrase..because a slit neck journalist is nether food nor blessed...he is a murdered civilian.


May 9, 2006
...which has been transported thus not had access to food (some times animals eat their own extrement due to hunger) needs to be first relaxed and healthy...

But it's ok to squish sheep into the trunk of cars to transport them?
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Inderjeet Kaur

Oct 13, 2011
Seattle, Washington, USA
I saw a video of the Talibans beheading journalists/civilians they caught..they also shouted Bismillah while holding back the victims head and slitting his neck...
Yes Bismillah can be used/misused just as any other greeting/thanksgiving phrase..because a slit neck journalist is nether food nor blessed...he is a murdered civilian.

I guess we all saw that video of Daniel Pearl. Unforgettable, but if it was meant to intimidate us, it didn't work. At least not with me.

Need I remind everyone that most Muslims don't go around beheading infidels?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
I guess we all saw that video of Daniel Pearl. Unforgettable, but if it was meant to intimidate us, it didn't work. At least not with me.

Need I remind everyone that most Muslims don't go around beheading infidels?

Getting more and more difficult to believe in this actually...going by whats happening in Muslim MAJORITY countries...or even in Non Muslim majority countries where Muslims are a "majority" in tiny neighbourhoods..South Thailand in Buddhist majority...Southern Philippines in Christian Majority Philippines...
I wonder IF most WOULD ...Happily and gleefully say Bismillah and behead IF given the Chance ?? The Hidden desire is being suppressed due to Circumstances ONLY ?? is this being paranoid ?? Were the Invaders of India from 700 AD onwards..the mughals etc what we would classify under "most Muslims".

Have so many good and pious Muslims as neighbours, close friends, classmates, work mates, have attended their sons and daughters weddings as special invitees, shared their joys and sorrows...and they all give good VIBES..just as anyone else...BUT who are the viruses..the bacteria that cause us harm..intend to harm us....it could very well be a White Supremacist..a mullah a taliban...a Nihung/Taksali...????? Every religion seems to have their fair share of nut cases...and the sad thing is the SILENT MAJORITY is actually COWED by this MINORITY....just like a VIRUS brings down a healthy strong body so quickly and can cause death without drugs/medical help...so can these virus nut cases cause damage to society...

Inderjeet Kaur

Oct 13, 2011
Seattle, Washington, USA
Let then resolve two things.

1. That we will guard ourselves and the Sikh Kaum against such a disease in our own community. :angryyoungkaur: :angryyoungsingh:

2. That we will arm ourselves and be prepared to fight those who choose to become our enemies. :swordfight-kudiyan: swordfight

Neither is easy. Both are necessary. We've done it before. We can do it again. peacesign peacesignkaur
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