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Islam Wiki Islam?

Jan 15, 2008
Kansas & Haiti
I am letting my hair grow but the style it was last cut it leaves a few hairs longer than the rest. I am trimming the bottom hair till it all grows to one length then will let it grow freely.
Apr 4, 2007
I am letting my hair grow but the style it was last cut it leaves a few hairs longer than the rest. I am trimming the bottom hair till it all grows to one length then will let it grow freely.

if you stop cutting it completely, it will all even out eventually. different hair grows at different rates, and it all has one "target" length, once it reaches it, it won't get any longer, so the short hairs will catch up with the longer ones.

my hair was in a layered fashion hairstyle a little over a year ago, and now it's mostly one length and grows a lot faster than i expected. :) since i wear it up all the time, i'm always surprised when i brush it out and see just how long it is now. :D

so if you want to stop cutting it, there's no reason you can't stop now. :)

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
majority of Muslims themselves don't take these saints in high regards.

To the average Muslim..these are probably murtad - apostates..far from "saints". Whatever Sheikh Farid ji advocates in His sloks would be highly "anti-islam" to the modern average muslim who beleives in shariyah word for word.
Gyani jarnail Singh

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Randip singh ji

do you beleive that islam is misinterpretted?


I do not belive Islam was concieved to forcibly convert others, treat women as second class citizens, label non muslims as Kafirs etc etc.

If you read about Wahabism you will see where the biggoted side of Islam comes from.

IN Sikhism you could argue AKJ, Namdhari's etc are responsible for biggoted versions of Sikhism.


Apr 3, 2005

I do not belive Islam was concieved to forcibly convert others, treat women as second class citizens, label non muslims as Kafirs etc etc.

If you read about Wahabism you will see where the biggoted side of Islam comes from.

IN Sikhism you could argue AKJ, Namdhari's etc are responsible for biggoted versions of Sikhism.

It is well known fact that muslim invaders attacked other civilisations and slowlyother religions dissappeared from that land.

Where are parsis in Iran

where are budhists in afghanistan

where are hindu's and sikhs in pakistan

There are many more example's of this.Only a tiny minority of these religions are left in the land in which these religions originated

You cannot blame each and everything on wahabisim.

So its a hardcore truth that muslims invaded and destroyed civilisations and converted people either by hook or crook.so It cannot be misinterprettations


Jun 17, 2010
Hai, I Create an account in your forum mainly for several reason:

1. To stop all the myth about Muslim. What do you feel if people starting bashing around about Sikh. Now you have a chance first hand, having a Muslim friend.

2. If you prefer to dedicate your life to fight Islam (in the meaning wicked evil of a destroyer), you also have a chance first hand having a Muslim enemy.

3. I do not want to start a war or live to see another war, so let's keep the option in no.1, shall we?

4. I know nothing about Sikh except from movie "Inside Man", I don't have any Sikh friend, but I'm willing to have one, like I mention in no.1.

5. You guy's from India, are speak English better than me. So I'm learning to argue in English. It will very useful If I'm meeting a Racist and Bigotry (white) person. I assume, since we all are not white, we know better about Racism, but perhaps I'm also being a racist.

So help me out here, to point out where to start answering all the myth that you write in this thread. Really, the one that very insulting is, a lot of you guy's just assuming 1.5 billion people (i love to make the number round, no harm is intended) can not thinking for them self. Really, you just assume we all Muslim just plainly stupid? Billion of people is a lot you know, not even me can generalize them and dare to represent them in these forum.

But if you looking a person, first handed, being raised in Islamic civilization, you have your chance, here I am.

So where do I should start. Ah ya, faithfreedom an wikiislam. well, It's quite obvious, their intention are not good. They using dirty tactic in open information era spread false information. Last time I witness a group of people spreading false information, they only intend to have war.

People usually do this before they engage in war. I believe they call it Intelligent war. What I do really know about spread misleading information, is this: it will end up as a war somewhere in the part of this planet.

Oh ya, when I google wikiislam and fake website your forum came out on the top list.

Now I do not know about you, but I really hate war. Don't get me wrong, I love to fight, it's a kind of manhood thing, but seeing people die and suffer, that is not my thing.

So my answer is this, we Muslim capable to thinking for our self, like you Sikh do. All topic you write in here is discussed in Muslim community with proper education and knowledge. Our number is a lot, it also make sense that our opinion is also a lot. So far Islam is never a global threat, because there are none a global single Islamic movement. You should notice, the last two global event are this: Colonialism (end up in WWII) and Cold War. Out of no where, Capitalism, the self-proclaim winner of Cold War, need new enemy, to replace Communism.

So far, problems in Islamic Civilization are local and unrelated, but since the world need new enemy, a lot of people pushing broken logic to create image Islam is world problem. What I have to do with Pakistani, Arab, Turkish or Persian anyway? My long ancestor perhaps is Hindu or Buddhist, but long before that they came out of Africa with religion that I do not know. But what i do know is this, me and my people are predominantly muslim, and we happy with it. There no force conversion in the beginning, we are born as Muslim and yes we have our own problem, but it has nothing to do with our religion except we believe our God can test, punish, or neglect us. One of this is our theologists explanation for our problem.

We do have logic explanation about our problem. Why? Because we can think. We can read, we can work, we can form our government, and yes, we form our arm forces too, so please put out the nuclear option out of the table, because we can resist.

What is you problem anyway. Any myth that you write i can debunk with one word: you just being a racist, generalizing Billion of people with narrow minded.

Aisha age, sure you are a super expert in history, so you can determine age of a woman exactly precisely without error. Oh what source do you use? You use Hadist, our own source but without our own method. Guess what geniuses, hadist is not Historical source, it's a faith source, so find a Historical evidence will you. Sorry, what your mind saying? People in Prophet Muhammad era are not doing record with writing therefore ending up this quest of Historical Evidence of Aisha? Because what of History is if there is no written record.

Woman beating, woman witnessing, all about woman, wow slow down in here, you do realize that when I said we can think for our self that's mean our woman also can think for them self, don't you. And that means we toghter, Men and Women can sit down together form our own Constitutional and Law. Remember Government that I mention before, also the arm force, the one that will beat you up if you try to attack us, we also happen to have expert in Constitutional and Law you know. It's not perfect and it's not always work out, but hey that the word change came in handy. If do not work we fix it, that's why the first reason we chose nationality and democracy to from of our Government. We are republic you know.

Now do me a favor, dont mix up Pakistani problem with Turkish problem or Al-Saud problem, or Jordanian Problem or Persian Problem or African-Arab Problem or Balkan Problem or Syria-Lebanon-Palestine problem or our problem. India-Banglandesh-Paskitan don't get along together, I get it. But that has nothing to do with religion. A violent people just jump in the band wagon of Religion and hijack it for greed of power. Please just make sure that some of your people are not join them because nothing more evil that try to eliminate another human being.

And please, we can think, we can make our own decisions. Mine is clear, I join your forum to talk with some good Sikh people. Is there evil people in Sikh religion? I do not know, let's find out.

Oh yea, when I google wikiislam and fake website, your forum came out on top list.
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