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Will You Marry A Girl With A Beard?


Oct 10, 2006
hello mr bijla singh

Yes i recognise that the cutting of hair is required to take amrit as followed by the example of guru gobind singh ji. however when i said that culture is changing and evolving im saying that so much has changed since the time of the gurus. as long as one is not committing the five evils and meditating on the name of god, i believe the other rituals are minor in comparison. what i am also trying to say is that if people spent as much time meditating on god as they did arguing about whether or not it is ok to cut hair, the world would be a much better place. I just dont believe that it is necessary to reach god and to ebcome a better sikh,

Kabeer, when you are in love with the One Lord, duality and alienation depart.​
BwvY lWby kys kru BwvY Grir mufwie ]25]​
(1365-16, slok, Bgq kbIr jI)

You may have long hair, or you may shave your head bald. ||25||​
kbIr jgu kwjl kI koTrI AMD pry iqs mwih ]​
(1365-16, slok, Bgq kbIr jI)

Kabeer, the world is a room filled with black soot; the blind fall into its trap.​
hau bilhwrI iqn kau pYis ju nIkis jwih ]26]

it is people like you as i said before that cause the secularity that is so common in so called sikhs these days.

sikhi itself is a culture and cannot change because it is pure truth and truth stays the same throughout ages.
- sikhi is not truth if you interpret it wrongly and dote too much on petty details. GOD IS TRUTH. that is all that matters.

Kindly go through the post of max in which he stated that Sikhi does not require one to keep hair. I disagreed and provided references. Sikhi requires one to keep hair and it is part of rehat. and one of the four cardinal sins to cut them

yes BUTTT did u even consider the context of the references and the difference between then and now, between sikhs growing up in Britain or India 600 yrs ago? did you not consider the fact that sikhs at the time had no identity and that a warrior race needed to be created hence the long beards and turbans. do you never consider that your banter about small little so called rules in the sikh religion may just be repelling hundreds of people that would like to becaome closer to god and put them off by these arguments over crap and requirements that need to be fulfilled before being allowed by people such as yourself to know god. you seem only to be reading what you want to hear bijla singh, seriously i give up with u, after this i wont be posting any replies to you.

if you had any sense you would read over max's comments because you could very learn much from him, in fact we all could.

keep your fake stories to yourself.
I swear by the one and only god, who is the ONLY one i follow, unlike yourself who seems to follow rituals more than god, that these stories are not fake at all, and the fact that u have accused a fellow seek of lying is absolutely beyond me. I have never for the life of me followed any guru but the ten and the guru granth sahib and never intead to.

A sikh DOES NOT LIE and i am a true sikh....so do the math. U can not seriously call yourself a sikh after such an accusation, sikhs are virtuous and have faith in their fellow sikhs. I will save my "stories" for a someone a little more devout next time rather than on a time waster like yourself who i guess has never recieved darshan. and

and Yes i do naam simran daily with all my heart and soul rather than sitting about thinking of hair.....................:}{}{}:

if you do not believe that ordinary sikhs with the utmost of devotion can also recieve darshan then you really do have issues!:rofl!!:

you need to come off your high horse and realise that not only sikhs but christians and also hindus have darshan. by angel i mean a sikh angel- or shaheed, are u saying that shaheeds do not exist? if angels(shaheeds) (saints) visited humans in the garms of beggars during the time of guru nanak dev ji as a test of faith then why ould it not happen now?

[QUOTE} OHHHHHHHHHHHHH NO U DIDNT!! THERE YOU GO DOING THE DIVIDING THING AGAIN! I could call u a liar and a fake singh but i would not stoop down to your level. instead i shall pray that you will help to unite humanity rather than separate it and realise that the worship of god is more imporatant. THOSE WHO COMMIT THE FIVE EVILS ARE NOT SIKH.

YOU HAVE EGO AND TOO MUCH PRIDE- 2 of the five evils.


been there, done that, come to conclusions. wouldnt change my mind if you paid me.

Re-read my post with an open mind

done that aleady, like i said in my post i always have an open mind, please do not use my plea for you to be more open minded on myslef thankyou very much, im sure you could conjure some different words from your vocabulary instead of using mine.

i would much rather not rearead your post cos from what ive read you constantly contradict and humiliate yourself!

When have I ever judged anyone? When did I say people who cut their hair are inferior to me or will go to hell? You need to open your mind a little bit to understand the implied meanings. I simply stated that Sikhi requires everyone to keep uncut hair. Simple as that. No judgment was passed on others.

Those who cut their hair are not Sikhs.


Once again, I never judged anyone nor did I state that I am better than others.

Those who cut their hair are not Sikhs.

Those who cut their hair are not Sikhs.

Those who cut their hair are not Sikhs.



Lets stop this segregation and work towards unity. God is one and we are all his children.

Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguruji ki fateh.

Jan 30, 2005
Gurbani is clear on the stance that no one will reach Sachkhand unless they obtain naam from Satguru (Guru Nanak Sahib). The way to obtain naam is by following the path of Guru i.e. keeping rehat which also requires keeping uncut hair. I agree that world would be a much better place if everyone meditated but technique of meditation (naam jap) can only be obtained from Panj Pyare in Sikhi. When it comes to Rehat there is no such thing as one being more important than the other. Kes is seal of Guru Sahib and history shows that Guru Sahib showed utmost respect for Kes and Singhs chose death over comprimising Sikhi i.e. cutting hair. You may not want to follow Sikhi and believe in becoming son/daughter of Guru Sahib and that is fine but at the end it is your loss. The Shabad you quoted has already been addressed. There is no way that Guru Sahib could contradict Himself by writing "no need to keep hair" and on the other hand making it mandatory for all Sikhs. Hence the interpretation you are following is wrong as is much of the English translation because it fails to provide any context or the implied meanings. I suggest you read Prof. Sahib Singh's Teeka "Guru Granth Darpan" for better understanding. In any case, I could not read rest of your post in Punjabi. If you really want to continue then I suggest you start a new topic. The discussion that is taking place now is not related to the topic. If you really believed in not arguing and meditating instead, you wouldn't be posting on this forum in the first place. Guru Rakha


Apr 3, 2005
dear sikh78910

i am regularly reading your posts and i appreciate your views on sikhi and spirituality.i too beleive that sikhism is giving too much importance to the outer appearance.i beleive that hair is an identity which was given by guru gobind singh ji to the sikhs.i don't find any appropraite reason for cutting hair apart from fashion.in the other thread you told shere-punjab that a person who beleive in sex before marriage is not a sikh.but the main reason for young
sikh boys and girls for cutting hair is because they want to attract opposite sex.so indirectly they are beleiving in sex before marriage.a young sikh boy who cuts his hair could attract lot of girls similarly girl who trims her hair because she wants to look hot.so the main reason for cutting trimming hair is

cutting trimming hair is starting of entering fashion world and one who enters
that start drowning in it.i can understand the situation of facial hair on women thats why i am totaly against people who say that women should keep facial hair.similarly if someone is living in hostile environment then i can also understand his situation.but in normal circumstances i think not cutting hair is best.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Kabir Jo also says..OH, Why have you shaved your head..and FAILED to shave your Mann ?? Now How did Kabir Ji "see" the mann of the "clean shaven" person was NOT SHAVED ?? ( Shaving of mann (mind) means cleaning it or ridding it of evil thoughts, kaam krodh lobh m oh hankaar etc etc) Nearly 100% of those who SHAVE will declare..I DO SIMRAN, naam japp, good deeds etc etc..BUT I cannot keep uncut hair ??Just as Kabir ji.said in SGGS......it is so easy to have a clean shaven head...and for othersa to see a shaved head..BUT so difficult to shave the mann..and show such "clean shaven Mann" ?? STOP deluding YOURSELVES...Kaam Krodh Lobh Moh Hankaar are NOT easy to SHAVE OFF..but the head and beard..any two bit NAII (barber) can do that in FIVE MINUTES..or you can do it with an electric Gillete in the bathroom also in five minutess Maximum !!.....????
Gyani Jarnail Singh


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
<<Gurbani is clear on the stance that no one will reach Sachkhand unless they obtain naam from Satguru (Guru Nanak Sahib). The way to obtain naam is by following the path of Guru i.e. keeping rehat which also requires keeping uncut hair. I agree that world would be a much better place if everyone meditated but technique of meditation (naam jap) can only be obtained from Panj Pyare in Sikhi.>>>
Mr Bijla singh ji
sir jee your first contention is wrong... the way to obtain naam doesnot have anything to do with keeping hair, taking amrit, techniques....
naam is found by contemplation, sachsangat and

<<I suggest you read Prof. Sahib Singh's Teeka "Guru Granth Darpan" for better understanding.>>>
Sirjee, thak you for your kind suggestion, but my quotations of the bani were from Prof Sahib singh Khalsa's translation only. You may find the files on gurbanifiles.com

<<When Dhur Ki bani was revealed it wasn’t just random but the place and the context mattered. When Guru Sahib went to Banaras and Hardwar, the Bani that was revealed was directed towards hindu philosophy. When Guru Sahib went to Mecca, Dhu Ki bani came and rejected hajj and fasting.>>
this is a new fact for me....quite surprising and i must say a very important insight abt timings of the bani being produced....can you give historical and validated documented proof of the timings of the bani being produced by Guru Nanak ?

<<Puratan Sau Sakhi also says “Dharay Kes Pahul Bina, Bhekhi Moora Sikh”.>>
sau sakhi has no single source of origin, hence its validity is always questionable.

<<Only path of Guru Sahib (Rehat, Amrit, keeping Panj kakkar etc) has the power to allow humans to merge with Waheguru. >>
veer ji, if this was the case,that REHAT, amrit , keeping kakkar were the only way to reach oneness with God, why didn't Guru ji simply put those too as a part of the Bani ????
haven't Quran included Namaaz, Hajj as a part of must do for muslims, because they "believe" that it is MUST for salvation...
so wouldn't Guru ji also do it ?????
i am not contending whether Quran is true or not, but i am contending the fact that if gurus considered outer symbolism as MANDATORY perquisite for salvation, they would have included it in the bani along with the Five sins.

I have again and again quoted earlier also, rehat is a code of conduct for the Khalsa brotherhood, which is a part of Sikhi. I hope you understand difference between universal set of data and subset data.

<<The panktee is of course a metaphor but clearly it shows that “chaur” can only be made if one keeps hair. Long hair means uncut hair.>>>
how can you prove that long hair means uncut hair?????
its an amazing stretch of imagination to accept that.

<<But Guru Sahib rejected both because both were disrespecting hair, creation of Waheguru. >>
Guru ji rejected outer symbolism, not disrespect of kesh. please reread the pankti and previous panktis, Guru ji talk abt other things also... which are for your reference, begging bowl, loin cloth, fasting, standing on one feet, sanyaas...etc etc....

<<<The third Shabad refers to Sargun saroop of Waheguru. Waheguru created human beings and put Kes on the head for a reason. Waheguru is Nirgun and Sargun at the same time. If Waheguru was to reveal Himself to a spiritual human being, what form would he take? The answer to this question is provided in the Shabad which clearly says that He will have long hair.>>>
if Guru ji say that no one can describe form of God, how can we go on stretching our imagination and put hair on God ?
wouldn't it be contradiction of the mool mantra, the basic definition of God in sikhi?

<<Word “kesva” in the Shabads I presented refer to Waheguru not to Krishna. Guru Sahib never revered Krishna, or Ram Chandra. Kesva is Waheguru but if you name your son “Kesav Singh” it doesn’t mean your son becomes God. There is a difference between Ram (God) and Raam Chandra of Ayodehya whose existence has not been proven.>>
Guru ji used allegory so many times, please see references to Hirnakshyap, prahlad, Kans, Krishna...so many places...
it doesnot mean Guru ji revered them, he cited their reference to pass on his message to the people....

<<have already addressed this point from Gurbani and other accepted Sikh sources. When one takes Amrit, it is stressed that cutting hair is a bajjar kurehat. It is not necessary but a requirement. >>
i agree with you on this, rehat, keeping hair etc is MANDATORY code of conduct for Brotherhood of Khalsa, please donot stretch it to whole of Sikhi.

<<Sikhi is the only path to reach Sachkhand.>>
contentious point.. Sikhi is a beautiful path to oneness with God, i am lucky and thankful to my Guru to have been exposed to this...but who are WE to judge and know if other paths are wrong... Guruji told us what to do and what not to do...let us stick to that...
"only path" smacks of arrogance and leads to EGO, one of the five sins. i would stay away from such words or feelings.

<<Sikhi itself is a culture and cannot change because it is pure truth and truth stays the same throughout ages.>>
Sikhi is not a culture... Punjabiyat is a culture, being British is a form of showing culture.... cultures change...
only Truth is God.. this is explained in Mool Mantra

<<Those who cut their hair are not Sikhs.>>>
those who cut hair, consciuosly try to stay away from any of the five vices, do contemplation on Guru Granth Sahib's bani, seek spiritual guidance from them, believe in universal brotherhood are all Sikh.
those who take amrit, observe rehat are part of the brotherhood of Khalsa, a part of Sikhi.
<<<Gursikhs who do naam simran have the capability to see Shaheed Singhs.
I have no hatred towards non-Sikhs and I don’t believe in angels that exist in Hinduism, Islam and Christianity.>>
who are Shaheeds?
on one hand you reject angels, on other hand you talk abt shaheeds..
please justify..i am eager to understand the difference.

<<I simply stated that Sikhi requires everyone to keep uncut hair.>>
small correction.. Khalsa requires everyone to keep uncut hair.

<<Gurdwaras are supposed to be open for everyone equally but only qualified Amritdhari rehatwaan Gursikhs have the rights to lead the congregation, and conduct religious activities. >>
as Gurudwaras are controlled by SGPC, a representative of the Khalsa Brotherhood, it is understood....i have no issues with this.

Thanks for reading through the post...i eagerly await your intelligent reply


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
KDS ji

i agree on your point that kaam "may" be one of the major reasons for getting one's hair cut... but does it mean that by keeping hair my Kaam is under control ????

i appreciate your views on women's facial hair, normal hair growth maybe be left unaltered.. but let us not start equating cutting hair with promiscousness.


Apr 3, 2005
KDS ji

i agree on your point that kaam "may" be one of the major reasons for getting one's hair cut... but does it mean that by keeping hair my Kaam is under control ????

i appreciate your views on women's facial hair, normal hair growth maybe be left unaltered.. but let us not start equating cutting hair with promiscousness.

amarsanghera ji

i am not equating cutting hair with promisousness but it is fact that majority of sikh boys and girls are cutting hair to attract opposite sex.apart from living in hostile environment could you give me any appropriate reason for sikhs to cut their hair.

and btw i am not saying that by keeping hair your kaam will be under control
by keeping hair.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
kaam has nothing to do with Hair....the Kachhera is supposed to be in that department...BUT i can bet my last dollar..that aperson who CUTS hair..will NOT be wearing a Kachherra or carrying a KIRPAN either. The only thing he/she will have on is a Karra ( as a piece of jewellery only). BTW dont get me wrong..just a kacharra wont help control kaam..Kaam is in the MIND more than in that region anyway !!

Gyani jarnail Singh


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
thanks Giani ji and KDS ji

as you both have re-iterated my view point..

that all the kakkars symbolize what should be in the MIND....

though it makes sense to wear all of them.. but IF someone can control all the 5 vice without that... what would you think of the person ?


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
<it is fact that majority of sikh boys and girls are cutting hair to attract opposite sex>

a side line question..

does Sikhism rule out Love marriages?

by love i donot want to delve into spiritual connects and the stuff..

rather people entering matrimony because they are attracted to each other and ALSO find each other compatible..

Also you wanted to know that why someone would cut hair - say a person's job requires him to wear hard hat.. how about that?


Dec 11, 2006
A 20-something girl, at a marriagable age and with abnormally excessive facial hair...hmmm...doesn't really look like a pretty picture. i am from a medical background, and yes hormonal imbalance is a physical disorder. Its ways of treatment are various. getting hair removed could be a transitory respite, but medically speaking, that is not the real answer. the hormones have to be brought in control with medicines etc. For some, once the hormones are controlled, the excessive hair shed off by themselves. for the rest, wll, as long as it is a part of treatment, one should not be minding it. Aren't there cases when surgeons have to shave off your hair for a better reachability(head injuries etc.) but then again, once that girl is treated or cured, she must seek Waheguru's blessings by promising never to go for it otherwise.
As regards marruing her or not, i feel this one factor is not even of least importance, keeping in view the other factors one must observe. Marriage,as they say, is not only union of two bodies, but also of two souls. I think the latter is more considerable than former...
Jan 30, 2005
sir jee your first contention is wrong... the way to obtain naam doesnot have anything to do with keeping hair, taking amrit, techniques....
naam is found by contemplation, sachsangat and

I would like to see the reference from Gurbani that naam can be obtained from sangat. Gurbani clearly tells us that the only way to obtain naam is from Satguru (true Guru) and there is only one Satguru in the world, Guru Nanak Sahib. Guru Sahib gave the authority to give naam to Panj Pyare. Amrit is the first step in Sikhi. It is a requirement not an option. With naam all of the other rehats are prescribed. Rehat is part of Guru’s path (teaching).

this is a new fact for me....quite surprising and i must say a very important insight abt timings of the bani being produced....can you give historical and validated documented proof of the timings of the bani being produced by Guru Nanak ?

Which historical reference is acceptable to you? Bani itself is the highest proof of it. Look at Sidh Gost Bani for example. It was revealed when Guru Nanak Sahib talked to Siddhas. Another example is “Sulhi Tay Narayan Rakh” when Sulhi Khan came to attack Guru Sahib. There are numerous other shabads. Many sakhis or stories can be found in Gurpartap, Prem Sumarag, Sainapat etc.

sau sakhi has no single source of origin, hence its validity is always questionable.

Even then there are many puritan rehatnamas, and tankhanamas. There are also Bhatt Vahis and Janamsakhis. All these make it clear that keeping hair is part of rehat. In Sikhi, internal and external both rehats are important.

veer ji, if this was the case,that REHAT, amrit , keeping kakkar were the only way to reach oneness with God, why didn't Guru ji simply put those too as a part of the Bani ????

Gurbani is not a guide book of simple dos and donts. Gurbani talks about:

1) Who Waheguru is – His character, attributes, His creation etc
2) The ultimate goal of humans is to merge with Waheguru
3) The way to do that is by obtaining naam from Satguru
4) There is only one Satguru in the world, always has been and always will be

By understanding the above points, one can easily realize that the requirement for obtaining naam is to follow the path of Guru Sahib. Naam is obtained by keeping rehat (Five Kakkars, amrit vela etc). Gurbani is essentially talking about the ultimate goal not the instructions that lead to the goal. For external rehat (what leads to the goal), one has to look at Rehatnamas and tankhanamas. Guru Gobind Singh Ji did not include His Bani in Guru Granth Sahib Ji but it doesn’t mean it is not acceptable. Vaars of Bhai Gurdas Ji are the most authentic and acceptable source of Sikh history and Gurbani interpretation. Hence, there are sources outside of Gurbani that are acceptable.

haven't Quran included Namaaz, Hajj as a part of must do for muslims, because they "believe" that it is MUST for salvation...
so wouldn't Guru ji also do it ?????
i am not contending whether Quran is true or not, but i am contending the fact that if gurus considered outer symbolism as MANDATORY perquisite for salvation, they would have included it in the bani along with the Five sins.

There is no caparison between Gurbani and Quran. Gurbani is full of peace and teaches that mind must be controlled in order to merge with Waheguru. The only requirement that is mentioned is that it can only be done by becoming a Guru Wala. A Guru will give the blessings of Naam. To adopt a Guru one must take Amrit and follow the rehat. This is the way that Guru Sahib prescribed.

I have again and again quoted earlier also, rehat is a code of conduct for the Khalsa brotherhood, which is a part of Sikhi. I hope you understand difference between universal set of data and subset data.

There is no difference between a Sikh and Khalsa. Either you are very disillusioned or purposely trying to distort Sikhi so that you can find a way to call yourself a Sikh. Guru Sahib never had two sets of rehats: one for a Sikh and one for Khalsa. Both are the same. Establishing Khalsa was completing the mission started by Guru Nanak Sahib. There is no difference between Guru Nanak Sahib and Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The Jot was the same which now resides in Gurbani. There has only been one Guru as Gurbani is clear: “Ika Bani Ik Gur Iko Shabad Vichaar”. There is no puratan source that has two different rehats. No source claims that Sikhs can cut hair but Khalsa cannot. You cannot even prove this historically let alone proving it on religious basis. Bhai Dalla was required to take Amrit if he wanted to have a place in Sachkhand. He became Dall Singh. Madho Das wanted to become a Sikh, Guru Sahib gave him Amrit and called him Gurbakhash Singh. No Shaheed Sikh of 18th century cut his hair because that meant giving up Sikhi. Otherwise, they would’ve cut their hair and stayed Sikh and not Khalsa. But this is not the case. Your argument has concrete proof.

how can you prove that long hair means uncut hair?????
its an amazing stretch of imagination to accept that.

and by what stretch of imagination are you assuming that long hair means a haircut? I have already stated that Sufis, yogis and siddhas kept matted hair. Jains and other sadhus put ashes in their hair and then shaved their heads. Both were abusing the sanctity of hair which is why Bhagat Ji rejected them both.

if Guru ji say that no one can describe form of God, how can we go on stretching our imagination and put hair on God ?
wouldn't it be contradiction of the mool mantra, the basic definition of God in sikhi?

I have explained this already. Waheguru is both Nirgun and Sargun.

O God, You are my power, authority and youth. You are absolute, without attributes, and also related, with the most sublime attributes. ||2|| (Ang 211)

He Himself created Himself; He Himself assumed His Name. (Ang 463)

In the above quote, Waheguru creating Himself refers to His sargun saroop which is His creation. When Gurbani says “Your hair is so long” it refers to Waheguru’s sargun saroop. No teeka translates it referring to Krishan.

contentious point.. Sikhi is a beautiful path to oneness with God, i am lucky and thankful to my Guru to have been exposed to this...but who are WE to judge and know if other paths are wrong... Guruji told us what to do and what not to do...let us stick to that...

By comparing Gurmat with other path one can easily tell which is wrong and right. I declare that Gurmat is the right path. Other paths are not 100% false but fall short and do not reach Sachkhand.

who are Shaheeds?

Shaheeds are not angels that deliver messages of Waheguru. Shaheeds do not have heavens where they see dances of young virgins like Indra does.

Also you wanted to know that why someone would cut hair - say a person's job requires him to wear hard hat.. how about that?

Wow! An excuse to cut hair and make money. When money was offered in unlimited amount along with sex slaves and multiple wives, Sikhs refused. This is a true example of Sikhi. Sikhs who go to war and risk their lives do not wear helmets. My friend is an Amritdhari and his job requires him to wear a helmet but he never cut his hair and still works for the same company and makes good money.

I personally think the topic has been hijacked as we are not discussing the original topic. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Apr 3, 2005
<it is fact that majority of sikh boys and girls are cutting hair to attract opposite sex>

a side line question..

does Sikhism rule out Love marriages?

by love i donot want to delve into spiritual connects and the stuff..

rather people entering matrimony because they are attracted to each other and ALSO find each other compatible..

Also you wanted to know that why someone would cut hair - say a person's job requires him to wear hard hat.. how about that?

amar sanghera ji

i don't beleive that sikhism rule out love marriages but if attraction is the first step of love marriage then love marriages are only reserved for people which are blessed with good pesonality.if you are not blessed with good personality it doesn't matter whether you cut your hair or not.the opposite sex is not going to be attracted by you..

on the question of job i think that solely depends on person and his situation.


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
bijla singh ji

with due respect to you great intellect.....i too donot wish to continue this debate with you.

thanks for sharing your views

Brother Onam

Jul 11, 2012
Sat Sri Akaal
I know I might be branded a bad Sikh, but to me there is a clear distinction between hair that is natural to every adult and hair that is an aberration.
To remove hair that grows where every adult is blessed with it, usually to conform to some worldly conception of what is "feminine", is a great insult to Har. But, to my mind, when hair is growing in unusual places, perhaps due to hormonal irregularity, this is fair to remove. Just my natural response.


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
But, to my mind, when hair is growing in unusual places, perhaps due to hormonal irregularity, this is fair to remove.

I think in this world, there is no aberration or irregularity. If you think of this world as One on the whole, everything is part of the cause and reason. Yes we take out the cancer, it is a fight for survival. What is the fight about in removing hair?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I think in this world, there is no aberration or irregularity. If you think of this world as One on the whole, everything is part of the cause and reason. Yes we take out the cancer, it is a fight for survival. What is the fight about in removing hair?


I think your wrong although it sure would help control lust, for all concerned.

In my view, once you begin the presentation and cultivation of hair that is in unatural places, you are on the road to facism, our Gurus taught us discretion, logic, wisdom, Sikhism is a guide to life, not an absolute black and white set of rules. We forgive the Nihangs for dope, We forgive our most holiest of shrines for continual Vedicism, We forgive many a drunk and many a womaniser for standing up and dying for the quom, I think we can forgive a woman for wanting to look like a woman.
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