Point taken, but the message behind it, regarding soldiers not being bhalatkars ( or rapists), proved to be quite effective, Even Afghans who invaded Panjab, noted this (see quote below). Many peasant panjabis had/have problems with restraint in this area (infact nearly every single Panjabi film made in the 1980s was about this jat rapist versus the noble jat theme). The concept behind the kachera attacked this from my understanding, it represented sexual restraint in a time when this was unthought of in war situations. So yes, it wont save the world but it is still needed as a concept to explain things to some very forceful and randy farmers back home at least.
Allow me to make it clear that I've always agreed 110% with the symbol of sexual restraint and self-control.
What bothers me is people who think their souls will be ripped out through their skulls by dark spirits (no joke) unless they wear
nala-based underwear.
I find it disturbing that people forget that the 5Ks were created for
practical reasons, and actually had very little to do with God. Guru Gobind Singh Ji created them out of tenacity, not divinity. They were all based firmly in the realm of
maya, and with good reason.
Maya is our world. It may not be the
full world, but it's the world that we have fought and died for in order to affect change within it.
The very essence of
kirt karo.
But living in the England Max, don't you notice how promiscuity seems to be the norm here? Again the concept behind the kachera becomes useful, so we don't get crabs/AIDS and stay away from slappers...lol
What people do with their time and their bodies is not my business, but I personally do not intend to become involved with anyone until marriage. I don't have 'strict' parents; they are fairly open-minded. But I do have parents who understand the importance of communication. Me and my younger brother and sister have all been brought up in the same way, and we all share the same set of values, which goes to show that raising Asian kids in a moderate household is not a lost cause with some good parenting.
I have seen the amount of distress caused by sexual overactivity in some of my friends is simply a reaffirmation that my life choices are the right ones.
Excess of anything is bad. That includes an excess of spirituality, an excess of materialism, etc. Sikkhi tells of striking the correct balance.
"Leaving aside their mode of war, hear you of another aspect that distinguishes them among warriors. At no time do they kill one who is not a man (namard). Nor would they obstruct the path of a fugitive. They do not plunder the wealth and ornaments of a women, be she a well to do lady or a maid servant. There is no adultery amongst these Sikhs, nor are these people given to thieving. Whether a women is young or old they tell her "budiya go occupy a corner." The word budiya in the Hindi language means old women. "
Qazi Nur Mohamad in Jang Namah. Compiled in 1765.
Exemplary behaviour.
Did you know that even American troops in Afghanistan and Iraq have been raping civilian women?
Don't get me wrong though, I understand your sentiment, but personally I admire those who still have the balls to wear bana, it is sad if other Sikhs perceive them as archaic or outdated.
I too admire people who wear
bana, and who represent a noble and commendable philosophy.
I don't, however, admire people who follow in a sheep-like fashion. It was precisely that sheep-like mentality and narrow-minded dogmatism that the Gurus attempted to break people out of. And these dogmatisms come out of people who orally add bits and bobs to
gurbani and give wrong interpretations that are considered 'the norm' after three hundred years. What I find is that many people have simply broken old bonds only to go on to form entirely new ones.