The next Guru of the Sikhs? What are you asking? Sri Guru Granth Sahib is now the Guru of the Sikhs, and for 300 years past. There is no
next Guru of the Sikhs. Gurus were not reading crystal ***** or casting horoscopes.
You are likely trying to get Bhagat ji to admit that Sri Guru Gobind Singh declared Adi Granth Sahib the everlasting Guru outside of the context of the Granth itself. At the point where he does so then you would,
if my hypothesis about your hypothesis is correct, tell him that he must also concede that the Sikhs were commanded to keep hair and wear turbans, again outside of the context of the Adi Granth itself. At that point, you believe you would have
caught him. Perhaps he does not agree that Guru Gobind Singh was in fact commanding hair and turban to be Khalsa. Let's see what he has to say.
I have peeled away the mystery in this conversation.
Time to return to the topic of the thread. Thank you.