S. Chaz Singh Ji
You are really intelligent. No need for me to check with any lady. There are several delivery operation on You tube lasting not more than ten minutes. But I was not referring to delivery but conceiving the baby.
Further, I am surprised when gurbani tells us, laikha hoey ta likhiyee.. then how could you reach a fix number of reincarnation. In the sabd 'lakh chorasi' is only a saying and ego and duality is context of the sabd. Sabd is not referring to physical birth but transformation from 'Manh di matt' to 'guru ki matt' and that does not come automatically after 8.4 juenes but unless we surrender to guru ki matt. Gurabni tells us, 'satguru kai janmai gavan mittaiya - once satguru ki mat is relished your mission is accomplished and avan javan of pal pal marna ends. So start listening and contemplating to gurbani before the physical death.
Satnaam Ji,
you are correct, once this precious human birth is blessed upon us, then we need to work to become guru ki matt rather than wasting these precious breaths of ours.
But i still believe we passed through many lifecycles and lifeforms before we took human birthi do not wish to lose this opportunity. See you at the finishing line
Best regards
Mohinder Singh Sahni
God bless