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Answering The Wrong Doubts About Bani Onto Tenth Master

Apr 4, 2007
Solution is to follow only Guru Granth Sahib Ji and make maraydas according to teachings of Guru Granth Sahib Ji as Guru Gobind Singh Ji said.

Guru Maaneo Granth.

what maryada is based only on Guru Granth Sahib ji? how is that even possible? Guru Granth Sahib ji is a manual for how to reach God. it's not a do and don't manual for daily life...

Sikhi is divided into two parts, spritual and temporal (miri and piri, but i'm sure you know that). Guru Granth Sahib ji is obviously the spritual manual... what do you suggest we use for the temporal? the teachings of the tenth master seem to work fine for the vast majority of sikhs. what would you suggest instead?

just curious, do you wear a turban and keep a beard? if so, why? does guru granth sahib ji tell you to? or does the rehat maryada tell you to? :)


Apr 3, 2005
Solution is to follow only Guru Granth Sahib Ji and make maraydas according to teachings of Guru Granth Sahib Ji as Guru Gobind Singh Ji said.

Guru Maaneo Granth.

Well there is no dispute over following guru granth sahib.The question is whether dasam granth is word of guru gobind singh ji or not.his dispute is taking bitter turn and its weakening panth.No side is going to accept other's arguement.
.also what about 5ks, many youngster question now where it is written in guru granth sahib that sikh have to wear 5ks


Apr 3, 2005
so only indians (punjabis specifically) can understand gurbani? does that mean only punjabis can be sikhs?

i wonder if Guru Nanak Dev ji spoke punjabi when he travelled to Mecca? do you think people understood him? i wonder why our Gurus travelled so much to spread the word of God to people who could never understand it?

i find your comment insulting.

I agree with you kelly.Punjabi's have no monopoly over sikhism and gurbani.This mentality was one of the reason that sikhism is now mainly limited to punjabi's
Dec 1, 2006
so only indians (punjabis specifically) can understand gurbani? does that mean only punjabis can be sikhs?

i wonder if Guru Nanak Dev ji spoke punjabi when he travelled to Mecca? do you think people understood him? i wonder why our Gurus travelled so much to spread the word of God to people who could never understand it?

i find your comment insulting.

I am not saying only Punjabis can be Sikhs. I am saying knowledge of Gurmukhi is neccesary to interpret Gurbani. 90% of punjabis also can't interpret Gurbani. It takes hard work and courage and time.
Apr 4, 2007
I am not saying only Punjabis can be Sikhs. I am saying knowledge of Gurmukhi is neccesary to interpret Gurbani. 90% of punjabis also can't interpret Gurbani. It takes hard work and courage and time.

so why make the comment about them not being indian? one can learn gurmukhi no matter one's country of origin.

i know this is true because i'm learning it now. :)
Dec 1, 2006
what maryada is based only on Guru Granth Sahib ji? how is that even possible? Guru Granth Sahib ji is a manual for how to reach God. it's not a do and don't manual for daily life...

Sikhi is divided into two parts, spritual and temporal (miri and piri, but i'm sure you know that). Guru Granth Sahib ji is obviously the spritual manual... what do you suggest we use for the temporal? the teachings of the tenth master seem to work fine for the vast majority of sikhs. what would you suggest instead?

just curious, do you wear a turban and keep a beard? if so, why? does guru granth sahib ji tell you to? or does the rehat maryada tell you to? :)

Guru Granth Sahib Ji mentions to wear kakkars. Dasam granth doesn't say anywhere to wear dastaar or 5 kakkars.

Guru Granth Sahib Ji is our complete Guru, capable of leading Sikhs spiritually and temporaly. Rehat maryada is made and can be made without having dasam granth. Dasam granth doesn't even believe in keeping rehats. It says don't do any karam kaand and says to praise 4 armed, drug taking, angry, evil, mahaakaal who likes to engage in war.
Dec 1, 2006
so why make the comment about them not being indian? one can learn gurmukhi no matter one's country of origin.

i know this is true because i'm learning it now. :)

That is great. Of course non-Indians can learn Gurmukhi and get great at it. However, the youth which defends dasam granth on forums isn't great. They have never read dasam granth yet promote it. There is no doubt you can get great at interpreting Gurbani. However, you do need to learn viakaran and how to interpret Gurbani based on basic Sikh principles such as God never takes birth, God doesn't have a shape, God is agam aagochar, etc. etc.
Dec 1, 2006
please show me where this is written, i was not aware of it. thanks. :)

Saabat Soorat Dastaar Siraa
(Clarifies hair and turban)

And if you have hair, you need a comb or you can welcome lice.
(Clarifies kangaa)

Par Triiyy Roop Na Paykhai Nayttarr
(clarifies kaschera)

Jatt Pahaaraa Dheeraj Suneaar
Aahran Matt Vaid Hatheeaar
Bhao Khallaa Aagan Tap Taao
So kara there to remind you of God and to live inside hukam
(clarifies karraa)

Jay Jeevai Patt Lathee Jaaye
Sabh Haraam Jay Taa Kish Khaaye
(Clarifies kirpaan)
Apr 4, 2007
Saabat Soorat Dastaar Siraa
(Clarifies hair and turban)

And if you have hair, you need a comb or you can welcome lice.
(Clarifies kangaa)

Par Triiyy Roop Na Paykhai Nayttarr
(clarifies kaschera)

Jatt Pahaaraa Dheeraj Suneaar
Aahran Matt Vaid Hatheeaar
Bhao Khallaa Aagan Tap Taao
So kara there to remind you of God and to live inside hukam
(clarifies karraa)

Jay Jeevai Patt Lathee Jaaye
Sabh Haraam Jay Taa Kish Khaaye
(Clarifies kirpaan)

i see. so it's not that Guru Granth Sahib ji actually specifies the panj kakars, but you have inferred from some vague passages that they're actually talking about physical articles. got it.

i also like your kanga logic. :)

however, from your post, i don't see where it's mentioned that we must carry panj kakars on our person or even what these kakars are.

but it's a good start. :)

you do know that twisting gurbani for your own purposes is kind of frowned upon, right?

did you know that sabat soorat dastar sira is not as simple as a physical turban, but refers to the "complete being", meaning one who has met God? "let your complete being (god consiousness) be your turban". it doesn't actually say "wear a turban". :)

gurbani often has a deeper meaning than one sees at first glance. :)
Dec 1, 2006
Wrong translations again. Show me where in dasam granth it says to keep 5 kakkars directly. All it does is promote worship of weapons which is anti-Gurmat anyways.

Other direct sources can be found in rehatnamas and hukamnamas.
Apr 4, 2007
i again invite you to show me your source for "correct" translations, as you seem to find the most commonly accepted translations as invalid.

where do rehetnamas come from? you said everything comes from guru granth sahib only... i'm looking for specific mention of panj kakars in SSGS and i do not find it.

so are you now saying the current panthic rehat maryada is acceptable?
Dec 1, 2006
Recitations are from dasam granth and not dasam paatshah. Writing paatshahi 10 in heading doesn't make it paatshahi 10. Yes, until maryada is fixed, follow it as is.
Jul 30, 2004
There is no need for RSS because you are doing their work and promoting porn book. I don't care about what kala afgana says.

Bhai kindly prove that cryptogrphay is porn.Prove that das is harming the panth.

Kindly tel the fault of das.

regarding Kala Afghana Ji.Well you say what he has said.Even thye article of Bal sahib which talks about throwing off of Professor and Ambala Ji off the Panth also talk of same injustice of Akal Takhat onto dear Afghana Ji.

Sant Sipahi Magzine are highly Anti RSS but pro Dasham Granth.

While Sikh Missioanry Collage is highyl anti to spokesmen and Indiaawareness(as spokemsman is banned from Panth so they sell thier magzine with name of India Awareness.As Dasham Granth Nirnai from Bhag Sing Amabala is banned they sell it with the name of Dasham Granth Darpan(book with this name is pro Dasham Granth by Bhai Harbans Singh Ji)this is the proof of thier Truth fulness).Read issues of Sikh Phulwari of november and December.

All I know is Guru Sahib didn't write dasam granth.

Someone great like you said that he knew that Guru did not write Japu Ji Sahib.


As no Mahala and no Raga in them.So much doubters should be or should not be trusted is up to Panth.
As for your historical reference about missal period, Sikhs were lost by that time. They were even fighting each other.

Does it mean that Guru Mahraj System of Khalsa was not everlasting?

Think over it.

Had Sikhs were lost then how could they defeat Nadir or Ahmad Shah or Marathas?
Teaching of dasam granth were prevalent by that time. That is all it tells me. I blame dasam granth.

Bhai can you think that Adi Guru Granth Sahib(which is necter) can be defeated by poision called Dasham Granth Sahib.Yes Dasham Granth Sahib is poision.But we as Bhujangis or snakes are immune to poision and are capable to use the same onto our foes.

So Bhai is you get immortaltiy from Guru Granth Sahib ie salvation while being alive.Das feels that you will not find any immorality inf Dasham Granth Sahib.

Das begs you to read more of Guru Granth Sahib and make love for God.Who is in all and does all.
As for masands and mahants, they were the ones who promotes this dirty book so there is no doubt about their actions. They also were the ones who did parkash of dasam granth at Gurudwaras.

There were Masands like Great Bhai Pheru Ji and Mahants like Baba Adan Shah Ji(who preached faith to Muslims).Das would like a proof that why did they only are to be blamed for Prakash of Dasham Granth Sahib Ji in Gurudwaras.

Is Prakash of Guru Granth Sahib Ji,covered with blanket or in AC rule valid?

Do we bow to Guru Granth Sahib Ji do we bow to object or God?

Does Guru Manyo Granth has term Granth as singular or plural?

I gave your Gurbani references which mentiong on granth and one Guru in the thread you linked yourself. Read them.

Das did gace interpetaion onto that telling yourself that one Guru and one Bani means that one source for all Banis. There is no second Bani at all.

Nanak naam Chardi Kala Tere Bhane Sarbat Da Bhala.is it from Guru Granth Sahib Ji?

What is the reason that Ninth Master had to add his own Bani if he added at all after texts was done by Fourth Form?

Why should we say that Tenth Form did not write any Bani at all?

Why should be trust Huqumnammah and why to trust texts outside Guru Granth Sahib Ji teling Granth Ji as a Guru.

Single thing is to be belived is to is if any thing in universe is not as per Guru Granth Sahib Ji.It talks of infinity.poor idiot like das can not talk more of that.

As for ling and lund. There is a big difference. It is the difference between saying animals mated or animals ****** each other. One is social language and one is *******ed. Don't play the low caste card as it won't work.

The differance is there between Nirbhai and Nirbhau(as per Satyarth Prakash former is OK and later is not due civilised language ir Aryan Language and he attacked our Bani).But Bani has to go for the masses.Which Guru knew.

what you call social is termed as civilised by Aray Samajis and all others are Anarya or uncivilised.But masses of India are what many so called socail people say 'uncivilised'.

Das is not playing any caste card but is sure that Bhag Singh Ji,who was an ex Arya Samaji did not know about them,nor of thier history.But our Gurus were not like them.

ਪੰਨਾ 1106, ਸਤਰ 13
ਨੀਚਹ ਊਚ ਕਰੈ ਮੇਰਾ ਗੋਬਿੰਦੁ ਕਾਹੂ ਤੇ ਨ ਡਰੈ ॥੧॥
नीचह ऊच करै मेरा गोबिंदु काहू ते न डरै ॥१॥
Nīcẖah ūcẖ karai mėrā gobinḏ kāhū ṯė na darai. ||1||
You exalt and elevate the lowly, O my Lord of the Universe; You are not afraid of anyone. ||1||
ਭਗਤ ਰਵਿਦਾਸ ਜੀ - [SIZE=-1]view Shabad/Paurhi/Salok[/SIZE]

Many a times some words are thaought to be lowly at one time but when the lower people using them get political power.They become acceptalbe.

Lastly in past during indigo rebellion and rebelion of 1857 propoganda warfare was there.

Best way to see this is interpetation of 10th Chapter of Manu Samriti by castiest forces.

May be texts against Asura(native) could have such things.But often Asuras like Ravana were Brahmins.And writer like Valmiki was one lower then Chandal Kshvapach or dog eater(what people call Churha).

Akal Bless.
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Jul 30, 2004
Recitations are from dasam granth and not dasam paatshah. Writing paatshahi 10 in heading doesn't make it paatshahi 10. Yes, until maryada is fixed, follow it as is.
Tommorow if some say that just by name Nanak in Guru Granth Sahib Ji's verse does not make it from Guru?Then bro what will happen?

Next yourself are the same person who has been not liking Taksal and AKJ for thier not following Rahit Maryada(Anti meat or 5 morning Banis plus two in eving and night).

So this justify thier Demand also to change in Rahit Maryada.If they demand they are demons but if Other Great Singhs demand they are heros.Well all right.Akal Bless.
Dec 1, 2006
------------------DELETED PERSONAL REMARKS-----------------When Guru Sahib talks about bringing and supporting neech, Guru Sahib is talking about poor and downgraded people. It has nothing to do with sexual story readers or promoters. If you can't tell the difference, your issue. Of course Panth can fix the maryada. There is no doubt about it and Panth will fix it. Only Gurbani is what is present in Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Anything outside, isn't Gurbani. I don't know where you are bringing issues about Japuji Sahib and other banis in Guru Granth Sahib Ji. I smell hidden agenda to defame GurSikhs by saying they are questioning Guru Granth Sahib Ji which is not even 0% true. No GurSikh questions Guru Granth Sahib Ji but dasam granth is going to go and no RSS can stop it. Sant Sipahi isn't anti-RSS, he is pro RSS. It is all a tactic of RSS to get dasam granth promoted. Lamba writing 2-3 articles about RSS doesn't make him anti-RSS. I judge based on if you believe in dasam granth or not.

Belief in dasam granth = RSS
Non-belief in dasam granth = usually non-RSS

Very simple and clear
Listen, hear and cheer

I don't care and don't have time for satyaa parkash or aathya parkash or madya parkash or whatever. They have nothing to do with Gurmat. Those who dont know viakaran think that Gurbani doesn't make sense. Satya parkah writer swami was a fool and idiotic so he didn't know either. Those who bring him in and think they are Sikhs are even bigger foolers.

Dec 1, 2006
ਪੰਨਾ 1106, ਸਤਰ 13
ਨੀਚਹ ਊਚ ਕਰੈ ਮੇਰਾ ਗੋਬਿੰਦੁ ਕਾਹੂ ਤੇ ਨ ਡਰੈ ॥੧॥
Nīcẖah ūcẖ karai mėrā gobinḏ kāhū ṯė na darai. ||1||
You exalt and elevate the lowly, O my Lord of the Universe; You are not afraid of anyone. ||1||

It does not mean make low life literature such as dasam granth to high life. It means, get rid of vikaars in people and make them great. ------------PERSONAL REMARKS-----------------

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Jul 30, 2004
------------------DELETED PERSONAL REMARKS-----------------

They should have been remained here to prove the idealogical bancruptcy but this is modu operandi of leftists.

When Guru Sahib talks about bringing and supporting neech, Guru Sahib is talking about poor and downgraded people. It has nothing to do with sexual story readers or promoters.
We can tel the immroality of opressor and thier foolisheness.

If you can't tell the difference, your issue.

So the differance is made clear.
Of course Panth can fix the maryada. There is no doubt about it and Panth will fix it.
Panth has fixed Maryada.
Only Gurbani is what is present in Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

This is your Maryada and not the Panthic. but yours.

Anything outside, isn't Gurbani.

Panthic Maryada tells about Bani of Tenth Master,Vars of Bhai Gurdas and Bhai Nand Lal Ji.

Das here proves yourself going against Panth and das will tell all why?
I don't know where you are bringing issues about Japuji Sahib and other banis in Guru Granth Sahib Ji. I smell hidden agenda to defame GurSikhs by saying they are questioning Guru Granth Sahib Ji which is not even 0% true.
In so called "Panthic" being Banned from Panth due to Anti Gurmat spokemen,whoi are Anti Dasham Granth had a whole Chapter condeming Bhatt swaye.DEcember2005.
No GurSikh questions Guru Granth Sahib Ji but dasam granth is going to go and
We have seen Atni Dasham Granth guys going off the panth.If you preach it openly you may also Go.But read November issue of Sikh Phulwari this year,where clearly writtan Anti Dasham Granth Sahib guys having some institiution having tat Gurmat name in thier name and two of the guys are doubter of bhatt savaye.

In June or may this year there was a missionary at Bhai VEER Singh Sadan ,Delhi who doubted Japuji Sahib(interview with Gyani Richhpal Singh Ji who nipped him).

no RSS can stop it. Sant Sipahi isn't anti-RSS, he is pro RSS. It is all a tactic of RSS to get dasam granth promoted. Lamba writing 2-3 articles about RSS doesn't make him anti-RSS.
Das knows Lamba Sahib and he is at the loggerhead with some element allagedly with RSS on the interpetation of Dasham Granth Sahib's Bani.

I judge based on if you believe in dasam granth or not.

Belief in dasam granth = RSS
Non-belief in dasam granth = usually non-RSS
Tommorow if you judgge that without hair a Sikh and with hair an RSS,then das thinks that it is not a surprising thing.
Very simple and clear
Listen, hear and cheer

Anger is one of the Five vices.

I don't care and don't have time for satyaa parkash or aathya parkash or madya parkash or whatever. They have nothing to do with Gurmat. Those who dont know viakaran think that Gurbani doesn't make sense. Satya parkah writer swami was a fool and idiotic so he didn't know either. Those who bring him in and think they are Sikhs are even bigger foolers.

Bhai Gyani Bhag Singh was one of the follower of Dayananda.


Strange thing is thatat one place same person trys to be judge of civil tongue and same person uses such tongue.God knows.