To all of you who have so kindly wished me condolences, I thank you. This means more to you than I can say.
The funeral was finally held yesterday and so the new chapter can begin for me. He was buried, as per his wishes. It was horrible. I was struck by how much more humane our way is for the survivors.
For him, I pray that he is at peace now, the peace that eluded him in this life and that Waheguru grant him rebirth into a good, strong, understanding Gursikh family where the good soul that he is can blossom and grow.
There is a song that I use as my way of saying "Goodbye and Godspeed." It was recorded first in 1965 by the group the Seekers, this is a rerecording many years after by their lead singer, the incredible Judith Durham, in 2009.
The Carnival is Over.