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Are Science And Religion Compatible?


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
I would humbly request that forum members avoid using the Times Roman font as it is very small and therefore difficult to read. Use arial font if possible. Thank you.

Dear Narayanjot Kaur Ji

I fear I must have some gremlins in my machine as I have tried twice to edit my latest post and it is coming up in a larger and bolder font than I had intended

Not sure if that is how it will appear to others but if there is anything you can do to assist, I would be very grateful:confusedmunda:

Thank you

Seeker9 ji

The same has happened to me many times, especially when I upload news articles for forum interest. The problem lies with the html code in the original document. There is a way to see it, and then change it. However, that is too complicated to describe in this thread. Like telling you how to tie a turban without pictures. It can be done, but with difficulty. So when the problem arises, I don't have any personal problem fixing it. It means a lot that you did make the effort and try.
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May 17, 2005
London, UK
Indeed they are.

I'm as sure that Darwins theory of evolution by means of natural selection is correct, well as sure as we can be of anything. Geology gives us an indication of the earths age which again seems pretty spot on to me, and cosmology does the same for the age of the universe.

When scieance and religion do not agree then, I would say this is due to misinterpratation of scripture.

The Christian church though has some very hard desicions to make. I can understand why they must stick to their guns, I belive it a grave error though. Christianity must change or it will die.


Oct 24, 2008
Dear <!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->Mai Harinder Kaur<!-- google_ad_section_end -->,
You said you have read whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation, did you find anywhere that girls will burn if they ask question? from your writing I think that priest was joking, and if not you had to ask him Biblical reference!! Dont say anything just because somebody said that, you must have proof!!
Yes you are free to believe what you want, I am not forcing you to believe what I believe!!
By the way thans for your opinion.


Oct 24, 2008

Dear <!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->gurveen1,
What you quote from Guru Granth Sahib is nothing new!!!! Bible thousands of year before Adi Grant, Described it. <?"urn::eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
<o:p> </o:p>
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” (Gen 1:1)
בראשׁית ברא אלהים את השׁמים ואת הארץ
Bereshit BARA Elohim Et HaShmayim Ve’at HaAretz.
Bara means “creation out of nothing
<o:p> </o:p>
Read Whole Chapter of Genesis.
<o:p> </o:p>
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made(John 1:1-3)
<o:p> </o:p>
I know it’s a Sikh site so, it’s natural everybody is praising only Sikh scriptures!!
<o:p> </o:p>
I have a question; If God is Akal (Eternal) then how does Adi Granth says that God CREATED Himself? Page 113:4, Page 250:1, Page 291:3,Page 509:1 etc.
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Oct 24, 2008
Dear Seeker9,<?"urn::eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
I am not imposing my beliefs on you or anyone. As you believe in Guru Grantha Sahib, I believe in the Bible. You are free to choose, that’s how God made us with free will.
If you want to say Evolution and Big Bang theories have all been accepted by the Roman Catholic Church that’s why it must be true and I/we must accept it, then why don’t you accept other Roman Catholic Doctrines & beliefs?
As I said before I’m talking Creation account from the bible because I believe in it! I believe it is true. You are free to choose.
Stonehenge: - I don’t say that ancient people were witless! Surely they were knowledgeable people. All are agree that its (Stonehenge) primary use most probably was as temple, not as observatory though it is astronomical precision as the Sun Temple of Ramesses II. Egyptians, Greeks, Indians, Mayans, Arabs all did have mathematical, astronomical knowledge but they were not entirely correct in their science.
Pi: - I think you did not read my writing well. I agree that all values within the range of 4 cm would not give the answer of 3.14. But I wrote on my site, as the Temple was built by Hebrews (Israeli) and its description also was written by a Hebrew (Israeli) so, we will have to count it according to Hebrew measurement not ours!! And that measurement I gave there on my site!! Therefore calculation is not wrong!!!! It’s proven for you! You also read half portion of that article on Pi. I also gave value of Pi and e from the two verses of Creation. First verse of Genesis and first verse of John. Please check it. Of course I too believe Egyptians were great engineers, but I was talking about Pi. The value of which we still use as 22/7 (approximate) in which great Egyptians were Wrong! As the whole world was! But the Bible gave it right as it gave of e. Here is proven mathematical precision.
I would like to know which proofs I have illustrated using a numerological approach which are far from scientific?
I have Given proofs that Humans and Dinosaurs Co-Existed. Dinosaurs did not die long before humans came into existence. I think you have not taken my previous posts seriously.
But still for arguments sake if we consider Dinosaurs died long before Human came into existence, that doesn’t give humans safety! For there were many other Giant and average size carnivorous animals who would have finished Humans! Also I want to point out here that the population of Humans of that time was very rare on the other hand these carnivorous animals were too many in number and of many different species they could do their job very easily as I said according to evolution theory humans did not have sophisticated brain, or any protective thing, they did not have horns, sharp teeth, pointed nails, running speed, nothing!! And also all other animal babies, they grow very fast, but human baby take at least one and half year just to stand on its feet, it is the most helpless baby in the world! It couldn’t protect itself neither human could protect their baby in the ancient wilderness.
Human & Ape DNA:-
You are not a serious seeker; if you were you would have read carefully what I wrote and checked links I posted. I don’t think I need to explain it here. I would just say, read my previous posts carefully with the articles I referred to (see links).
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Et_6oDbTRuUJ:www.apologeticspress.o rg/articles/240+ape+and+human+dna+matches+99%25&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:vEEh2mB0UgUJ:www.apologeticspress.o rg/articles/2070+ape+and+human+dna+matches+99%25&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk

At last, I want to ask you, “Why are you sticking to Apes?” Apes are not only living things whose DNA matches with us. I’m quoting from my previous post ,”We share 40-50% of our DNA with cabbages, 60% of our DNA with a fruit fly (Drosophila species), 50% of our DNA with Mice, 75 %of our DNA withnematode worms, 33% of our DNA with Daffodil (flower plant) etc. Why don’t these evolutionists (& you) say, cabbage, fruit fly, worm, potato, flower, mice, horse etc are our ancestors?” What does it mean that Human DNA matches with other living organisms? Does it mean Evolution? NO not at all!! It clearly means that the Designer, the Creator of us all is ONE, that’s why we find similarity in His creation.
Evolution promotes Racism. Whereas Bible says we all are descended from same mother and father i.e. Adam & Eve. And thats what science has confirmed today.
Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf :- "If nature does not wish that weaker individuals should mate with the stronger, she wishes even less that a superior race should intermingle with an inferior one; because in such cases all her efforts, throughout hundreds of thousands of years, to establish an evolutionary higher stage of being, may thus be rendered futile."
You interpreted the Bible your way but that’s clearly misinterpretation because Bible itself does not support your interpretation. I doubt you ever read Bible because if you had read it you won’t say such thing.
I know what science is there and what is not in Vedas! You cannot compare Vedas with Bible.
I did not say that Sikh scriptures state Science is everything and God does not exist. I said it to you; you believe in the Evolution and according to Evolution God do not Exist & Science is everything!!
I also said that Bible’s message is not Science its Salvation.
I think this debate will never end, so I think you should study Creationism and Bible.
Still I will look 4 your responce. Thanks for all your responces.
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Apr 24, 2006
Bittu ji, if you are ready to accept reality check out my previous videos to find refutations to creationism.

Here's evidence from Molecular Biology on how we descended from apes. Their is evidence from morphology and fossils as well. Evidence from all these fields beautifully come together to assure us that we have descended from apes.
YouTube- Genome sequencing leaves Creationists unable to respond

and if you believe in the story of Noah then this is also for you:
YouTube- Richard Dawkins Debunks Noah's Ark



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Bittu ji

I am wondering, before this conversation continues much longer in the direction of posting and counter-posting links to this and that, one thing. What is the connection you are making between the quote from Adolph Hitler above, the links to Christian sites, and your general adherence to creationism.

As written it looks as if you are trying to say the Hitler's theory of a master race is supported by Darwin's theory of natural selection. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact it supports exactly the opposite of what Hitler was trying to accomplish.. Is that what you are suggesting?

People continually confuse natural selection with survival of the fittest - which is not a scientific notion at all. The theory of the inheritance of acquired characteristics is also very different from natural selection. Let's get our theories straight.

The theory of natural selection depends on biodiversity for species to survive through adaptation to renewed environmental conditions. Diversity was not Hitler's favorite theme.


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
<meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; ch{censored}t=utf-8"> <title></title> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="OpenOffice.org 3.2 (Linux)"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } A:link { so-language: zxx } --> </style> [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Dear Biitu Ji[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Always interesting to read your detailed posts[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]I have copied and pasted some bits and added my comments in green[/FONT]
[FONT=tohama, verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]
If you want to say Evolution and Big Bang theories have all been accepted by the Roman Catholic Church that’s why it must be true and I/we must accept it, then why don’t you accept other Roman Catholic Doctrines & beliefs?

Okay 2 things here:
1) I was highlighting the fact that one of the main Christian Churches has accepted these scientific theories. As that Church also reveres and follows the same Bible that you do, it emphasises my recurring point that your entire position in this debate is built upon a different interpretation of these scriptures. Because the words are the same, but your explanations of what they mean are different

2) Clearly I'm not Christian so why on Earth would you ask me why I don't follow other Catholic Doctrines & beliefs. No offence intended my friend but I will have to say that was a silly argument!

[FONT=tohama, verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]
I also gave value of Pi and e from the two verses of Creation. First verse of Genesis and first verse of John. Please check it.

I did – I do not accept counting letters and numbers as a valid scientific method. That is just my personal view on it.

Of course I too believe Egyptians were great engineers, but I was talking about Pi. The value of which we still use as 22/7 (approximate) in which great Egyptians were Wrong! As the whole world was! But the Bible gave it right as it gave of e. Here is proven mathematical precision.

No you had to make some assumptions about what measurements were being referred to
[FONT=tohama, verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]
I would like to know which proofs I have illustrated using a numerological approach which are far from scientific?

Okay let's look at what numerology means. Wiki is as good a place to start as any:

I quote: “The term can also be used for those who place excess faith in numerical patterns

Then let's look at this extract from your website:

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]If you examine the numerical values of each of the Hebrew letters, and the numerical value of the words (*see chart at end), and apply them to this formula: [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]The number of letters x the product of the [/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]letters[/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
The number of words x the product of the [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]words[/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif] [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]You get 3.1416 x 10<sup>17</sup>. The value of p to four decimal places! Hmm.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]John 1:1[/FONT]
“[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.[/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]”[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]In Greek:[/FONT]
“[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος”[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Transliteration:[/FONT]
“[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]En arche en o Logos kai o Logos en pros ton theon kai theos en o Logos.”[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]This time if you take the numerical value of each of the Greek letters (*see chart at end), and the numerical value of the words, and apply them to the same formula:[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]The number of letters x the product of the letters
The number of words x the product of the words[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]You now get 2.7183 x 10[/FONT]<sup>[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]65[/FONT]</sup>[FONT=Arial, sans-serif], the value of [/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]e[/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]. Curious![/FONT]

You have divined meaning from numbers and letters and you have used different languages as well. Would Pi work in Greek. Would e work in Hebrew? It's all completely irrelevant because there are countless other languages where neither would work.
This is not science and please do not insult our intelligence by trying to pass it of as science

[FONT=tohama, verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]
I have Given proofs that Humans and Dinosaurs Co-Existed. Dinosaurs did not die long before humans came into existence. I think you have not taken my previous posts seriously.

I could say the exact same about you not accepting the counter proofs that have been posted on this thread including videos of scientists who are known and respected throughout the world.

[FONT=tohama, verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]
But still for arguments sake if we consider Dinosaurs died long before Human came into existence, that doesn’t give humans safety! For there were many other Giant and average size carnivorous animals who would have finished Humans!

Really? Where you there?

Also I want to point out here that the population of Humans of that time was very rare on the other hand these carnivorous animals weretoo many in number and of many different species they could do their job very easily as I said according to evolution theory humans did not have sophisticated brain, or any protective thing, they did not have horns, sharp teeth, pointed nails, running speed, nothing!! And also all other animal babies, they grow very fast, but human baby take at least one and half year just to stand on its feet, it is the most helpless baby in the world! It couldn’t protect itself neither human could protect their baby in the ancient wilderness.

You must have been there to know all this in so much detail.......

[FONT=tohama, verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]
Human & Ape DNA:-[FONT=tohama, verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]
You are not a serious seeker;

My friend, I would note that I am almost twice your age and have more life experience and have been reading up on this sort of stuff almost as long as you have lived. You will afford me more courtesy if you want me to continue in this debate. I note I already commended you on the scale of your work on your website.

if you were you would have read carefully what I wrote and checked links I posted. I don’t think I need to explain it here. I would just say, read my previous posts carefully with the articles I referred to (see links).[FONT=tohama, verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]

[FONT=tohama, verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]A[/FONT]nd you didn't answer my question. I asked what the percentage was.

I want to ask you, “Why are you sticking to Apes?” Apes are not only living things whose DNA matches with us. I’m quoting from my previous post ,”We share 40-50% of our DNA with cabbages, 60% of our DNA with a fruit fly (Drosophila species), 50% of our DNA with Mice, 75 %of our DNA withnematode worms, 33% of our DNA with Daffodil (flower plant) etc. Why don’t these evolutionists (& you) say, cabbage, fruit fly, worm, potato, flower, mice, horse etc are our ancestors?”

Our bodies contain a lot of water but we wouldn't compare ourselves to the ocean would we. Sorry I don't mean to be rude but I would have to say this is a silly argument. Does a cabbage have a head, arms and legs? Do mice have hands? Do humans or apes have wings? Or petals? Evolution looks for patterns and similarities. Do humans and apes have heads, arms, legs, fingers and toes? Yes they most certainly do!

Evolution promotes Racism.

NO Humans promote racism

[FONT=tohama, verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]
You interpreted the Bible your way but that’s clearly misinterpretation because Bible itself does not support your interpretation.

And has God told you that the Bible supports your interpretation? I have already mentioned that one of the largest and longest established branches of your religion takes an alternative view. I have no objection to freedom of speech but would ask you to recognise where you are in the grand scheme of things and don't be too quick to judge others.

I doubt you ever read Bible because if you had read it you won’t say such thing.

Yes I have and would and I daresay there are millions of Roman Catholics who would as well[FONT=tohama, verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]

I think this debate will never end, so I think you should study Creationism and Bible.

Actually I am content with what I have already studied to date thank you
[FONT=tohama, verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]
Still I will look 4 your responce. Thanks for all your responces.

And you Bittu Ji
Take care!
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Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Dear <!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->Mai Harinder Kaur<!-- google_ad_section_end -->,
You said you have read whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation, did you find anywhere that girls will burn if they ask question? from your writing I think that priest was joking, and if not you had to ask him Biblical reference!! Dont say anything just because somebody said that, you must have proof!!
Yes you are free to believe what you want, I am not forcing you to believe what I believe!!
By the way thans for your opinion.

Bittu ji,

I admit that there is quite a lot more than my brief statement in the previous post. I was trying to get the priest to throw me out because I was getting pretty desperate to get out of the Church and...I have written the whole story (which will probably infuriate you) at The Day I Became A Sikh. Please go read.

I must have proof? Like the proof that you offer in your links, where you use Christian belief to prove Christian belief? This is like my caregiver who keeps trying to convince me of the truth of the Bible using the Bible. In mathematics this is called assuming the conclusion, what is to be proven. Anything can be "proven" using this method.

I am so very happy to have your permission to believe what I believe. In any case, there is no way you can force me - or anyone else - to believe what you believe.

I find this whole subject distasteful in the extreme. Sikhi teaches that whatever religion you belong to, be a good member of that religion. "If you are a Muslim, be a good Muslim. If you are a Hindu, be a good Hindu." By extension, if you are a Christian, be a good Christian. I realise that being a good Christian involves evangelising and attempting to convert the world. OK, you have given it a running try here at SPN. You have "fought the good fight." I am sure that Christ is very pleased with you. Now please knock it off. I come here to be a Sikh. If I want to be proselytised to I'll answer the door the next time the Jehovah's Witnesses come knocking. Or I'll start listening to my caregiver's incessant prattling. Please forgive my rudeness. It seems that courtesy simply doesn't work here.
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Oct 24, 2008
Dear Seeker9,
Your comments in Green and my in Red. <?"urn::eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
<o:p> </o:p>
No you had to make some assumptions about what measurements were being referred to
<o:p> </o:p>
No, I didn’t make any assumption, it is logical that those who build the Temple and wrote Bible were Hebrew (Israelite) and they used their (Hebrew) measurement and not British or Indian measurement. So, it is not assumption but a simple Logic that we too would have to use their measurement to get the values from their material.
You have divined meaning from numbers and letters and you have used different languages as well. Would Pi work in Greek. Would e work in Hebrew? It's all completely irrelevant because there are countless other languages where neither would work.
This is not science and please do not insult our intelligence by trying to pass it of as science.

What you wrote here, simply shows you know nothing about Bible. If you knew you would know why I used different languages. Well, let me tell you, Bible has 2 parts, 1-Old Testament and 2-New testament. Old Testament was written in Hebrew and New Testament was written in Greek. Why would I use other languages other than those in which Bible was revealed? Why would it work in other languages, when Bible is in Greek & Hebrew? These are the languages in which Bible was/is written. As Adi Granth is written in Gurumukhi.That’s why I used Hebrew for Genesis 1:1 (Old Testament) and Greek for John 1:1(New Testament). Please take a look, 2+2=4 and 5+5=10, now tell me why not 2+2=10, and 5+5=4? How did you think numbers which gives value of Pi will give value of e and which gives value of e will give of value of Pi? It’s illogical!!! If it is not Science then what is? Sorry to say, but please tell me where is intelligence, if these simple things we don’t understand?
I could say the exact same about you not accepting the counter proofs that have been posted on this thread including videos of scientists who are known and respected throughout the world.

Excuse me? The proofs I presented leaves no room for doubt!! They are irrefutable. And I’m sure you have not checked them. I too posted links where well known and respected scientists are talking. As I said, before, Creationists are not K.G. students; they too are PhD holders and Scientists. Evolution promoters just listen to Evolutionists, and this is unfair, to be fair you must listen to both of them!!
Really? Where you there?
How could you say that? Being an evolutionist you must know that, because your own evolutionist scientists are saying that!! This is not my invention!!
By the way, were you or Evolutionist there to see Evolution and Apes becoming Humans?

You must have been there to know all this in so much detail.......
Again, this is not me but your own evolutionists, I don’t believe Human was idiot/witless, it’s your Evolution science!! You must ask these questions to yourself and other evolutionists!!!!!

My friend, I would note that I am almost twice your age and have more life experience and have been reading up on this sort of stuff almost as long as you have lived. You will afford me more courtesy if you want me to continue in this debate. I note I already commended you on the scale of your work on your website.
I really, thank for what you did; and please forgive me if I offended you. I never intended that.

And you didn't answer my question. I asked what the percentage was.
I did not write because I gave you links where many things along with % are mentioned. It proves you have not taken my posts seriously.
Our bodies contain a lot of water but we wouldn't compare ourselves to the ocean would we. Sorry I don't mean to be rude but I would have to say this is a silly argument. Does a cabbage have a head, arms and legs? Do mice have hands? Do humans or apes have wings? Or petals? Evolution looks for patterns and similarities. Do humans and apes have heads, arms, legs, fingers and toes? Yes they most certainly do!
Look just anatomical or genetic similarities don’t prove evolution. And what I wrote nothing is silly there because evolutionists consider genetics greater than anatomy, and all their main arguments for evolution are from Genetics not Anatomy. Why Just consider Human and chimpanzee, why not Gibbon, Lar Gibbon, Barbary, Siamang, Langur, Drill, Babun, Sloth, Lemurs, they all have heads, arms, legs, fingers and toes. By the way mice resembles us much, that’s why scientist experiment on them first and then on humans.
Why don’t you and evolutionists see patterns and similarities in Dog & Bear and other animals like them? Are they ancestors of each other?
Why are human not turning into something else? Why Apes are not becoming Humans?
If Evolution is true then there is no need of God as Evolutionists say. The whole universe can go on without God, if evolution is true. At least I am not descended from Apes, but Evolutionists might be!!
NO Humans promote racism

NO Humans who believe in Evolution promote Racism. Please study the history of Nazism and Communism, both groups believed in Darwin’s Evolution, and on its basis they justified their deeds.
And has God told you that the Bible supports your interpretation? I have already mentioned that one of the largest and longest established branches of your religion takes an alternative view. I have no objection to freedom of speech but would ask you to recognize where you are in the grand scheme of things and don't be too quick to judge others.

Roman Catholic Church has not officially defined her position on issues of Evolution like Cosmological, Biological. Roman Catholic Church does not believe that humans existed before or beside Adam & Eve (at their time). She believes that First humans Adam and Eve existed in 4000 B.C. She does not believe that God made an Ape which billions of years later became Human. All these things contradict Evolution Theory though RCC confess to believe in theistic evolution. As I mentioned some things here, according to Bible God Created Man not an Ape which became man His created all things instantly, He commanded and it came into existence. That’s why my interpretation is right!!
Here is an interesting article on the composition of Genesis.
I read that article, and I want to tell you whatever that man wrote is already been refuted. Even I can refute his silly, scholarly misinterpretation.
Actually I am content with what I have already studied to date thank you.
We should keep learning, we should update our knowledge. Take my posts seriously and read those sites, don’t just deny Creationism just because you think evolution is true/ or it is popular. I am half of your age it doesn’t mean I am wrong. But its ok you think you are satisfied with what you have already studied.
May God bless you.
<o:p> </o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
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Oct 24, 2008
Dear Mai Harinder Kaur,
Your comments in black mine in red.<?"urn::eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
I must have proof? Like the proof that you offer in your links, where you use Christian belief to prove Christian belief? This is like my caregiver who keeps trying to convince me of the truth of the Bible using the Bible. In mathematics this is called assuming the conclusion, what is to be proven. Anything can be "proven" using this method.
I wonder you are of my mother’s age, and still you are writing such ridicules things. If I want to prove my Christian beliefs, then it is necessary to give both internal and external proofs. By the way Creationism is science and I am using science to prove my point. You blame me for using Christian belief to prove Christian belief, then you must also blame EVOLUTIONISTS because they are doing the same! They are using science to prove their science!! It simple means many people here are ignorant because they are judging without seeing other side! Don’t call it assumption because they are proven but evolution and your claims can be mathematically called assuming the conclusion, what is to be proven. Yes, anything including your claims and Evolution can be "proven" using this method.
I must have proof?
I meant by that you must have Biblical reference for such teaching.
I am so very happy to have your permission to believe what I believe. In any case, there is no way you can force me - or anyone else - to believe what you believe.
I was quite clear, neither have you asked me permission nor I gave it to you. It’s your right. And didn’t even intend to force you to believe what I believe.
By extension, if you are a Christian, be a good Christian. I realise that being a good Christian involves evangelising and attempting to convert the world.
This clearly shows your understanding of Christian faith. Now I am sure you know nothing of Christian faith. Thanks for confirming it.
If I want to be proselytised to I'll answer the door the next time the Jehovah's Witnesses come knocking.
It’s entirely your decision for whom you open doors and you alone will be accountable for that. Enjoy your free will.
Please forgive my rudeness.
You don’t need to be sorry, you didn’t hurt me anyway! Rather you forgive me if I offended you.
Thank You,
God Bless You.
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Oct 24, 2008
Dear BhagatSingh,<?"urn::eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
I am always ready to accept reality not mere theories which are promoted by false proofs (half truth). Let me tell I am not a Creationist from Birth, I too followed evolution many years but when I found truth in Creationism, since then I am no longer Evolutionist. I have seen many videos (including yours) and read articles from Evolutionists but I also have seen and read Creationists, and I am fully convinced by Creationism. And I surely know those who are advocating evolution here have not seen/ read proof /rebuttals from Creationists. You have Blind faith in Evolution. I urge you to study BOTH sides, and not just one that would be unfair. I also believe in the Noah’s Ark and this too is proven by Creationists you just need to look it.
Thanks for videos; they are really wonderful but not entirely true.
God Bless You.
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Oct 24, 2008
Dear Narayanjot Kaur,<?"urn::eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
Hitler is not talking something else; he is saying what Darwin’s Natural Selection says. Please read that quote again and study some history of Nazism and Communism. History will clear your doubts.
Thank You.
God Bless You.
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Dear Narayanjot Kaur,<?"urn::eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
Hitler is not talking something else; he is saying what Darwin’s Natural Selection says. Please read that quote again and study some history of Nazism and Communism. History will clear your doubts.
Thank You.
God Bless You.

Bittu ji

I read he quote several times. And it does not make any sense. Please read some sources other than Christian sources or creationist treatises regarding competing theories of evolution and perhaps you will understand my point.

You are now also officially warned not to proselytize as you did in the above post which has been deleted.
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Apr 24, 2006
Bittu JI,
Glad you are ready to accept reality.

Creationism (Genesis) argues that have been designed by God.
But there are several problems in the "design" of life that only make sense under the light of evolution and these problems undercut the Creation theory.

The video contains blood as a Giraffe is dissected on the spot. The laryngeal nerve takes a ridiculous detour from the voice box down and around the heart and back up to the brain, when it could simply be wired to go straight from the voice box to the brain...
YouTube- Laryngeal Nerve of the Giraffe Proves Evolution [Transcript]

and a video of amusing yet quite stupid design...
YouTube- Stupid Design

icecreammunda I think I have posted enough material from Jerry Coyne's "Why Evolution is True" to ThunderF00t's "Why do People laugh at Creationists?" series to Evidence from Ape to Human Evolution to Unintelligent Design in support of Evolution. If that doesn't help you break out of your mindset then I am sorry, I can't do anything further.

Bittu ji
There is nothing for Creationism in the peer reviewed journals... As expected since there the evidence points to something different.

About Hitler, he is not an authority on the fact of Evolution or the theory of Natural Selection. Using him to prove your point just shows your lack of understanding.
He completely misunderstood "survival of the fittest". Fitness in the Theory of Natural Selection, is the ability of the organism to pass on its genes. Fitness is calculated for an individual based on the average of an entire population. Its not strength, speed, brains or racial superiority but reproductive potential and output!
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Oct 24, 2008
Dear <!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->Narayanjot Kaur<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
I told you to Study History, i didnt tell to read christian sources. Read it from Secular History. I have said it before, I am not creationist from birth, I folowed evolution many years, but I am fullly convinced by creationism now. I have studied and still study both sides thats why I am confirm in what i am saying, unlike you who have blind faith in evolution, without knowing othet side you have declaired evolution to be true, this is unfair/unjust. You are following evolution just because it is most poppular theory and many follow it. And if you believe in God then you are contradicting yourself by beliveing in evolution, because it clearly denies God. either you believe in God or in Evolution you can not believe both.

Sombody told a story:-
There was a man who said that he was dead. Every day he was saying to himself, to all his friends and to all the people: "I'm dead. I know I am dead."

Finally, his closest friend said to him, "You're not dead. I know you're not. Will you agree to go to the psychiatrist? Perhaps he can prove to you that you are not dead."

The so-called dead man agreed. They went to the psychiatrist together. The psychiatrist asked the "dead man" --- `what's the problem?" He replied: "I am dead. I know I am."

The psychiatrist asked him, "Do dead men bleed? The dead man replied, "No!" The psychiatrist then said, "Okay, I will do a very simple test on you. I will ***** the end of your finger with a pin. If your finger bleeds, then you know that you are alive. If not, then you know that you are dead."

The psychiatrist then pricked his finger with a pin, and alas, it began to bleed!

What did the "dead man" say? "I guess dead men do bleed!!"

Same is with those who are blindly following evolution like you.

What you did with my previous post is called narrow mindedness. You forbid freedom of speech. I did not seek to proselytize anybody, I have no power over anyones mind, let others descide what they want to do, if they want to accept it let them. If they want to reject thet them. You are living in christian majority country, should they ban your website, or your work? whereever you go, you ask for freedom of everything but when others need it you forbid them. Nice job..... I doubt you will delete it also. Sorry 4 straight talk.

"But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Corinthians 2:14).


Oct 24, 2008
Dear BhagatSingh,<?"urn::eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

I think you don’t understand what I said, study both sides, I did and still do. You are just looking answers from Evolutionists, you never studied Creationists. This is called blind faith. Have you ever searched answers from Creationists, what are their responses on the so-called proofs for evolution? I said it many times; it is not fair, not just. You cannot pass sentence without listening other. That’s not right method of study/judgment. You think these evolutionist arguments disprove Creation, that’s a big mistake, you just not have seen rebuttals from Creationists, that’s ignorance.

Even Guru Granth Sahib teaches Creation!

By His Command, the world was formed.
hukmay deesai jagat upaa-i-aa.
By His Command, the heavens, this world and the nether regions were created; by His Command, His Power supports them. ||10||
hukmay surag machh pa-i-aalaa hukmay kalaa rahaa-idaa. ||10||
By His Hukam, air, water and fire came into being.
hukmay pa-un paanee gainaaraN.
(SGGS 1037)

Would you say Heavens, Earth, Air, Water and Fire came into being by evolution? Is God incapable of bringing them into existence instantly? To believe in Evolution means to believe that God’s command was too weak that it took billions of years to create whatever exists!! Further SGGS says,
Without any supporting power, He sustained the universe.
baajh kalaa aadaan rahaa-i-aa.
He didn’t need anything to create and sustain universe not even Evolution!
He created Himself, and rejoiced; He evaluates Himself. ||6||
aapay aap upaa-ay vigsai aapay keemat paa-idaa. ||6||
SGGS says God created Himself (I don’t know how?)???? Please tell me how much time God took to evolve? And from who is He evolved? From Ape or Devine Ape?
Even SGGS do not support Evolution!!
God did not make stupid Design, nor does He make today. God has finished Creation. When God created universe everything was GOOD. “And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.” (Gen 1:31)
You posted me video about stupid Design but you forgot one thing, according Sikh belief Waheguru is the Creator, that why ultimately He is responsible for these stupid-designs. That means you are blaming your own Creator God.
About Hitler, Sorry to say I have no lack of understanding. You just study History Nazis and Natural Selection you will come to know that, Hitler was an evolutionist racist. He did not misunderstand Natural Selection!!
I too have nothing more to say!
May God Bless you.
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Oct 24, 2008
He created Himself, and rejoiced; He evaluates Himself. ||6||<?"urn:<img width=" />
aapay aap upaa-ay vigsai aapay keemat paa-idaa. ||6||

(SGGS 1035)
(Sorry reference was mistakenly written as 1935)
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Dear <!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->Narayanjot Kaur<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
I told you to Study History, i didnt tell to read christian sources. Read it from Secular History. I have said it before, I am not creationist from birth, I folowed evolution many years, but I am fullly convinced by creationism now. I have studied and still study both sides thats why I am confirm in what i am saying, unlike you who have blind faith in evolution, without knowing othet side you have declaired evolution to be true, this is unfair/unjust. You are following evolution just because it is most poppular theory and many follow it. And if you believe in God then you are contradicting yourself by beliveing in evolution, because it clearly denies God. either you believe in God or in Evolution you can not believe both.

Sombody told a story:-
There was a man who said that he was dead. Every day he was saying to himself, to all his friends and to all the people: "I'm dead. I know I am dead."

Finally, his closest friend said to him, "You're not dead. I know you're not. Will you agree to go to the psychiatrist? Perhaps he can prove to you that you are not dead."

The so-called dead man agreed. They went to the psychiatrist together. The psychiatrist asked the "dead man" --- `what's the problem?" He replied: "I am dead. I know I am."

The psychiatrist asked him, "Do dead men bleed? The dead man replied, "No!" The psychiatrist then said, "Okay, I will do a very simple test on you. I will ***** the end of your finger with a pin. If your finger bleeds, then you know that you are alive. If not, then you know that you are dead."

The psychiatrist then pricked his finger with a pin, and alas, it began to bleed!

What did the "dead man" say? "I guess dead men do bleed!!"

Same is with those who are blindly following evolution like you.

What you did with my previous post is called narrow mindedness. You forbid freedom of speech. I did not seek to proselytize anybody, I have no power over anyones mind, let others descide what they want to do, if they want to accept it let them. If they want to reject thet them. You are living in christian majority country, should they ban your website, or your work? whereever you go, you ask for freedom of everything but when others need it you forbid them. Nice job..... I doubt you will delete it also. Sorry 4 straight talk.

"But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Corinthians 2:14).

Bittu ji

Kindly remember that in this thread I make decisions regarding what is proselytizing and what is not.

Also ask yourself why you think that I have not read "history."
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