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Can Sikh Girl Marry A Hindu Boy?

Can Sikh Girl Marry Hindu Boy

  • Its permitted

    Votes: 14 22.6%
  • Its not permitted

    Votes: 6 9.7%
  • Its Ok if they already love each other

    Votes: 16 25.8%
  • Its not permiited within sikh religion

    Votes: 26 41.9%

  • Total voters


Nov 25, 2016
A marriage between a hindu and sikh are common and it is not a interfaith marriage because if u read the books of hinduism u will get more Knowledge to understand the Guru granth Sahib ji. Sikhism was Born out of Hinduism . Marriages between Sikhs and Hindus were always common since Guru nanak dev ji´s time so why not now. If u read hindu scriptures u will find also many quotes about the "nirgun and satgun" concepts of the almigthy god like in Guru granth Sahib ji. Hindus always goes to gurdwaras and mandirs so there should be no Problem because the philosophies are both compatible to each other although Idol worship is forbidden in sikhism but sikhs believ that devi devtas has always the shakti of akaal purakh. Sikhs believe that devi devtas are the avtaars of Akaal Purakh. Sikhs believe that to the divine shakti devi. They have a huge respect for avataars. There is concept in hinduism and sikhism "satgun/sargun and nirgun" . Some Sikhs believe in Formless God like in Hinduism.Some Hindus and sikhs believe in sargun which means with form ( photos of avtaars--> Guruj devi maata ). Furthermore u have to understand that dont Forget Sikhs are warriors and sikhism is more a Tradition then a religioun in India. Dont Forget After the Mughals (almost 99% Muslims) came to India many People in India took the sikh tradtion within the Family. The People about what I am speaking were 100% Hindu families who grow up atleast one son as a sikh to follow Guru ji´s teachings (shiksya) and to participate the Khalsa of the Guruji.

Guruji inspire a lot of in india thats many took the Tradition within hinduism. And today there is a lot of respect for the sikh Tradition. Those are some reasons why Hindus (especially North India) feels one with Sikhs. Not only with Sikhs also with Buddhism and Jainism because all three Shares a genetic philosophy with Hinduism and so equally hinduism Shares philosophy with them.

ALL ARE DHARMIC RELIGOUNS ! So Marriages must be work between a sikh-hindu . Go to Harimandir Sahib and take there the 4 lava´s our go to other mandir an take there 7 ...

A Hindu who believe in Sikhi traditions that means who believe in Guru granth Sahib can marry a sikh thats it. Like in the past Hindus grow up there sons with sikh Tradition (a Symbol of greatness and proud) grow a up their hair and beard and took the 5 K´s it is also possible in present and will always work also in future. Last but not least It was not a Christian and it was not a muslim (mughals at that time) how took the sikh Tradition both of them tried to conquer (Goa Pune later on the whole India--> Christians, North India -->muslims) . Ultimately i want to advice u that dont hear to any one it´s ur live and u have to life with the Boy. I posted u some Facts in order to help u. My Family is a mix of hindu-sikhs so i understand u . And to make it sure u won´t get any Problem in the future with ur Kids or husband. People are just talking rubbish to divide both wonderful philosophies.

Best regards,



Sep 25, 2016
Sikhism was Born out of Hinduism

Are you able to elaborate on what you mean here?

Sikhism is an independent religion. It is not a part of Hinduism, and it is not a sect of Hinduism. There are indeed similarities between these two religions, and there are similarities between all religions in general. However, they are still two distinct religions with many differences, and different origins.


Sep 25, 2016
...surely it must have come from something ? just because we've lost our tail today doesn't mean we are no longer primates, does it ?

Of course it came from something- no one argued otherwise.
But does that mean that Sikhism was born exclusively out of Hinduism? No.
Sikhism was born out of the ENTIRE context of its time - which included religions of Hinduism and Islam, and the social issues of the time, and the Gurus of course.

Also, if you look at the entire paragraph that I had written, what I meant when I said that Sikhism is an independent religion is that it is not a branch or sect of Hinduism. I did not say that Sikhism spontaneously came out of no where.
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Jan 9, 2011
London UK
Of course it came from something- no one argued otherwise.
..thank you !
But does that mean that Sikhism was born exclusively out of Hinduism?
...let us see !
Sikhism was born out of the ENTIRE context of its time
..for better use of the word, its conveyance and meaning sake, would it be okay to use the word evolution rather than "born" ?
which included religions of Hinduism and Islam, and the social issues of the time, and the Gurus of course.
Good !..can I then go on to say, Sikh doctrine has both Hindu n Muslim elements ! From Islam, it derives the nature of the divine Reality [Ekonkar equivalent to Allah] and from Hinduism, it derives the empirical world view and the nature of humankind, meaning, belief in rebirth, karma, and the periodic creation n dissolution of the cosmos. And, is a product, like you said, of social circumstances and religious experience, yeah?
Sikhism is an independent religion
..I accept wholly n solely that it is an independent religion !
that it is not a branch or sect of Hinduism.
...then what is it ?


Sep 25, 2016
..for better use of the word, its conveyance and meaning sake, would it be okay to use the word evolution rather than "born" ?

Depends on how you define evolution!

Good !..can I then go on to say, Sikh doctrine has both Hindu n Muslim elements ! From Islam, it derives the nature of the divine Reality [Ekonkar equivalent to Allah] and from Hinduism, it derives the empirical world view and the nature of humankind, meaning, belief in rebirth, karma, and the periodic creation n dissolution of the cosmos. And, is a product, like you said, of social circumstances and religious experience, yeah?

Indeed! All religions have overlapping elements.

...then what is it ?

This is what we are discussing!


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
Good morning RD1 Ji

This is without prejudice, but for the record and clarity of the discussion to hand that all engaged are seekers of "truth", to culminate in coherent knowledge to apprehend the true Sikh. Accordingly, I proceed -
Depends on how you define evolution!
..Darwinian in principle with wider interpretation, but I'm okay with the dictionary version !
Indeed! All religions have overlapping elements.
..okay, what in "particular" [something that doesn't overlap] does a religion have that could be said to have its origins in its own foundation ?
This is what we are discussing!
..I accept that, but can you qualify, .."that it is not a branch or sect of Hinduism" [post 104] to what otherwise, it possibly could be ?

Much obliged


Sep 25, 2016
..I accept that, but can you qualify, .."that it is not a branch or sect of Hinduism" [post 104] to what otherwise, it possibly could be ?

I have indicated that I feel Sikhism had come about from the entire context of its place and time, which included more than just Hinduism. There are many factors that influence an event or a movement.


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
Good morning RD1 Ji -

Thank you for intimating your feelings ! Indeed, it's quite common these days to couch almost every description in "emotive" language, but I'm sure you'll agree when engaged in a philoshical dialogue it is important to keep our argumentative goals in mind [Sikhism origin] and to remember that one is not so much concerned with expressing one's feelings as one is with articulating one's reasons for thinking n believing what one thinks and believes. This then enables further an enterprise to attempt to work out some general, systematic, coherent and consistent picture of all that one knows and thinks. Take for example, the belief that the Earth is flat, many believed it for many years, indeed, many may still believe today and children will naturally believe that the earth is flat. It doesn't follow that the earth is flat. Hope you see my point !

Sikhism is special, its beautiful, it's real, it's always been here, but guess what ? humanity had lost touch and almost forgotten. Baba Nanak Ji had come unto humanity to reconnect with "shabad guru" [meaning, ultimate reality beyond the reach of science n rationality] and resurrect the soul from deep sleep. One might qualify in asserting this to be "renaissance" ! Now, to look for the source of something that has always been present is like asking, "what's north of the North Pole?".

Sikhism is not an event but a "way" -

However, from a sociologist's perspective to determine Sikhism's evolutionary advent into mainstream society, an investigation could be had to conclude at best perhaps, that there exists an organic relationship with Hinduism. And, just as the bud disappears when the flower blooms, and then the flower ceases to be to bring forth the fruit, so too is the relationship between Hinduism n Sikhism, an evolutionary "necessity" to supplant in a linear mode for the betterment of the "human condition" the science of the soul.

I'm sorry I'd like to add a wee bit more but I must attend to my morning jog - thank you !

Take care - Ciao
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Sep 25, 2016
Thank you for intimating your feelings ! Indeed, it's quite common these days to couch almost every description in "emotive" language, but I'm sure you'll agree when engaged in a philoshical dialogue it is important to keep our argumentative goals in mind [Sikhism origin] and to remember that one is not so much concerned with expressing one's feelings as one is with articulating one's reasons for thinking n believing what one thinks and believes. This then enables further an enterprise to attempt to work out some general, systematic, coherent and consistent picture of all that one knows and thinks. Take for example, the belief that the Earth is flat, many believed it for many years, indeed, many may still believe today and children will naturally believe that the earth is flat. It doesn't follow that the earth is flat. Hope you see my point !

I had answered the question previously. See below. In this instance the words "i feel" were not included. Did the meaning of what I am conveying change? When engaged in philosophical dialogue, this is not the same as evidence-based scientific dialogue. So allow people to be free to communicate as they wish. In addition, I am a mere single individual among the billions of people out there. I do not claim to know the ultimate truths about anything. I only have my ideas - my one perspective among the billions. Therefore, I try to be careful to not state things as ultimate facts or truths; hence the use of words like "i feel" or "i think."

Of course it came from something- no one argued otherwise.
But does that mean that Sikhism was born exclusively out of Hinduism? No.
Sikhism was born out of the ENTIRE context of its time - which included religions of Hinduism and Islam, and the social issues of the time, and the Gurus of course.

Sikhism is special, its beautiful

This is your feeling.

so too is the relationship between Hinduism n Sikhism, an evolutionary "necessity" to supplant in a linear mode for the betterment of the "human condition" the science of the soul.

[I feel and/or I think] You do no seem to understand Darwinism - this is a theory of biological evolution, meaning certain genes and traits are naturally selected, and species continue to develop as a result. An incredibly slow process. Please explain using reason how evolution plays a role between Hinduism and Sikhism.


Aug 13, 2012
..thank you !

...let us see !

..for better use of the word, its conveyance and meaning sake, would it be okay to use the word evolution rather than "born" ?

Good !..can I then go on to say, Sikh doctrine has both Hindu n Muslim elements ! From Islam, it derives the nature of the divine Reality [Ekonkar equivalent to Allah] and from Hinduism, it derives the empirical world view and the nature of humankind, meaning, belief in rebirth, karma, and the periodic creation n dissolution of the cosmos. And, is a product, like you said, of social circumstances and religious experience, yeah?

..I accept wholly n solely that it is an independent religion !

...then what is it ?
For my two pence worth. I agree with both of you. I would say it transcends all religions. And is not of neither is a religion?


Aug 13, 2012
'Sikhism' is a abstract term. Describing the advancement of philosophical thought, or scientific theory in evolutionary terms has limited relevance I think. Whilst the lingua franca of 'bani' draws upon vedic texts it does not mean that it is of 'Hinduism' . Human history moves in a non-linear fashion.


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
Good morning Everyone,

RD1 Ji n Sukh Singh Ji - sorry for absconding, urgent matters have taken the better of me, pls bear with me. I will respond as soon as practicable.

Thank you
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Jan 9, 2011
London UK
All [my replies to RD1 are in colour]

..I'm tempted here first of all to question whether argument and evidence are even possible when we are discussing religion ? Indeed, argument could be had, but on the whole it will remain inconclusive because religion is a subject of faith, and not knowledge and reason. Accordingly, I proceed.

I had answered the question previously. See below.
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..lol..you might as well had said "Sikhism came from gobbledygook, hey"

In this instance the words "i feel" were not included.[

Did the meaning of what I am conveying change?
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..what are you conveying to give meaning ?

When engaged in philosophical dialogue, this is not the same as evidence-based scientific dialogue.
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..true in some respects, but on the whole evidence forms the very basis of any reliable claim, albeit, philosophical, religious or scientific. In philosophy, an argument for a claim is a set of statements backed by rational analysis; evidence could be facts, experiences, data or even reasonable assumptions to support what one is claiming. The case in point was that we were searching for an "objective" account of Sikhism's origins and early affiliations and not "subjective" views. Hence, the inappropriate use of the "I feel" to which I've commented [in that context].

So allow people to be free to communicate as they wish
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...that would defeat the very object with which we are charged as proponents of the ultimate reality [Waheguru], there has to be a level of consistency and coherence in all that we deliberate as Sikhs. Precision and consistency with words is important everywhere, especially when talking Sikhi.

In addition, I am a mere single individual among the billions of people out there.
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..you are "sawa lakh", the unified theory of everything and an amazing individual !

I do not claim to know the ultimate truths about anything.
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..you are the truth ! Guru Gobind's precious truth is you - "princess" !

I only have my ideas - my one perspective among the billions.
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And they are beautiful ideas..you are here [SPN] for a reason, look how beautiful an idea that is. God brought you here to strengthen and make better so that your faith becomes unshakeable come what may ! Life's hidden messages are decoded through philosophical discussions. Each day I learn, each day I'm renewed. I know I'm en route to perfection - a true Khalsa ! And so are you !

Therefore, I try to be careful to not state things as ultimate facts or truths; hence the use of words like "i feel" or "i think."
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..I don't mean anything horrible to anyone, my idea of debate is to help people to give birth to correct insight, since real understanding must come from within.

This is your feeling.
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..yeah, the beautiful part is subjective [feeling], but the rest can be argued objectively !

I feel and/or I think] You do no seem to understand Darwinism - this is a theory of biological evolution, meaning certain genes and traits are naturally selected, and species continue to develop as a result. An incredibly slow process. Please explain using reason how evolution plays a role between Hinduism and Sikhism
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..Okay, take an apple for example. First it all starts with the tree, the bud, the blossom, the flower and finally the fruit, apple. There is that organic relationship albeit, unique, independent and separate but yet necessary to bring on the next. The true nature of the tree by Aristotelian standards can be said to be the "apple" and all else is incidental to bring about the "Actual Apple". By the same analogy, meaning, organic relationship, Hinduism is incidental to the actual Sikhism [fruit, apple]. Just as the apple cannot say I come from the flower, the blossom, the bud and the tree, neither can Sikhism be held to account for parents Hinduism. The relationship in existence is an answer for dialectal reasoning.

Human diversity is like biological diversity because both are the results of evolutionary processes and can be explained the same way as biological diversity. We are but, a product of evolution variance in time made up of genetic, cultural and environmental processes. It was this kind of phenomena that gave rise to the likes of Emile Durkheim to come up with something like this 'society is a living organism'. If that'd be correct then today's Sikhs are yesterday's Hindus.

Take care and Goodnight - Godbless !


Sep 25, 2016
..lol..you might as well had said "Sikhism came from gobbledygook, hey"

Its unfortunate that you did not seem to comprehend what I had written. That's OK though.

there has to be a level of consistency and coherence in all that we deliberate as Sikhs

What makes you the expert, the gate-keeper of consistency and coherence? Many people have interesting and valid perspectives to offer, which may not align with what one has construed as being "right" in their own mind. There is much that we can reflect and learn from what other say. Rigidity in one's thoughts and beliefs can stunt personal growth and development.

my idea of debate is to help people to give birth to correct insight

How does one define correct insight? Who is the beholder of the correct insight?

..Okay, take an apple for example. First it all starts with the tree, the bud, the blossom, the flower and finally the fruit, apple. There is that organic relationship albeit, unique, independent and separate but yet necessary to bring on the next. The true nature of the tree by Aristotelian standards can be said to be the "apple" and all else is incidental to bring about the "Actual Apple". By the same analogy, meaning, organic relationship, Hinduism is incidental to the actual Sikhism [fruit, apple]. Just as the apple cannot say I come from the flower, the blossom, the bud and the tree, neither can Sikhism be held to account for parents Hinduism. The relationship in existence is an answer for dialectal reasoning.

Human diversity is like biological diversity because both are the results of evolutionary processes and can be explained the same way as biological diversity. We are but, a product of evolution variance in time made up of genetic, cultural and environmental processes. It was this kind of phenomena that gave rise to the likes of Emile Durkheim to come up with something like this 'society is a living organism'. If that'd be correct then today's Sikhs are yesterday's Hindus.

Not exactly Darwinism, but still a very interesting and thoughtful answer and extrapolation.


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
Good morning Everyone,
Its unfortunate that you did not seem to comprehend what I had written. That's OK though.
...I understand you loud and clear, enjoy what you write and hold you in good regard !
What makes you the expert, the gate-keeper of consistency and coherence?
..I like "gate-keeper", reminds me of the character from Ghostbusters ! No, I'm no expert, just your ordinary jo average. Cheeky yes !
Many people have interesting and valid perspectives to offer,
..of course they do, its what makes the world go around ! Besides, human knowledge grows out of such differences of opinions.
Rigidity in one's thoughts and beliefs can stunt personal growth and development.
.. rigidity ? pass !
How does one define correct insight?
..look in the mirror you'll see the beautiful you in 2D, look out at the sky at night you'll see the heavenly glory in 3D, look within yourself, you might get a glimpse of Waheguru Ji in 4D and that'd be your correct insight !
Who is the beholder of the correct insight?
RD1 G !
Not exactly Darwinism, but still a very interesting and thoughtful answer and extrapolation.
..you missed the juicy part, look here:

Human diversity is like biological diversity because both are the results of evolutionary processes and can be explained the same way as biological diversity. We are but, a product of evolution variance in time made up of genetic, cultural and environmental processes. It was this kind of phenomena that gave rise to the likes of Emile Durkheim to come up with something like this 'society is a living organism'. If that'd be correct then today's Sikhs are yesterday's Hindus.

Goodnight !


May 11, 2016
Agreed that All of our answers lie Within us.

There's Nothing really out there, it's all just a projection of our hearts, a story we ourselves have written. He is our heart, the Ocean is in the Drop, the Drop in the Ocean.

Satguru Nanak Dev Ji made it easier for us by granting us the most Divine Most Precious and Stunningly Beautiful gift of Gurbani.

Try reading Japji Sahib and Rehras Sahib, meditate on the meanings and realise just how Amazing they are.

Read random pages of Guru Granth Sahib Ji, much of what has been said on this forum just through contemplation within is included in it.


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
SLG, maybe another thread would be more appropriate to talk spiritual Sikhi, don't you think ? This thread is more social than religious - Hindu v Sikh !

Try reading japji Sahib and Rehras Sahib, meditate on the meanings and realise just how Amazing they are.
However, suffice perhaps to say the following, that it's you who is amazing to connect to Gurbani so passionately. If you were to scan your life you'll realise you weren't always that way inclined, question for self reflection is why now ? And the answer should bring you to a pinnacle point of realisation that someone else is in charge.

The best way to describe human transformation on par metamorphosis is like that of a butterfly who knows nothing of lift, wind speed, air resistance, vacuum, or indeed physics in general. This does not prevent it from flying because it was born to fly. And similarly is you ! Question for you is, have you got your wings out to lift the soul from the body to spiritual heights ? If you haven't then you better start because then you'll see the beauty of Gurbani, for otherwise Gurbani without wings is pretty much your blow n dry stuff and you reading, reciting is only to align your moral n spiritual compass to swell you up a little.

...sorry, love n leave ya - jog time !

Enjoy the day - Ciao


Aug 13, 2012
Human diversity is like biological diversity because both are the results of evolutionary processes and can be explained the same way as biological diversity. We are but, a product of evolution variance in time made up of genetic, cultural and environmental processes. It was this kind of phenomena that gave rise to the likes of Emile Durkheim to come up with something like this 'society is a living organism'. If that'd be correct then today's Sikhs are yesterday's Hindus.
human diversity is nothing like biological diversity and recognising it as such is ahistorical.. 'progression or evolution' is non-linear in society. The articulation and belief in such a idea is frankly a conflation of facts. Guru nanak dev ji expressed the truth 'IS' always was achievable now in this life.


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
Good morning Sukh
human diversity is nothing like biological diversity
..really ? you'd be better off writing up your thesis as a "critique" of Emile Durkheim's theoretical thinking. It's about time we had some Sikh architects in modern social sciences.
'progression or evolution' is non-linear in society
..pls qualify because the laws of causality are part n parcel of the human make and humans in part, make up society.
The articulation and belief in such a idea is frankly a conflation of facts.
..academic qualification is required here, backed if possible with traceable sources. If its just your personal view - no problem !
Guru nanak dev ji expressed the truth 'IS' always was achievable now in this life.
..pass !