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Can Sikh Girl Marry A Hindu Boy?

Can Sikh Girl Marry Hindu Boy

  • Its permitted

    Votes: 14 22.6%
  • Its not permitted

    Votes: 6 9.7%
  • Its Ok if they already love each other

    Votes: 16 25.8%
  • Its not permiited within sikh religion

    Votes: 26 41.9%

  • Total voters


Dec 3, 2011
So a Sikh girl can marry a Hindu boy, but then he has to become a Sikh boy? Otherwise marriage becomes null and void?

YES- that's what it is.
The anand karaj is only permissible if the boy becomes sikh. This doesn't mean that he just dresses up in a turban for the day (like so many have done in the past) , this means that he takes amrit and becomes amrithdhari.
These are the rules, no ifs and buts.
- Otherwise, there is nothing sacred left about anand karaj.
Oct 4, 2012
Thank you rajneesh ji, I read the example, by Amanpreet Kaur...I had also read this advice about getting married in your own faith is better than an inter faith marriage, the book was "The Sikh Faith"
I love my religion and respect other religions but definitely I would wanna marry a man from my own religion that is Sikhism.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Out of curiosity. Does anyone know if a man and a woman, who are born in a Sikh family and consider themselves Sikhs, must amritdhari to be married by anand karaj?

I do not think that is the way it works for those born into Sikh families. Just checking.

Luckysingh ji's answer above made be wonder about this. If a non-Sikh must be amritdhari in order to be married by anand karaj, what happens next ... if the Sikh finance is not amritdhari? Would not both have to become amritdhari regardless of birth?

Seems odd when many Sikhs who marry other Sikhs never took khande da pahul in the first place.
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Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
required to be amritdhari to be married by anand karaj?

I have heard it is required. After some recent prachar, the person doing ardas after Anand Karaj, wishes the couple best in getting Amrit. It is enforced in some Gurudwaras of Deccan for sure, where there are mass weddings after mass sanchar!


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I have heard it is required. After some recent prachar, the person doing ardas after Anand Karaj, wishes the couple best in getting Amrit. It is enforced in some Gurudwaras of Deccan for sure, where there are mass weddings after mass sanchar!

Kanwaljit ji

What you are saying seems more like advice to get amrit in the future, and a promise on the part of (it unclear from what you say) the non-Sikh party to seek amrit.

An amritdhari can mary only another amritdhari. So promises into the future don't clear things up. Most Sikh couples are not amritdhari. Most Sikhs for that matter are not armitdhari.

I am stuck on this point. I doubt most Sikhs by birth have taken amrit before they are married. Taken to the extreme no one would be getting married, past present or future.

p/s Most don't live in the Deccan either.


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
It all comes down to the point:

Do I need Amrit before marriage?
Do I need to wear turban before marriage?
Do I need to learn Japuji Sahib before marriage?
Do I need to learn the name of 10 Gurus before marriage?

If it is Sikh way of marriage, what are the requirements? To be a Sikh?

If yes, what is a Sikh? Belief in 10 Gurus and Guru Granth Sahib and nothing else? That is all? Where does Amrit Sanchar come in then?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
It all comes down to the point:

Do I need Amrit before marriage?
Do I need to wear turban before marriage?
Do I need to learn Japuji Sahib before marriage?
Do I need to learn the name of 10 Gurus before marriage?

If it is Sikh way of marriage, what are the requirements? To be a Sikh?

If yes, what is a Sikh? Belief in 10 Gurus and Guru Granth Sahib and nothing else? That is all? Where does Amrit Sanchar come in then?

Kanwaljit Singh ji

You have managed to throw a rope around the core question that continually plagues the panth and contributes to much dissension.

What is a Sikh?

Sikh Rehat Maryada does give some guidance:

Chapter I - Sikh Defined
Article I – Definition of Sikh
Any human being who faithfully believes in:
• One Immortal Being
• Ten Gurus, from Guru Nanak Dev to Guru Gobind Singh
• The Guru Granth Sahib
• The utterances and teachings of the ten Gurus
• The baptism bequeathed by the tenth Guru, and who does not owe allegiance to any other religion, is a Sikh.

It does not clear things up. Last point: a Sikh believes in the baptism (amrit) bequeathed by the tenth Guru... but does not go on to say it is required. The theory is, however, that one who believes in amrit will certainly seek it.

There are 25 million Sikhs. Millions of those are born Sikh, who have not taken amrit. Are they Sikh? Must they take amrit in order to be married within the Sikh faith? it would come as a big surprise to most of them to find out a) that they are not Sikhs; and b) that they are not married as Sikhs.

Where do we go from here?


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
Correct. The other damage being done is that social aspect of marriage is getting promotion and the religious aspect is going into oblivion.

The whole laavan ceremony is just 10% of the time spent in the whole deal!

PS: on top of that you have Sehajdhari fighting for election in SGPC, will that overflow to Rehat too now?
And you hear stories about how head covering for girls was relaxed so that someone's wife could take Amrit!

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
Chapter I - Sikh Defined
Article I – Definition of Sikh
Any human being who faithfully believes in:
• One Immortal Being
• Ten Gurus, from Guru Nanak Dev to Guru Gobind Singh
• The Guru Granth Sahib
• The utterances and teachings of the ten Gurus
• The baptism bequeathed by the tenth Guru, and who does not owe allegiance to any other religion, is a Sikh.

Way ji

However believing in SRM is not part of the definition of a Sikh .


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
And you hear stories about how head covering for girls was relaxed so that someone's wife could take Amrit!

You lost me Kanwaljit Singh ji

Head covering for girls was never a requirement. So I don't understand the rest of the sentence.

Election to the SGPC is governed by the Sikh Gurdwara Act of 1925. Therefore, the matter of sehajdhari eligibiilty had to be referred to the courts. Sentence about Namdhari removed until I can find my source.

That brings us to another area of vulnerability: the exact number of Gurus. On this point the Sikh Gurdwara Act may or may not consider the question a matter for the courts. When individual questions do go to court, the court relies on the rehit and customary practice, but on the core question, the courts cannot decide.
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Dec 15, 2012
satshriakal to all

i think if both of them are in true love then marriage is ok.i say true love because he or she should know the difference between love and attraction its important .without true love it dont last long and last but not least try to respect your parents dont brake their hearts

If you judge people, you have no time to love them.― Mother Teresa

waheygurujee ka khalsa waheyguru ke fatehanimatedkhanda1


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Are Namdharis really part of SGPC?

Right now I am searching for the news story and cannot find it. Will retract if it takes too long. That error, if it is an error, does not change the core issue related to increasing challenges to the concept of One God and 10 human Gurus per recent decisions of SGPC. Stay tuned on this nonetheless.


Jun 8, 2012
Please can some one confirm a marriage between a sikh girl and a hindu boy in gurudwara is valid or their is pre-conditions. I have seen many mona sardar getting married in gurudwara. Is that a valid marriage according to sikh code of marriage.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
dakkuSingh ji

You are asking 3 questions not one. And there are separate answers to each question, some answers depending on where a gurdwara stands on the issue of marriage of monas and keshdhari Sikhs. Let me sort the 3 questions for you. Then you will see from replies that the answers are not clear-cut.

There is no way to answer your original question if a marriage "legal, or valid in the eyes of the law" is intermixed with a marriage of a mona in the eyes of the Sikh Rehat Maryada, without getting hopelessly tangled in the answer.

Is a marriage between a Hindu and a Sikh legally valid?

Can a Hindu and a Sikh be married in a Gurdwara?

Is a marriage of a mona in a gurdwara permitted per the Sikh Rehat Maryada?


Jan 19, 2014
Lol at people digging up these old threads, all with the same topic. Looks like some people are trying to mess with Sikh sentiments once again.

I think in most of these cases neither the boy nor the girl are very religious. Otherwise, they wouldn't enter the relationship in the first place.

Some would argue that love conquers all, but what about love for your family or your culture? Why does that get pushed aside? I think the Hindu side agrees more readily to such arrangements because many Hindus still view Sikhism as just another sect of Hinduism.

I don't agree with the statistics that some have posted regarding Hindu guys marrying Sikh girls. Maybe it depends on where you are from, but I have only seen one such case around me, even though I live amongst a large Indian community. I would say 90% of Sikh marriages still happen between Sikh guys and Sikh girls.

I would also like to point out that Bollywood isn't an accurate representation of our entire demographic. Those people marry for status and alliances in the industry, not for religion. Most recent example is Kareen Kapoor (Hindu) married Saif Ali Khan (Muslim).


Nov 3, 2011
I don't see any reason why a Sikh girl shouldn't be allowed to marry a Hindu boy.
Just because that Hindu boy isn't labeled as a Sikh doesn't mean he isn't a human.
Infact that Hindu boy could be a way beter person than some Sikh Boys.

I don't think the Guru's ever said that a Sikh girl shouldn't marry anyone outside of religion.


Nov 25, 2016
I marriage between a hindu and sikh are common and it is not a interfaith marriage because if u read the books of hinduism u will get more Knowledge to understand the Guru granth Sahi Sikhism was Born out of hinduism . Marriages between sikhs and Hindus were always common since Guru nanak dev ji´s time so why not. If u read hindu scriptures u will find also many quotes about the nirgun and satgun concepts of the almigthy god. Hindus always goes to tempel and mandirs so there should be no Problem because the philosophies are both compatible to each other. And dont Forget Sikhs are warriors and sikhism is more a Tradition then a religioun in India. Dont Forget After the Mughals (almost 99% Muslims) came to India many People in India took the sikh tradtion within the Family. The People about what I am speaking were 100% Hindu families who grow up atleast one son as a sikh to follow Guru ji´s teachings (shiksya) and to participate the Khalsa of the Guruji.

Guruji inspire a lot of in india thats many took the Tradition within hinduism. And today there is a lot of respect for the sikh Tradition. Those are some reasons why Hindus (especially North India) feels one with Sikhs. Not only with Sikhs also with Buddhism and Jainism because all three Shares a genetic philosophy with Hinduism and so equally hinduism Shares philosophy with them.

ALL ARE DHARMIC RELIGOUNS ! So Marriages must be work between a sikh-hindu . Go to Harimandir Sahib and take there the 4 lava´s our go to other mandir an take there 7 ...

A Hindu who believe in Sikhi traditions that means who believe in Guru granth Sahib can marry a sikh thats it. Like in the past Hindus grow up there sons with sikh Tradition (a Symbol of greatness and proud) grow a up their hair and beard and took the 5 K´s it is also possible in present and will always work also in future. Last but not least It was not a Christian and it was not a muslim (mughals at that time) how took the sikh Tradition both of them tried to conquer(Goa Pune later on the whole India--> Christians, North India -->muslims) . Ultimately i want to advice u that dont hear to any one it´s ur live and u have to life with the Boy. I posted u some Facts in order to help u.

My Family is a mix of hindu-sikhs so i understand u . And to make it sure u won´t get any Problem in the future with ur Kids or husband. People are just talking rubbish to divide both wonderful philosophies.

Best regards,
