You are welcome Notanotherloginplease Ji(Between how many times you have logged in? haha justkidding)
Thanks Arshdeep Ji, But it does not make sense what you have replied below.
IMO Yes it could have been great privilege for you as you mentioned but just think with how many handshakes with people around you are able to grasp their thinking,their knowledge,their way of living and their wisdom?
If by shaking hands only we could have acquired the knowledge of the other
person than things would have been very easy,no?
I have said that on a funny note, not seriously. So all good here
Dont worry just about the fb there are many people around having images,pictures,paintings of the Gurus in their home/workplaces etc.
true.That's none of my business. so again we are good here
Noanotherlogin Ji
Thing is sometimes we don't like to think and then act accordingly, we just want someone to spoon-feed the answers to us so that we can escape from
letting our minds think.
So you agree that Its our mind which thinks, which means mind thinks and interprets gurbani too.. so it will only think what it is capable of.
for eg. if you give a iPad to a child it will play games on it and same Ipad is used by finacial analysts to create complex algorithms. Its all about maturity of mind, and mind as always loves to play games with us, misleading us, and misinterpreting gurbani. I hope there isnt any arguing about it.
We don't want to introspect ourselves but are continuously Looking for someone who can save us from thinking and that is how other so called fake Gurus,Babas take advantage of ours because they know if we would start thinking and walk accordingly as Guru granth sahib Says we will become wiser and their business will fall.
I cannot comment on what fake babas think .They were always there,you must have known to the story about Guru Teg Bahadur Ji, hw many fake gurus appeared after Shri Guru Harkrishan ji. Its same situation now.
The thing is can we really"Think and walk according to Guru Granth sahib"????
for eg. Can you simply go to biology lab and start dissecting frogs by reading from books, there were so many books when we started at school.Why do we needed a TEACHER at that time instead of understanding all those books with power of our mind? those books were too simpler i guess? You could call those books a teacher itself ?
According to me Gurus are not the one controlling your mind they are just
showing you the path which you have to walk yourself,none can walk in your place and for it the Message of the Gurus is clear only if you wish to see ,read,understand and grasp it.
I agreed 100% here
You can see Guru ji in the Guru Granth sahib not only giving a clue but sometimes asking questions too from you,asking you to stop and think and introspect.
True, But is our mind actually able to interpret their questions correctly, You see , there are so many different explanations by so many philosophers and Giani's. Most of them are totally different. So how can we be sure that our explanation is right????? for eg : please see this thread which has different explanations of same quote "ਸੋਚੈ ਸੋਚਿ ਨ ਹੋਵਈ ਜੇ ਸੋਚੀ ਲਖ ਵਾਰ ॥":
Giani and to be the best should not be the objective as you said but first of all objective should be to be the student.
Agreed. I was saying the same thing.
You yourself said you wish to meet Guru Nanak for knowledge to which according to me you just have to open Guru Granth Sahib ji if knowledge is all you want.You can discuss and share your knowledge you gained among the classmates. Here we all are classmates and learners and am the back bencher here who regularly misses his class and sometimes is caught sleeping.:rofl!!:
Hope it does clears my opinion Noanotherlogin ji
I am though surprised that you have missed and not talked about the role of the student.