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Islam Creation In Islam

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Aug 3, 2007
How did I do that?

By coming down with your views and objection too any other religion but your own hardly

Not a valid question. TRUE scripture comes from God not people. It was God who wrote the first scripture believed to be given to Ibrahim (peace be upon him). In case you don’t know, Ibrahim (peace be upon him) is a direct ancestor of Muhammad (peace be upon him) from the male line.

And what proof of that is there. please explain your sources. and im damn sure abraham had 12 sons, which means theres propable a lot of people in the direct line.

False. The Qur’an was revealed about 1400 years ago.

1400 years ago that would make it around the time of 600 AD. or do you not know what AD means? so True, please research your facts

Islam began at the time of Adam (peace be upon him). He was the first Muslim and the first Prophet and the first homosapien man. Huwwa (or Eve as you called her) was the first Muslim homosapien woman. Hence you would expect Jews\Christians to believe in Adam & Huwwa as the prophets Moses\Jesus (peace be upon them) were the Muslim prophets at there times. So there is no contradictions as you seem to be seeing them.

LOL so did adam and eve know they were muslim? or is this something you are assuming, like i said was he circumsized, did they pray 5 times a day? What proof to you have to say these were muslims, you are forgettin islam is a religion of faith, you are not automatically muslim, therefore did adam and eve have to choose to be a religion which at that point did not exist and that time Qu'ran was nowhere to be seen, they were not the first muslims, they were the first human beings, at this time before adam disobeyed the lord, there was just divine paradise, no religion there was no comprimise to their faith.

Who’s being disrespectful now? You seem to object to non Sikhs entering this forum! If the forum moderators don’t want me to participate, I’m happy to leave.

then please leave.

The order in which the Muslim prophets came and received scripture from God is as follows: -

Prophets of Allah, as Mentioned in the Qur’an

Adam (first prophet of Islam)

Idris (Enoch)

Nuh (Noah)

Hud (Heber - great great grandson of Nuh)

Salih (Shelah)

Ibrahim (Abraham)

[Received the Souhouf (the Scrolls) in Hebrew]

Isma’il (Ishmael – eldest son of Ibrahim)

Is’haq (Isaac – youngest son of Ibrahim)

Lut (Lot – nephew of Ibrahim)

Ya’qub (Jacob – son of Is’haq)

Yusuf (Joseph – second youngest son of Ya’qub)

Shu’aib (Jethro)

Ayub (Job)

Musa (Moses)

[Received the Taurat (the Torah or the Law) & the Ten Commandments both in Hebrew]

Harun (Aaron – elder brother of Musa)

Dhu’l-kifl (Ezekiel)

Dawud (David)

[Received the Zaboor (the Psalms) in Hebrew]

Suliman (Solomon – son of Dawud)

Ilias (Elias)

Al-Yasa (Elisha)

Yunus (Jonah)

Zakariyah (Zechariah)

Yahya (John – son of Zakariyah)

Isa (Jesus – son of Mary)

[Received the Injil, in Aramaic]

Muhammad (the Seal of the Prophets)

[Received the Qur’an, in Arabic]

(Peace and Allah’s blessings be upon them all)

Never heard that before. What evidence do you have for that?

Vijaydeep Singh where does this come from. Is this from the Sikh scriptures? If so, can you give me a reference or a web page giving only the English version? Thanks.

so please read above and the facts


Aug 3, 2007
By coming down with your views and objection too any other religion but your own hardly

I have views as a Muslim just as you have your views on your beliefs. This doesn’t imply any disrespect. After all this is a discussion forum, which implies a difference of opinion. Do you accept Islam? If you don’t, then you are objecting to my beliefs. I don’t feel offended by that. I don’t feel offended by my work colleagues who have a different or no faith. You don’t seem to be a person who tolerates a difference of opinion.

And what proof of that is there.
The Qur’an.

Muhammad (peace be upon him) came from the first born of Ibrahim (peace be upon him) i.e. Ismail (peace be upon him).

1400 years ago that would make it around the time of 600 AD. or do you not know what AD means? so True, please research your facts

610 C.E. We don’t use AD anymore. Keep up with the rest of the world.

What proof to you have to say these were muslims,
The Qur’an. They worshipped and obeyed Allah, hence they were Muslims.

you are forgettin islam is a religion of faith, you are not automatically muslim

According to Islam, everyone is born as a Muslim, even you. Will explain in next post if u r interested.

then please leave.

The real u comes out in each post. I said I would leave if the moderators asked me to not by your command. U don’t have to participate in my thread.

so please read above and the facts

U don’t strike me as someone who knows the facts, seems a bit strange u should be asking me to do so. From the contributions u have made so far, your ignorance in Islam is pretty astounding yet u insist in participating in my thread.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Dear Azizrasul,
On matters of creation,

The Surah takes its name from the very first verse Wan shaqq al-Qamar, thereby implying that it is a Surah in which the word al-Qamar has occurred.

Period of Revelation

The incident of the shaqq-al-Qamar (splitting of the moon) that has been mentioned in it, determines its period of revelation precisely. The traditionists and commentators are agreed that this incident took place at Mina in Makkah about five years before the Holy Prophet's hijrah to Madinah.

In this Surah the disbelievers of Makkah have been warned for their stubbornness which they had adopted against the invitation of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The amazing and wonderful phenomenon of the splitting of the Moon was a manifest sign of the truth that the Resurrection, of which the Holy Prophet was giving them the news, could take place and that it had approached near at hand. The great sphere of the Moon had split into two distinct parts in front of their very eyes. The two parts had separated and receded so much apart from each other that to the on-lookers one part had appeared on one side of the mountain and the other on the other side of it. Then, in an instant the two had rejoined. This was a manifest proof of the truth that the system of the Universe was neither eternal nor immortal, it could be disrupted. Huge stars and Planets could split asunder, disintegrate, collide with each other, and everything that had been depicted in the Quran In connection with the description of the details of Resurrection, could happen. Not only this : it was also a portent that the disintegration of the system of the Universe had begun and the time was near when Resurrection would take place. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) invited the people's attention to this event only with this object in view and asked them to mark it and be a witness to it. But the disbelievers described it as a magical illusion add persisted in their denial. For this stubbornness they have been reproached in this Surah.

What is your view on this extract from Al-Qamar (Muslim Text)


Aug 3, 2007
Good post Begum. I have heard that there was a person in India at the time who recorded seeing the moon split. Don't have any details. If anyone has, would be good to know.

The verse I quoted was from sura 21 which is called The Prophets. The sura u r referring to is number 54.

The word assunder referred to in 21:30 is in reference to a particle comprising of the [raw] ingredients of the heavens and the earth which is split assunder. Compare Big Bang theory.

There is no equivalent verse in the corrupted present day Taurat.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Sworn Avenger ji

Once I was told by a muslim that the Greek philosopher Aristotle borrowed many of his ideas from the prophet Mohammed. This in spite of the fact that Aristotle lived BCE and Mohammed in CE, and nearly a millennium apart.

People who know history will immediately grasp that most of what has been reported here is factually incorrect. Those who refuse to believe they are reading nonsense will not be convinced. No logic, evidence, or persuasion will change them. Do not allow yourself to become overly vexed by this thread. Think instead of your inner need for peace. Still we appreciate your efforts.

Antonia D'Onofrio


Aug 3, 2007
Once I was told by a muslim that the Greek philosopher Aristotle borrowed many of his ideas from the prophet Mohammed. This in spite of the fact that Aristotle lived BCE and Mohammed in CE, and nearly a millennium apart.

Strange comment to make. Just because a Muslim said the above does not mean that if another Muslim says something then they are wrong just because he was wrong. This in itself lacks any senses or logic.

People who know history will immediately grasp that most of what has been reported here is factually incorrect.

Exactly what are you referring to? Please be a bit more precise. Winning arguments on vague comments does not make any contribution.

No logic, evidence, or persuasion will change them.

That's what u say. Doesn't make it a fact, particularly as you have offerred nothing to support your argument except your opening statement. What if I said that I heard a Sikh and Hindu who told me that the Sun comes out from the North every Tuesday. Does this mean that I don't ever listen to any Sikhs\Hindus? Of course not, this illogical. You listen and establish by arguments what is right and what is wrong. What I have said, I can prove, but you have not asked for it. Hence your contribution, if I may say so, is pretty weak on the basis u have not made any arguments one way or another.

Do not allow yourself to become overly vexed by this thread.
Yes he does come across like that doesn't he\she.
Last edited:
Apr 11, 2007
Fine we now know what islam is about. Sikh philosophy forum. I want to learn about sikhism not islam. Not disrespecting the faith but if I wanted to learn about islam i would have joined an forum


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Azizrasul jee,

I like to widen the discussion on Islam in other areas, not only about creation of the universe. I propose the 10 commandments as the current topic. This is much more acceptable to most people. From here we can reflect back on Islam and other religions on what may be the additions or ommissions from the 10 Commandments.


Aug 4, 2007
Peace in Islam >>azizrasul

Please explan the concept of "peace" in Islam, ridding the world of disbelief in Allah and the actions of non-Muslims to bring peace when everyone believes in Allah. Is that correct?

If people do not willing accept Islam after the dawah invitation and refuse to pay a jizyah tax to keep their non-Muslim belief, then is the alternative "qitl fee sybil Allah" killing in the cause of Allah? Isn't that what Islam teaches?


Aug 3, 2007
Sikh philosophy forum.

Interfaith Dialogue. If you don't want to discuss and compare Sikhism with Islam, I suggest you don't contribute to my threads.

10 commandments

I was going to eventually do a thread on this later. If u want to start 1, go ahead and I will be happy to contribute.

On this thread, would be happy to what sikhism or any other religion says about the moment of creation. Sworn Avenger suggested something similar in the OT but did not provide the verse.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
A general rebuttal of this Muslim polemic by Andy Bannister

Every so often on newsgroups like soc.religion.islam and in other circles a particular argument surfaces. This is the claim that within the pages of the Qur'an, modern science can be found. Everything from comets to astronomy, embryology to geology, all this and more are claimed to be found in various Suras. And then it is argued that because Muhammad could not have known this science, the Qur'an must be divine.
Rebuttals to this argument usually consist of debating the particular point of science being advanced (see for example some of the excellent work by Andrew Vargo which can be seen elsewhere on the Answering Islam site). Whilst this is easy enough to do, it becomes somewhat irksome having to do it again and again. Therefore in this short paper, I have tried to produce a rebuttal of the very concept of modern science in the Qur'an. I believe that the polemic itself contains inherent logical flaws, and I hope that the points in this paper can be used whether embryology, geology, or any other point of science is being claimed as proving the Qur'an.
The paper arose out of a debate on the soc.religion.islam newsgroup about rivers and oceans, hence some references to that subject. Here are six inherent flaws in the "modern science proves the Qur'an" argument:
  • Those who pursue the argument leave no room for alternative interpretations
  • The argument as it stands makes Allah out to be weak
  • The argument is a modern polemic
  • At the end of the day, the "modern science proves the Qur'an" argument does not find science in the Qur'an, rather it uses science to judge the Qur'an
  • Selective interpretation can be used to prove anything
  • Applying the argument means that the Qur'an is no longer authoritative
I hope that people find this paper of use. What I found both fascinating and encouraging was some of the responses that Muslims made to it. I had several who actually agreed with what I had said, and disagreed with their fellows who had been trying to use this polemic to promote the Qur'an. For example, a Muslim called AbdulraHman Lomax wrote of point 4 above "this is, in fact, the reason why our scholars generally reject the efforts to proclaim ‘science in the Qur'an'" and concluded his reply to my post with the words "Basically, *Andy is right.*".
Finally, for those who are interested, here are the links to the original debate in the archives of the soc.religion.islam newsgroup:
  • The posting from Suleiman that started it all.1
  • My reply to Suleiman and his friend Abujamal (basically the text of this paper).2
  • Abdulrahman Lomax's reply to me.3
Please feel free to use and/or distribute any part of this paper. If you have any comments or suggestions, then do please email the author at andybannisterATmac.com.


Aug 4, 2007
Re: Creation in Islam >>Interfaith dialogue

Interfaith Dialogue. If you don't want to discuss and compare Sikhism with Islam, I suggest you don't contribute to my threads.

I do not know about Sikhism so I cannot compare it with Islam. I had hoped you might confirm or refute my perceptions of peace according to Islam. According to my understanding of creation, the universe and humans were created by the creator. According to my understanding of Islam, Muslims have a mandate from Allah to invite to Islam or get rid of the humans that are not Muslims. Is that what the creator wants--destruction of non-Muslims?

Please explain the concept of "peace" in Islam, ridding the world of disbelief in Allah and the actions of non-Muslims to bring peace when everyone believes in Allah. Is that correct?

If people do not willing accept Islam after the dawah invitation and refuse to pay a jizyah tax to keep their non-Muslim belief, then is the alternative "qitl fee sybil Allah" killing in the cause of Allah? Isn't that what Islam teaches?


Mar 26, 2007
cherylyoung have you any Qur'anic verses that support what you say?
She shouldn't need any to support what she says - she is asking you.

Plz do not avoid her question, and just answer her's first. Allah is merciful, so take mercy on any ignorance on her part, and please answer.

Thank you.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Respected members of this dialog,

What baffles me? How can we debate different versions of Creation? Accounts of Creation stories are many. Ancient Babylonians, Navaho peoples of the southwest of the United States, Christians and Jews, Sikhs, the ancient peoples of Mesopotamia and on and on have unique accounts of Creation.

We can get to the Sikh account of Creation at some point. But before we do, can someone explain how one can do more than compare and contrast Creation stories? How would we debate? Creation is a matter of belief. When you try to persuade someone to accept your creation story, then you are trying to get them to change their story, and therefore at root, change their religion.

Which is why the question asked by cherylyoung ji is an important one and deserves an answer.All Creation stories point to how a person should live his/her life on earth. Ask any anthropolotist if you don't believe me. And so cherlyoung ji's question is not coming from "ignorance'. Far from it. She is asking, given this muslim story, or any story, how does the story inform the values and choices of men and women while they are on the earth and are part of Creation?

The only aspect of Creation that can be debated, and this is what she is getting at, are the moral implications of the Creation story itself. Here Sikhs and muslims differ in significant ways.

Borrowing from Bhenji Surinder ji, humbly apologize if I am offending anyone.


Mar 26, 2007

The only aspect of Creation that can be debated, and this is what she is getting at, are the moral implications of the Creation story itself. Here Sikhs and muslims differ in significant ways.

Borrowing from Bhenji Surinder ji, humbly apologize if I am offending anyone.
Please accept my "Sat Sri Akal", brother -

I also wish to apologixe for not being clear - I was referring to her ignorance that is posed in her question, that she orginally asked:

If people do not willing accept Islam after the dawah invitation and refuse to pay a jizyah tax to keep their non-Muslim belief, then is the alternative "qitl fee sybil Allah" killing in the cause of Allah? Isn't that what Islam teaches?

As well as:

I had hoped you might confirm or refute my perceptions of peace according to Islam. According to my understanding of creation, the universe and humans were created by the creator. According to my understanding of Islam, Muslims have a mandate from Allah to invite to Islam or get rid of the humans that are not Muslims. Is that what the creator wants--destruction of non-Muslims?

The thread starter's response only was:

"cherylyoung have you any Qur'anic verses that support what you say? "

Therefore, I told the thread starter - do not avoid a question he has been avoiding, or so it seems.

Second, we are all ignorant until we reach Mukhti with God. I would like to not be rude, however, but i am honest.

Every since the age of 13, while being Buddhist, (and am now Sikh since a week ago) and sent to a very christian school - i have learned how to debate and reason - sorry for being like a razor, but that is what Maya has taught me.

I seek forgiveness if i have harmed anyone here by this.



Aug 4, 2007
Re: Creation in Islam >>Quotations from Quran

cherylyoung have you any Qur'anic verses that support what you say?

According to what I have learned about Sikhism, they believe in sarbat-de-bhalla: Caring for all Existence....This is contrasted by Muslims who care for Muslims. Muslims do allow converts and allow killing of non converts to Islam according to the will of Allah.

As you requested, I supplied verses from the Qur'an for what I know about Islam...
In the Qur'an (see examples below) the terms used are:
o--- "al mumin" (sincere, true believer)
o--- "al munafiq" (hypocrit) and
o--- "al kufir" (unbeliever)

According to my limited knowledge of Arabic and the Qur'an, there does not seem to be a designation of "moderate". A person claiming to be a Muslim but who sits at home (unless he is old or weak) and does not support the jihad/struggle in the cause of Allah ("fee sybil Allah") with his wealth or his life, is a "munafiq" hypocrite.

"Al Mumin" sincere, true believer 8:2, 8:4

[008:072] Those who believed, and adopted exile, and fought for the Faith, with their property and their persons, in the cause of God, as well as those who gave (them) asylum and aid,- these are (all) friends and protectors, one of another. ....

[008:074] Those who believe, and adopt exile, and fight for the Faith, in the cause of God as well as those who give (them) asylum and aid,- these are (all) in very truth the Believers: for them is the forgiveness of sins and a provision most generous.
[008:074] Those who believed, left their homes and waged a struggle for the cause of Allah as well as those who helped and protected them are really the true believers (Yusuf Ali trans.)

[008:072] Indeed, those who believed, left their homes, and waged a struggle for the cause of Allah as well as those who helped them and gave them shelter are each other’s friends and allies. ...

[008:074] Those who believed, left their homes and waged a struggle for the cause of Allah as well as those who helped and protected them are really the true believers. There is forgiveness for them and a generous rewards. (Munir Munshey trans.)

Al munafik , 9:66,

[009:091] There is no blame upon the weak and old, or the sick, or those who do not find any resources to spend (for the sake of Allah), provided they are (loyal and) sincere to Allah and His messenger. There is no reason to blame the righteous. Allah is the most Forgiving and the most Merciful.

[023:001] The true believers are the ones really successful,

[026:089] “Except to the one who comes to Allah with a sincere heart (free from doubt and disbelief).”

[037:040] But the sincere (and devoted) Servants of God,-

[038:083] “Except those among them that are Your true and sincere servants!”

[049:015] The (true) believers are actually those who believe in Allah and His messenger and then do not waver (and do not entertain doubts). With their wealth and their lives, they strive for [004:084] Fight, therefore, on God's path: lay not burdens on any but thyself; and stir up the faithful. The might of the infidels haply will god restrain, for God is the stronger in prowess, and the stronger to punish the sake of Allah. Such are truly the sincere ones

Objectives of warfare
According to verses [Qur'an 2:190], the Qur'an implies two objectives:
  1. Uproot fitnah (فتنة) or persecution 002:193] And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah) and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allah (Alone).
  2. Establish supremacy of Islam in the world 005:071] They thought there will be no Fitnah (trial or punishment), so they became blind and deaf; after that Allah turned to them (with Forgiveness); yet again many of them became blind and deaf. And Allah is the AllSeer of what they do.
    [006:023] There will then be (left) no Fitnah (excuses or statements or arguments) for them but to say: "By Allah, our Lord, we were not those who joined others in worship with Allah."
    [008:025] And fear the Fitnah (affliction and trial, etc.) which affects not in particular (only) those of you who do wrong (but it may afflict all the good and the bad people), and know that Allah is Severe in punishment.
    [008:039] And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah Alone (in the whole of the world). But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allah), then certainly, Allah is All-Seer of what they do.
    [008:073] And those who disbelieve are allies to one another, (and) if you (Muslims of the whole world collectively) do not do so (i.e. become allies, as one united block with one Khalifah - chief Muslim ruler for the whole Muslim world to make victorious Allahs Religion of Islamic Monotheism), there will be Fitnah (wars, battles, polytheism, etc.) and oppression on earth, and a great mischief and corruption (appearance of polytheism).
  3. [002:190] Kill in the cause of God those who fight you
002:195] Spend your wealth for the cause of Allah. Do not, by your own doings, put yourself in harm’s way. Do the right thing. Of course, Allah loves the righteous.

So according to Sikhism...the creator requires sarbat de ballah for all creations as compared to Islam which requires participatiion in qitl fee sybil all against all non-Muslims until fitnah ceases and all believe in Allah and follow sharia law.

I would be most grateful for your explanation


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007

I didn't even type "muslim" to find this video clip. All I typed was "female rights and abuse" and bingo.
Doesn't this tell you something, Azizrasul ?

YouTube - female rights and abuse in islamic soceity

As an educated person, do you believe that practised Islam is very very different from Quranic version of Islam? If your answer is yes, then what are YOU doing about it? Are you feeling frustrated after getting in touch with non-muslim views? Doesn't that amount to something? Is all this giving you a false feeling that "you need to correct the world".

You may say that one person's view does not reflect the whole muslim society.
Agreed. But what about other videos like "Why would 6 million Muslim leave Islam" in Africa within a span of 18 months? And this one ?

YouTube - Truth about islam from an ex-muslim lady


Aug 3, 2007
Fine we now know what islam is about. Sikh philosophy forum. I want to learn about sikhism not islam. Not disrespecting the faith but if I wanted to learn about islam i would have joined an forum

Exactly, Aziz rasul ji, i am not vexed with you or your beliefs, however i do get vexed to an extent, when your all so ignorant to others beliefs and so confident in your own, it is good to have faith, but if you take a step back and question things from time to time when you find the answer it will increase your faith, instead of just listening to your imams and wotnot, take a look for yourself, this is not a wrong doing to God, not disproving your faith as god says in my holy book, if you don't ask the questions, you don't find the answer. Explore, research to coincide your beliefs with history or the faiths before you, there is so much more to learn about God and our faiths that the small pieces we know now should not be interpeted and thought u understand so quickly as these extra pieces we fit in too fill the gaps may not be part of the bigger picture.

Please feed yourself with questions and answers and new theories of your own. Man cannot live on bread alone.

Maybe i do stereotype muslims, but that is becuase i live and have grown up with muslims surrounding me, and every single one of them is ignorant about others peoples beliefs, they will not accept it therefore i will not accept theirs. How many Chrisitian or Sikh Gangs, run around Brixton, Pecham forcing people to convert to Islam, Why is there so much contreversy over islam? you have done it to yourselves. These acts of re occuring terrorism is your people, and though they might be a minorty of muslim extremists doign this they are believing the same beliefs as you. They have that ignorance and non acceptance in them too.
Aug 3, 2007
Re: Creation in Islam >>Quotations from Quran

According to what I have learned about Sikhism, they believe in sarbat-de-bhalla: Caring for all Existence....This is contrasted by Muslims who care for Muslims. Muslims do allow converts and allow killing of non converts to Islam according to the will of Allah.

As you requested, I supplied verses from the Qur'an for what I know about Islam...
In the Qur'an (see examples below) the terms used are:
o--- "al mumin" (sincere, true believer)
o--- "al munafiq" (hypocrit) and
o--- "al kufir" (unbeliever)

According to my limited knowledge of Arabic and the Qur'an, there does not seem to be a designation of "moderate". A person claiming to be a Muslim but who sits at home (unless he is old or weak) and does not support the jihad/struggle in the cause of Allah ("fee sybil Allah") with his wealth or his life, is a "munafiq" hypocrite.

"Al Mumin" sincere, true believer 8:2, 8:4

[008:072] Those who believed, and adopted exile, and fought for the Faith, with their property and their persons, in the cause of God, as well as those who gave (them) asylum and aid,- these are (all) friends and protectors, one of another. ....

[008:074] Those who believe, and adopt exile, and fight for the Faith, in the cause of God as well as those who give (them) asylum and aid,- these are (all) in very truth the Believers: for them is the forgiveness of sins and a provision most generous.
[008:074] Those who believed, left their homes and waged a struggle for the cause of Allah as well as those who helped and protected them are really the true believers (Yusuf Ali trans.)

[008:072] Indeed, those who believed, left their homes, and waged a struggle for the cause of Allah as well as those who helped them and gave them shelter are each other’s friends and allies. ...

[008:074] Those who believed, left their homes and waged a struggle for the cause of Allah as well as those who helped and protected them are really the true believers. There is forgiveness for them and a generous rewards. (Munir Munshey trans.)

Al munafik , 9:66,

[009:091] There is no blame upon the weak and old, or the sick, or those who do not find any resources to spend (for the sake of Allah), provided they are (loyal and) sincere to Allah and His messenger. There is no reason to blame the righteous. Allah is the most Forgiving and the most Merciful.

[023:001] The true believers are the ones really successful,

[026:089] “Except to the one who comes to Allah with a sincere heart (free from doubt and disbelief).”

[037:040] But the sincere (and devoted) Servants of God,-

[038:083] “Except those among them that are Your true and sincere servants!”

[049:015] The (true) believers are actually those who believe in Allah and His messenger and then do not waver (and do not entertain doubts). With their wealth and their lives, they strive for [004:084] Fight, therefore, on God's path: lay not burdens on any but thyself; and stir up the faithful. The might of the infidels haply will god restrain, for God is the stronger in prowess, and the stronger to punish the sake of Allah. Such are truly the sincere ones

Objectives of warfare
According to verses [Qur'an 2:190], the Qur'an implies two objectives:
  1. Uproot fitnah (فتنة) or persecution 002:193] And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah) and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allah (Alone).
  2. Establish supremacy of Islam in the world 005:071] They thought there will be no Fitnah (trial or punishment), so they became blind and deaf; after that Allah turned to them (with Forgiveness); yet again many of them became blind and deaf. And Allah is the AllSeer of what they do.
    [006:023] There will then be (left) no Fitnah (excuses or statements or arguments) for them but to say: "By Allah, our Lord, we were not those who joined others in worship with Allah."
    [008:025] And fear the Fitnah (affliction and trial, etc.) which affects not in particular (only) those of you who do wrong (but it may afflict all the good and the bad people), and know that Allah is Severe in punishment.
    [008:039] And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah Alone (in the whole of the world). But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allah), then certainly, Allah is All-Seer of what they do.
    [008:073] And those who disbelieve are allies to one another, (and) if you (Muslims of the whole world collectively) do not do so (i.e. become allies, as one united block with one Khalifah - chief Muslim ruler for the whole Muslim world to make victorious Allahs Religion of Islamic Monotheism), there will be Fitnah (wars, battles, polytheism, etc.) and oppression on earth, and a great mischief and corruption (appearance of polytheism).
  3. [002:190] Kill in the cause of God those who fight you
002:195] Spend your wealth for the cause of Allah. Do not, by your own doings, put yourself in harm’s way. Do the right thing. Of course, Allah loves the righteous.

So according to Sikhism...the creator requires sarbat de ballah for all creations as compared to Islam which requires participatiion in qitl fee sybil all against all non-Muslims until fitnah ceases and all believe in Allah and follow sharia law.

I would be most grateful for your explanation

Very Impressed :}{}{}:. Aziz rasul ji please respond to this.
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