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Dasam Granth - A Critical Study


Apr 16, 2006
vijaydeep Singh said:

Das at his visit to Paota Sahib recently so far could not get the Darshan of metalic nibs(of Guru's time).If at all this is true then invention of it can go to Sikhs.

i have noted down you response i will get it confirmed
Dec 1, 2006
Tria chariters are written by poets and poet raam is mentioned in it. 24 avtar are written by same by these poets also. Only 5 banis are acceptable. Jaap Sahib, Akaal Ustat (without shunds about questions and jai jai hoasee), Shabad Hajaray, 33 Swayas and Zafaranama. Everything else is work of poets and is direct violation of Gurbani.

SSI Canada

SSI Canada


No sikh who has faith in Guru says that tria chariter is work of Guru Ji. Only perverts/kanjars and those here to destroy Panth say it is work of Guru Ji.


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and The Khalsa Fauj Jee!

I feel one should accept and be happy and thankful with the crème de la crème of Guru's Baanee if he feels blessed.

In my view, all would truly wish to express Triyaa Charitar some or the other day. I do not know any person who has never imagined or experienced Triyaa Charitar, mostly unconsciously.

Triyaa Charitar is the trai-gunee character of Maayaa.

I hope everybody here is honest. Please tell me truthfully. Has never the Triyaa tried to influence you, even in dreams?

Balbir Singh
Dec 1, 2006
Naw yo!
Don't on what you smoke or drink but TC got nothing to do with Gurbani.

Do you agree that Guru Sahib got fooled by a prostitute?
Do you agree that Guru Sahib made the prostitute drugged up with his own hands?
Do you agree that Guru Sahib told SIkhs to steal turbans from people's heads?
Do you agree that Guru Sahib grabbed the beard of an innocent man?

This is what the tria chariters say. Are you even a Sikh or are you buddy of vijadeep who is out to destroy the Khalsa philosophy.

If you are going to point fingers at Guru's character i say don't call urself a Sikh.
Jul 30, 2004

Naw yo!
Don't on what you smoke or drink but TC got nothing to do with Gurbani.

Do you agree that Guru Sahib got fooled by a prostitute?
Do you agree that Guru Sahib made the prostitute drugged up with his own hands?
Do you agree that Guru Sahib told SIkhs to steal turbans from people's heads?
Do you agree that Guru Sahib grabbed the beard of an innocent man?

This is what the tria chariters say. Are you even a Sikh or are you buddy of Avijadeep who is out to destroy the Khalsa philosophy.

If you are going to point fingers at Guru's character i say don't call urself a Sikh.

As if you are an Authorty over Gurmat.

A person who does not know How Our God functions wants to act like judge.

Kanjer is one who spread falsehood.And soon Akal takes awayb Sikhi from False guys.

all which is algenged as happend kindly give Charitar Number and das will explint that to you.

If we go by your logic that when you inform Sangat about Kanjer,yuo yourself become like that.Yuo do not.just by discribing you do not become same.

If descrition of Triya Charitar makes writers bad then evil is described in Japu Sahib.In fact you yourself describve evil(RSS,Hindu,Brahmins etc).But that makes you evil just by your own logic.Hypocratic thing.


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all the Khalsa Fauj Jee!

Every time God creates a sound through Gurdev's Mukh is Gurbaanee. That is true also when God was active planning the birth of four Saahibzaadays.

Quote "Don't on what you smoke or drink but TC got nothing to do with Gurbani."
I do not know how one can transcend Maya without recognizing its Triyaa Charitar, Trai-gunee character. One can recognize Triyaa Charitar only, receiving true Naam Simran, not before it.

Quote "Do you agree that Guru Sahib got fooled by a prostitute . . . Do you agree that Guru Sahib made the prostitute drugged up with his own hands?"
Gurdev wrote an episode describing the Triyaa Charitar. What put you in illusion to think something like that? Is there any {censored} who can testify the witness?

Strange that people got birth through their father but cannot bear him, saying a word about Triyaa Charitar.

Balbir Singh
Dec 1, 2006
What are both of you dudes talking about? Make yourself clear and be precise. I don't understand babblement. Who says it is from mouth of Guru? Unless your Gurus are poets shyam, ramm, kal, boudh, etc.

Balbir, do you even know what you are talking about? Tria chariter are in past tense and written well after Anandpur was destrpyed. It even talks about it. It reffers to Guru Gobind Singh Ji as was and says lived in Anadpur. Both indicate written by 3rd person and after Guru Sahib left this planet in physical form. Do you even know that there is something called past, present an future? Once again the lack of education is the issue.

Do you guys even know Punjabi?


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and The Khalsa Fauj Jee!

Most of the people go from earth for rebirths without knowing true Simran. They waste precious human life discussing matters they never experienced. Wisdom through Gurus is another example that they miss.
Not only Nirguna Attributes of God are rare for beings. His Sarguna Attributes also remain riddles without true Naam Simran. Since ages enlightened people tried to attract their fellow beings toward God's Wisdom with love, recognizing God's Hukam. They explained it in always simpler form while conscious mind of human beings grew lower and lower. Episodes are the examples of it. For many those are stories written in past form.

Quote "Who says it is from mouth of Guru? Unless your Gurus are poets shyam, ramm, kal, boudh, etc."
In Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee also many Hymns are from different enlightened poets.

Quote "It reffers to Guru Gobind Singh Ji as was and says lived in Anadpur."
After leaving Anandpur Sahib Guru Gobind Singh Jee lived long. I feel He expressed Godly words through His Hymns during this time also.

Quote "Both indicate written by 3rd person and after Guru Sahib left this planet in physical form. Do you even know that there is something called past, present an future?"
In Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee there are also Hymns sang by many in their present time, for us in the past and will be remembered by many in the future also. Ignorant may raise questions for one or the other reasons.

Quote "Once again the lack of education is the issue."
In my view, lack of true Simran is the issue. Who wants to waste life for such issues after receiving Gurprasaad?

Balbir Singh
Dec 1, 2006
How is it wasting life? Maybe you got gurparsaad from a messed up Guru. Guru Nanak didn't tell me to shut and take whatever garbage is throw at my Guru. What are you talking about when you say Guru Sahib after leaving Anadpur to write tria chariters. Guru Sahib was busy fighting until deep into 1705, then Guru Granth was also written and a lot of parchaar was done. After that, Guru Ji left for deccan and there a lot of stuff happened. E.g. Raajshahi to Bahadur Shah, Khanjar attack and Shaheedi of Guru Ji. The writing date of tria chariter says 1696 or around there. Guru Ji had left Anandpur by that time? Was Anandpur alreayd destroyed by Mughals by that time? So the dates are messed up too. Shows that you have never read dasam granth and shows your lack of education.
Also, sitting in one place and doing mantar jaap won't get you gyan.
Gyan is received by reading and understanding Gurbani. Some people just don't have the capabilities to understand or apply Gurbani. Ain't their fault. All in power of Akaal. Dasam Granth mentions poets raam, shyam, kal, etc. Are they your Gurus? Have you ever read dasam granth and are you wiling to read and do aarth of it in front of your sister, or mother or daughter or wife with other sitting besides you? If not, then shut up or put up. How much simran do you do daily? What have you ever done for Panth? Do you teach your child about tria chariter about using dildos for lust and powders to remove hair. Maybe you didn't know but hair removing powder was first released in the middle of 19th century so it shows when tria chariters were written. You guys are asankh times worse than atheists. Go jump into sutlej and commit suicide. Who needs indra gandhi if we got dushts like you.
Dec 1, 2006
Praying for truth won't get you truth, you must also learn and understand.
Which tria chariters did Baba Deep Singh, Bhai Bidi Chund, or Sikhs up until late 19th century read? Which tria chariters did the military guys who defended honor of women in the Bangladesh war read? Which tria chariters did people like Dhunna Singh and other Babbar Akalis read? Tria chariter aren't needed and most of them are stupid like its promoters.

E.g. Rani was having sex with a guy. Raja comes, Rani breaks a watermelon and places it onto the guy's head. Was the raja so stupid that he couldn't realize it is watermelon on someone's head? If you think this is something good to read and gives wisdom, you are lost like a deer running after kastoori. Here is balbira running after pornographic content.
As for aarths done by Vijeee, I can write tria chariters about him and do messed up aarth like he does and show how it is good. Same thing can be done about porn and rapes and anything. Ony a low lifer would say chariters are bani. Show me 1 place where the word {censored} is used in Guru GRanth Sahib Ji. It isn't because it is uncivilized then why is it used in dasam granth?

You would know if you ever read bani. People like you and vijee are all about ctrl + f and are panthic dushts.
Dec 1, 2006
If you can show me 1 place where the word lund or laand are used, i will hear what you got to say.
When talking about Sunat, Bhagat Kabir Ji said it would be cut by itself, didn't say what would be cut. This is what you call civilized.
On the other hand, chariters say
{censored} was placed into {censored}
virgin was {censored}ed hard

How civilized in this language? You guys are going beyond the definition of [Mod cut]. A new word is needed for you guys.


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and The Khalsa Fauj Jee!

It looks like you are running short of words to say something about Dasam Granth. Please be with the topic and not get personal.

Please write something that you have liked in Dasam Granth. You may avoid rest of Dasam Granth if you have not understood it.

I wish you do not try to prove that you know fewer civilized words than your Guru. Why can't you get rid of the rasa (lust) talking about it?

Gurdev realized God in them and everything. I do not know why some realize Lingam in them always.

For me Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee is above Dasam Granth Jee. Still, I do not have any reason to reject it. I am sorry for those who started with Triyaa Charitar and got surprised why they missed the Guru. Lucky are those who begin with the true Naam from Gurdev and come to know Triyaa Charitar naturally.

I have Dasam Granth in different formats. I love Brij Bhaashaa and wonder, my Gurus expertise on it.

I have been visiting earth innumerous times through different kind of Yoni and possessed different variety of Lingam. My experience about these is often more than one who remembers only this life. Maybe we can start exchanging views in this exclusive language if your vocabulary is limited and you understand only sexual grammar.

I wish you be happy with Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee and let others be happy with all that helps them toward God.

Balbir Singh
Dec 1, 2006
Answer these:
Chariter 20 78

  • Anandpur had been just settles so how could so many prostitutes come there?
  • Anandpur was a place of worship and the character of Sikhs was well known to everyone, then how did the prostitute think of finding work in a place like that?
  • According to the chariters Guru Ji is a worshipper of Bhagauti. Is this not vipran kee reet? Even if Bhagauti is translated as God, why did Guru Ji went to learn Bhagauti mantar? Wasn’t Guru Ji a complete Guru?
  • Why go to learn mantras if Guru Ji had straight communication with God?
  • With Guru Ji being Mard Agambra, Saint-soldier, with Taij partaap, didn’t the prostitute have fear of Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
  • How did a prostitute have the guts to ask Guru Ji for fulfillment of Kaam?
  • Guru Ji knows everything, then why didn’t Guru Ji know what type of woman anoop kaur was?
  • also, where did a prostitute get the name Kaur? Was she Amritdhari?
  • It is said that most prostitutes were Muslim? Then hwy the last name kaur and first name anoop?
  • Also, Gurbani says that if you see the Guru once, you will losse kaam kroadh loab moh annhankar, etc? then why didn’t the prostitute loose it?
  • It says that when Guru Ji saw some people surrounding him, He thought his life was in danger and was helpless as there was no Sikh protecting him. Guru Ji, who says I will make 1 fight 1,000,000 was scared of 4-5 people?
  • It says Guru Ji for his shoes and a shawl at anoop kaur’s house. Why did Guru Ji take off his shoes?
  • Why did Guru Ji take off his shawl?
  • GuruBani says jY fITY mnu DIrIAY iklivK vM\in@ dUry] sUhI mhlw 5, 761. Jai Deethay Mnu Dheereeae Vanjyhan Dooray] Soohee Mehala 5, 761. Then how did a woman get inflicted by kaam?
  • How dare did a prostitute threaten Guru Ji?
  • Guru Ji condemns jantras and mantras, then why did Guru Ji go and learn mantras from a woman, especially at night?
  • While the prostitute was drugged up and unconscious, for what good deed did Guru Ji place 60 coins beside her?
  • Then Guru Ji announced that whoever finds my shoes and shawl and brings it to me will get rid of the cycle of life and death. What was so special about those shoes and shawl that Guru Ji wanted to end someone’s cycle of birth and death for that shawl and that pair of shoes?
  • The prostitute brought the items herself, then was her cycle of birth and death ended?
  • Chariter also says that Guru Ji gave the prostitute 20,000 coins when she came to Guru Darbar with the items. Was it suitable to give hard earned money of Sikhs to a prostitute?
  • These chariters in past tense. Then how could they be written by Gu Ji?
  • They are also second or even third person. Then how are they written by Guru Ji?
  • chariters refer to Guru Ji as raja. Was Guru Ji only a raja? Bhai Nand Lal says Guru Ji is Emperor of emperors. Isn’t this downgrading to what Nand Lal said?
  • Didn’t the Sikhs know that it is a prostitute who has brought Guru Ji’s shoes? What effect did that have on Sikhs?
  • Tankahnaama Bhai Nanad Lal says Kwlsw soie jo pridRst iqAwgY] Kwlsw soie jo prnwrI qy BwgY] Then why did Guru Ji go to a woman at night? Guru Ji performed different from what Guru Ji taught?
  • Chariter says that when prostitute says “thief, thief, thief!” People come and surround Guru Ji. People who lived in Anandpur were mostly Sikhs and who had faith in Guru Ji. So Guru Ji’s own followers thought of Guru Ji as a thief?
  • Prostitutes must have come to Anandpur only if they had customers? Who were the customers when the city was controlled and run by Guru Ji himself? Sikhs were the customers? Do you guys go to places like that too? I guess you guys do so do the people who teach you that Chariters belong to Guru Ji.
  • Aren’t you disrespecting Guru Ji in countless ways by saying these chariters are written by Guru Ji?
  • Is it not true the present dasam granth was known as “bachitter natak” then known as “dasam paatshah ka granth”, then known as “dasam granth” and now people like you guys call it dasam guru granth sahib”. Why the name changes?
  • Is it not true that there are many versions of dasam granth? Why? If it is written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji?
  • Is it not true that first copy doesn’t have Sri Mukhwak paatshahi 10 at start of chariters, it also doesn’t have Sri Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh?
  • Guru had time to write 404 chariters but no time to write even one word about Peer Buddhu Shah and his sons who sacrificed their lives for Guru Ji?
  • If chariters are written by Guru Ji, then why isn’t chariter katha even done in Gurudwaras?
  • They are never even read. Why?
  • When Akhand Paath of dasam granth is performed, Chariters are read silently. Why if it is Gurbani?
  • Why isn’t a Hukamnama taken from chariters?
  • What if hukamnama from chariters is taken and hukamnama says call for opium, weed, liquor, morphine, etc. Have a lot of intercourse with all types of women. Are you going to follow the order? Are you going to take drugs? Are you going to have intercourse with all types of women?
  • Says raam is also written in many places in chariters. Since when was Gruu Ji also called Ram?
These are just some of the points. Answer all of them or admit it isn't bani. Make sure to use Gurbani tukhs. You still didn't show me where the word lung or laand is used in Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Tell me who compiled the volume of Dasam Granth when Guru Sahib said to leave his bani in pothis as mentioned by GYani Gyan SIngh.
Dec 1, 2006
Also kindly tell me what is the use of writing over 600 pages full of garbage when that time could have been used to write better things such as Sheedi about Sahibzadas and other great GurSikhs and Amrit Sanchar.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Khalsa Fauj Ji...
Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji KI fateh.

Keep on speaking the TRUTH...ONLY the TRUTH..and Nothing but the TRUTH.
AAd SACH..Jugaad SACH..Nanak hosee bhee SACH.
Sach kadeh PURANNA hoveh nahin..kadeeh patehga nahin.

Chardeekalla Veer.

Gyani jarnail Singh


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and The Khalsa Fauj Jee!

Hearty thanks for your sensible post and using proper language for a healthy discussion. It makes all to move easily. We all are seeking truth. Let us walk together. My answers are the sights from instances where I stand. I wish you the truth seen from here one day.
I may express my views as much as God wants me. Your every question has many answers with options. Please choose one and we can continue discussing.

Question 1. "Anandpur had been just settles so how could so many prostitutes come there?"

Prostitutes are always interested in new places and new customers. Prostitution takes place first in mind of beings. Ananda is not only attracting Sadhus and Yogis. Ananda attracts also prostitutes. It is a different thing that many stop at momentary pleasures. The name Anandpur says the place where Ananda has settled down.
God is not surprised on people who visit even holy places with the mind of a prostitute. Such a mind always wants profit and poses to give enjoyment by visiting for few minutes. Can we imagine people at a holy place without longing of any profit? In my view, all places become holy without wishes. I hope we all have seen darkness beneath burning lamps.
Apart from this Gurdev is not singing song of historical incidents. He is singing episodes in Hymns that take place within human beings.
I can assure that by receiving true Naam Simran one wonders watching the ways of Maya seducing him. He is also thankful while being chosen as true Sikh. All others suffer repeatedly being defeated by Trai-gunee character of Maya.
I admire my Guru being so precise saying all that in few sentences. After realizing the true attack of Triyaa Shabad Guru amazes him, showing its character. It is for sure more naked than we can imagine it in reality. God is great that Gurdev spoke something about it.

I feel it is enough for right now.

Balbir Singh
Dec 1, 2006
Well, you still don't answer the other related questions. More than 40 questions. Question 2 is related to the first one and has to do with moral character of Sikhs. There are countless other questions and flaws which I will post when I get time.

And what are you talking about? Are you and vijaydeep all about confusing people? For real. I don't understand what you are trying to say. Make it clear like I make things clear so I can understand what you are really trying to say.


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and The Khalsa Fauj Jee!

The list of not only your questions is long. Without true Simran it grows in everybody. I have posted some views on the questions number one and two. Let us come to the question number three.

Question 3. "According to the chariters Guru Ji is a worshipper of Bhagauti. Is this not vipran kee reet? Even if Bhagauti is translated as God, why did Guru Ji went to learn Bhagauti mantar? Wasn’t Guru Ji a complete Guru?

Bhagauti is God's Will. This entangles one with worldly matters or leads him toward God. It is God's Will whom HE engages for what. God's Will creates all the universes. This is the reason one cannot transcend Sansaar with his ego. We recognize God's Will, when Gurshabad leads us toward HIM. We express it in many ways. Bhagauti and Grace are few names of this Godly Force. Also, called His Shakti. Like a true Sikh is thankful to the Guroo and the Shabad Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Jee and all the Gurus are singing praises of the Shabad Guru. Please do not feel disturbed if somebody uses the name Mantra for the Shabad Guru. All the Gurus have spoken the word Mantra often.

The Impact and the results of the true Gurshabad are amazing. A true Sikh when tries to express his gratitude, it becomes worship. Also, Guru Gobind Singh Jee received Shabad Guru. I cannot imagine a person who realized Truth without receiving Gurshabad. Receiving Gurshabad is Guru Kee Reet. It is not vipran kee reet.
It became vipran kee reet in Guru Jee's time. In those days many Brahmins claimed to possess the wisdom of Gurshabad. In reality they missed this wisdom at all like our so-called Baabaas these days.
The Gurus know that everybody is born with God's complete Wisdom. The only thing is to recognize it through the Gurshabad. It is like lighting on the inner candle. True Guroo transfers this wisdom to all on whom God's Grace starts showering.

One receives Gurshabad. The Gurshabad works. Consciousness begins to awaken. With the full conscious mind HE becomes the complete being. We may entitle Him the complete Guru or God. Such a human being does not wish at this stage any title. Please do not get surprised if we do not find any Guru calling Him the Guru. This is the reason Guru Naanak dev Jee naturally using the word 'Jan Naanak' (Human Naanak). Many others found the Gurshabad and God through Him though. The world wants to thank them calling Guru or God working through the Guru.

Thanking Gurshabad recognizing God's Will is worshiping Bhagauti. This is Guru's Reet and God's Preet.


Balbir Singh
Dec 1, 2006
I don't understand your post. What are you trying to say? Summarize it in 2-4 lines because it is beyond my understanding.
Does anyone else understand this?
Aman Singh Ji! Do you understand this? Could you please summarize what he is trying to say if you understand?

Last time I checked Hukam was God's will. Which dictionary are you pulling these aarths from? How was Guru Ji doing Bhagauti Simran? "Bhagauti Bhagauti Bhagauti Bhagauti"??????

Guru says says to do Parcha Shabad Daa
Not Simran of Bhagauti


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and The Khalsa Fauj Jee!

Bhagauti is God 's Will. We realize her as God's Hukam. Nobody can go against it. They solve this mystery only by receiving true Naam Simran, not by discussing it.
Those who cannot transfer this wisdom are mere preachers earning their bread or wasting life in criticizing Bhagauti.
Truth of Bhagauti is not realized repeating the word Bhagauti, Bhagauti.
Who can realize truth of The Khalsa Fauj just by repeating the words The Khalsa Fauj, The Khalsa Fauj, The Khalsa Fauj? .

One thing is sure. After knowing true Simran one comes to know the Godly truth and that of Baabaas too.

Do we feel we have tested your Baabaas enough?

Balbir Singh
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