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"Dasam" Granth - A Look At The Core Problems

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Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
As for Bhai Gurdas his vaaran were not added to SGGS because Bhai Sahib, is supposed to have requested it not to be added out of humility, but Guru Sahib gave it approval as the Key to SGGS. Therefore Bhai Gurdas' writings, separate as they are, are still a relevant source.

References / Proof please...

Yes it is my personal opinion. But it stands to logic. If Guru Gobind Singh wrote another granth identical to Guru Granth Sahib, what would have been the need for it?

ALL of the previous Gurus wrote of the same ideology. The difference is that if Guru Gobind Singh Ji wrote DG, then his ideology was in disagreement to that presented in SGGSJ. So are you saying Guru Gobind Singh Ji had a different idea than was presented by our previous 9 Gurus, and was trying to change Sikhi into something completely different?


There are several references to charan pahul not only by the Guru's but also by the 22 Manjis that the Guru established.

Yes, there were. And women were even sent out as masands! The authority to confer Charan Pahul was given to masands (including these women - one of which was in charge of all Kashmir). That means women had the Guru given authority to confer amrit to initiates prior to 1699 by the way (since many try to say women cant do seva as Panj Pyaras)
The reason the charan pahul was replaced with kande de pahul was severalfold: the masands had become corrupt (reference Page 135, The History of Sikh Gurus, Prithi Pal Singh, Lotus Press, Jan 1, 2006) They started to accept money for initiation, and starting viewing themselves as Gurus. The idea of a single person initiating others then, made it too easy for that one person to become corrupt. Hence one reason why we have 5 now. Another was, with the lineage of human Gurus ended, there needed to be a way to give authority to the panth to make decisions. A single person should never have full control to do that. So decision making authority was given to five Sikhs (notice I never said Singh... Sikhs includes Kaurs) who are Amritdhari. This authority of self-sufficiency was give to the panth, and the panth includes women. The other reason was that through kande de pahul, all differences were removed from the initiates. Differences that caused people to treat some with preference and privilege over others.


It is interesting that she has not responded to my questions, whilst still contributing to this topic, which makes me think that she made those statements knowing she had no response and has since decided to ignore them.

I mean I have asked 4 or 5 times now, over the space of several days.

I have answered. Please scroll back. I gave you two separate references mentioning the hukamnama, not only that I gave you the exact Akal Takht Jathedar's name who signed it. Just because you won't accept those references is not my problem. I also gave you the names of several granthis, including the head granthi of Darbar Sahib who also were in agreement with the fact that Charitropakhyan were not written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji. And they came to their agreement based on research by numerous scholars. I think I even gave you the name of the Singh who requested the research into the authenticity which started the whole thing. If you want more, then email akal takht! There are numerous references to that decision, from different sources. I find it funny though that you immediately jump on the source because it doesn't agree with you, and insulted the Sikh Bulletin (and Sikh Institute) the lowest because they are in agreement that this piece of women degrading, pornographic work was never written by Guru Ji.


But I will not take that same approach. If I don't know the answer/information that can help us to get to the closer to the discussion I will not respond.

There area sp{censored} number of texts written in the 18th century that refer to what we are discussing ie Kesar Singh Chibbers bansawalinama

Chibbers writing has already been refuted. Its unreliable, as he jumps around in topics and he himself even admits he is going by here-say (what he was told) rather than first hand knowledge. Moreover, he infused his own Brahminical thinking and angle to what he wrote and it's highly apparent.
(reference the article I sent you earlier that Sikh Coalition was goaded into removing - if you need a link to read it again here, its one of the first comments below the article by 'Anonymous': What is the reality of Dasam Granth? - Quora


Mehma Parkash

States that the stories were 'collected' from other sources.

Gurbilas Patshahi 10
Guru Kian Sakhia.

May I enquire as to whether you have looked at any of these writings at all?


When you say judgement you make it sound like I have closed my mind to any debate or shift from my position on the matter. I have simply taken the steps of lloking at the evidence before me. I have not made any judgements.

Who knows? I could be wrong, once Harikiran Ji and yourself respond the questions I posed to you good selves.

Already did.

If Harkiran Ji feels that the proof is not enough for DG, what is the proof for SGGS?

SGGSJ lineage is not in question as it was created prior to Guru Ji leaving this world, and remains unchanged. DG however, up to later 18th century had 32 copies all differing from each other - which were compiled into one which was then declared to be from the Guru. (Originals reference, above) 32 copies??? ALL different??? What authority did they have to 'decide' what was Guru Ji's work or not, so long after the fact? It says they 'clarified differences'... based on what???? The very fact that there WERE differences SPEAKS VOLUMES! What if they made a mistake? That time period it was well known the Brahminical influence in Sikhi! So you can bet your booties, that thinking would love to have a whole section of writing designed to denigrate women into an inferior role! Its what Laws of Manu had been saying! SGGSJ never had multiple copies all differing from each other (ragmaala issue aside) meaning nobody had to 'decide' anything regarding its authenticity as SGGSJ in its current form was the same form all through the history from time of Guru Ji. Up till only about 120 years ago, it was not even agreed upon which bits from all these different DG copies were even true!


Jan 3, 2016
1. What is the setting/background to Charitropakhyan?

2, Who are the main characters in the text?

I have answered.

These are 2 questions I asked your opinion on a few days ago Harkiran Ji. I have looked through your posts but couldnt see where you had responded to them. Please can you copy and paste your response to them in a new post.

I gave you two separate references mentioning the hukamnama, not only that I gave you the exact Akal Takht Jathedar's name who signed it. Just because you won't accept those references is not my problem.

Yes thank you, you very warmly did provide names and statuses of the people involved. At the time I was surprised to hear that the SGPC issued a hukumnama as they have no authority to do so Only the 5 Jathedars of the Takhts are able to issue hukumnamas, so I'm still doing a little research into this. Once I have some new/valid information I will gladly share it with you.


Jan 3, 2016
Harkiran Ji re post #81. i will refrain from answering this post at the moment, as i feel this topic is becoming a little cluttered. Let's focus on some of the questions/points that have been raised in this topic before we tread new waters.

I would prefer to be able to do it this, as I'm sure the rest of you will agree, that if someone who was interested in reading this topic may just get a little lost in all the questions thrown back and forth with no clear line of discussion being centre to it.

Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
These are 2 questions I asked your opinion on a few days ago Harkiran Ji. I have looked through your posts but couldnt see where you had responded to them. Please can you copy and paste your response to them in a new post.

Yes thank you, you very warmly did provide names and statuses of the people involved. At the time I was surprised to hear that the SGPC issued a hukumnama as they have no authority to do so Only the 5 Jathedars of the Takhts are able to issue hukumnamas, so I'm still doing a little research into this. Once I have some new/valid information I will gladly share it with you.

I told you it was Akal Takht who issued it not SGPC.

Here are your other questions:

background is the Raja and his advisor talking. The advisor is trying to get him to not fall into the wiles of women, so he begins to tell him many stories showcasing how women are deceitful and immoral and should not be trusted.

The main characters in each charitar are mainly different each time, however some characters span several charitars like anoop kaur. Im vast majority of the cases the story is a situation where a man is taken in by a woman's deceit and either ruined or killed etc. The end message is that the King (and all men) should never trust women and should keep women under control and subjugation.


Jan 3, 2016
I told you it was Akal Takht who issued it not SGPC.

Harkiran Ji, the website you quoted did not mention it as any kind if hukumnama. We can only look at the information before us, so if you say it is a hukumnama, then we have to look further into the text provided and then other sources to validate that claim.

As I said all we can do is look at the evidence before us. The sikhiwiki source you provided does not mention it in any way as a hukumnama.

I have had a look through this on the SGPC website. It is a complete list of hukumnamas from Sri Akal Takht Sahib from 1920, in chronological order. There is no mention of this 1973 letter, therefore unless further evidence comes before us, it would be wise to discount this letter as a source. Please look through this link to see hukumnamas.

For your ease you may wish to go to pg 75/76.

I would also recommend that you read the hukumnama dated 5-7-1977.


Here are your other questions:

background is the Raja and his advisor talking. The advisor is trying to get him to not fall into the wiles of women, so he begins to tell him many stories showcasing how women are deceitful and immoral and should not be trusted.

Thanks and please accept my apologies for troubling you to re-post that as I failed to see it in your previous post.

The King and the advisor talking is not the background, it is the current story. What is the background?

The main characters in each charitar are mainly different each time, however some characters span several charitars like anoop kaur.

The characters in the stories are not main characters. They only feature in the particular story.

The main/important characters to me are:

1. The King
2. His first wife
3. His second wife
4 The Prince
5. The Minister.

Im vast majority of the cases the story is a situation where a man is taken in by a woman's deceit and either ruined or killed etc. The end message is that the King (and all men) should never trust women and should keep women under control and subjugation.

Harkiran Ji, again you are jumping the gun. Let's leave content to the side for now and discuss the characters. I have identified a different set of characters to yourself.

What role would you feel that each of these (my main characters) represent?
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Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
Harkiran Ji, the website you quoted did not mention it as any kind if hukumnama. We can only look at the information before us, so if you say it is a hukumnama, then we have to look further into the text provided and then other sources to validate that claim.

As I said all we can do is look at the evidence before us. The sikhiwiki source you provided does not mention it in any way as a hukumnama.

I have had a look through this on the SGPC website. It is a complete list of hukumnamas from Sri Akal Takht Sahib from 1920, in chronological order. There is no mention of this 1973 letter, therefore unless further evidence comes before us, it would be unwise to discount this letter as a source. Please look through this link to see hukumnamas.

For your ease you may wish to go to pg 75/76.

I would also recommend that you read the hukumnama dated 5-7-1977.


Thanks and please accept my apologies for troubling you to re-post that as I failed to see it in your previous post.

The King and the advisor talking is not the background, it is the current story. What is the background?

The characters in the stories are not main characters. They only feature in the particular story.

The main/important characters to me are:

1. The King
2. His first wife
3. His second wife
4 The Prince
5. The Minister.

Harkiran Ji, again you are jumping the gun. Let's leave content to the side for now and discuss the characters. I have identified a different set of characters to yourself.

What role would you feel that each of these (my main characters) represent?

The King after being cheated on and left by first wife ({censored}), being deceived by a woman (second wife, also {censored}) who is hot to trot and wants to {censored} his son (the prince) because she was younger than the king (and presumably didnt find the king attractve sexually). The minister is trying to show the King how women cant be trusted and will always follow their sexual desires, even going to lengths like murder and deceit to get their sexual desires met (because the second wife accused the son wrongfully because he wouldnt {censored} her). In the end, he is successful because the king stops the execution of his son. The damage to the female gender due to the generalized message now in the minds of anyone who reads this.

Did you know that several rehetnamas around just after Guru Ji's time, actually told Singhs to NEVER trust ANY woman....even their own wives and to consider women the 'embodiment of deceit'?? It serves as proof to the damaging effect it had on the treatment of women. Because here is a rhetnama telling men to regard us the embodiment of deceit and never share any secret with us. Chaupa Singh Rhetnama actual date is not known but dated to some time between 1710-1770's (also during the same timeframe that charitropakhyan was said to have been concocted. If you are saying charitropakhyan was written prior to that, it only proves even more the damaging effect that mindset had on treatment of women (and notice the section is titled treatment of women) in Chaupa Singhs rhetnama (Macleod translation)


Do you believe this is in line with Guru Gobind Singh Ji's thoughts about women? (btw it also suggests women are not considered to be 'Gursikhs' - only males)
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Jan 9, 2011
London UK
I would prefer to be able to do it this, as I'm sure the rest of you will agree, that if someone who was interested in reading this topic may just get a little lost in all the questions thrown back and forth with no clear line of discussion being centre to it.
Kully Ji - forgive me, but my understanding of the entire discussion to hand is as follows:
  1. Khalsa 1469, makes a good case that there is only "one" Guru and that is, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji [SGGSJ]. However, he acknowledges Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji [SDGSJ] as equally important but cannot be at par with SGGSJ. I concur with his train of thought !
  2. You, I'm led to believe are saying that the entire SDGSJ is written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji, and should be given equal status with SGGSJ because it too, is Gurbani [?].
  3. Harkiran Kaur is saying, part of the SDGSJ is not written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
  4. I'm saying, okay people [bar Khalsa 1469 and you in part], where is the evidence for your claims [academically obtained] ?
If the critics of SDGSJ have not observed the principles of the scholarship ways of arguing their case, then one have every right to reject their claims. That is to say, did they investigate hard core materials and researched data using technique and methodology of the scientific method; were they diligent and scholarly organised to decipher all the available primary [guru's hand written transcripts] and secondary sources, were investigations conducted not merely with the aim of making a claim, but to discover the truth ? If affirmative, then please be my guest and let's have a look.

Kindly forward objective rational deliberations and not indignations, apitites, hearsay or propaganda to advance preconceived ideas of a personal disposition.

Thank you -


Jan 3, 2016
The King after being cheated on and left by first wife ({censored word, do not repeat.}), being deceived by a woman (second wife, also {censored word, do not repeat.}) who is hot to trot and wants to {censored word, do not repeat.} his son (the prince) because she was younger than the king (and presumably didnt find the king attractve sexually). The minister is trying to show the King how women cant be trusted and will always follow their sexual desires, even going to lengths like murder and deceit to get their sexual desires met (because the second wife accused the son wrongfully because he wouldnt {censored word, do not repeat.} her). In the end, he is successful because the king stops the execution of his son. The damage to the female gender due to the generalized message now in the minds of anyone who reads this.

Harkiran Ji, again and again you jump the gun and start on the content. Why are you so eager to press on to the content without even identifying or exploring the background to the text?

Please, let's take it at a pace where we can all learn. I know you have read the complete text and are way ahead of me when it comes to this text but please we are both here to share and learn. Many times it feels like you are galloping along and dragging poor unfortunate me with you.

Did you know that several rehetnamas around just after Guru Ji's time, actually told Singhs to NEVER trust ANY woman....even their own wives and to consider women the 'embodiment of deceit'?? It serves as proof to the damaging effect it had on the treatment of women. Because here is a rhetnama telling men to regard us the embodiment of deceit and never share any secret with us. Chaupa Singh Rhetnama actual date is not known but dated to some time between 1710-1770's (also during the same timeframe that charitropakhyan was said to have been concocted. If you are saying charitropakhyan was written prior to that, it only proves even more the damaging effect that mindset had on treatment of women (and notice the section is titled treatment of women) in Chaupa Singhs rhetnama:


Harkiran please leave any external writings until we have looked at the main text, which hopefully we can once we have explored the background to the text.

Do you believe this is in line with Guru Gobind Singh Ji's thoughts about women?

I don't know because I haven't had a chance to look at it properly yet. When we do get round to that, then I'll more of an idea, but until then please don't ask these questions, or bring in any material that we don't need to use just yet.


Jan 3, 2016
Kully Ji - forgive me, but my understanding of the entire discussion to hand is as follows:
  1. Khalsa 1469, makes a good case that there is only "one" Guru and that is, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji [SGGSJ]. However, he acknowledges Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji [SDGSJ] as equally important but cannot be at par with SGGSJ. I concur with his train of thought !

Original Ji, I am with you and Khalsa 1469 Ji in this regard.

You, I'm led to believe are saying that the entire SDGSJ is written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji, and should be given equal status with SGGSJ because it too, is Gurbani [?].

No Sir, and i never said that. I am saying "let's look at the evidence before us" with regards to content, and certainly I have never stated that it should be given equal status with SGGS.

Harkiran Kaur is saying, part of the SDGSJ is not written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Yes Harikiran Ji is saying that, and that is what we are attempting to look at in this topic.

If the critics of SDGSJ have not observed the principles of the scholarship ways of arguing their case, then one have every right to reject their claims. That is to say, did they investigate hard core materials and researched data using technique and methodology of the scientific method; were they diligent and scholarly organised to decipher all the available primary [guru's hand written transcripts] and secondary sources, were investigations conducted not merely with the aim of making a claim, but to discover the truth ? If affirmative, then please be my guest and let's have a look.

Thank you. I agree.


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
No Sir, and i never said that. I am saying "let's look at the evidence before us" with regards to content, and certainly I have never stated that it should be given equal status with SGGS.
...thank you, and please accept my sincere apologies !

Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
Yes I vehemently do NOT believe Guru Gobind Singh Ji wrote Charitropakhyan because if he did it means that he purposely nullified everything the previous Gurus worked towards to elevate women to equality with men. If he did indeed write it and intend for his 'Sikhs' (men?) to read it and learn from it, then he INTENDED to denigrate women knowing full well that it would result in centuries of degradation of the female gender even to today! Real world examples of this effect:

- Rhetnamas including Chaupa Singh DIRECTLY tell Singhs to NEVER trust ANY woman, even their own wife, and to consider ALL women the "embodiment of deceit"
- The main 'Sampardas' quote charitropakhyan when limiting women from most seva - and ALL leadership roles. Many 'Singhs' from these groups see women with disdain and disgust even... one I have run across personally said women need to give men respect as being above them, even to the point that Gursikh wives should 'bow' to their husbands and touch his feet as being above her in level.
- Some of these groups have their own rehet maryadas which tell women to see their husband as God over them, while telling the Singh to see his wife as a 'faithful follower' (hierarchy with man in authority over woman, in agreement with charitropakhyan saying women should never have independence and must always be under male rule, requiring permission from their husband to do anything at all)
- Another correlation is the idea of husband eats first and finishes BEFORE the wife can eat at all. This was mentioned in Charitropakhyan in the 'moral' of one of the charitars. Coincidence then, that several rhetnamas also state that as well?
- These ideas are in consonance with Laws of Manu - but NOT with what is written in SGGSJ.

Ignoring the fact that this ideology goes AGAINST SGGSJ, If it turns out that Guru Gobind Singh Ji DID see the female gender in this way (going against the previous Gurus), then it will most certainly change my view of Sikhi. I don't know that I could follow a religion that sees me as treacherous, immoral, deceitful, not trustworthy, and under subjugation to men, simply because I happened to be born in a female body. It would likely have serious consequences in my spiritual journey as far as Sikhi is concerned.
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Jan 9, 2011
London UK
Harkiran Ji - a very good morning !

Whilst there is substantive truth in your argument, there isn't I'm afraid, the evident truth required to uphold your claim that Guru Gobind Ji did not write the literature in question. What does that mean ? Simply put, it is inconclusive an argument and if you deem it conclusive, which indeed you're entitled to, that would mean you want to "believe" that Guru Ji never wrote such literature. And, belief as you know falls outside the spectrum of rational and empirical wisdom. As such, is assigned to one's faith, which is left to the individual that can never be objectively argued.

One of philosophy's characteristic methods is its careful, logical argument designed to closely examine ideas and concepts, commonly referred to as, conceptual analysis. And indeed, it's not just about concepts of things, but about the things themselves as well, meaning you and your stance in the instant scenario. As a bystander I observe and evaluate accordingly.

I must confess, I had no real knowledge of such controversy within which this discussion had developed. I've always considered gospel all that I've come to believe by way of Sikh literature. Sri Dasam Granth being one of them and indeed, there are instances where content is inconsistent with ideology, but that in the wake of the bigger picture is soon eroded when one is enlightened that the writer [say Gobind] is only the narrator of ancient Indian literature. And, that he from an aesthetic viewpoint is artistically expressing, a master piece of unparalleled "literature", notwithstanding any overriding considerations.

From a spiritual perspective, you are an advanced soul knowing that the good, bad and the beautiful are all manifestations of the one Waheguru. Those that are proposing and those opposing are no more, but His play. Shabd Guru remains unaffected since it transcends time and space. It's us humans shilly-shelling because of our ego.

Speak soon - take care !

Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
Harkiran Ji - a very good morning !

Whilst there is substantive truth in your argument, there isn't I'm afraid, the evident truth required to uphold your claim that Guru Gobind Ji did not write the literature in question. What does that mean ? Simply put, it is inconclusive an argument and if you deem it conclusive, which indeed you're entitled to, that would mean you want to "believe" that Guru Ji never wrote such literature. And, belief as you know falls outside the spectrum of rational and empirical wisdom. As such, is assigned to one's faith, which is left to the individual that can never be objectively argued.

One of philosophy's characteristic methods is its careful, logical argument designed to closely examine ideas and concepts, commonly referred to as, conceptual analysis. And indeed, it's not just about concepts of things, but about the things themselves as well, meaning you and your stance in the instant scenario. As a bystander I observe and evaluate accordingly.

I must confess, I had no real knowledge of such controversy within which this discussion had developed. I've always considered gospel all that I've come to believe by way of Sikh literature. Sri Dasam Granth being one of them and indeed, there are instances where content is inconsistent with ideology, but that in the wake of the bigger picture is soon eroded when one is enlightened that the writer [say Gobind] is only the narrator of ancient Indian literature. And, that he from an aesthetic viewpoint is artistically expressing, a master piece of unparalleled "literature", notwithstanding any overriding considerations.

From a spiritual perspective, you are an advanced soul knowing that the good, bad and the beautiful are all manifestations of the one Waheguru. Those that are proposing and those opposing are no more, but His play. Shabd Guru remains unaffected since it transcends time and space. It's us humans shilly-shelling because of our ego.

Speak soon - take care !

I am sorry I can never believe our Guru thought of me like that! If he did, then where are the equally damning stories about men being deceitful and immoral? Or did he only think women were the 'embodiment of deceit' (as described in Chaupa Singh's rhetnama)? Am I also as a female supposed to see all men as the embodiment of deceit and never trust any man even my own husband? Because according to Chaupa Singh rhetnama (which was written around same timeframe) says that my husband should never trust any woman including me as his wife, that I am the 'embodiment of deceit' as a female. Guru Gobind Singh Ji thinks I am the embodiment of deceit and immorality?

Should I just accept that by being female I am treacherous, immoral and thats why I deserve a lesser role in Sikhi and in life? Should I subjugate myself to my husband then, and forget about even doing anything in leadership role (certain sects like damdami taksal etc prohibit women from anything prominent / leadership and often quote DG as reason why). Do you believe I need to be reborn into a male 'joon' before I can attain liberation (which some of them say as well)?

If this were the case, I will no longer call myself Sikh.

And no, I have not been given any SUBSTANTIAL evidence to show that Charitropakhyan was written by Guru Gobind Singh... but if you show me something SUBSTANTIAL, I will renounce being a Kaur, I will remove my dastar and cut my hair, and go back to a normal life, with the conclusion that ALL religions hate women. But I don't think that will happen:

In 1973 several high profile Singhs from SGPC and Akal Takht declared it was NOT writing of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Until end of 1800s there were 32 DIFFERENT copies of DG, all with DIFFERENCES. This alone, casts doubt as to the authenticity of DG as a whole.

Chibber was discounted as being a reliable source as he himself declares in Bansavalinama that he was writing third hand information. (Heard from somewhere else)

Letter from Bhai Mani Singh was also refuted as likely being a forgery.

Mehma Parkash states that charitropakhyan were collected stories from other sources which you yourself also corroborated. So Guru Ji did not "WRITE" these as original works. If he did have them in his possesion, what was the reason? Did he ever intend his Sikhs to even see them or were they for his personal study of those older texts? And most importantly did he BELIEVE this was how females are? As in did he really view women in such a low light compared to men?

Chaupa Singh Rhetnama seems to take advice from the charitars stating Singhs should NEVER trust ANY woman, not even their own wives and to consider ALL women the embodiment of deceit. Thus we can see the actual DAMAGE to the female gender caused by this thinking. Chaupa Singh however wrote in a very biased way showing his Brahminical thinking. And Charitropakhyan also reflects the previous thinking - as in Laws of Manu views of women. Did Guru Ji believe this view of women??? That's what I want to know.
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Jan 22, 2005
And no, I have not been given any SUBSTANTIAL evidence to show that Charitropakhyan was written by Guru Gobind Singh... but if you show me something SUBSTANTIAL, I will renounce being a Kaur, I will remove my dastar and cut my hair, and go back to a normal life, with the conclusion that ALL religions hate women. But I don't think that will happen:
Harkiran Jee

There is no substantial evidence to show that Charitropakhyan was written by Guru Gobind Singh. Any Granth which degrades our sister is the invention of sicking mind. My Guru is sabd guru which is my inner voice which tells me to see God in every human being, respect them and treat them equal. No need to even think or surrenders before these duffers who promote degradation of women or worship of deities.

Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
Harkiran Jee

There is no substantial evidence to show that Charitropakhyan was written by Guru Gobind Singh. Any Granth which degrades our sister is the invention of sicking mind. My Guru is sabd guru which is my inner voice which tells me to see God in every human being, respect them and treat them equal. No need to even think or surrenders before these duffers who promote degradation of women or worship of deities.

Thank you japjisahib04 Ji

I needed that. I wonder how they would (really) take it if it was THEM that the finger was being pointed at - if it was THEM who our Guru was saying were deceitful and immoral and warning all women to never trust any Singh, not even their own husband. And suggesting that Singhs should never do anything independently and always be under their wife's control having to get permission to do anything... (if these 'Singhs' are laughing right now reading this - then they really are lowlifes for obvious reasons) It's always fine when the finger is being pointed at someone else only!!!! I am fairly certain that if the writing was pointing at males for being deceitful and immoral (which in history has been more the case since immorality was never really discouraged in men generally while women's sexuality was to be locked up and controlled) I am fairly certain if Charitropakhyan was saying men were the immoral ones and deceitful treacherous ones then this piece of writing would have disappeared before it ever made it into a 'granth'.


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
Harkiran Ji - you've taken it personally, I'm sorry ! This was about the authenticity of SDGSJ !

I will take leave hereinafter -

Goodnight !


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
Respected Japjisahib,

There is no need to use language that has derogatory connotations, especially if you're a mentor to the host provider. Respecting other people's dignity, protects our very own integrity and honour. You are an honourable man, please refrain from using such language.

Thank you !

Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
Respected Japjisahib,

There is no need to use language that has derogatory connotations, especially if you're a mentor to the host provider. Respecting other people's dignity, protects our very own integrity and honour. You are an honourable man, please refrain from using such language.

Thank you !

But, you are demanding that everyone believe that Guru Ji wrote (and believed) such words with much worse derogatory connotation towards women, than what he used. (like deceitful, immoral, treacherous, untrustworthy etc.) And yes I take it personally because the message in Charitropakhyan is about ALL women, and inescapably, I am a woman meaning 'whoever' wrote it, was pointing a finger directly at me with accusation of those derogatory connotations.


Jan 22, 2005
Harkiran Jee

We have the Living Guru, SGGS, whenever anyone tries to link any illogical writing, please consult the Living Guru and Guru have clearly stated, 'ਸਤਿਗੁਰੂ ਬਿਨਾ ਹੋਰ ਕਚੀ ਹੈ ਬਾਣੀ ॥ ਬਾਣੀ ਤ ਕਚੀ ਸਤਿਗੁਰੂ ਬਾਝਹੁ ਹੋਰ ਕਚੀ ਬਾਣੀ ॥ anything which goes against your conscience your inner voice is false - thus discard it.SGGS 920.7.I wonder when same guru says manas kee jaat sabhai ekai pehchanibo then how could he be jugemental and humilate our sisters.


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
But, you are demanding that everyone believe that Guru Ji wrote (and believed) such words with much worse derogatory connotation towards women, than what he used. (like deceitful, immoral, treacherous, untrustworthy etc.) And yes I take it personally because the message in Charitropakhyan is about ALL women, and inescapably, I am a woman meaning 'whoever' wrote it, was pointing a finger directly at me with accusation of those derogatory connotations.
Harkiran Kaur Ji - a very good morning !

I'm sorry, but I'm not demanded anything and neither have I contested, all I'm saying, if there is scholarly obtained evidence to prove some parts of SDGSJ were not written by Guru Sahib Ji then please furnish. Expressing a point of view on a subject and supporting it with evidence is often the aim of academic writing. There are instances where "facts" and not arguments rule intelligent thinking and I think this'd be that instance. That is not to say, your sentiments are not well founded, indeed they are, and hence the reason it should become your preoccupation to bring about the kind of social justice that forms the very basis of your argument, equality. This does not mean you should dismiss or attempt to shape literature to fit a preconceived viewpoint. It means taking an informed position on the basis of reasoned academic judgement and with due reference to the potential limits of your own argument.

On the whole I'm delighted to see you vent for equality and as a matter of fact, here in UK we managed to push and legislated the Equality Act 2010. And, honestly speaking, from a spiritual standpoint, I'm sizing you to be someone who has the potential to bring about social justice.

Kindly accept my sincere apologies on the whole and allow me to exit the discussion. I'd be more than happy to answer any of your questions.

Much obliged
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