The only difference before Allah is Taqwa(God fearing), which only Allah can better judge.
So you do believe that only Allah can judge the taqwa of a person? I do, too. I think we are forbidden from trying to take on that job ourselves because it is the most grandiose vanity to believe we can judge the heart since only God can judge the heart. Do you agree?
The killing of an innocent people is like killing the whole humanity and saving one is as saving the whole humanity.
Even those who practice religions other than Islam, correct? Even those who are Sikh, correct? I think Ishna feels that many Muslims in the world are, very sadly, not obeying this basic Quranic teaching. She believes there is a lot of oppression, unjustified murders, etc., in the Islamic world so she suggests you focus on solutions for these problems rather than criticize a people who live in the west.
Actually taqwa is much more than fearing God. It is more like recognizing the Might and Omnipotence of the One both Muslims and Sikhs worship. Sikhs also practice complete reverence and surrender to simran (zikr). IMHO, at least.
Muslims and Sikhs both find taqwa fills their hearts when they prostrate.
Naben ji, have you ever read Kirtan Sohila? It fills me with taqwa.
I'm so grateful the Prophet told believers to go to China for knowledge if they must. Alhamdulillah! God is so Great that all the great religions around the world are worthy of learning from!
Kirtan Sohila reminds us that we are only here on earth for a while, that the date we will meet our Beloved is closer and closer with every breath we take. I think Kirtan Sohila helps Sikhs in a state of taqwa. Would you agree?
Here are verses in Quran on taqwa:
It is not taqwa that you turn your faces toward East or West, but it is taqwa to believe in Allah
(God/Waheguru/YHWH, Ahura Mazda) and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Books
(the Holy Books of Islam, Judaism and Christianity and the Books of Sabeans (ie Hanifs, Zoroastrians) and the Messengers
(Muhammad, Isa (Jesus), Musa (Moses), Zarathustra, Ibrahim (Abraham), Enoch (Hermes, el-Khidr) ), to spend of your substance out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer and practice regular charity; to fulfill the contracts you have made; to be firm and patient, in pain and adversity. Those are the truthful and those are the muttaqun
(to be piously in a state of surrender to the One known by many Names such as HaShem, Shekhinah, Ahura Mazda, Sophia, al-Hakim, God, Allah, Friend, Sat Nam, Wakan Tanka, al-Haqq). (Quran 2:177)
Another beautiful verse which speaks of taqwa.
O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has taqwa. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware. (Quran 49:13)
The entire Siri Guru Granth Sahib is about taqwa in a sense just as the entire Quran and Bible is about taqwa...a reminder that we should remain in and will be in a state of awe when we meet the One with all veils (the Unknowable Face (wajh Allah) of the One who is beyond our understanding) pulled aside.
Naben, your dawah is not your words of advice or condemnation. Your dawah radiates silently from your own taqwa. You must remember that a Muslim must live in a way that others come to love Islam. And to do that on a Sikh forum, I suspect you should reflect on what Sikhs and Muslims can share harmoniously together.
Imagine they are dhimmi (the protected ones) who are Muhammad would have humbly included as residents amongst the Muslim ummah.
As the proverb goes: you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
*I have added for greater universal understanding what is within parenthesis and italicized where I quoted Quran.