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Atheism Do You Believe In Waheguru


May 24, 2008
God, if there is God do not interfere in any person's life.
How about animals he created them too. Yet I dont see them doing simran. Will guru bless them too?

The whole thing of this God is just few people to make money by scaring the public. He do not interfere then there is no need to do any simran. No need to go to Mandar Gurdwara or church. It is waste of time. It is not hard to know that hurting some life is bad. Before we hurt some one we must plan by thinking how to hurt some one. Just control your thoughts. Every thing comes in that.

Bhai ji making us guilty he tell us to do simran n come to Gurdwara so he can make money. Most Gurdwara's cases are in court. Why are they fighting for money? Dont they know money is evil.

All I wanted to know was who told us to do waheguru simran. Every one here just beating around the bush. If no one knows just say dont know. Why misleading people. Let any person make up his own shabad to do simran. Or find out what Nanak said shabad is my guru. So I should just repeat shabad shabad shabad. Once we got that there is no need to go to Gurdwara or Manader


Mar 13, 2013
seeker ji
not all are at same par and not all are same enlightened
for some going to mandir churches ,gurudwaras is a wonderful divine experience
sitting there listening to katha ,kirtan can throw some light on many fools including me watching people doing sewa for people whom they dont know is sometimes a learning experience

i agree that you dont need churches ,mandirs and gurudwaras to worship or create a thought of love for anyone but at the same time all are not enlightened the same and some when visit places of worship always learn a NEW thing or so.


Nov 5, 2010

Sat Sri Akaal

Simran of "Truth of Nature"

Everyone is saying glory of "TRUTH" of "NATURE"

all written compositions are from "TRUTH" of "NATURE"

if one understands "TRUTH" of "NATURE"

and then gives expression of "TRUE NATURE"

Like a empty vessel,

which get's breath through "Nature"

and with breath one takes "Guru's Bani" which is comprehension of "True Nature"

Mind has

positive and negative thoughts
this is heaven and hell in this living world

remembrance(SIMRAN) of this truth will take one out of negative,

it is nature,

thoughts comes with air and light

air cut air, voice positive words
light cuts light, imagine good

to stay positive

one's own negativity will harm self,

there is nothing so bad in outside world.

All desires are from inside, outside brings fulfillment,
Own negativity disconnects us form source.

Do some work on one's own negativity.

May be "Waheguru" is not a prescribed word for "SIMRAN" in GURU's BANI.

but if one understands word concept

than what shall be PRESCRIPTION OF "WORD" for practice

for ignorant like me

or it's false practice against "TRUE NATURE" and shall be banned at sikh religious places

or let them be pushed to dera's baba's where they give "WORD" prescrption.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
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Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
God, if there is God do not interfere in any person's life.
How about animals he created them too. Yet I dont see them doing simran. Will guru bless them too?

There is an obvious difference between us and other animals (and I say that because we ARE animals...) That difference not even evolution can explain fully... or else many species who have been around a LOT longer than humans on this Earth would have evolved as the dominant species on this planet before we ever did. Certain reptiles for example have had MUCH longer to evolve than us yet they remain primitive. Why are we the ONLY species that builds houses, schools, develops technology, etc? What exactly is it that makes us the ONLY species that was ever able to do this?? SGGS says humans are special... that a human life is the only chance we have to meet or comprehend the creator and that it's rare. But yes, ALL animals are part of creation...

Inderjeet Kaur

Oct 13, 2011
Seattle, Washington, USA
Animals dont eat pizzas and tacos too, they dont wear clothes, dont make music, dont go to school; whereas we do, and never complain about it.

My parrot did all of those except wear clothes and go to school. She also squawked "Waheguru! Waheguru!" incessantly. Sometimes, she sang "Waheguru," too. Pizza was her absolutely favorite food, but she was also fond of tofu tacos.


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May 24, 2008
Sri Guru Granth sahib ji ,

ਪੰਨਾ 295, ਸਤਰ 4
ਸਾਸਿ ਸਾਸਿ ਸਿਮਰਹੁ ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ॥
Sās sās simrahu gobinḏ.
With each and every breath, meditate in remembrance on the Lord of the Universe.

There are many other places where it says Ram naam bin na mukt.
No Sikh is doing simran of Gobind? Where in your writing that SGSS told us to do the Simran it said to do the simran of Gobind.

Wah-Guru is made up of 2 words it represent wondrous guru. That was said by Sikhs after 5 pyare were created by Guru Gobind Singh. When he created he said this is Akal de foj. But Sikhs credit Gobind Singh. I am also say Gobind did very nice work to creat Khalsa foj. But that was foj nothing more.

What he wanted to achieve he could not. He had very short time to do that.

Gobind Singh did some thing that No one in India did before him.

Again I ask who told us to do Waheguru simran.
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May 24, 2008
I came across a letter that Guru Nanak went to Rome and meat with Pope is that true? Can some one tell me about it. Or start new thread.


Nov 5, 2010
There are many other places where it says Ram naam bin na mukt.
No Sikh is doing simran of Gobind? Where in your writing that SGSS told us to do the Simran it said to do the simran of Gobind.

Wah-Guru is made up of 2 words it represent wondrous guru. That was said by Sikhs after 5 pyare were created by Guru Gobind Singh. When he created he said this is Akal de foj. But Sikhs credit Gobind Singh. I am also say Gobind did very nice work to creat Khalsa foj. But that was foj nothing more.

What he wanted to achieve he could not. He had very short time to do that.

Gobind Singh did some thing that No one in India did before him.

Again I ask who told us to do Waheguru simran.

Sat Sri Akaal,
Bhul Chuk Maaf,

Its for meditation and getting the answer for self rather than taking
everyone in cyclic thought loop.
Lot many thoughts have born on topic "WAHEGURU"
Its getting more tough to answer WHY "WAHEGURU" only.

Just written from my own closed mind box, which cannot perceive any thing beyond "TRUE NATURE"

Please reject delete thoughts as if not accepted

For bringing focus on "Nature" than beings

Saas Graas Simraun GOBIND

which every religion says
Understand "TRUE NATURE"
Its not Hinduism Muslim Christian or Sikhism

Gobind "Go" means Dharti or Earth
and Bind reflects as "Originator"

Earth belongs to "True Nature"
Origination of earth is "True Nature"

9 Guru's cannot say to Remember GOBIND as if they know he is going to be 10th Guru and GURU GOBIND also could not have written for own appraisal.

Mind shall focus and remember on origins of life to dissolve "EGO"
all livings and religion so on belongs to nature
one must remember (simran)

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Inderjeet Kaur

Oct 13, 2011
Seattle, Washington, USA
And I am sure your parrot too will go to heaven..as did Gannikas parrot ???

But not for a long time. She is 19 years old. Her species is long-lived and have been known to live into their 80s. A parrot is a life-long responsibility and beyond. Most people don't know that. Anyway, heaven isn't ready for her until she learns to control her temper a bit. I have numerous small scars inflicted by her beak.



Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

One can have simple food,
but its difficult to have self control on tempting food.
more fancy food, one fuels temptation in self and others, more it brings anger to others.

May one feed other with luxury,
next moment be ready for getting a beat if unable to get fancy to others.

Food is basic, primitive knows how to sow, grow, harvest, cook and eat food.
First four process are lost from mind, and
sense to eat food will remain and cannot be lost.

One has to bow down for this pyaara, lovely emotion,
control organ stomach, digestive system,
dominates and control's mind at least 2 times a day,
one spent's .5% to 20% of life thinking about food
(where to eat, what to eat, when to eat, how to eat, discussion of food.. (Percentage may vary from person to person)

Brings mostly anger if not satisfied with this e motion,

Being aware of this sense,
one takes care of one's own food and responsibly for other's also who are expecting food from them.

one can go criminal if the event is not satisfied, politicians, rich, goons, shikari's, modern mamager's use this basic instinct
from poor, workers to get there work done.

Awareness of this

"BASIC SENSE" out of five

Guru's offered free food "LANGAR"

It control's crime

Reduces anger in own, family and society, depending on food habits, and
may brings satisfaction and peace depending on habits.

Mind is connected to five basics, and one of major event comes as food.

One can not get connected to "GURU's WORD" if hungry as mind gets pre occupied with e motion of hunger
Bukhiyan Bhagati Na Hovi (One can not serve if hungry)

Mind is "Bhola" Shiv is "Bhola" and get's easily captured with five basic e motion


Five takes away mind, leaving no time to connect with "WORD" of "GURU's BANI"

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I came across a letter that Guru Nanak went to Rome and meat with Pope is that true? Can some one tell me about it. Or start new thread.

seeker3k ji

This web site reports that the Vatican released documents that affirmed that Guru Nanak visited the Vatican in Rome.

I have read nothing about eating meat.

There are several web sites reporting the same. Here is a quote, however, I was unable to find any documentation on any Vatican site. Since Guru Nanak's purpose in the visit appears to have been humanitarian and to urge the pope to speak against slavery, the idea is not inconsistent with Guru Nanak's other teachings.

"Almighty Satguru told the worthy Pope that every human being has the same blood in his or her veins.Satguru discussed in details the “Missionario Humantario ( universal Human Mission).[by courtesy of Ufficio Scavi, Vatican, Rome, dated March 2, 2013].” Sanctus Nanacus Di Indi, Prima Gorium Di Secta, Avec Musei”, meaning thereby, Saint Satguru Nanak Sahib, the First Guru of the Sikhs, with a musician, came to Rome and other towns of Italy in the last week of May, 1520 ( by courtesy of the office of Scavi (Ufficio Scavi) Saturday (Sabato), dated March 2, 2013).

Thomas Nelson, U.S. ambassador to Italy (1913-19), confirms from Vatican records that Satguru Nanek visited Florence, Gobbio etc. (by courtesy of ”Nelson’s Encyclopedia,1913)…”


This discussion does take the thread off topic.


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal

Kirtan is efforts of body, service by “Nature” which is praised.
Its praise of effort of “True Nature” and of persons who are in service of “TRUE NATURE”

Without service or effort how one get’s appraised.

Gali Jog Na Hovai
With talks yoga can not be achieved

Its intellectual "SERVICE" "EFFORT" which is appraised.

But singing "kirtan" without spiritual effort
Singing of Alphabets without intutive awareness
Akhar Hi Gavan, hor na Jaana Baani.

Singing is GOOD but appraised is "Effort" before one sing for "TRUE NATURE"

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

It was simple question

Someone having experience of "Malus Domestica"

Everyone denied

Mind is like that

Without union of "Shabad" and "Surat" its meaningless.

Simply what(word) goes inside mind that (word)comes out like a word blindness,

without experience of real world.

Though so simple, but very complex.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Aug 28, 2010
There are many other places where it says Ram naam bin na mukt.
No Sikh is doing simran of Gobind? Where in your writing that SGSS told us to do the Simran it said to do the simran of Gobind.

Wah-Guru is made up of 2 words it represent wondrous guru. That was said by Sikhs after 5 pyare were created by Guru Gobind Singh. When he created he said this is Akal de foj. But Sikhs credit Gobind Singh. I am also say Gobind did very nice work to creat Khalsa foj. But that was foj nothing more.

What he wanted to achieve he could not. He had very short time to do that.

Gobind Singh did some thing that No one in India did before him.

Again I ask who told us to do Waheguru simran.

One should understand that the wor Wah.GuROO is the reference as Name of
Some Single Entity.
There can be numerous Names/Naam dut still there is very very specific NAAMu being refered as RAM NAAMuand orHARi NAAMu and is yet to be accepted for many.
It would be further interesting to understand what is specific for this RAM NAAMu and or HARi NAAMu. Gurbanee thru out advocates for the Simran of RAM NAAmu and or HARi NAAMu
This is clrified in Gurbanee giving the example of vegitation of the whole of Universe.It is stated that among all the vegitations CHANDAN(SandalWood)
is the best.
Similarly amonst numerous Names or Naam the best is HARi NAAMu.

It seems that Gurbanee advocates us for the best NAME /NAAMu.Now it is for the individual to understand and accept accordingly. The choice is very WIDE
but accept the best that is what one can learn from Gurbanee.
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Aug 28, 2010
One can clearly see a relationship between Gurbanee and Naam in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as

A bit about Gurbani and Naam. In Guru Granth Sahib, the relationships between Gurbani and Naam is given as follows:

Single tuk deleted. Ang number left for reference/ spnadmin

– Guru Granth Sahib, p 1066

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