Re: Why Do You Think That Sikhism Is Right/From God?
Yes you are right. This proof is in the very first word that nanak uttered after attaining enlightment, the problem is you lack two things and no it is not faith. You lack 1)wisdom and 2)awareness. This proof is stated in the beginning of every ragga/shabbad.
Out of the thousands of names that humans have attributed to god(allah, yahweh, dios, bhagavan,god etc) there is only ONE and ONE true name that was not assigned by any man in any language but is a product of god himself, that true name of the creater is ONGKAR.
Okay I understand your definition. Though without being disrespectful I don't see how you can that proof of God is on just one word and claim that I lack wisdom.
I see what Ek-Ongkar means but that still doesn't mean there is a god in the first place, however I will read on.
Onkar means
"the sound of OM" which i believe in rooted in the ancient vedas and eventually hinduism. When a person reaches a state of SAMADHI or ENGLIGHTMENT one finaly gets to hear
"the melody of existence". The universe is made of ENERGY and sound is an expression of ENERGY or VIBRATION. In eastern philosophy(throught the whole ancient world really) sages discovered this thousdands of years ago, they discovered that existence,sound and energy are all one. As a matter a fact every single planet is ommiting certain harmonic tones and together form a
CELESTIAL ORCHERTRA. Also the harmonic notes which we use to play music derived from the distance(i could be wrong) or spot which the planets occupy.
YouTube - Jupiter sounds (so strange!) NASA-Voyager recording
Do you mean "the sound of OM" as in literally OMMMM? Because that video shows that there are many different noises.
I accept the information about the sounds in space, but I think that it is too far-fetched to immediately associate that to the meaning of Ek-Ongkar, if you are suggesting that the Gurus were intentionally referring to the celestial orchestra, surely you would need something else more clearer/precise said since you claim it as proof that god exists?
however for now i will NOT rule out the possibility that the Gurus were in fact making references to the celestial orchestra.
Omkar is also knows as the "unstruck sound" or "Ananhat Naad" because it is beyond all DUALITY. For sound to be created a DUALITY is needed. For example in a string instrument you need 1)the strings 2) the plucking of the fingers. This duality creates a sound and all sound is created out of this DUALITY. God is beyond DUALITY, timeless, formless, beyond birth and rebirth, uncaused cause, beyond casuality(as the merovingian would say in Matrix 2).
I understand your meaning of duality, but again I don't see how it can apply to god. As it is like saying, gods exists because the Sri Guru Granth Sahib JiJ says so. Do you see where I am coming from?
A man of god recognises another man of god. A thief recognises a thief. A philosopher can spot out another philosopher. A sorcerer can spot out another sorcerer. Only the wise will be able to recognise the TRUE GURU(any teacher) , so if you cannot see the wisdom of the 10 masters of the world then it is not their fault or prolem. It is youres. Here goes a shabad which i consider SUBLIME and TIMELESS and which YOU can benefit a lot from.
goes back to my own example, what if i made my own religion and claimed
that if you cannot see the wisdom it is because it is your own fault.
Human logic/intelligence is the only tool we have to distinguish the right from wrong and evil from the good.
Without it we could not tell apart a charlatan/impostor from a true guru/messenger of God. There's been many impostors claiming to be prophets/sent from god every year. How do we know they are not telling the truth and that the Gurus were? We must use our intelligence/logic. The same imperfect and fallible intelligence that cannot comprehend god. Do you see my point? It makes no sense to simply say one lacks wisdom if he doesnt accept something as being true.
I will type what I think each part of the shabad means, the bits I do not understand I will ask you to clarify if you don't mind, then I will share my thoughts with you on the shabad.
Raag Gauree Gwaarayree, Third Mehla, Ashtpadeeaa:ffice
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One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
The pollution of the mind is the love of duality.
only accepting that with fits with principles of duality is that which is wrong with us.
Deluded by doubt, people come and go in reincarnation. ||1||
people go through reincarnation (maybe deluded by doubt means that those who cannot accept that there are things beyond duality will stay in the cycle of reincarnation and not reach salvation? please clarify)
The pollution of the self-willed manmukhs will never go away,
those who stray by following their own desires will always exist
as long as they do not dwell on the Shabad, and the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||
i dont understand what tht means in this context please clarify.
All the created beings are contaminated by emotional attachment;
all creatures have the flaw of emotional attachment
they die and are reborn, only to die over and over again. ||2||
they keep going through reincarnation
Fire, air and water are polluted.
The food which is eaten is polluted. ||3||
not sure sure what this means, maybe a metaphor? please clarify
The actions of those who do not worship the Lord are polluted.
the actions of ppl who dont worship god wrong/corrupted
Attuned to the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the mind becomes immaculate. ||4||
you become in a much better state when brought onto a stage with god
Serving the True Guru, pollution is eradicated,
wrongness can be avoided by serving the gurus
and then, one does not suffer death and rebirth, or get devoured by death. ||5||
breaking the cycle of reincarnation
You may study and examine the Shaastras and the Simritees,
but without the Name, no one is liberated. ||6||
you can study religious texts but without god youre not free i think? please clarify
Throughout the four ages, the Naam is the ultimate; reflect upon the Word of the Shabad.
throughout all the ages god has been supreme, so take note of the words of Sri Guru Granth Sahib JiJ
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, only the Gurmukhs cross over. ||7||
in this modern evil world only those who comply with the guru reach salvation
The True Lord does not die; He does not come or go.
god is immortal, he was never created, he will never cease etc.
O Nanak, the Gurmukh remains absorbed in the Lord. ||8||1||
followers of the guru become at one with god.
Please clarify the parts I did not understand, or have a wrong understanding of, in laymans terms, and then we can discuss the shabad properly.