Re: Hinduism rant.
Kamala Ji...
When Guru Nanak ji Sahib stood in the ganges Waters surrounded by a million devout Hindus throwing water to their ANCESTORS they beleived were living in the SUN...Guur Ji told them this is RIDICULOUS and to show them just HOW RIDICULOUS their actions were..Guur Ji faced the WEST..and began to throw water skywards !!...Nearly everyone who saw this action of Guru Ji..was flabbergasted !! What a MAD MAN...doesnt he know how we do things around here...we ALL throw water to the SUN. So they asked Guru whats up Doc ?? and Guru ji replied with a question...why are all of you throwing water to the SUN ? OH to send it to our THIRSTY ANCESTORS living on the SUN...they replied. Do you all know just how FAR the Sun is..just How terribly HOT the Sun is ?? How could anyone be living there..and just how far can your water go ??..and What about YOU...what are you doing throwing water towards the WEST ? OH I come from PUNJAB..and am watering my fields !! Are you MAD ?? how can the water thrown form here reach PUNJAB..hundreds of miles away ??
You see they were ALL perfectly AWARE of their silly actions....BUT did they ALL STOP and LISTEN and STOP DOING their SILLY acts ?? Just go to the Ganges or during the KUMBH MELA..and see for yourself....Guru nanak ji saw perhaps a we can see MANY the 21st Century..Age of Internet/Science/Space Journeys..etc etc 500 years AFTER Guru nanak jis visit of ILLUMINATION...those MILLIONS chose to remain in the DARK..and send water to their LIVING ancestors in the SUN !! They DIDNT understand GURU NANAK ji in PERSON..they still DONT UNDERSTAND SGGS TODAY....same as YOU DONT UNDERSTAND as you wrote above.
2. Gurbani "mentions" pittars (dead ancestors) etc..doesnt MEAN that Guru ji is confirming pittars EXIST...Guur ji is just addressing a "beleif" just like the shivji parvati ganesh krishan ramchander beleifs...IF GURU NANAK really "beleived" in the Pittars HE MENTIONS in his Gurbani..He would have THROWN THEM WATER TOO ??? See how simply "addressing" and actually Believing are entirely two different things...WE too are simply "addressing" YOUR devis and our Posts when we mention them....we DONT ACTUALLY BELIEVE they EXIST. Rest is up to you..Be Happy in your beleifs...we have no problems with that.cheerleadercheerleadercheerleadercheerleadercheerleaderSikhi and Gurmatt is a VERY liberal free religion..we Dont beleive in the Janeau..BUT we will die to defend your shown by Guru teg bahadur Ji.

Kamala Ji...
When Guru Nanak ji Sahib stood in the ganges Waters surrounded by a million devout Hindus throwing water to their ANCESTORS they beleived were living in the SUN...Guur Ji told them this is RIDICULOUS and to show them just HOW RIDICULOUS their actions were..Guur Ji faced the WEST..and began to throw water skywards !!...Nearly everyone who saw this action of Guru Ji..was flabbergasted !! What a MAD MAN...doesnt he know how we do things around here...we ALL throw water to the SUN. So they asked Guru whats up Doc ?? and Guru ji replied with a question...why are all of you throwing water to the SUN ? OH to send it to our THIRSTY ANCESTORS living on the SUN...they replied. Do you all know just how FAR the Sun is..just How terribly HOT the Sun is ?? How could anyone be living there..and just how far can your water go ??..and What about YOU...what are you doing throwing water towards the WEST ? OH I come from PUNJAB..and am watering my fields !! Are you MAD ?? how can the water thrown form here reach PUNJAB..hundreds of miles away ??
You see they were ALL perfectly AWARE of their silly actions....BUT did they ALL STOP and LISTEN and STOP DOING their SILLY acts ?? Just go to the Ganges or during the KUMBH MELA..and see for yourself....Guru nanak ji saw perhaps a we can see MANY the 21st Century..Age of Internet/Science/Space Journeys..etc etc 500 years AFTER Guru nanak jis visit of ILLUMINATION...those MILLIONS chose to remain in the DARK..and send water to their LIVING ancestors in the SUN !! They DIDNT understand GURU NANAK ji in PERSON..they still DONT UNDERSTAND SGGS TODAY....same as YOU DONT UNDERSTAND as you wrote above.
2. Gurbani "mentions" pittars (dead ancestors) etc..doesnt MEAN that Guru ji is confirming pittars EXIST...Guur ji is just addressing a "beleif" just like the shivji parvati ganesh krishan ramchander beleifs...IF GURU NANAK really "beleived" in the Pittars HE MENTIONS in his Gurbani..He would have THROWN THEM WATER TOO ??? See how simply "addressing" and actually Believing are entirely two different things...WE too are simply "addressing" YOUR devis and our Posts when we mention them....we DONT ACTUALLY BELIEVE they EXIST. Rest is up to you..Be Happy in your beleifs...we have no problems with that.cheerleadercheerleadercheerleadercheerleadercheerleaderSikhi and Gurmatt is a VERY liberal free religion..we Dont beleive in the Janeau..BUT we will die to defend your shown by Guru teg bahadur Ji.