Although english is my first language, and I thank you for your kind compliments, I would give anything to be able to fluently read punjabi as well as you do, given that our life revolves around information written in punjabi, I feel you are in a better place and better suited to glean the information from the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji than I am, so out of the two of us, you are the luckier one mundahug
I do not think it is about what is better, I suppose I am having a moan about empty practices, about Matha Tekking, doing path, growing hair, in fact all of the things that a true sikh loves to do, but that are done for the sake of doing only, empty rituals.
I have to confess that although I consider myself a Sikh of only a year, I am only on the lowest rung of the ladder, I am still attempting to practice Mool Mantra on a daily basis, and have got no further than that, although I feel that this encapsulates the spirit and essence of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
I find that the grace and hukam of God is a lot about my interaction with other people, it is a code of conduct for living, helping, being helped, for not judging (my biggest failing), accepting, and acting in a way that does not provoke anger or conflict, although as a last resort, one must be prepared to fight, and fight hard.
I wish I had your love, your passion, adoration for the beauty of Bani, but here is where my lack of language skills let me down, I am not prepared to accept anothers english translation, so I have to make do with my own fumbled ones, and my life experience to get the essence, as I said, out of the two of us, I think you have the better deal