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How Important Is Matha Tekking?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Bhagat Singhji

I just wrote you a fantastic reply with just the right amount of wit, sarcasm and fact, but unfortunately I just lost it, so you will have to make do with this condensed one.

Personal rituals I have lots of, I cannot eat unless I am reading, I always Matha Tek my parents if I have not seen them for longer than a month, I would never own a front wheel drive car, I eat cheesy poofs with a spoon, my dad and brother have to sit either side of me and pin me down come parshad time, due to my aversion to getting buttery hands, as I tend to make a run for it, so rituals, I am not averse to a few rituals of my own.

However we are talking about religious rituals, and they are very dangerous, it is religious rituals that have turned the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji into a magical cure all, to be blessed by such magic is the name of the game, we play the game because on the whole, we want something, and we believe showing respect or love will assist us in obtaining such. When we respect or love without any wish of gain, that is true love and respect and to experience that is beautiful, just as religion without ritual is beautiful, but let ritual seep into religion, and people cannot see the difference between parroting Bani and understanding and living it, and that is the problem we have in Sikhism today, made worse by people lauding all the practices that Guru Nanakji tried so hard to show to be the empty practices that they are kudihug

P.S. I am a big hairy bear of a man, I hug everyone whether they wish to be hugged or not,
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Oct 21, 2009
Harry ji,

I tend to agree with you that, till one has love of Guru and fear of Lord/Akaal, bowing before the Guru Granth sahib is merely a ritual and may be avoided as no useful purpose would be served without having this sort of feeling or emotional attachment.

We are also told that:

1. Bani Nirankaar hai and
2. Pothi Parmeshwar ka Thaan.[ang 1226-3]

Both these statements indicate that Guru Granth Sahib is manifestation of Akaal itself. Even if one has not yet developed the love of Guru/Lord and respect for the same, it would still make some sense in Matha Tekking. However, the decision to do or not to do is always subjective and may be governed by hosts of other factors.

Hope you agree with this.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

I think Matha Tekking has many many benefits, showing of respect, surrendering ego, I find the concept of going to see Babaji, Matha Tekking, and then going immediately downstairs pointless, that is how this argument actually started.

Both these statements indicate that Guru Granth Sahib is manifestation of Akaal itself.

I have always thought the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as the pathway to Akaal, rather than a manifestation. As a manifestation it can be physically worshipped, which in my view is against the spirit of Sikhism, no Gurus were ever worshipped, and no Guru claimed to be a manifestation of Akaal, so why would the eleventh be any different, kaurhug
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Oct 21, 2009
Harry ji,

Since Bani[Granth] tells , instructs, guides us to Akaal and it and the seat of Lord as stated above, it means that we are bowing to Akaal Purukh . Matha Tekking is to Akaal as well. If one has a love for Guru that is stated it to be too essential for spiritual progress dual purpose is served. If I do not bow in front of Akaal -who is left before whom I should bow.?

I would not bow before any one.

In any case It would again a subjective decision. Guru never asked for any matha tekking but I presume, it must have continued even during their life times as well. Same tradition is in flow right now as well. It is hard to break traditions especially when only some benefits is to flow out of it or ,at least, there is no harm

[PS...It is time for lunch here] I take a break.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

We are now, I believe, getting to the actual crux of the problem. Firstly, I will state again, I am not averse to Matha Tekking, when I first wrote this post, what vexed me was that my host sincerely believed I had shown disrespect by not going upstairs and having a quick Matha Tek, and could not understand why I would not just take a few minutes to rush upstairs for 'Babajis blessing', however, do I believe I will be any more blessed by Matha Tekking, No , I do not, and I stated that to go upstairs just for what amounts to no more than protocol, was wrong. Let us say that my grandfather was upstairs, that would be different, I would do so to make my parents and my grandfather happy, as such would indeed make them happy, but the personalisation of the written Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji has affected people so greatly, they are more concerned with the happiness of the bound volume over the happiness of themselves if they would only read it and stop concentrating on the 'living Guru' facet. side by side they compliment each other, if Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is viewed as a living Guru seated in front of you and explaining life to you, then that , in my view, is the message. If however you sit in front of Guruji and try and show him how religious you are and basically suck up to him, then that is the wrong message, again in my view.

There is a line between respect and worship, I bow before anyone worthy, I worship only Creator
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Oct 11, 2006
To me "Matha Tekna" to Guru Ji means you are surrendering your body, mind & soul to the Guru Ji ( with total FAITH & devotion ) for HIS protection, blessings, unconditional love & direction and are willing to accept and live within HIS WILL.

Majority of the people go through this ritual of "Matha Tekna" because of fear psychosis or to get their wishes fulfilled.


Jun 19, 2019
It is a human gesture to show respect to someone. It is natural to matha tek in front of Baba ji of we respect him. It's like making your mind beleive that be in your limits and follow Baba hi.
But there is no point in teking matha if one disrespect Baba ji!

Even if one does not follow his teachings but do respect the feelings of others or respect Baba ji, he would naturally Tek his matha.