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Islam Is Halal Meat Scientifically Proven Right?

May 16, 2005
Vernon, BC Canada
I was under the impression Halal meat is no different than normal meat except its been prayed upon.

The methods used to cut or kill the animal are more tradition, but that does not certify it as halal. Only thing that certifies it as halal is when u face the animal towards Mecca and kill him while saying a Prayer. (saying Thanks to Allah)

I dont know how one could be "scientifically right" over the other method, because the end result for both methods is the same. (A dead animal).

The main point with "Halal meat" is that we should not eay any food that is not prepared with a ritual, or has been prayed upon, after all, it's the same thing in the end. And this moral would apply to any food, not just meat. People get this concept mixed up and think that meat is banned or not allowed, that is not true and to think that meat topics is somehow important in sikhi is just crazy.



Nov 15, 2006
the only reason the guru's said halal meat is not allowed is because that WAS THE ONLY MEAT AVAILABLE at the time. i dont give a {censored} what these akal takt leaders say just to increase their political status, I WILL LISTEN TO THE GURU GRANTH SAHIB and again i will say this, Sabh Sikhan ko hukam hai guru manyo granth...FULLSTOP


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
God Speed navroop veerji

more ppl stop listening to jathedars and start reading SGGS and contemplate..more they would stop asking such questions and decide it themselves.


Sep 8, 2006
Why Are We Debating On Halal Meat Or Jataka Meat?
Why Are Not On Stoppage Of Eating Meat In Sikhism?
Animal Ko Marna To Padta Hi Hai Chahe Halal Ho Ya Jataka Kya Sikh Itna Kamjor Ho Gaye Ne Ki Meat Nu Chad Nahi Sakde


Sep 16, 2004
Gurmukho Guru Granth Sahib Di Bani Ki Kehndi Ae Auni Samjo Te Phir Debate Karo

Dear Gurvinder,

Accept my humble request to take sometime to ead this topic , everything here is disscused fron Guru Granth Sahib .Just as you insisted in above post !

Jatinder Singh
Jan 14, 2010
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]O ye who believe! Eat of the good things wherewith [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]We have provided you, and render thanks to Allah[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-1]if it is (indeed) He Whom ye worship. (2:172)[/SIZE][/FONT]


We slaughter according to the dictates of Shariah and again we take seafood without slaughtering it with the permission of Shariah. Allah has created all beings and He knows what is best for us. However Islam being ‘Deen-e-Fitrat’ (the religion of nature), we can and we must find out the logic behind such orders that are objected to by others so that we may prove to them the truthfulness of Islamic way.

In Islamic Shariah, while meat (of permitted animals) is permitted the consumption of blood is prohibited. Your friends who argue with you may themselves not be prepared to consume blood even after being cooked. The Islamic way of slaughter assures that blood gushes out of the animal’s body, while it is retained inside the body of the animal if it is killed abruptly. The consumption of meat of such animals in whose bodies the blood is retained is unhygienic. Consumption of blood is harmful for human beings while meat devoid of blood is wholesome.

As for charge of cruelty to animals in slaughtering them the Islamic way, it has now been proved scientifically that Halal slaughter is the humane method while western method of killing by stunning inflicts acute pain to the animals. Professor Schultz and Dr. Hazim of the Hanover University, Germany disclosed this after the following experiment. They implanted several electrodes surgically at various points of the skull, just touching the brain of several animals under test. Then some animals were slaughtered by a swift deep incision as desired by Islamic Shariah, cutting the jugular veins and carotid arteries of both sides as also the trachea and oesophagus while others were stunned using a captive bolt pistol as is done in western countries. EEG and ECG were recorded on all the animals under experiment. The experiment amazingly revealed that the animal brain did not feel pain as EEG recorded zero even when the animal’s body was convulsing vigorously, letting out the blood in the Halal method of slaughter. On the other hand EEG showed intense pain immediately after stunning in the western captive bolt stunning method, even though the animals were unconscious.
Those animals, whose respiratory system is such that they breathe inside and cannot survive outside the water, are Halal. The flow of blood in the bodies of such animals is so minimal that it does not flow out no matter how their bodies are cut. Hence there is no need of slaughtering them to draw the blood out of their bodies.

first of all tell me why it is not permitted to eat blood in Islam is it poisonous or what??/

secondly why you take name of Allah when u slaughter animal.

now let me comment on first if you people think blood is poisonous or harmful to eat that is why it is not permitted in islam then just talk to any doctor he wil tell you that it is not possible to take out all blood from body if u slaughter even by halal, some part of blood remains inside, more over the flesh of animal which is slaughter by halal has to be comsumed immediatly otherwise it becomes unhygienic.

now why you take name of allah while u slaughter animal, is it so because u think in your mind that u r doing something wrong by slaughtering that is why u make your allah happy by taking his name while slaughtering ???,, if by taking the name of allah u make it halal then brother it is good for robbers while doing any theft they take name of allah and make that theft halal???/

now you said sea food is halal no need to drain the blood bcoz they got very less blood ok but what about some bird which people eat how you slaughter them infact we kill them with gun, we shoot them with bullet now explain me how u do the ritual of halal in the particular case of birds( taking whole blood out and reciting allah's name )

brother i need your answer on my comments.

you know what i dislike most in you people (muslim's) you think that your religion is best and all others r fool. on one hand you say allah is doing everything. what ever is going on is as er the will of allah then why dont u try to understand that other religion also flourished with the will of allah then how come u say that your religion is the only religion which allah has made????????


Feb 1, 2010
you know what i dislike most in you people (muslim's)
Engineer saab,we dont want you not to practice your religion but to practice it properly,comments like what you have posted make it appear that you are of the hypocrites which affect all :rofl:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
you know what i dislike most in you people (muslim's)
Engineer saab,we dont want you not to practice your religion but to practice it properly,comments like what you have posted make it appear that you are of the hypocrites which affect all :rofl:

sikh_engineer ji

I did not catch the statement above during my earlier round of thread reading - and annoyance is understandable when an entire group of adherents to any religion is addressed that way -- "what I dislike most in you people." That is over the top in my opinion. In almost any group that would like to employ constructive ways to explore religious difference, it would be over the top.

More than one thread has been consumed by attacks on the person in the past 2 days -- please give it a rest. I am asking nicely. And it applies not only to you -- but to anyone contemplating more of it. Narayanjot Kaur
Jan 14, 2010
you know what i dislike most in you people (muslim's)
Engineer saab,we dont want you not to practice your religion but to practice it properly,comments like what you have posted make it appear that you are of the hypocrites which affect all :rofl:

look dear oracle

you didn't got my point at all. Its was not for you it was for those who dont respect others why it pinched you ?????:eek:

If i am not wrong it was you who made comment to tejwant that 12 o clock about sikh's remmeber. now if i quoted muslim you started crying
so its is clear who is hypocrite:inca:

its greatfulness of sikhs that we respect and love all other religion that is why you r openely discussing on this sikh forumand
we have guts to discuss openly about our religion .
Jan 14, 2010
I agree with Narayanjot ji.

Engineer Ji, we should be more respectful when talking to our Muslim brothers and Sisters.

randip ji

kindly tell me wat wrong i said?/ it was general discussion but did you read what orcale have written about sikh's (12 o clock ) to tejwant. infact respect is earned, if he dont know how to give respect to other how come he expect respect from others being sikh i respect all human beings as it is creation of almighty waheguru

I guess you and other will read my thread and then decide if i have done anything worng??/

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
look dear oracle

you didn't got my point at all. Its was not for you it was for those who dont respect others why it pinched you ?????:eek:

If i am not wrong it was you who made comment to tejwant that 12 o clock about sikh's remmeber. now if i quoted muslim you started crying
so its is clear who is hypocrite:inca:

its greatfulness of sikhs that we respect and love all other religion that is why you r openely discussing on this sikh forumand
we have guts to discuss openly about our religion .

Hi Engineer ji,

If he makes derogatory remarks like that again then use the report buttons to report him and we will deal with it.

We should as Sikhs never resort to that level.

Apr 5, 2010
first of all tell me why it is not permitted to eat blood in Islam is it poisonous or what??/

secondly why you take name of Allah when u slaughter animal.

now let me comment on first if you people think blood is poisonous or harmful to eat that is why it is not permitted in islam then just talk to any doctor he wil tell you that it is not possible to take out all blood from body if u slaughter even by halal, some part of blood remains inside, more over the flesh of animal which is slaughter by halal has to be comsumed immediatly otherwise it becomes unhygienic.

now why you take name of allah while u slaughter animal, is it so because u think in your mind that u r doing something wrong by slaughtering that is why u make your allah happy by taking his name while slaughtering ???,, if by taking the name of allah u make it halal then brother it is good for robbers while doing any theft they take name of allah and make that theft halal???/

now you said sea food is halal no need to drain the blood bcoz they got very less blood ok but what about some bird which people eat how you slaughter them infact we kill them with gun, we shoot them with bullet now explain me how u do the ritual of halal in the particular case of birds( taking whole blood out and reciting allah's name )

brother i need your answer on my comments.

you know what i dislike most in you people (muslim's) you think that your religion is best and all others r fool. on one hand you say allah is doing everything. what ever is going on is as er the will of allah then why dont u try to understand that other religion also flourished with the will of allah then how come u say that your religion is the only religion which allah has made????????

I am not an expert on Islam but from what I have read the Muslims pronounce the name of God or say "In the name of Allah" before slaughtering because they believe in Allah, and start any action in His name. This serves to get them in a state of remembrance of God, before slaughtering one of His creation.

There was a study done by Prof. Shultz and Dr. Hazim of the Hanover University, Germany, comparing the stun bolt method and the Halaal method of slaughter.

When the animal is killed in the Halaal method, a swift incision is made in the throat with a sharp blade and the animal immediately goes into deep sleep conciousness and feels no pain. The heart is still beating and the body convulses vigorously which serves to drive out the maximum amount of blood from the body (not necessarily all of the blood but the maximum amount), this in turn is more hygienic for the consumer.

Compare this with the stun bolt method used in the West, which actually causes the heart of the animal to stop beating and so restricts blood flow from the body resulting in less hygienic meat for the consumer. The animal was also found to be in severe pain immediately after the bolting.
Jan 14, 2010
I am not an expert on Islam but from what I have read the Muslims pronounce the name of God or say "In the name of Allah" before slaughtering because they believe in Allah, and start any action in His name. This serves to get them in a state of remembrance of God, before slaughtering one of His creation.

There was a study done by Prof. Shultz and Dr. Hazim of the Hanover University, Germany, comparing the stun bolt method and the Halaal method of slaughter.

When the animal is killed in the Halaal method, a swift incision is made in the throat with a sharp blade and the animal immediately goes into deep sleep conciousness and feels no pain. The heart is still beating and the body convulses vigorously which serves to drive out the maximum amount of blood from the body (not necessarily all of the blood but the maximum amount), this in turn is more hygienic for the consumer.

Compare this with the stun bolt method used in the West, which actually causes the heart of the animal to stop beating and so restricts blood flow from the body resulting in less hygienic meat for the consumer. The animal was also found to be in severe pain immediately after the bolting.

Gurufateh everyone I am back.............

Dear Curious.

To start with I must say this, why you and my other muslim brothers think that meat is good/ huygienic for eating if blood is removed???? I can say this is false propaganda. why you need to remove bl0od wat for ???? when we all know that it cannot be removed completely from body what ever procedure you may adopt for slaughtering.

secondly now most of the muslims brothers say that blood is infected that why it should be completely drained off ??? its common sense brother if there is infection in blood, then we can get infected even if we take single drop of that infected blood hope that is the answer of your question as you yourself said that blood cannot be completely dranined off even if you do halal and that is truth you can't //////. One more thing i wanted to clear that if there is infected blood then also there are very less chance that you can get infection you knw why??? bcoz you dont eat uncooked meat always you cook meat before eating which remove all the infection during cooking at high tempeture:carefreemunda:

you have written
I am not an expert on Islam but from what I have read the Muslims pronounce the name of God or say "In the name of Allah" before slaughtering because they believe in Allah, and start any action in His name. This serves to get them in a state of remembrance of God, before slaughtering one of His creation.

listen when yuo think that you take his name bcoz you r slaughtering one of his creation that shows somewhere in your heart you feel that u r not doing right by killing one of his creation and thus to make God happy you take his name when u kill brother you r doing business with God. which we are not suppose to do that. ok tell me if you doing anything and you know that is wrong then before dooing that wrong thing if you take God name is it right???/

sometimes i feel pity bcoz what logic's you people give to support your answer see what you have written below
Compare this with the stun bolt method used in the West, which actually causes the heart of the animal to stop beating and so restricts blood flow from the body resulting in less hygienic meat for the consumer. The animal was also found to be in severe pain immediately after the bolting.[/

now tell me its obivious that when you kill any one by any method its painful why you r worried about the pain of animal?? if so then simply dont eat meat ????/.

moreover when you to go war or declare war then many innocent people are killed then wat you can do ??

lastly i can say dont think that wat ever is written in Koran is correct just think for the logic and practical utility of it and then conclude ok hope you dont mind
Jan 14, 2010
I am sure nature is one place where one can learn his lesson

A tiger does not do halal of his food.
He simply kills it quickly and swiftly the way Jatkha is done.

we are not suppose to be cruel in our food habits.

There for I think that jatkha is a more appropriate way of eating your food.



I agree with you:carefreemunda:
Apr 5, 2010
Gurufateh everyone I am back.............

Dear Curious.

To start with I must say this, why you and my other muslim brothers think that meat is good/ huygienic for eating if blood is removed???? I can say this is false propaganda. why you need to remove bl0od wat for ???? when we all know that it cannot be removed completely from body what ever procedure you may adopt for slaughtering.

secondly now most of the muslims brothers say that blood is infected that why it should be completely drained off ??? its common sense brother if there is infection in blood, then we can get infected even if we take single drop of that infected blood hope that is the answer of your question as you yourself said that blood cannot be completely dranined off even if you do halal and that is truth you can't //////. One more thing i wanted to clear that if there is infected blood then also there are very less chance that you can get infection you knw why??? bcoz you dont eat uncooked meat always you cook meat before eating which remove all the infection during cooking at high tempeture:carefreemunda:

you have written
I am not an expert on Islam but from what I have read the Muslims pronounce the name of God or say "In the name of Allah" before slaughtering because they believe in Allah, and start any action in His name. This serves to get them in a state of remembrance of God, before slaughtering one of His creation.

listen when yuo think that you take his name bcoz you r slaughtering one of his creation that shows somewhere in your heart you feel that u r not doing right by killing one of his creation and thus to make God happy you take his name when u kill brother you r doing business with God. which we are not suppose to do that. ok tell me if you doing anything and you know that is wrong then before dooing that wrong thing if you take God name is it right???/

sometimes i feel pity bcoz what logic's you people give to support your answer see what you have written below
Compare this with the stun bolt method used in the West, which actually causes the heart of the animal to stop beating and so restricts blood flow from the body resulting in less hygienic meat for the consumer. The animal was also found to be in severe pain immediately after the bolting.[/

now tell me its obivious that when you kill any one by any method its painful why you r worried about the pain of animal?? if so then simply dont eat meat ????/.

moreover when you to go war or declare war then many innocent people are killed then wat you can do ??

lastly i can say dont think that wat ever is written in Koran is correct just think for the logic and practical utility of it and then conclude ok hope you dont mind

Hi there SikhEngineer, welcome to the discussion.

Once again I am not very knowledgeable on all things Islam or in fact in any religion, but I am interested in learning about different belief systems. When I see something that is incorrect according to my understanding about any religion then I make a point to step in and set things straight in a polite manner.

As far as I am aware the Islamic slaughter involves the detachment of the windpipe (trachea), gullet (esophagus), and the two jugular veins without cutting the spinal cord. This causes the blood to gush quickly out of the animal's body. The swift cutting (which is very important to minimise pain and suffering to the animal) of the vessels of the neck serves to stop the flow of blood to the nerves in the brain that are responsible for the sensation of pain. In this way the animal feels no pain. The jerking and convulscing of the animal's body after the cut is made are not because of pain, but due to the contraction and relaxation of the muscles deficient in blood. The blood must be completely drained from the body before the head is removed. The reason why blood is left to drain from the body is because blood is a good media of germs, bacteria, toxins, etc. Therefore the Muslim way of slaughtering is more hygienic as most (notice I said most and not all!) of the blood containing germs, bacteria, toxins, etc. that are the cause of several diseases are eliminated.

As I mentioned in a post earlier, there was an experiment conducted by a German Professor Scientist Wilhelm Schulze and his colleague Dr. Hazim at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover University in Germany. The study entitled: 'Attempts to Objectify Pain and Consciousness in Conventional (captive bolt pistol stunning) and Muslim Ritual (halal, knife killing) Methods of Slaughtering Sheep and Calves' showed that the Halaal method of slaughter was more humane and gave less pain to the animals. You can read my earlier post for more information on this.

There was also a report in the Guardian about the inhumane method of stun bolting and you can read it here:
ecodna™ Myecodna news: Jonathan Safran Foer: How cows become beef [news/show]

In the Hindu method of slaughter known as "Jhatka", the spinal cord is cut, and as a result the nerve fibers to the heart might be damaged leading to cardiac arrest which results in stagnation of blood in the blood vessels. Furthermore if the head is removed before the blood is drained then this can cause the body to get paralysed and the meat to become stiff. Blood also coagulates in capillaries which do not purify the meat as blood acts as a medium for microorganisms germs, bacteria, toxins and other waste products to proliferate.
Apr 5, 2010
I am sure nature is one place where one can learn his lesson

A tiger does not do halal of his food.
He simply kills it quickly and swiftly the way Jatkha is done.

we are not suppose to be cruel in our food habits.

There for I think that jatkha is a more appropriate way of eating your food.


hps62: Are you a tiger or a human being?

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Just Curious ji,

Guru Fateh.

You write:
As I mentioned in a post earlier, there was an experiment conducted by a German Professor Scientist Wilhelm Schulze and his colleague Dr. Hazim at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover University in Germany. The study entitled: 'Attempts to Objectify Pain and Consciousness in Conventional (captive bolt pistol stunning) and Muslim Ritual (halal, knife killing) Methods of Slaughtering Sheep and Calves' showed that the Halaal method of slaughter was more humane and gave less pain to the animals. You can read my earlier post for more information on this.

There was also a report in the Guardian about the inhumane method of stun bolting and you can read it here:
ecodna™ Myecodna news: Jonathan Safran Foer: How cows become beef [news/show]
These are just opinions based on speculations. No one knows about what is less painful in the animals. If this speculation held any validity to it then the world would not be slaughtering millions of animals with the stun method as is the practice. So, these comments do not hold any water in front of the daily practice all around the world.

Secondly, it is common in many cultures to drink the blood of freshly killed animal, so there is nothing wrong with blood being present in the slaughtered animal and the false claim that all the blood is drained from the animal via halal or kosher is impossible anyway. Any clots if at all they remain are melted when the meat is cooked.

Lastly, Halal and Kosher are both considered religious sacrifices of the animals. Both Mulsims and Jews who are cousins, recite some verses from their respective scriptures during their sacrificial rituals.

They also have the same sacrificial ritual of circumcision as a covenant to their respective gods. In many Muslim countries they also cut the clitoris of a little girls which is a shame and total cruelty.

Muslims and Jews have a tribal mentality in the case of eating pork which is forbidden in both religions because they claim pig is dirty which makes no sense at all.

Hindus also slaughtered animals in the Mandirs as a religious sacrifice.

Sikhi does not believe in none of that. Period.


Tejwant Singh
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