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Islam Is Halal Meat Scientifically Proven Right?


Jan 22, 2005
invite saad sanghat about the misconception about halal meat. Can anyone shed light [on] how and who proved [that] halal meat is scientifically right and whether really [this has been] proven scientifically? Thus Jhatka is unhealthy meant?

Regards Sahni Mohinder


Jul 11, 2004
I was under the impression Halal meat is no different than normal meat except its been prayed upon.

The methods used to cut or kill the animal are more tradition, but that does not certify it as halal. Only thing that certifies it as halal is when u face the animal towards Mecca and kill him while saying a Prayer. (saying Thanks to Allah)

I dont know how one could be "scientifically right" over the other method, because the end result for both methods is the same. (A dead animal).
Jul 13, 2004
I am pretty sure that they have other reasons other than just the praying over the animal... because they have to slit the throat in a specific way and if it's not slit correctly then it's not halal.

To my knowledge halal meat was always disallowed in Sikhism as it was wrong to kill an animal to please God or something.


Dec 29, 2004
[font=Arial,Helvetica][size=-1]O ye who believe! Eat of the good things wherewith [/size][/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica][size=-1]We have provided you, and render thanks to Allah[/size][/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica][size=-1]if it is (indeed) He Whom ye worship. (2:172)[/size][/font]


We slaughter according to the dictates of Shariah and again we take seafood without slaughtering it with the permission of Shariah. Allah has created all beings and He knows what is best for us. However Islam being ‘Deen-e-Fitrat’ (the religion of nature), we can and we must find out the logic behind such orders that are objected to by others so that we may prove to them the truthfulness of Islamic way.

In Islamic Shariah, while meat (of permitted animals) is permitted the consumption of blood is prohibited. Your friends who argue with you may themselves not be prepared to consume blood even after being cooked. The Islamic way of slaughter assures that blood gushes out of the animal’s body, while it is retained inside the body of the animal if it is killed abruptly. The consumption of meat of such animals in whose bodies the blood is retained is unhygienic. Consumption of blood is harmful for human beings while meat devoid of blood is wholesome.

As for charge of cruelty to animals in slaughtering them the Islamic way, it has now been proved scientifically that Halal slaughter is the humane method while western method of killing by stunning inflicts acute pain to the animals. Professor Schultz and Dr. Hazim of the Hanover University, Germany disclosed this after the following experiment. They implanted several electrodes surgically at various points of the skull, just touching the brain of several animals under test. Then some animals were slaughtered by a swift deep incision as desired by Islamic Shariah, cutting the jugular veins and carotid arteries of both sides as also the trachea and oesophagus while others were stunned using a captive bolt pistol as is done in western countries. EEG and ECG were recorded on all the animals under experiment. The experiment amazingly revealed that the animal brain did not feel pain as EEG recorded zero even when the animal’s body was convulsing vigorously, letting out the blood in the Halal method of slaughter. On the other hand EEG showed intense pain immediately after stunning in the western captive bolt stunning method, even though the animals were unconscious.
Those animals, whose respiratory system is such that they breathe inside and cannot survive outside the water, are Halal. The flow of blood in the bodies of such animals is so minimal that it does not flow out no matter how their bodies are cut. Hence there is no need of slaughtering them to draw the blood out of their bodies.
Jul 30, 2004
Ek Oankar Wahiguru Ji Ki Fateh

Das here want to add.As per perhaps 2nd Sura and fifth also of holy Kuran,Blood is not to be consumed same is with jews via old testment.

But in grave situation as Islam is not rigid it can be used.For example in Greek or Unani medicinces perhaps.

Yes to be frank it is a bit difficult to digest as far as Halal meat is concerned.

Das wants to tell a story regading his own expirence. From a place of hindu his realtive purchesed some food.Who lied that it was not Halal.But after das consued it.It was not digested by his body.It is of time when Das was becoming A Sikh and not a Sikh.


Jul 11, 2004
The "unhygenic" argument placed by muslims is ridiculous. The claim that other methods of killing the animal are unhygenic and Halal cleans out the blood was true......in 800 A.D.
We're living in 2005, You can kill your animal using the Shariah Law method, but please, don't tell me the food that we're getting from a store is unhygenic. Yes, occassionally you get bad food, but the percentage is so low its ridiculous to claim Westernized food is unhygenic. Back in the day, sure, but now? Through all the tests and machines meat is processed thru, it is VERY hygenic.

Even pork that has been processed through machines and tested by the Government has been proven to be very Hygenic, and more-so hygenic that what certian Muslims in 3rd world countries eat as meat.

Now, your other arguement about Halal meat being humane as it does not torture the animal, is relative. The arguement over what is humane and mannerful is very relative to the individual thats looking upon the situation. Some countries chop off hands for a crime, others put the death penalty, some have NO penalty. The original thought of chopping off hands for a crime committed, was viewed "inhumane" by some, but the practitioners viewed the complete killing of the body via a lethal injection as "inhumane".

In the end the animal is dead, tortured or not, the conclusion is the same. Your method of killing could be viewed by someone else as torture.

And there's nothing wrong with eating Halal meat in Sikhism, it's a foolish taboo.
Mar 26, 2006
The muslim halal way of slaughter has been strictly prohibited in sikhi and also in the vedic scriptures...they mention that an animal slaughtered in the way when the head is not decapitated...at a swift dies in a cruel way....

Scientifically to prove this in a simple manner...i would suggest each one to go to a slaughter house and watch the reactions...

The animal when laid down gets afraid....and finally when there is slice cut in the throat...it bleeds as it bleeds ..its legs moves vigourously ...as we all know when we sense fear ..our blood pressure changes ...the body releases toxic chemicals ....and a fear disorder is considered fatal in humans too...since it may cause a lot of brain disorders...leading to a slow untimely death....

An animal cut in this way ..will take some minutes to die...there are toxins released in the body ...as it feels the pain....when i had gone to the slaughter house ...i saw this goat which required 4 people to handle since it was gasping and was moving its legs vigourously ....

This painful death is inhuman, cruel, and also the meat consumed has toxins which affect the person who consumes it ...if people are aware here with the neurons in the brain ...this would be easier to understand...

to make it simple ...its like comparing a man dying with cancer and another dying with heart attack !!! which is less painful ????

raaj karega khalsa
Jul 30, 2004
In south India and say in parts of maharashtra das saw that Hindus kill animal while draining the blood out.Same could be said for some SC's in north India.Das say goat being killed with jagular cut and blood drained in one Devi Temple in Maharasthras(in a anti meat progrrame 'Heads and Tail' by BJP MP Maneka Gandhi).

Thing is not more with drining blood out as told By Bhai Kahan Singh Nabha but misinterpetation of Semtic text which say that life is in blood and after blood is reomved all toghater should we eat meat of animal.

While as a Sikh we behold Akal is as much is in blood as in flesh.

there could be some thing wrong if we drain the blood out say iron is lost but more things das can not say.

As per few enlightened Sikhs from Missioany Side of S. Gurbax Singh Ji Kala Afghana Ji,Rahit at the end of Dasham Granth is not by Guru Gobind Singh Ji,which in farsi prohibits Halal.As per them it is a conspiraxcy of Brahmins to put wrong interpoaltion of Verse so that Sikhs and Muslims do not have realtion of food and let them not be united against so called Brahminism.

As most members are aware that das has full faith in Dasham Granth,so das can not eat Halal but can say that can eat Fish,egg or veg food with Muslims while not eating Halal.

In fact some Muslims from Central Asia or Turky are not particular for halal or not eating Pork.


Mar 27, 2006
I sometimes wonder this hygenic and unhygenic theory a lot both with Hindu's and Muslim brothers.

Hindu's Consider women to be unhygenic because of their menstrual cycles which infact forms the very basis of life of human beings.

Similarly muslims talk of jhatka as unhygenic as expalined above.

As far as I have come to know is that sikhism rejected the Halal meat in the light of following:

1. No animal can be killed owing allegiance to GOD.

2. Halal meat is used by muslim's to initiate non-muslims into their faith ceremonially.

3. It was considered as a cultural domination as Indians were not allowed to wear Kirpan, ride a horse and similarly eat Jhatka meat.

Otherwise in both the cases animals are killed and there is nothing such as permitted or non-permitted animals in sikhism.
Dec 8, 2005
I am sure nature is one place where one can learn his lesson

A tiger does not do halal of his food.
He simply kills it quickly and swiftly the way Jatkha is done.

we are not suppose to be cruel in our food habits.

There for I think that jatkha is a more appropriate way of eating your food.



Aug 23, 2005
Jhatka meat is allowed? Can someone quote from the Guru Granth Sahib? Im sure Sikh's are not allowed to eat meat however if they are eating meat then does it matter if its Halal or jhatka?
Jul 30, 2004

We are allowed to eat non Halal.

Read Malar Ki Var and Raag Siri.

and at the last of Dasham Granth about Rahit of Sikh. Stating Halal is not allowed.

Sikhs had to deivce own way to kill which was not Halal so Jhatka came in.As per Bhai Kahan Singh Nabha we have animal killed by bullet or arrow or current is also OK.

By the way can you give quote from Guru Granth Sahib Ji where it is writtan that Sikh hsould hvae 5Ks? Amrit Sanskar or surname as Kaur or Singh? Or say Tenth Master gave Guruship to Guru Granth Sahib Ji?


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
<<who are you to decide whether it is allowed or not
akal takhat has already decided it full stop.>>

we know who runs the akal takht today !!


btw...since when did we start listening to akal takht and not our conscience?

next news will be..

ppl asking bibi jagir kaur on how to raise daughters..and how to handle them.....


oh..and to add..

i am neither for and nor against eating meat..

if a person's conscience permits it..so be it..

donot take shield of SGGS and say..this meat is good , this meat is bad...

SGGS says nothing so..


Apr 3, 2005
amarsanghera ji according to your logic sikhs will say that that who is akal takhat to decide whether sikhs should cut their hair or not.i am sure if sikhs will
start listening their conscience on hairs then 90% will say that their is nothing wrong in cutting hair.


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
<<amarsanghera ji according to your logic sikhs will say that that who is akal takhat to decide whether sikhs should cut their hair or not>>

ofcourse i do imply that....

how is this different from the rituals of brahmanwaad and maulavi's rituals that our first guru and later gurus strived to break?

wasn't it their war cry against the clergy and their dominance , claims of brokerage over relationship with God and their strangle hold on what is Good and what is Bad that lead to the movement which has itself now become ritualistic religion?

i might be sounding harsh brothers and sisters... but deep inside we all know

the path to salvation is all within... "religion" as defined by the current followings is sheer rituals.

oh... and if you just thought of me as just another atheist... i am not !!


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
<<i am sure if sikhs will
start listening their conscience on hairs then 90% will say that their is nothing wrong in cutting hair.>>

dear KDS ji, what makes you think so???????????

did you try listening to your conscience?

or are you confusing conscience with mind.....the source of maya....