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Is This The End?


Jan 19, 2014
Jawarlal nehru once said," Most of the big Empires fell not because of external forces but because of the crumbling within."

Same is true for our religion. We fought the hardest battles but is on the verge to loose because of our own people. In my school's class, out of total 20 boys, 18 were sardars and tied turbans. After 12 class, most of them cut their hair. In my college, 40 boys were from punjab but only 5 were sikhs( an indication that sikh boys that study in good colleges). In my MBA class, all boys were from punjab only 2 are sikhs ,including me.

In normal punjab collges its the same scenario. Whats shocking is that now even the families either dont object to hair cuts or even tell their own sons to get them cut. Shockingly, some boys even cut their hair in mid twenties after taking care of them for 20+ years.

The point is 80 percent of the sikh boys have cut their hair in punjab. After getting married, their sons dont grow hair from birth. So, you can say that once a boy get his hair cut we have 90 oercent chance that one entire sikh generation is gone FOREVER. Imagine the case 70 percent sardars are gone within a period of 20 years.

People who cut their hair are the ones who dont do Nitnem. So, an indication is that 80 percent sikhs dont do nitnem. Again, there guys wont be teaching their children about significance of Japji aor Rehras.

We, the Sardars are on the brink of extinction.

Keeping hair is not the be-all and end-all of Sikhi. There are people who cut their hair, but do nitnem regularly. Then there are people who keep their hair who don't do nitnem at all. It isn't wise to generalize people, or pass judgments solely based on their appearance.

I would venture to say 75% of Muslim women don't wear the Hijab. Maybe 90% of Jewish men don't wear the yarmulka. About 95% of Brahmans don't have a dot on their forehead, or shave their heads with a ponytail in the back, or wear the janeau. I don't hear any of them complaining that their religion is going down the drain. That's because religion is more than just physical appearance. Keeping hair is just the tip of the iceberg in Sikhism. There is so much more.

The people who make Sikhi just about keeping hair are the ones who push people away. When we go to gurdwara and see amritdhari sardars beating each other up over who gets to use the microphone first, we start to wonder why anyone would want to be like that. Amritdharis are supposed to be the vanguards of our faith, but they have let us down. Not all are bad, but the ones who fight each other to represent us sure are rotten. They are the ones who are hurting Sikhi.

Going back to Nitnem, I would say that 90% of people who do their daily Nitnem just babble through it without thinking about what they are saying. They get through it as quickly as they can, like they are getting a chore over with. Whether it is in the shower or during their commute to-and-from work, they just want to get it over and done with, but they aren't gaining any benefit from those words.

This is why Guru ji chose amrit vela as the perfect time to recite Jap ji Sahib. The mind is fresh. You have time to think about what you are saying. That is why Guru ji includes the word "rahao" so many times. It means "pause and reflect".

In today's world, everyone is pressed for time. Maybe we aren't able to pause and reflect. Perhaps then we should search for alternatives. Maybe try to dissect gurbani bit by bit on your own, when you have free time. Or visit forums such as this one, where you can discuss and share ideas so your understanding grows. I believe this is what Guru ji would have wanted. He wasn't just giving us an extra chore to do. He wanted our understanding to grow.

Bhul Chuk Maaf

EDIT: This is a funny and relevant clip
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Sx27vxPVBmk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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Aug 13, 2012
Jawarlal nehru once said," Most of the big Empires fell not because of external forces but because of the crumbling within."

Same is true for our religion. We fought the hardest battles but is on the verge to loose because of our own people. In my school's class, out of total 20 boys, 18 were sardars and tied turbans. After 12 class, most of them cut their hair. In my college, 40 boys were from punjab but only 5 were sikhs( an indication that sikh boys that study in good colleges). In my MBA class, all boys were from punjab only 2 are sikhs ,including me.

In normal punjab collges its the same scenario. Whats shocking is that now even the families either dont object to hair cuts or even tell their own sons to get them cut. Shockingly, some boys even cut their hair in mid twenties after taking care of them for 20+ years.

The point is 80 percent of the sikh boys have cut their hair in punjab. After getting married, their sons dont grow hair from birth. So, you can say that once a boy get his hair cut we have 90 oercent chance that one entire sikh generation is gone FOREVER. Imagine the case 70 percent sardars are gone within a period of 20 years.

People who cut their hair are the ones who dont do Nitnem. So, an indication is that 80 percent sikhs dont do nitnem. Again, there guys wont be teaching their children about significance of Japji aor Rehras.

We, the Sardars are on the brink of extinction.

I think perhaps you should worry about your own bhagti and the fate of your own soul, rather then the demise of all Sardars or all of Sikhi. Leave it to our Father to worry about the continuation of Sikhi in punjab and in the world. He who installed and decorated the Panth will preserve it. There is no need to be anxious or frightened. Have a little bit of faith.

As far as other people cutting their hair, it's probably best not to judge them. You will never know another persons pain and life circumstances. It's always advisable to have an open heart and try to help out your brothers and sisters, yes even the fallen Sikhs. Show them some love and caring, they are the ones who need it the most. They get enough of harsh judgement already. A human being should not be condemned just because he or she cuts their hair and "leaves" Sikhi. Remember the Chali Mukte, and remember that our Guru-Pita is ever forgiving, beyond our capability to comprehend. So even while some folks might decide to walk away from the Guru, the Guru will never leave or abandon them. That's how much love he has for us (even in our sorry state). And so neither should we give up on them. That is the whole point, to redeem the beings who are crying out in pain and suffering. And you cannot help someone by condemning them and judging them.

I would suggest you read some of Bhai Vir Singh's writings, especially Pyare Jio.



Feb 20, 2012
Sorry I kind of mis-led you on what I meant by that quote. I mean we can blame the parents or the kids for their lack understanding of the guru ji's teachings but who's real fault is it. We don't know it might be due to their past life they have to go through this phase or we can blame (like me) the Khalsa Panth not being there to inspire those Sikhs who have quarreling minds. We are silent as we can be at the moment. Punjabis are still doing marriages based on caste and rituals because they have no guidance. Christian Sikhs in Punjab are being told to keep their turban and beard to fit in but practice Christianity lol. Things are bad in Punjab even sardars are among the drug addicts in Punjab. The thing is who is making it more ritualistic than it was. Who is stopping the Sikhs from doing what they are supposed to do? Is it entirely our fault or is that in the 80's and 90's Indian gov't wiped out 250,000 Sikhs and now we are left with these kind of Sikhs.....

I agree with you keeping hair is not what we should encourage other Sikhs to do first of most things. Just like parchariks these days that say chak amrit only. Then they don't care about what you do afterwards. Sikhs who are infused in worldy affairs at the moment need that guidance to understand gurmat and live by the rules of gurmat. If I was to do parchar on a mona I wouldn't tell him to keep his hair first. I would teach him and led him on the right path that our Gurus have laid down for us and eventually he would understand himself the important of keeping kesh (hopefully lol). Most turbaned Sikhs shave and a lot drink by the way, but they remember their Guru and come to gurdwara often and etc.. But 75% monas are not interested in Sikhi and do shave and drink atleast in my country I know. Very few monas do naam japna and read Bani and I utterly respect them for that.

yes ji,

Internal Sikhi brings forth a bright external sikhi...

in the past i used to 'follow rules' for the sake of following rules.

thankfully now, through regular Simran and Seva...i am beginning to understand that many of sikhi's rules are not in fact rules...

you should not drink or Do drugs (rules)
if i drink, my mind is unstable and i can no longer do my simran nor participate in society as a productive human being (understanding)

I should not cut my hair (rule)
A relaxed, healthy and peaceful body that is left in as natural state as much as possible will help with my Simran and state of being (understanding)...

and this is not just about hair..it is everything...how i eat...how i exercise...how i communicate...having a good balance of everything...

in my humble opinion...people are tired of rules because they can;t make a connection with these supposed rules and the actual benefit it has to their spiritual practice.

just like i went and still am falling on this path many times and learning from this, so will all these people...the experience is often needed to understand all this.


Jun 17, 2014
yes ji,

Internal Sikhi brings forth a bright external sikhi...

in the past i used to 'follow rules' for the sake of following rules.

thankfully now, through regular Simran and Seva...i am beginning to understand that many of sikhi's rules are not in fact rules...

you should not drink or Do drugs (rules)
if i drink, my mind is unstable and i can no longer do my simran nor participate in society as a productive human being (understanding)

I should not cut my hair (rule)
A relaxed, healthy and peaceful body that is left in as natural state as much as possible will help with my Simran and state of being (understanding)...

and this is not just about hair..it is everything...how i eat...how i exercise...how i communicate...having a good balance of everything...

in my humble opinion...people are tired of rules because they can;t make a connection with these supposed rules and the actual benefit it has to their spiritual practice.

just like i went and still am falling on this path many times and learning from this, so will all these people...the experience is often needed to understand all this.

So you think, the top post priority should be do Simran? All the other things will fall in line slowly. Is this what you mean?


Feb 20, 2012
So you think, the top post priority should be do Simran? All the other things will fall in line slowly. Is this what you mean?

I think you should try do do as much as you can...external and internal

but the deeper understanding of everything will develop and evolve in line with how you develop internally as well...that's just from my personal experience...

Simran is described as being the greatest of all actions :)


Feb 20, 2012
So you think, the top post priority should be do Simran? All the other things will fall in line slowly. Is this what you mean?

I have just been reading a book called 'Shabd Guru Surat Dhun Chela'

the following verse is what Giani Sant Singh ji Maskeen wrote about outer and inner form...

In the whole world, we are known by two names:
'Sikh' and 'Singh'.

Sikh is our thinking form. Singh is our manifested form.
What is Sikh? He is visible as a 'Singh' due to five Kakaars (symbols).
In this way we have got two names and two forms:
'Sikh and Singh'.

Sikh is the subtle form and Singh is the solid form.
Sikhi is not visible, as views, thinking and contemplation are also not visible.
But Sikhi is the foundation, Bani is the foundation and uniform is the structure.
Strong palaces can not be constructed on weak foundations.

If the strength of Bani is not at the base of Bana that Bana will disappear today or tomorrow. But if Bana is based upon the strengthof Bani, then one can get, limb by limb, cut or get fragmented, but Bana wiIl not
get separated from the body, because it is the manifest form of Guru ji,
and Bani is the subtle form of Guruji.

Conclusion: Have good internal sikhi and the singh (outer) will be perfect, beautful, fearless and strong
outer (singh) will crumble if the inner (sikhi) is weak...

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Guru Fateh to all,

Interesting interaction at the intersections of the New Delhi roads where everyone wants to go somewhere, gets nowhere but everybody keeps on honking.

The title is interesting. Is this the End?

End of what? Every end has a new beginning. But I understand the frustrations of Amarninder Singh in Punjab, especially in the big cities where Sikhs are seen entertaining themselves at the new fad, Hookah Bars proudly exhaling through their nostrils because ignorance has dictated them that the stuff they put in hookah is not tobacco but something “else” flavored, or shall I say tobacco wrapped in rose petals. This absence of guilt laced with ignorance is just in order to dash with the trend. In many parts of India, Sikhi is in dire straits for the reasons well known to us but no one is ready to do anything about it. Sikhi is taught as a parroting counter. So many times of Mool Mantar, Japji, Dukh Bhanjani, Malas, Chelias to be repeated mindlessly in order to reach ‘ Sikhi Nirvana’.

People go to pilgrimages, fast, take dips, and indulge in all kinds of nonsensical mechanical rituals which are meaningless and last but not the least, parrot Gurbani rather than understanding and practicing it in real life so goodness can be bred within to be shared with others. The former is not Sikhi by the only benchmark which is Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only Guru and the latter is the GPS given by our same Guru, the one we ignore most of the times unconsciously because we believe more in Matha Tek and count the amount of Japjis we have parroted. In some summer camps counters are given to the attendees to count the numbers of ‘Vahegurus’ chanted. It is sad to say that many read the whole Guru Granth many times a year but not a single meaning in it is practiced in real life.

Many in here claim to be experts in some kind of meditation by repeating some mantras whose meaning I am still not able to grasp. I saw a thread here about the pain in the neck. Sorry, pain in the unibrow because of this repetition due to meditation. I have been studying Gurbani for quite some years and nowhere in this Manual of ours-Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, does it mention the modus operandi of this “me-ism indulgence”

Anyway coming back to the topic, we are good at counting heads with the turbans at the places we live and especially in Punjab rather than interacting and behaving like Sikhs as Sikhi demands from us.

Yes, bana is a great thing and eventually all with the inner Sikhi will end up wearing it. The best example I can proudly say is Harry ji who is a mona but with the Sikhi drumbeats in his veins, it ought to happen sooner than later. But that is not the point. Harry for me is a walking, working, interacting Sikh doer. I wish many were like him and I do not doubt if there are.

So, let’s not count Sikhs and Sikhi merely by the regalia but through one’s deeds and works which are written hundreds of times in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji provided we study it in order to make them our second nature.

It is OK to stand out only if we become outstanding with it.

Tejwant Singh


Apr 7, 2013
ok, sorry to be pedantic, but what is Raaj? you have explained how to bring about Raaj, but what is Raaj?

Raaj is when everyone is enlightened by the Khalsa and mostly Sikhi. Raaj can bring satyug. Guru Gobind Singh Ji didn't say "Raag Kharega Khalsa, aaki rahi na koe" for no reason. Guru ji will give us Raaj when the Khalsa,who are in the bad state today, understand what they need to accomplish to bring enlightenment to all in this world. We Sikhs are putting ourselves in a deep hole while we are trying to fight the panj chor daily we have other issues going on in our Panth.

Went off topic but Raaj is when Khalsa flourishes and impure and evil-doers are gone away with. So that brings Satyug. Now do we know when it's going to happen. Nope. But can we plan for Raaj? Indeed. Will there be many wars to get Raaj? Indeed, Sikhs have been always sacrificing their lives for others we will be tested again and again but our Sikhi faith never leaves. Shaheeds really make our panth strong as steel. Also I can guarentee all the sacrifices in the past most importantly in 1984 aren't going to waste. Guru Gobind Singh Ji didn't sacrifice his 4 sons for us to come to an end as some Sikhs believe. We will get what we aim for with the help of Guru ji but we need to start doing what the Gurus came here and told us to do. Hope that explains it and sorry for going off topic alittle.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Raaj is when everyone is enlightened by the Khalsa and mostly Sikhi. Raaj can bring satyug. Guru Gobind Singh Ji didn't say "Raag Kharega Khalsa, aaki rahi na koe" for no reason. Guru ji will give us Raaj when the Khalsa,who are in the bad state today, understand what they need to accomplish to bring enlightenment to all in this world. We Sikhs are putting ourselves in a deep hole while we are trying to fight the panj chor daily we have other issues going on in our Panth.

Went off topic but Raaj is when Khalsa flourishes and impure and evil-doers are gone away with. So that brings Satyug. Now do we know when it's going to happen. Nope. But can we plan for Raaj? Indeed. Will there be many wars to get Raaj? Indeed, Sikhs have been always sacrificing their lives for others we will be tested again and again but our Sikhi faith never leaves. Shaheeds really make our panth strong as steel. Also I can guarentee all the sacrifices in the past most importantly in 1984 aren't going to waste. Guru Gobind Singh Ji didn't sacrifice his 4 sons for us to come to an end as some Sikhs believe. We will get what we aim for with the help of Guru ji but we need to start doing what the Gurus came here and told us to do. Hope that explains it and sorry for going off topic alittle.

I am sorry to say but this sounds more like the Abrahamic religions than Sikhi.

According to Gurbani, a Sikh does not strive for Raj, nor for Eternal life but only by being a good Sikh through understanding and practicing Gurbani. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only Guru says that.

This is part of the whole Shabad:
ਰਾਜੁ ਨ ਚਾਹਉ ਮੁਕਤਿ ਨ ਚਾਹਉ ਮਨਿ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਿ ਚਰਨ ਕਮਲਾਰੇ ॥ राजु न चाहउ मुकति न चाहउ मनि प्रीति चरन कमलारे ॥

Rāj na cẖāha▫o mukaṯ na cẖāha▫o man parīṯ cẖaran kamlāre.

I do not seek power, and I do not seek liberation. My mind is in love with Your Lotus Feet. Page 534

Tejwant Singh

PS: If you like, I can post the whole shabad and express my own understanding about it.


Apr 7, 2013
I am sorry to say but this more sounds like the Abrahamic religions than Sikhi.

According to Gurbani, a Sikh does not strive for Raj, nor for Eternal life but only being a good Sikh by understanding and practicing Gurbani. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only Guru says that.

This is part of the whole Shabad:
ਰਾਜੁ ਨ ਚਾਹਉ ਮੁਕਤਿ ਨ ਚਾਹਉ ਮਨਿ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਿ ਚਰਨ ਕਮਲਾਰੇ ॥ राजु न चाहउ मुकति न चाहउ मनि प्रीति चरन कमलारे ॥

Rāj na cẖāha▫o mukaṯ na cẖāha▫o man parīṯ cẖaran kamlāre.

I do not seek power, and I do not seek liberation. My mind is in love with Your Lotus Feet. Page 534

Tejwant Singh

PS: If you like, I can post the whole shabad and express my own understanding about it.

You have a valid point. As I remember now I heard once in a katha that Khalsa Raaj will happen by itself if we take care of ourselves first by reading Bani and implementing the teachings to our lives. Then Guru ji will help us. So in a way you are right. But Sikhs need a stabilized Panth. We as Sikhs can't depend on Guru ji all the time we need to make change happen for example Singh Sabha movement. We have no central authority. Forget about the Akal Takht, gurdwaras aren't following some of their hukamnamas. We need sarbat Khalsa in my opinion. But again on the topic there is no end of Sikhi. Many have tried and tried but they all have failed. People saying this is the end is kind of saying like GGS is nothing anymore and there is no hope with the GGS. GGS is here we need to learn the teachings, implement it in our daily lives, and live truthfully according to its teachings. Sikhs these days just want a physical Guru to be honest..

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
You have a valid point. As I remember now I heard once in a katha that Khalsa Raaj will happen by itself if we take care of ourselves first by reading Bani and implementing the teachings to our lives. Then Guru ji will help us. So in a way you are right. But Sikhs need a stabilized Panth. We as Sikhs can't depend on Guru ji all the time we need to make change happen for example Singh Sabha movement. We have no central authority. Forget about the Akal Takht, gurdwaras aren't following some of their hukamnamas. We need sarbat Khalsa in my opinion. But again on the topic there is no end of Sikhi. Many have tried and tried but they all have failed. People saying this is the end is kind of saying like GGS is nothing anymore and there is no hope with the GGS. GGS is here we need to learn the teachings, implement it in our daily lives, and live truthfully according to its teachings. Sikhs these days just want a physical Guru to be honest..

Abneet Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

You are mixing apples with matzo baalls, so to speak. Yes, changes are needed all the times in Sikhi but with prudence and with the collective understanding of Gurbani. And that is a different topic on its own.

You may start the thread for that if you like.

Lastly, I would not base my Sikhi on any Kathavachaks but on the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only Guru.


Tejwant Singh


Feb 20, 2012
I am sorry to say but this sounds more like the Abrahamic religions than Sikhi.

According to Gurbani, a Sikh does not strive for Raj, nor for Eternal life but only by being a good Sikh through understanding and practicing Gurbani. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only Guru says that.

This is part of the whole Shabad:
ਰਾਜੁ ਨ ਚਾਹਉ ਮੁਕਤਿ ਨ ਚਾਹਉ ਮਨਿ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਿ ਚਰਨ ਕਮਲਾਰੇ ॥ राजु न चाहउ मुकति न चाहउ मनि प्रीति चरन कमलारे ॥

Rāj na cẖāha▫o mukaṯ na cẖāha▫o man parīṯ cẖaran kamlāre.

I do not seek power, and I do not seek liberation. My mind is in love with Your Lotus Feet. Page 534

Tejwant Singh

PS: If you like, I can post the whole shabad and express my own understanding about it.

please post all the shabad or a large proportion of it ji...

these are the rules we all try to keep


Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
please post all the shabad or a large proportion of it ji...

these are the rules we all try to keep


Chaz Singh ji,

Guru Fateh and it is nice to see you again. I hope you have read the whole thread and the interaction between Abneet and Harry regarding Raj where Abneet was certain about this Raj thing as he was told by someone.

You may have noticed that after posting the verse so he could correct his thinking about it, I asked him that I would post the whole shabad with my own understanding if he wished so. Have you read the whole shabad whose one verse I have posted, studied it and understood it? I have. This particular verse from the whole shabad was posted on purpose by me so he could steer his Sikhi boat towards Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji our only Guru about the Raj. He agreed with the verse from the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and changed his thinking as it shows in the post.

As you must have studied the whole shabad after I posted the page number and if you happen to disagree with me about its meaning, then let me know and we can discuss about it with our own understandings of the whole shabad. I am open to learning.

The rule that I myself created is to post the whole shabad with one's own understanding not just copying and pasting literal translation.I am very well aware of that as you are.

So, I request you that let's not allow ourselves to waste this great privilege of monitoring bestowed upon us without understanding its power and the context which matters the most.


Tejwant Singh

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Akasha ji and Ishna ji,

Guru Fateh.

Please do not think for a minute that I have ignored you in this thread as being Sikhs. This thread was started by Amarinder about the state of Sikhi in India and then Arshi ji pitched in about him seeing many people without turbans in his classes in the UK. But the problem is very severe in India, especially in Punjab because it has become the drug route from Pakistan and as a result many Punjabis where the majority is Sikh, visible or not; are getting hooked on heroin and other drugs. It started in the poor areas and is spreading in the suburbs like wild fires because of the kids who have entered the middle class due to IT and the Business degrees.

In fact, Sikhi is increasing in the diaspora among the Sikh families who had shun their hair and other things in order to “fit in” which is a self- defeating prophecy anywhere in my opinion. And more important, thanks to people like you who are coming to Sikhi on their own after having had the exposure. I am very proud of you two and of many more I know in my life who have done the same.

The recent example is of the Aussie hunk, Tyler Atkins- the boy of thunder from down under- who had dated Paris Hilton which shows his poor taste as far as women are concerned, but that topic is for another day. He is taking a big risk by going to Hollywood with his bana. Well, come to think of it, the bana may work as an asset now after Waris Singh Ahulwalia’s exposure in Hollywood and in the fashion world. Tyler has already lined up some modeling agencies which is a great thing and I wish him all the best.

There is a show here in Las Vegas named- The Boys of Thunder from Down Under. This show has been running for years now and is always jam packed with the Baptist ladies from the South who leave their KJV Bibles at home and hide the Gideons that they have in their bedrooms under the yellow pages.:)

This show is about all these Aussie hunks in mini Speedos getting dollar bills stuffed in them by these pious, god fearing, Jesus loving ladies. LOL.


Tejwant Singh


Feb 20, 2012
Akasha ji and Ishna ji,

Guru Fateh.

Please do not think for a minute that I have ignored you in this thread as being Sikhs. This thread was started by Amarinder about the state of Sikhi in India and then Arshi ji pitched in about him seeing many people without turbans in his classes in the UK. But the problem is very severe in India, especially in Punjab because it has become the drug route from Pakistan and as a result many Punjabis where the majority is Sikh, visible or not; are getting hooked on heroin and other drugs. It started in the poor areas and is spreading in the suburbs like wild fires because of the kids who have entered the middle class due to IT and the Business degrees.

In fact, Sikhi is increasing in the diaspora among the Sikh families who had shun their hair and other things in order to “fit in” which is a self- defeating prophecy anywhere in my opinion. And more important, thanks to people like you who are coming to Sikhi on their own after having had the exposure. I am very proud of you two and of many more I know in my life who have done the same.

The recent example is of the Aussie hunk, Tyler Atkins- the boy of thunder from down under- who had dated Paris Hilton which shows his poor taste as far as women are concerned, but that topic is for another day. He is taking a big risk by going to Hollywood with his bana. Well, come to think of it, the bana may work as an asset now after Waris Singh Ahulwalia’s exposure in Hollywood and in the fashion world. Tyler has already lined up some modeling agencies which is a great thing and I wish him all the best.

There is a show here in Las Vegas named- The Boys of Thunder from Down Under. This show has been running for years now and is always jam packed with the Baptist ladies from the South who leave their KJV Bibles at home and hide the Gideons that they have in their bedrooms under the yellow pages.:)

This show is about all these Aussie hunks in mini Speedos getting dollar bills stuffed in them by these pious, god fearing, Jesus loving ladies. LOL.


Tejwant Singh

just read some articles on Tyler Atkins...
An interesting change in direction...i wish him all the best with his new lifestyle and venture back into Hollywood.


Apr 7, 2013
Abneet Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

You are mixing apples with matzo baalls, so to speak. Yes, changes are needed all the times in Sikhi but with prudence and with the collective understanding of Gurbani. And that is a different topic on its own.

You may start the thread for that if you like.

Lastly, I would not base my Sikhi on any Kathavachaks but on the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only Guru.


Tejwant Singh

Definitely changes are needed in Sikh history. One is needed right now! But it won't happen if we don't unite PERIOD. This isn't the end again. Whoever thinks Sikhi is ending soon needs a good kick to the head.

Good reputable kathavachaks are hard to find but I got that one from Baba Mann Singh. Now some kathavachaks you can't believe what they say you would obviously have to research what they say or believe them if they have a good reputation. Nowadays we have kathavachaks going on stage giving anti-gurmat teachings (ex:dhunda):singhsippingcoffee:
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