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Is This The End?


Apr 7, 2013
itsmeet ji,

Guru Fateh.

Pardon my ignorance but I have no idea what you mean by the above. Sikh has to live the life of Miri- Piri and the former means earthly knowledge. Guru Nanak scolds the sidhs in Sidh Gosht for running away from the earthly knowledge.

Living a householder life and tackling everyday worldly problems of the family, earning an honest living to raise one's family as taught to us by Guru Nanak and by other Gurus is part and parcel of the earthly knowledge. Guru Nanak talks about the planets above us in Jap from this very earth and having a deep earthly knowledge.

Just for my own curiosity, did any katahvachak,sant, baba, derawala teach you what your mentioned in your post?


Tejwant Singh

Tejwant Singh, your truly right on the part of Meri and Peri. On the part bashing on Sants and mahapurash be careful. We know there are more fake babas than there are real sevadaars of this panth. But there are some enlightening Sants that are enlightening and connect Sikhs back to GGS by doing parchar. That is their duty to do seva. If they are giving anti-gurmat views then we can analyze. It may be a title after all but there are Saints in this world. To me, the real ones, they are true GurSikhs. Don't bash anyone until you have heard their sayings online or met them in real life. If you want to continue to bash them go ahead, we know what happens according to Sukhmani Sahib. And no I don't worship any Saint or baba, but many have inspired me just like the guru's to practice the Truth and basic tenets of Sikhi. We all have our own ways.


Jan 22, 2005
Pardon my ignorance, no doubt there are enlightened and real sevadar on this planet but call them sant is blasphemy. By the way can you give me single pankti of sukhmani sahib or any other baani of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji which reveres/promotes sants, brahmgiani in human form.


Apr 7, 2013
Pardon my ignorance, no doubt there are enlightened and real sevadar on this planet but call them sant is blasphemy. By the way can you give me single pankti of sukhmani sahib or any other baani of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji which reveres/promotes sants, brahmgiani in human form.

Sangat gives them the title. That is the interesting part, they don't show their egoistical side of saying I am Sant so or so they just allow people to call them that as they would like. I don't know why but its we that give such people that title.

Also, What do you mean by promoting sants in human form?


Dec 3, 2011
Pardon my ignorance, no doubt there are enlightened and real sevadar on this planet but call them sant is blasphemy.

I never knew anything about blasphemy. I thought that was ill speaking of prophets in abrahamic faiths.
I consider my myself lower than the dust of feet of all sangat, so why should I have the right to judge such and such's title of sant or baba ?
''Sab gobind hai, sab gobind hai...."
& "....Nanak parkhe ap kao ta parakh jan (the true judge is the one that judges himself)-not others!

By the way can you give me single pankti of sukhmani sahib or any other baani of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji which reveres/promotes sants, brahmgiani in human form.

Are you referring to the 'brahmgyani' ashtpadhi ?

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Sangat gives them the title. That is the interesting part, they don't show their egoistical side of saying I am Sant so or so they just allow people to call them that as they would like. I don't know why but its we that give such people that title.

Also, What do you mean by promoting sants in human form?

Abneet ji,

Guru Fateh.

What do you mean Sangat gives them the title?

Is it the same Sangat who may have taken Charan Pahul from them?

As Panj Payras and the Takhats are our only authority, then why haven't they done that? Sangat has no authority in this?

Are these Sants living the household lives as Guru Nanak taught us to do or they claim to be single, never married and abstain from having sex with many women as they tend to have many Chelians?

The latter part is not my personal opinion. Late Baba Isher Singh was involved in many sexual escapades with many women. He lived on one side of his ashram where all the other women lived and no one was allowed there. The reason I know this is because two of them were my distant relatives.ALL of them had to take Charan Pahul from him in order to live his ashram with him as he swapped women on regular basis.,

I also met him outside his Ashram many times at my Massi’s house in South Extension in 1985 when I returned to India after 14 years. The rumours of his lechery were there long before these awful events came to light.

Many other innocent women have been the prey of these so called Sants who have been bestowed the title by the Sangat according to you.

There is one more person who has been calling himself Sant as of late and now resides in India, is Jaspal Singh who had eloped with one of this students from the UK where he was married with kids with his then wife to the US. I met him in Los Angeles when I was living there. Recently, he was caught in his mansion in Delhi with many young girls.

Sikhi needs no middlemen and only the ignorant among the Sikhs look for these kinds of charlatans because they are too lazy to study Gurbani on their own and this kind of Sangat loves their fairy tales that sweeten the Gurbani and get impressed which is a shame.

In the other post addressed to me you rightfully say that many so called sant babas are fakes but you can only decide about that on your personal level not for the Sikhi:

On the part bashing on Sants and mahapurash be careful. We know there are more fake babas than there are real sevadaars of this panth. But there are some enlightening Sants that are enlightening and connect Sikhs back to GGS by doing parchar.

Firstly, you are not being honest here. I never bashed anyone. I just asked who gave these people the title of Sant and for what? Please, you be careful when you accuse others without any proof.

The second part of your statement is just your personal opinion as is your opinion on meditation. Please do not make these as blanket statements for all Sikhs because many may disagree with you as many do. And mind you, disagreements are part and parcel of the learning process in Sikhi.

The next time, mention that it is your personal opinion only, which will help us all to understand your thought process.

Sikhi is not about giving or receiving titles but just being a Sikh. Gurbani teaches us that,”I am the lowest of the low”. If one has the yearnings to learn from the teachings of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only Guru, then no one would give nor receive any titles.

Titles in Sikhi are implicit related to the gurmat deeds, not as prefixes before anyone’s name. Sikhi is all about this. Nothing more, no one else more except Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only Guru.


Tejwant Singh


Apr 7, 2013
Abneet ji,

Guru Fateh.

What do you mean Sangat gives them the title?

Is it the same Sangat who may have taken Charan Pahul from them?

As Panj Payras and the Takhats are our only authority, then why haven't they done that? Sangat has no authority in this?

Are these Sants living the house hold lives as Guru Nanak taught us to do or they claim to be single, never married and abstain from having sex with many women as they tend to have many Chelians?

The latter part is not my personal opinion. Late Baba Isher Singh was involved in many sexual escapades with many women. He lived on one side of his ashram where all the other women lived and no one was allowed there. The reason I know this is because two of them were my distant relatives.ALL of them had to take Charan Pahul from him in order to live his ashram with him as he swapped women on regular basis.,

I also met him outside his Ashram many times at my Massi’s house in South Extension in 1985 when I returned to India after 14 years. The rumours of his lechery were there long before these awful events came to light.

Many other innocent women have been the prey of these so called Sants who have been bestowed the title by the Sangat according to you.

There is one more person who has been calling himself Sant as of late and now resides in India, is Jaspal Singh who had eloped with one of this students from the UK where he was married with kids with his then wife to the US. I met him in Los Angeles when I was living there. Recently, he was caught in his mansion in Delhi with many young girls.

Sikhi needs no middlemen and only the ignorant among the Sikhs look for these kinds of charlatans because they are too lazy to study Gurbani on their own and this kind of Sangat loves their fairy tales that sweeten the Gurbani and get impressed which is a shame.

In the other post addressed to me you rightfully say that many so called sant babas are fakes but you can only decide about that on your personal level not for the Sikhi:

Firstly, you are not being honest here. I never bashed anyone. I just asked who gave these people the title of Sant and for what? Please, you be careful when you accuse others without any proof.

The second part of your statement is just your personal opinion as is your opinion on meditation. Please do not make these as blanket statements for all Sikhs because many may disagree with you as many do. And mind your disagreements are part and parcel of the learning process in Sikhi.

The next time, mention that it is your personal opinion only which will help us all to understand your thought process.

Sikhi is not about giving or receiving titles but just being a Sikh. Gurbani teaches us that,”I am the lowest of the low”. If one has the yearnings to learn from the teachings of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only Guru, then no one would give nor receive any titles.

Titles in Sikhi are implicit related to the gurmat deeds, not as prefixes before anyone’s name. Sikhi is all about this. Nothing more, no one else more except Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only Guru.


Tejwant Singh

Sikhs give them such titles. They don't give the titles themselves. I have heard of Jaspal Singh and he considered Baba Isher Singh his "Guru". Now we all know that's wrong of course. There is a saying of applying dust on forehead of Saints. Now to me I don't know about that. Someone can tell me about charan pahul being taken from them.

Our panth is disorganized. We don't have a real authority yet. There are many fake Sants who are sex offenders and so on. Like I said there are very few actually Gursikhs who have conquered the panj chor and are doing seva for the panth. There are out there but they are hidden by black clouds by so fake deras and money loitering sants.

You are right we can study gurbani alone. Gurbani has so much in depth that you need a teacher that has more gyan then you to explain and help you understand whats in the GGS. That knowledge can be gained by listening to reputable kathas or getting taught in school by some teacher. We all need teachers in this case. We can't be lone wolves studying the GGS. But such Gursikhs can be our middlemen to bring us closer by giving advice or actually teach us. Not all Sikhs need such a middlemen if they are fully capable in reading and interpreting Bani themselves. We are on a path of never ending learning.

GGS does refer to seek for the company of the Saints many times...Can you explain?

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Sikhs give them such titles. They don't give the titles themselves. I have heard of Jaspal Singh and he considered Baba Isher Singh his "Guru". Now we all know that's wrong of course. There is a saying of applying dust on forehead of Saints. Now to me I don't know about that. Someone can tell me about charan pahul being taken from them.

Our panth is disorganized. We don't have a real authority yet. There are many fake Sants who are sex offenders and so on. Like I said there are very few actually Gursikhs who have conquered the panj chor and are doing seva for the panth. There are out there but they are hidden by black clouds by so fake deras and money loitering sants.

You are right we can study gurbani alone. Gurbani has so much in depth that you need a teacher that has more gyan then you to explain and help you understand whats in the GGS. That knowledge can be gained by listening to reputable kathas or getting taught in school by some teacher. We all need teachers in this case. We can't be lone wolves studying the GGS. But such Gursikhs can be our middlemen to bring us closer by giving advice or actually teach us. Not all Sikhs need such a middlemen if they are fully capable in reading and interpreting Bani themselves. We are on a path of never ending learning.

GGS does refer to seek for the company of the Saints many times...Can you explain?

Abneet ji,

Please give empirical proof of the Sangat giving the title to any so called Sant otherwise it is hearsay. If I take your reasoning a bit farther, then according to you, the sangat also has the right to take the title away. If your claim is true, then why are many people with the title Sants roaming around the country raping the innocent?

You yourself admitted that there are fake Sants in your post.

Ask yourself the question, then who gave these rapists the title of Sants?

Which Sikh Sangat did that as per your own claim?

Your claim that Sangat gives them the title of Sants seems quite contradictory and self-defeating in your own post, it seems.

Secondly, as mentioned before, only the Takhats have the right to give any title to any Sikh. The case in point is that Yogi Bhajan got the legal title of "Siri Sahib" from Akal Takhat.

You are confused between a SAINT and a SANT.

The former is used in Catholicism which is bestowed by the Pope posthumously after the proofs of MIRACLES are shown, which Sikhi does not believe in.

As far as Sants in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji are concerned, please post the whole Shabad with the page number and with your personal understanding of it. You may also post the literal translation of the Shabad which is often flawed and wrong. This is the reason personal understanding of the whole Shabad is must.

Tejwant Singh

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Sikhs give them such titles.

Like I said there are very few actually Gursikhs who have conquered the panj chor

By GurSikh I meant 'Amrit Dhari' Sikhs not self called Sikhs...

ahhh unity isn't it wonderful.....................I wonder just how many types of Sikhs there are, I always felt we were all seekers, Sikhs, students, but it does beg the question who is the sangat...


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
Well this is a thread that has gone off in a few interesting directions! There probably are several faiths that would say they are in fear of diminishing in this 21st Century. Personally I see a healthy attendance at my Gurdwara every week with a mix of turban / mona and I have never contemplated on my fellow Sangat's background/ motivations. I'm just proud of our new Gurdwara that opened last year and am glad I can have these experiences with my wife and 2 boys. We are all Mona as well.


Apr 7, 2013
Abneet ji,

Please give empirical proof of the Sangat giving the title to any so called Sant otherwise it is hearsay. If I take your reasoning a bit farther, then according to you, the sangat also has the right to take the title away. If your claim is true, then why are many people with the title Sants roaming around the country raping the innocent?

You yourself admitted that there are fake Sants in your post.

Ask yourself the question, then who gave these rapists the title of Sants?

Which Sikh Sangat did that as per your own claim?

Your claim that Sangat gives them the title of Sants seems quite contradictory and self-defeating in your own post, it seems.

Secondly, as mentioned before, only the Takhats have the right to give any title to any Sikh. The case in point is that Yogi Bhajan got the legal title of "Siri Sahib" from Akal Takhat.

You are confused between a SAINT and a SANT.

The former is used in Catholicism which is bestowed by the Pope posthumously after the proofs of MIRACLES are shown, which Sikhi does not believe in.

As far as Sants in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji are concerned, please post the whole Shabad with the page number and with your personal understanding of it. You may also post the literal translation of the Shabad which is often flawed and wrong. This is the reason personal understanding of the whole Shabad is must.

Tejwant Singh

Common Sikhs like ourselves give them such titles. Akal Takht gave Yogi Bhajan that title and look what he did in America making himself a so-called guru and everything. We don't teach sangat at gurdwara about the differences of a sant, brahmgyani, mahapurash, and baba....

I go to a Catholic School and yes I know very well your right on that a Saint has to show miraculous work. Sikhi do not believe in miracles but at certain cirumstances they do happen by the Gurus themselves.

You didn't answer my question above who is supposed to teach us the GGS? Sitting on a computer and looking at english translations isn't enough. You have to be taught by someone who has gyan of Gurbani and its depth.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Common Sikhs like ourselves give them such titles. Akal Takht gave Yogi Bhajan that title and look what he did in America making himself a so-called guru and everything. We don't teach sangat at gurdwara about the differences of a sant, brahmgyani, mahapurash, and baba....

I go to a Catholic School and yes I know very well your right on that a Saint has to show miraculous work. Sikhi do not believe in miracles but at certain cirumstances they do happen by the Gurus themselves.

You didn't answer my question above who is supposed to teach us the GGS? Sitting on a computer and looking at english translations isn't enough. You have to be taught by someone who has gyan of Gurbani and its depth.

You are still repeating the same thing again and again without any proof. It does not cut it like that. Show me the proof when sangat gave the title Sant to anyone.

Sangat, who is looking for a teacher is giving the title of a sant to the same person? Are you serious?

The example of Yogi Bhajan from me was not for what he turned out to be but who bestows the title. You are full of contradictions. In many posts you want to obey the Akal Takhat for hukumnaamas and for the ex- communications of people that you do not want any Sikh to talk to, and under the same breath you are degrading Akal Takhat about giving the titles.

So which is what? Please decide your stance.

Here is one more contradiction in your post .

Sikhi do not believe in miracles but at certain cirumstances they do happen by the Gurus themselves.

What is this doublespeak? Under what circumstances? Please stop making things up and stick to one thing. Sikhi does not believe in miracles. Period.

Please do not drag our Gurus in the miracle scum pond at the same time after stating the contrary first. It does not speak well for any Sikh. Either one thing is in Sikhi or not. You can not have it both ways.

Tejwant Singh


Apr 7, 2013
You are still repeating the same thing again and again without any proof. It does not cut it like that. Show me the proof when sangat gave the title Sant to anyone.

Sangat, who is looking for a teacher is giving the title of a sant to the same person? Are you serious?

The example of Yogi Bhajan from me was not for what he turned out to be but who bestows the title. You are full of contradictions. In many posts you want to obey the Akal Takhat for hukumnaamas and for the ex- communications of people that you do not want any Sikh to talk to, and under the same breath you are degrading Akal Takhat about giving the titles.

So which is what? Please decide your stance.

Here is one more contradiction in your post .

What is this doublespeak? Under what circumstances? Please stop making things up and stick to one thing. Sikhi does not believe in miracles. Period.

Please do not drag our Gurus in the miracle scum pond at the same time after stating the contrary first. It does not speak well for any Sikh. Either one thing is in Sikhi or not. You can not have it both ways.

Tejwant Singh

So our Gurus did not perform any miracles at all according to your sayings that Sikhi do not believe in miracles period?


Jan 22, 2005
I do not wish to create doubts in anyone's feelings towards Baba Ishar Singh Ji since he is no more; but, just to mention an incident that occurred in 1956 in the presence and leadership of Baba ji,may help the Sangat to focus on the Truthful essence of the Gurbani.

Baba ji along with his entourage of about 25 disciple Sikhs were visiting town of Bagha-Puranaa in 1957. One of my friend was one of the young Sewadars in that community and had great admiration for Baba Ji.

The Jathhaa, for sleeping at night, was stationed in a small school. Early hours of the next morning fire razed one of the rooms where disciples were resting. The Jathhaa, supposed to perform morning keertan in the local Gurdwara was leaving in a hurry.

The reason was that a young female devotee of the Baba Ji visited the location and wanted to see Baba ji for private session. Somehow, she was talked by a young disciple into joining couple of his colleagues and then they will help her to see Baba ji. She spent the night with those disciples and by morning she was found dead. Decision by Baba Ji was to cremate her in the very room by setting the room on fire, that was done. Local police investigation declared the woman was crazy and died during struggle to protect Babaji. Thus, Baba Ji was free to leave for next station.

My point is not to malign reputation of Baba JI, but to ask Sangat for thorough and factual search of evidence before falling for the MIRACLE PERFORMING BABAS.

Our respected Guru Sahiban lived and promulgated 'The Will/Hukam" of the Akal Purakh without any miracles.


Jan 22, 2005
On miracles gurbani is very clears - quoting Kabir Ji, "ਰਿਧਿ ਸਿਧਿ ਜਾ ਕਉ ਫੁਰੀ ਤਬਕਾਹੂ ਸਿਉ ਕਿਆ ਕਾਜ ॥ ਤੇਰੇ ਕਹਨੇ ਕੀ ਗਤਿ ਕਿਆ ਕਹਉ ਮੈ ਬੋਲਤ ਹੀ ਬਡ ਲਾਜ ॥੧॥ ਕ ੧੧੦੩

Ridhi sidhi ji kau phuri tab kaahoo sio kia kaaj. Tere kahne ki gat kis kahau mai bolat hi badd laaj. Kabir, p 1103.

In essence: If you have miraculous powers, then you will benefit yourself and not worry about others. What to comment on what you say, I feel highly ashamed even to talk about it."

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
You didn't answer my question above who is supposed to teach us the GGS? Sitting on a computer and looking at english translations isn't enough. You have to be taught by someone who has gyan of Gurbani and its depth.

How hard is it to try and live by the truth? The truth, which is the essence of Sikhism, waking up in the morning, being true, looking at your wife with love, not lust, eating a simple breakfast, not a huge bacon and egg fry up, driving to work within the speed limit, giving way, allowing your fellow humans to to join a queue, driving a car for yourself, not for envious glances, getting to work, treating your fellow workers with respect, doing your job, honestly, without taking shortcuts, without lying, telling the truth, charging for 5 mins if it takes 5 mins, giving people a break, being understanding,being merciful, being patient, inspiring others, bringing laughter where there is sadness, cheering people up, having a simple lunch, staying away from booze, fags, spliffs, smack, porn, keeping the mind pure, focusing it on making a difference, on spreading the light, not hiding in the darkness, going home, taking your dogs for a long walk, having a simple dinner, enjoying simple pleasures, a long walk by a stream, with your dogs darting in and out of the water, watching your wifes face as she cuddles the dogs, feeling love for them all, going home, making sure everyone is fed and happy, ringing your dad, speaking to mum, going to bed, and falling asleep with her head on your chest, (ok thats a bit sexist, but it would not work the other way round, I have a meat head, its huge and heavy),

How is a teacher going to help me achieve this on a daily basis? What depths are there to learn to achieve this? its not rocket science is it? Sikhism, being devoid of pointless rituals, traditions, is fairly simple, the whole point of the SGGS is that it is written so the common man can understand it without the need for a Gyani, or a Brahmin priest, to then take refuge in the words of a scoundrel is blasphemy both ways, anyone who encourages this fractured relationship between human and god is already rubbishing the wishes of our Gurus, in that the wisdom they wrote can only be accessed with help,

Even the most simple person knows what the truth is, even the most simple person can be a Sikh, without help. In fact its easier without help, or to coin another phrase without agenda


Jan 22, 2005
Very simple, 'ਏਹ ਵੈਰੀ ਮਿਤ੍ਰ ਸਭਿ ਕੀਤਿਆ ਨਹ ਮੰਗਹਿ ਮੰਦਾ ॥ ਲੇਖਾ ਕੋਇ ਨ ਪੁਛਈ ਜਾ ਹਰਿ ਬਖਸੰਦਾ ॥ ਅਨੰਦੁ ਭਇਆ ਸੁਖੁ ਪਾਇਆ ਮਿਲਿ ਗੁਰ ਗੋਵਿੰਦਾ ॥ ਸਭੇ ਕਾਜ ਸਵਾਰਿਐ ਜਾ ਤੁਧੁ ਭਾਵੰਦਾ ॥੭॥ - transform these evils and make them your friends, you will automatically see God in all, your accounts are settled once for all and you enter into blissful state, all your doubts gets cleared and meaning of gurbani emantes itself.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
who do we blame when sikh kids do keep hair, wear gatras and dummalahs and do nitnems...BUT dont know the ABC of Gurmatt ?? Many blame their parents !!! ....many simply dont know nay toehr way...they simply stick with what they know best..long hair..gatra, karras dummalhs and all that..But cant distinguish between Guru Hargobind Sahib and Guru Gobind Singh...its all fast track waheguru waheguru waheguru and endless sakhis about this mahapurahs and that baba...


Apr 7, 2013
How hard is it to try and live by the truth? The truth, which is the essence of Sikhism, waking up in the morning, being true, looking at your wife with love, not lust, eating a simple breakfast, not a huge bacon and egg fry up, driving to work within the speed limit, giving way, allowing your fellow humans to to join a queue, driving a car for yourself, not for envious glances, getting to work, treating your fellow workers with respect, doing your job, honestly, without taking shortcuts, without lying, telling the truth, charging for 5 mins if it takes 5 mins, giving people a break, being understanding,being merciful, being patient, inspiring others, bringing laughter where there is sadness, cheering people up, having a simple lunch, staying away from booze, fags, spliffs, smack, porn, keeping the mind pure, focusing it on making a difference, on spreading the light, not hiding in the darkness, going home, taking your dogs for a long walk, having a simple dinner, enjoying simple pleasures, a long walk by a stream, with your dogs darting in and out of the water, watching your wifes face as she cuddles the dogs, feeling love for them all, going home, making sure everyone is fed and happy, ringing your dad, speaking to mum, going to bed, and falling asleep with her head on your chest, (ok thats a bit sexist, but it would not work the other way round, I have a meat head, its huge and heavy),

How is a teacher going to help me achieve this on a daily basis? What depths are there to learn to achieve this? its not rocket science is it? Sikhism, being devoid of pointless rituals, traditions, is fairly simple, the whole point of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is that it is written so the common man can understand it without the need for a Gyani, or a Brahmin priest, to then take refuge in the words of a scoundrel is blasphemy both ways, anyone who encourages this fractured relationship between human and god is already rubbishing the wishes of our Gurus, in that the wisdom they wrote can only be accessed with help,

Even the most simple person knows what the truth is, even the most simple person can be a Sikh, without help. In fact its easier without help, or to coin another phrase without agenda

Surely someone can take that path that is no problem or someone who wants to learn the depths of Bani can obviously get help to understand everything what the Gurus wrote. But in your case I don't see why a Sikh can do that but our GGS is our guidance remember that.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Surely someone can take that path that is no problem or someone who wants to learn the depths of Bani can obviously get help to understand everything what the Gurus wrote

Can you enlighten me as to what you have learned about the depths of Bani? If you could give me an example of such depths?

But in your case I don't see why a Sikh can do that but our GGS is our guidance remember that.

I have had to read this several times, I think I understand what you mean, what your trying to say is how can one understand the depths of Bani through simple and truthful living rather than study and guidance.

I read the SGGS every day, I do not chant it, or mumble it, I read it, over and over again, then I analyse it, then I compare several translations, then I attempt my own translation, after some time, I gain perhaps some little understanding. When I look back at my life and contemplate what I know through walking in the fire, with what essence I have gained, I can then reconcile the two together.

Sometimes I may only manage a few lines, sometimes a whole page, sometimes I might get stuck on one line, but it is all pretty pointless if nothing is put into practice, in my very extremely humble opinion.


Apr 7, 2013
Can you enlighten me as to what you have learned about the depths of Bani? If you could give me an example of such depths?

I have had to read this several times, I think I understand what you mean, what your trying to say is how can one understand the depths of Bani through simple and truthful living rather than study and guidance.

I read the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji every day, I do not chant it, or mumble it, I read it, over and over again, then I analyse it, then I compare several translations, then I attempt my own translation, after some time, I gain perhaps some little understanding. When I look back at my life and contemplate what I know through walking in the fire, with what essence I have gained, I can then reconcile the two together.

Sometimes I may only manage a few lines, sometimes a whole page, sometimes I might get stuck on one line, but it is all pretty pointless if nothing is put into practice, in my very extremely humble opinion.

I would rather have a Sikh read one line and learn from it and implement it in his daily routine rather than a Sikh that reads and reads and does doesn't gain nothing from what he has read.
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