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Lust & Sexuality

Canuck Singh

Jun 13, 2008
Can UK
I was kinda resistant to this statement when I first read, but my gut feeling is that you are right. Sex between a loving couple has to have a way different neuro-chemical response.

You mentioned the release of oxytocin during sex. Can you explain its role? I know it is used during pregnancy and for lactation.

I believe it would be necessary to requalify that statement as, "a relationship between a loving couple is okay, considering that it releases natural hormones etc." however excitement of any kind is incorrect, considering it would again lead to improper conditioning of the psyche and sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.

Oxytocin is important in child bearing as studies have shown that it increases the bond between mother and child. It is especially released during milking. Similar hormonal responses are seen during couples sharing natural intercourse. Increasing hormonal responses that influence compassion, bonding etc.

If it is not natural, research will soon show a connection with it and imbalances within the body. Scientific research actually has not caught up yet, because of the traditional method signed by descarted. "Splice everything until you get it down to a single unit". Traditional eastern medicine knows a little better in this sense, and now that research is increasing in both fields, a blend will show the negative interactions created by unnatural actions.


Sep 19, 2008
LOL little boys!!

This is so common sense yet takes 7 pages of threads to explain. Do what you need to do and grow up, dont be ashamed of who you are, there are so many other things you can focus on bettering yourself like being less angry, being better nicer person etc.

If you need to play with yourself to feel normal do it and stop whinning about it, we all know it is normal get over it now. Women also have this same problem though few will admit to it because we stiil live in a society where women are not allowed to be sexual or at least openly admit it. Dont worry keep working on it and you will get through it.

Come on now !! (no pun intended heheehe)
LOL little boys!!

This is so common sense yet takes 7 pages of threads to explain. Do what you need to do and grow up, dont be ashamed of who you are, there are so many other things you can focus on bettering yourself like being less angry, being better nicer person etc.

If you need to play with yourself to feel normal do it and stop whinning about it, we all know it is normal get over it now. Women also have this same problem though few will admit to it because we stiil live in a society where women are not allowed to be sexual or at least openly admit it. Dont worry keep working on it and you will get through it.

Come on now !! (no pun intended heheehe)

SherniKaur ji
Its about self control. Falling into this trap of lust can really hurt a person physically and mentally. Being a slave to lust is like being a drug addict; life just is not normal without the drug.


Sep 19, 2008
SherniKaur ji
Its about self control. Falling into this trap of lust can really hurt a person physically and mentally. Being a slave to lust is like being a drug addict; life just is not normal without the drug.


God created lust for a reason, it is no trap, Guru's had kids ot there own, they didnt just happen by themselves. Simple thing is sex is a part of life, masterbation is also a part of life, a trap is if someone is sleeping around, discovering things that god intends you to discover is not a trap.

God created lust for a reason, it is no trap, Guru's had kids ot there own, they didnt just happen by themselves. Simple thing is sex is a part of life, masterbation is also a part of life, a trap is if someone is sleeping around, discovering things that god intends you to discover is not a trap.

God created lust, material attachment, anger, ego, and greed; these are the five theives that keep a person away from God. Just because he created it does not mean one should indulge in it. This point you are making about the Gurus having kids is talking about love not lust. Lust is a physical desire to have sex without love. Sleeping around falls into lust. Once again God made everyting in this world and discovering it is one thing. Indulging into it to the point it is constantly on the mind and one cannot do without it for a short peroid of time is another thing, which should be kept under control. Lust, one of the five theives is a trap that keeps a person away from God and lust becomes the God that one worships.


Feb 1, 2008
Agree w/ Singhji above. Very good response.

This reminds of how when people say that your soul is eternal and pure. This does not imply you do whatever you want without any consquences.

God's light shines in you, but your actions diminish it to the point where you don't see it.


Sep 19, 2008

It is all a point of view, sex is not wrong. Do you not eat when you are hungry? So whats the difference between masterbating and feeding yourself? We try to eat the most tasty thing to have a party in our mouth. This is just a stigma we view sex as bad but it is not bad it is part of nature. If self satisfaction can give yoru mind clarity then nothing wrong in it. You guys talk lke its a big sin, when its not...thats just my point of view if you disagree thats fine but before you cast the first stone only someone who does not masterbate should reply otherwise practice what you preach before giving lectures and then going and masterbating yourself *UMPH*


Feb 1, 2008
Sherni Kaurji,

The focus of Singhji's and mine post is not that we are infallible or that someone who mastrabates is a sinner and is doomed; we are simply trying re-iterate what Guruji has said about lust.

When I said, "This reminds of how when people say that your soul is eternal and pure..." - I was one of those people. Guruji's teachings are true, not my opinions.

It is all a point of view, sex is not wrong. Do you not eat when you are hungry? So whats the difference between masterbating and feeding yourself? We try to eat the most tasty thing to have a party in our mouth. This is just a stigma we view sex as bad but it is not bad it is part of nature. If self satisfaction can give yoru mind clarity then nothing wrong in it. You guys talk lke its a big sin, when its not...thats just my point of view if you disagree thats fine but before you cast the first stone only someone who does not masterbate should reply otherwise practice what you preach before giving lectures and then going and masterbating yourself *UMPH*

Sherni Kaur ji
I am not saying sex is wrong or that it is forbidden for a Sikh. This act is only to be shared with one’s spouse. Bhanji we eat to survive and if one is eating for lust then this is a selfish act. Self gratification is not needed to survive but one must eat to survive. When one indulges into this act there is an over whelmed amount of energy in the second chakra and this leads the person to have sex either with another person or with oneself and the energy can be wasted. There are more efficient ways of using this energy, by connecting this energy of the second chakra, to the fifth and sixth chakra a person can use it for simran and now the energy is higher up instead of just in the lower chakra.

Bhanji I agree with you, practice what you preach. The knowledge that the person has should be applied to the person’s life and not wasted. Also others can use the same knowledge to better themselves. It comes down to how a person wants to use the energy he/she is given. Either for the second chakra, fulfilling fantasies or combine the three chakras together and use this heighten level of energy to achieve a higher consciousness.


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
<<I am not saying sex is wrong or that it is forbidden for a Sikh. This act is only to be shared with one’s spouse. Bhanji we eat to survive and if one is eating for lust then this is a selfish act. Self gratification is not needed to survive but one must eat to survive. When one indulges into this act there is an over whelmed amount of energy in the second chakra and this leads the person to have sex either with another person or with oneself and the energy can be wasted.>>

same goes for speaking

why waste energy to speak?

why waste energy to play?

why waste energy to even live?


so by your logic, if i am not over simplifying, sex is meant only for pro creation.

So a couple of times should be enough.

wonder if this is true.


Sep 19, 2008

Thanks for making my point in less words. Nobody wants to talk about sex honestly basic rehtoric is thrown out like water with little substance.

Everyone is doing it, does it and will do it, but nobody wants to openly admit anything. It is true that the most religoius institutions have the most child molestation cases, the most homesexual behavior, and yet we try to preach the total opposite. It is because of this formula that things dont make sense to the younger generation.

If you need to play with yourself to stop yourself from going out and engaging in risky behavior go for it, if you need to do so to have a clear frame of mind, be my guest. Dont try to control something that with time will end up blowing up in your face with you doing something you didnt plan on just because you tried to CONTROL.

I rest my case.
<<I am not saying sex is wrong or that it is forbidden for a Sikh. This act is only to be shared with one’s spouse. Bhanji we eat to survive and if one is eating for lust then this is a selfish act. Self gratification is not needed to survive but one must eat to survive. When one indulges into this act there is an over whelmed amount of energy in the second chakra and this leads the person to have sex either with another person or with oneself and the energy can be wasted.>>

same goes for speaking

why waste energy to speak?

why waste energy to play?

why waste energy to even live?


so by your logic, if i am not over simplifying, sex is meant only for pro creation.

So a couple of times should be enough.

wonder if this is true.

Amar ji, before giving a reply to a post take the time to actually read it. In the first paragraph of the post in question I even said there are more efficient ways to use this energy. So now with this being repeated I’ll answer your questions. This could have been avoided if you had just gone on to read the other half of the paragraph.

why waste energy to speak?

Is speaking a efficient way of using energy. Well lets see, we speak to communicate with others which allows us to obtain knowledge and offer knowledge.

why waste energy to play?

I really don’t know what you mean by play, but I am going to assume you mean play sports or a musical instrument. Both of these are more efficient ways of using energy; both develop the mind and both to there own limits keep a person in shape, so there is a less chance of getting diseases.

why waste energy to even live?

Really interesting question, a Sikh knows the answer to this question. I am not going to answer this one; Amar ji, I’ll leave you with this one. Take your time no rush, I hope you find the answer to this question

Thanks for making my point in less words. Nobody wants to talk about sex honestly basic rehtoric is thrown out like water with little substance.

Everyone is doing it, does it and will do it, but nobody wants to openly admit anything. It is true that the most religoius institutions have the most child molestation cases, the most homesexual behavior, and yet we try to preach the total opposite. It is because of this formula that things dont make sense to the younger generation.

If you need to play with yourself to stop yourself from going out and engaging in risky behavior go for it, if you need to do so to have a clear frame of mind, be my guest. Dont try to control something that with time will end up blowing up in your face with you doing something you didnt plan on just because you tried to CONTROL.

I rest my case.

Just because everyone in the planet is doing it, it does not make it okay. Younger kids use this line all the time mom dad I want this toy because everyone else has one. Thank God parents are smarter not to let this line go by them. A lot of things are going on in this world that are destroying peoples lives but that doesn’t mean we just follow through like the rest and let ourselves be a victim as well. These years are not just called the Dark Ages for no reason.

How will it blow up in a person’s face, when the person takes the right steps to move away from it? Doing path three times a day or more helps a person regulate the energy in the body. Constantly repeat God’s name through out your day. It comes down to this people just want to give into self gratification because it’s an easy escape. Same reason why people drink, use drugs it’s an easy escape from stress, other life problems etc, etc.


Feb 1, 2008

It is true that the most religoius institutions have the most child molestation cases, the most homesexual behavior, and yet we try to preach the total opposite.

The child molestation cases we see in the news are Roman Catholic priests. They are not permitted to marry, but to remain celibate. Most religious traditions do not have this pratice.

I agree with you that sex is misunderstood by us. It is too powerful a emotion, and it can be easily misused. Using guilt to stop people from masterbating does not work either. I guess you do it until you don't want to do it anymore.

The book "Conversations with God" says to the effect that an evolved soul does not condemn his sexual energy, as it one of the lower chakra, but involves into his/her being. If I remember correctly, God compared sex to a cake: you can have as much as you want. But there comes a time, when you simply have had enough and you want to try something else. You put it away not because it does not taste good or its bad for you, but you have had enough.


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
<< If I remember correctly, God compared sex to a cake: you can have as much as you want. But there comes a time, when you simply have had enough and you want to try something else. You put it away not because it does not taste good or its bad for you, but you have had enough.>>


this is a funny piece but seems so true.. :)

<<Amar ji, before giving a reply to a post take the time to actually read it. In the first paragraph of the post in question I even said there are more efficient ways to use this energy. So now with this being repeated I’ll answer your questions. This could have been avoided if you had just gone on to read the other half of the paragraph.>>

i read your post sir..

but can you tell me how long can we conserve the so called "energy" ?

assuming that one day you cannot perform the "high" and "right" activities with your energy , then what happens to the "energy"?

what is its outlet?

as Sherni said, i too rest my case
<< If I remember correctly, God compared sex to a cake: you can have as much as you want. But there comes a time, when you simply have had enough and you want to try something else. You put it away not because it does not taste good or its bad for you, but you have had enough.>>


this is a funny piece but seems so true.. :)

<<Amar ji, before giving a reply to a post take the time to actually read it. In the first paragraph of the post in question I even said there are more efficient ways to use this energy. So now with this being repeated I’ll answer your questions. This could have been avoided if you had just gone on to read the other half of the paragraph.>>

i read your post sir..

but can you tell me how long can we conserve the so called "energy" ?

assuming that one day you cannot perform the "high" and "right" activities with your energy , then what happens to the "energy"?

what is its outlet?

as Sherni said, i too rest my case

what case? Both of you don't have a case. Both of your responses go no where. Now you are asking me to assume something. The day there is no Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, on that day present this 'if' question to me.


Sep 19, 2008
what case? Both of you don't have a case. Both of your responses go no where. Now you are asking me to assume something. The day there is no Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, on that day present this 'if' question to me.

I dont even know what your talking about anymore what 'if' question and who said anything about no Sir Guru Granth SAhibji?


Apr 3, 2008
I am a Christian and admire the high moral standards of the Sikh religion. There is a saying in computer programming, Garbage in Garbage Out. People who obsess about their sexuality have an addiction that pains them. If you focus your mind on sexually prurient material, your mentakl thoughts will be captive to this. In the Christian Bible in Romans 12, it says - 1Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual[a] act of worship. 2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

I am aware of one man who had an embarrassing problem with lust, a Christian. He knew he had to overcome his addiction and determined to fill his mind with God's word. That is probably what may also help you. This man used fasting, prayer and God's word to overcome his dirty habits.
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