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Naam Japna

Oct 14, 2007
Pl. Refer the above two posts and also follow the link for detailed information
Concentration on Akal Purakh and a stage of oneness with Him cannot be achieved unless one shuns attachment with the worldy materialistic things.

"Drisatmaan Hai Sagal Mithena. Ek Mangao Daan Gobind Sant Rena" (1083)

"Jo Deesai So Sagal Binasae Jio Badar Kee Chaaee.

Jan Nanak Jag Janeo Mithia Rehio Ram Sarnaee" (1204)

"Eh Jag Dhoae Ka Pahar Tai Sacha Maniea Kih Beechaar" (1187)

"Re Nar Eh Sachi Jie Dhaar Sagal Japat Hai Jaisae Supna Binsat Lagat Na Bar" (633)

Oct 14, 2007
Experince and Advices Of Some Practitioners.
Pl. Follow the link below:

Peace will prevail in this universe when all the human beings will get up early in the morning, take bath, medidate on The Divine Name recite holy hymns, and sing praises.

"Gur Satgur Ka Jo Sikh Akhae Su Bhaalke Uth Har Naam Dhiawae.

Udam Kare Bhalke Parbhati Ishnaan Kare Amrit Sar Nahvae.

Updes Guru Har Har Jap Jape Sabh Kilbikh Paap Dokh Leh Javae.

Phir Cherae Diwas Gurbani Gavae Behndia Uthdia Har Naam Dhiavae.

Jo Sas Giraas Dhiae Mera Har Har So Gursikh guru Mun Bhaivae.

Jisno Dyal Hovae Mera Swami Tis Gursikh Guru Updes Sunnave.

Jan Nanak Dhoor Mangae Tis Gursikh Kee Jo Aaap Jape Aurah Naam Japavae" (305)

Oct 14, 2007
hir hir nwmu Apwr AmolI ] (822-3, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is infinite and priceless.
pRwn ipAwro mnih ADwro cIiq icqvau jYsy pwn qMbolI ]1] rhwau ] (822-3, iblwvlu, mÚ 5)
It is the Beloved of my breath of life, and the Support of my mind; I remember it, as the betel leaf chewer remembers the betel leaf.
Oct 14, 2007
rwm nwmu myrY pRwix vswey siqgur pris hir nwim smeIAw ]1] (834-13, iblwvlu, mÚ 4)
He has brought the Lord's Name to dwell upon my breath of life; meeting with the True Guru, I am absorbed into the Lord's Name. ||1||
Oct 14, 2007
Name is support of the Devotee

jn kI tyk hir nwmu itkeIAw ] (834-14, iblwvlu, mÚ 4)
The Name of the Lord is the only Support of His humble servants.
Oct 14, 2007
Merger into Name of Lord
Bgiq Bgiq krqy hir pwieAw jw hir hir hir hir nwim smeIAw ]7] (837-5]
[Worshipping, worshipping Him with devotion, I found the Lord, and then I merged into the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har. ||7|]|
Oct 14, 2007
Name is enshrined

scw nwmu sdw hY inrmlu gur sbdI mMin vswvixAw ]1] rhwau ] (126-16, mwJ, mÚ 3)
The True Name is eternally pure and immaculate. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, it is enshrined within the mind. ||1||Pause||
Oct 14, 2007
Yes, the present Teachers Of Vedanta even do not hesitate to address GOD by the Name of DRUMSTICK. But it was vedantic cult where there is no authority to control such incidences. Sikhs are pretty organised in these matters.]
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Oct 14, 2007
5) Gurbani (Divine Word) itself is NAM.

a) Gurbani itself is Nam:
"Gurmukh bani nam hai, nam ridai vasaie." (Sarang ki Var-pauri, p-1239)

b) The term 'Nam Japo' means to remember God and to invoke His presence in one's conscious. All modes of meditation take the devotee into the presence of God, but according to Gurbani, Hari Kirtan, the musical recitation of Gurbani, is the super form of meditation. It invokes one's consciousness to the maximum level, into the presence of God:

"Har kirat utam Nam hai vich kaljug karni sar." (Kanre ki Var Mohalla 4, p-1314)

c) The Gurmat explains that the recitation of the word 'Har Har..' is Nam Japna:

"Har har har har nam hai gurmukh pavai koei." (Kanre ki Var Mohalla 4, p-1313)

Oct 14, 2007
]d) Salvation cannot be attained without Nam. In other words anything that delivers salvation is Nam. Since Gurbani delivers salvation, therefore, Gurbani is Nam:

"Sachi bani mithi amritdhar
Jinh piti tis mokhdwar."
(Malar Mohalla 1, p-1275)

'The True Bani is sweet-nectar
Whosoever is devoted to it, attaineth salvation." (Translation of the above)

"Sachi bani sion dhare piyar
Tako pavai mokhdwar."
(Dhanasari Mohalla 1, p-661)

Whosoever devoted to Eternal Bani
Will get deliverance."
(Translation of the above)

It is therefore, very clear and evident that any form of recitation of Gurbani, may be simple reading with attention and devotion or meditation on any Sabad of Gurbani or Kirtan of Gurbani, is fully deemed as Nam Japna (meditation on Nam), that is to invoke the presence of God in one's conscious.

It may be mentioned here that there are small sects who mislead the innocent Sikhs on the subject of Gurbani and Nam. These sect leaders very emphatically say to the innocent Sikhs," Gurbani says that one must meditate on Nam, but Gurbani is not Nam. Come on, we will give you Nam." Then they whisper in their ears some broken sentence of Gurbani which they call Nam, and warn them not to tell any one; if ever they disclose this Nam to any one, some curse will fall on them. In this way they run their cults (shops). Thus, innocent Sikhs and others are lured and misled into their fold. The Sikhs should, therefore, be very careful from such sects. Those who try to say that Gurbani is not Nam, they are either misguided or are deceitful. According to Gurmat (Guru's teaching), Gurbani is everything:

Gurbani is Nam:

"Gurmukh bani Nam hai.."
(Sarang ki Var-pauri, p-1239)

Gurbani is Guru:
"Bani Guru, Guru hai Bani..."
(Nat Mohalla 4, p-982)

to be contd.........
Oct 14, 2007
Gurbani is Nirankar:"Wauh wauh bani nirankar hai Tis jiwad avar na koi."
(Slok Mohalla 3, p-515)

'Wauh wauh Bani is the Formless One
There is none as great as He."
(Translation of the above)

Gurbani is every Nad and Ved:
"Sabh nad beid gurbani
Man rata sarang pani."
(Ramkli Mohalla 1, p-879)

It is, therefore, Nam that ultimately leads a person to Eternal Bliss. For God consciousness, one must come in contact with Nam, but without Guru one cannot attain Nam and would wander away in the darkness.

"Were a hundred moons to appear
Were a thousand suns to arise
There would still be utter darkness
If there were no Guru."
(Asa di Var, Mohalla 2, p-463)

"Let no one in the world remain in doubt
That it could ever be possible to be saved without the Guru." (Gaund Mohalla 5, p-864)

"In this age of falsehood, Nam lieth hidden Though the Lord filleth all hearts,

The Jewel of Nam becomes manifest in the hearts of only those Who resort to the Guru's refuge."
(Parbhati Mohalla 3, p-1334)

"All repeat God's Name, yet He is not attained But when through the Grace of the Guru
God comes to reside in the mind
It is only then one's life becomes fruitful." (Gujri Mohalla 3, p-491)

This article taken from book published by Sikh Missionary Center
P.O. Box 02664
Detroit, Michigan 48202


1. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee
2. Bhai Gurdas- Varan
3. Bhai Vir Singh- Santhia Sri Guru Granth Sahib 4. Dr. Kartar Singh- Sikh Fundamentals
5. Prof. Sahib Singh- Jiwan Birtant of the Gurus

the above article has been sourced from Sikhnet.The URL is not with me.Nonetheless, any one can Goggle it out.
Oct 14, 2007
By linking ndmjapand to the other two precepts, SIKHISM declares that the basis of wholesome living is Godcentredness, compulsions and obligations of physical existence notwithstanding.

kindly follow the link.
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