I don't believe God takes birth in anything or anyone in any form whatsoever. This is a wrong concept of God and downdrades Him - perhaps the very opposite of what one may intend. I understand, this is what you believe eventhough SGGS forbids that or a form of it in another place (please see page 1136. Pasting a whole page as may be required will take too much space) - thus contradictory in my humble opinion.
Moreover, I disagree with such notion on the rational basis too (I know a Sikhi is not supposed to be a rational being). It is my understanding on the basis of a statement from Guru Nanak ji that intellect is a drunken elephant and produces utter lies (please see page 351 of SGGS). I am (kind of ) using a Harvard system of referencing.
I don't intend to disrespect your beliefs or Gurus. Peace!
so if you became fully aware of God (in whatever form that may be)...and it was described as a birth....would that be downgrading God?
i would think that would be the most amazing thing...to become aware of your creator...
and then rather than what most people are happy and content with....just 'believing' in God...
you would actually 'know' Him..
This is why i love Sikhi..it tells me how i can become aware of God now...in this moment...rather than spending my life just believing in His existence..
God bless