If I am not wrong many Ukranians,Russians ,were willing to co operate with Nazi germany because of brutalities of Stalin.So better Treatment of Slavs could have given him all the economic benefits which he wanted.
A Friendly Anti stalin Govt of Russia have been much better for him.But his hatred of Slavs cost him dearly
kds ji
It is true that there were Ukranians, Russians, and Byelorussians etc who were willing to cooperate. They would not have made a difference in my opinion. It was a mistake for Hitler to invade Russia. He didn't learn from the experiences of others before him, including Napoleon.
The Anschluss with Austria followed by the invasion of Poland triggered the British response. Hitler set about building an empire. This is from Wikipedia but it is factual.
The Allies were, on paper, committed to upholding the terms of the treaties of Versailles and St. Germain, which specifically prohibited the union of Austria and Germany. Nevertheless, the Anschluss was among the first major steps in Adolf Hitler's long-desired creation of an empire including German-speaking lands and territories Germany had lost after World War I, although Austria had never been a part of the (in 20th-century terms) German state. Already prior to the 1938 annexation, the Rhineland was remilitarized and the Saar region was returned to Germany after fifteen years of occupation through a plebiscite. After the Anschluss, the predominantly German Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia was taken, with the rest of the country becoming a protectorate of Germany in 1939. That same year, Memelland was returned from Lithuania, the final peaceful territorial aggrandizement before the start of World War II.
But befriending Slavic peoples would not have won the war for him. The British and later the US were already supplying the Russians from behind the line of battle in the Persian Gulf Command. The British and the US had already signed accords with Stalin. The reasons for that are manifold. But to be sure they were not going to allow Hitler to defeat Russia and acquire the oil wealth of central asia and the Persian Gulf.
Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor also worked against Hitler in the long run. Although Hitler and Mussolini declared war on the US immediately following the attack, Hitler privately was leary of war with the US.
Joseph Stalin, as Hitler realized, would be the foremost beneficiary of the Axis war with the US, for the Soviet dictator could now be sure that Japanese forces would be spreading out further into east Asia and the Pacific, not moving north and west to invade Siberia. Units of the Red Army that had long been tied down in the Soviet Far East could now be redeployed to Europe to fight the Germans in Russia and the Ukraine.
Hitler Declares War on America