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Politics Neo Nazis Win Seats To Represent Britain In Europe


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
If I am not wrong many Ukranians,Russians ,were willing to co operate with Nazi germany because of brutalities of Stalin.So better Treatment of Slavs could have given him all the economic benefits which he wanted.
A Friendly Anti stalin Govt of Russia have been much better for him.But his hatred of Slavs cost him dearly

kds ji

It is true that there were Ukranians, Russians, and Byelorussians etc who were willing to cooperate. They would not have made a difference in my opinion. It was a mistake for Hitler to invade Russia. He didn't learn from the experiences of others before him, including Napoleon.

The Anschluss with Austria followed by the invasion of Poland triggered the British response. Hitler set about building an empire. This is from Wikipedia but it is factual.

The Allies were, on paper, committed to upholding the terms of the treaties of Versailles and St. Germain, which specifically prohibited the union of Austria and Germany. Nevertheless, the Anschluss was among the first major steps in Adolf Hitler's long-desired creation of an empire including German-speaking lands and territories Germany had lost after World War I, although Austria had never been a part of the (in 20th-century terms) German state. Already prior to the 1938 annexation, the Rhineland was remilitarized and the Saar region was returned to Germany after fifteen years of occupation through a plebiscite. After the Anschluss, the predominantly German Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia was taken, with the rest of the country becoming a protectorate of Germany in 1939. That same year, Memelland was returned from Lithuania, the final peaceful territorial aggrandizement before the start of World War II.

But befriending Slavic peoples would not have won the war for him. The British and later the US were already supplying the Russians from behind the line of battle in the Persian Gulf Command. The British and the US had already signed accords with Stalin. The reasons for that are manifold. But to be sure they were not going to allow Hitler to defeat Russia and acquire the oil wealth of central asia and the Persian Gulf.

Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor also worked against Hitler in the long run. Although Hitler and Mussolini declared war on the US immediately following the attack, Hitler privately was leary of war with the US.

Joseph Stalin, as Hitler realized, would be the foremost beneficiary of the Axis war with the US, for the Soviet dictator could now be sure that Japanese forces would be spreading out further into east Asia and the Pacific, not moving north and west to invade Siberia. Units of the Red Army that had long been tied down in the Soviet Far East could now be redeployed to Europe to fight the Germans in Russia and the Ukraine.

Hitler Declares War on America


Apr 3, 2005
Antonia ji

many time I read discussions on second world war on Forum.axis history.com ,A very good site for reading about world war -2 .there are many Ifs and buts about the war so no one knows what could had happened.Soviet was invited to Sign the Axis pact and who knows if Soviet could had signed the pact what
could had happened.As their is in idiom in Sanskrit (VInaash kaale vipreet budhi) means at the time of destruction you just go out of your mind .I think that happened with Hitler


Apr 3, 2005
BTW we should not discuss this topic Further O/W Aman singh ji will need to change this site's name from Sikhphilosophy.com to second world war's philosophy.com:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Antonia ji

many time I read discussions on second world war on Forum.axis history.com ,A very good site for reading about world war -2 .there are many Ifs and buts about the war so no one knows what could had happened.Soviet was invited to Sign the Axis pact and who knows if Soviet could had signed the pact what
could had happened.As their is in idiom in Sanskrit (VInaash kaale vipreet budhi) means at the time of destruction you just go out of your mind .I think that happened with Hitler

kds ji

I totally agree. Hitler made some very strange decisions -- and I think because he was full of Ego -- in fact an egomaniac.

When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor Hitler and Mussolini declared war on the US. Hitler was counting on Japan hitting Russia on the east (Siberia, etc.). That way Russia would have to fight on 2 fronts. It never happened.

Before Pearl Harbor the US was ambivalent about going to war. Hitler could have easily defeated Britain and the few European countries that resisted. Eventually he could have starved the Russians into surrender with time. Instead he decided to push through. During the winter same as Napoleon. Stalin was quoted to say, I have three generals who will defeat Hitler - General January, General February and General March.

When Britain Canada and the US landed on the Normandy beaches Hitler was too busy on the Russian front to hold in France for long. In the end it was Hitler who was fighting on two fronts, and losing his supply line on both the east and the west. The defeat of the German army was more a war of attrition in the end.

I don't think Aman will go nutters over this conversation. Usually the news threads don't last more than a day. We are keeping this one alive. :p:p:p:p:p


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
kds ji,

The German Russian nonaggression pact was never signed once Germany invaded Poland. And if you like history and the history of WWII -- Did you ever use the google timelines. They are terrific because they put events in order and use newspaper articles to describe what happened. This is the google timeline for the German Russian Axis pact. Hope you enjoy it.

Hitler STalin - Google Search


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
OK, and apologies to dalsingh ji for the digression....

The status of ethnic minorities throughout Europe could be a question to consider. How many other countries have elected Neo-Nazi or Fascist representatives to the European Parliament? What impact would their concerted effort have on immigration policies in member countries including Britain, but not limited to Britain? What impact on human rights policies? Environmental policies? Economic policies? My recollection of some years past was that a major reason for creating the European Union was economic. By integrating national economies and creating a single monetary system, the argument was made that Europe would become one of the largest markets and largest economies worldwide. This in turn would increase the competitive standing against emerging economies such as China and India, but also would increase their competitiveness with established economies -- e.g., the US. The downside was loss of autonomy and self-determination. Collaboration won with most of Europe vieing to be part of the EU. The impact of far-right platforms could accomplish through legitimate political strategy what Hitler failed to accomplish through military conquest.

Tah kds ji -- Now we have created the connection between Hitler and the BJP win.


Jun 12, 2006
OK, and apologies to dalsingh ji for the digression....

The status of ethnic minorities throughout Europe could be a question to consider. How many other countries have elected Neo-Nazi or Fascist representatives to the European Parliament? What impact would their concerted effort have on immigration policies in member countries including Britain, but not limited to Britain? What impact on human rights policies? Environmental policies? Economic policies? My recollection of some years past was that a major reason for creating the European Union was economic. By integrating national economies and creating a single monetary system, the argument was made that Europe would become one of the largest markets and largest economies worldwide. This in turn would increase the competitive standing against emerging economies such as China and India, but also would increase their competitiveness with established economies -- e.g., the US. The downside was loss of autonomy and self-determination. Collaboration won with most of Europe vieing to be part of the EU. The impact of far-right platforms could accomplish through legitimate political strategy what Hitler failed to accomplish through military conquest.

Tah kds ji -- Now we have created the connection between Hitler and the BJP win.

The digression was very interesting to read. Just the other day I was talking to someone about why the Polish never resisted the Germans more stoutly.

Aad ji, Britain is not the only European state to veer rightwards apparently: Many are at it!

Europe's right wing cheered by election win — EUbusiness.com - business, legal and economic news and information from the European Union


May 12, 2009
Hi to all.

I would like to comment on the BNP gaining two seats for Britain in Europe.
First i would like to mention that i am white and British. As Randip stated, most white British people do not agree with the policies held by the BNP. Although i have met people who have voted for the BNP, and are proud to do so, these people have changed their views overnight. Personally i do not think the BNP pose any major threat to any race or religion in this country, however, if things keep heading the way they are, then it is possible that, a few Elections down the line the BNP stand a real chance of forcing their beliefs on the not so educated people of Britain.
I have asked many people their reasons for voting for the BNP and most seem to stem not from terrorism, but the influx of peoples from other countries jumping ahead of the queue for housing,benefits, and other things. There are people born in this country who need to be housed, but they are being placed behind foreigners in the housing queue, my father has worked for the City's Housing department for almost 25 years now, he was the Union leader for the housing too. He states that when an Englishman files for a claim of any kind, they must know what it is they are claiming for! but if you are from another country you will be told of all the things you can claim for, hence, there are British people out there who are only claiming for what they know, whereas others are claiming for many things, should it not be equal, i was asked by one housing officer if i was gay? as it had to be noted! When i asked if he asked everyone this and not just me, he replied " I do not ask Asians this question as it may offend" well it OFFENDED me!
I had a friend who was run down and killed by a car driven by a Muslim woman who could not see left or right due to her clothing(excuse me for not knowing the name of said garment). I do not judge her, but the rules which allow someone to drive without being able to see properly.
I do not wish to sound racist by any means, indeed i have just put two of my friends in touch with each other so they can learn English together, one is from Hyderabad Pakistan, and the other from Karala India, my first child is of mixed race so please don't think i am racist for one moment.
In a nutshell: i think the BNP will be a long time in gaining any substantial power, i do not think they will get to power in my lifetime!

ps, I do not think think Sikh's have anything to worry about yet, as they are respected by British people more than any other race or religion. I do not think it is because of the days of imperialistic Britain, but down to the fact that most Sikh's are honest, hard working and trustworthy. I hope i have not offended anyone with my rantings! if i have, then i apologise now, sincerly, and with a hand on my heart.



Jun 12, 2006

One thing is that Sikhs are usually outside of the "debate" that is had by the BNP. For instance the community has one of the lowest rates of council accomodation and hence seeing people argue over free housing is strange to them. So, if anything Sikhs could be blaming white Britons for lowering their standards so much, if such debates must take place.

The BNP also have a strange idea of the education system here and use immigrants as an excuse for comparitively poor white performance in schools. They, however, choose to ignore the fact that some immigrant communities do much better than the indigenous population (i.e. Indians and Chinese and even White Irish!).

The fact on the ground is that some of us have witnessed the kind of environment that was fostered by the forerunners to the BNP, the NF. Whatever one might say, ultimately the white supremacist agenda inevitably leads to this.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Would it surprise anyone to know that these are the same arguments that rage in the Neo-conservative blogs of the US?


Feb 20, 2006
nottingham england
When you have muslims protesting against your own soldiers, a foreign Gangster culture destroying British youth, People referring to you as dirty shaven is it hardly surprising that people are voting for racist parties. If you insult people then they will always fight back. Most brits have no problem with people who do their own thing be it religious, sexual or what ever and quite enjoy the diversity it brings, but some minority groups go to far with there demands they go beyond the right for equality and start with demands of superiority wanting the british to adopt there way of life, there religious believes and there cultures. When the minorities stop making excessive demands then the BNP will disappear. Want to be different in England its fine just dont force it on others your just feeding racist parties new members.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Tony ji,
ALL over the wolrd there is ONLY ONE such...making unreasonable demands...
It doesnt matter whether they are MINORITY or MAJORITY...DEMANDING is their way of life.
I should know..I live in a MAJORITY that makes new demands daily..at the expense of the minorities who have to SHUT UP !! or face the consequences...:crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy: YES but REAL.


Feb 20, 2006
nottingham england
Sat sri akal Gyani ji
And thats exactly what they dont want here. Britain is a democracy and wishes to stay that way. It caters for its minority cultures and allows freedom of speech. Its some of these minorities that want to take this away. they want all of us to live under islamic law. Only the racist parties are speaking out against this and so are winning more and more support. Just as crazy and yes just as real


Jun 12, 2006
Tony, there needs to be balance here.

Yes some Islamist nutters are aggressively demanding an Islamic state here but these do not represent the majority of Muslims. A sizeale section perhaps but many Muslims can't be bothered with all this.

Another issue that hasn't been addressed in your post is the flipside to the Islamist force which is the WASP imperialist agenda. It was the actions of the west that actually helped bolster support for Islamist fundamentalists, through invading Iraq. So as far as I can see, there aren't any angels on either side here. Both are different sides of the same coin which want the same thing....dominance. One side emphasises cultural dominance through their religion, the other economic and political.

What do you think?


Feb 20, 2006
nottingham england
Dalsingh ji
I am not pro BNP nor am I a racist and I thought my post was balanced. I havent said that i support the BNP nor do I support the fanatics. I merely stated reasons why left wing racist parties are gaining more power. And was it not not the actions of the terrorists that prompted the west to invade Iraq. They might not have had Weapons of mass destruction but human genocide was taking place. The average Brit feels like he's the minority now, preferrence being given to foriegners in housing, extra help with claiming benefits, extra help with education, fast track to operations on the NHS. A country where you cant fly your own National flag, there own cricket team being boo'd of the pitch on there own ground just because they won. had the English supporters boo'd India off the pitch that would be an act of racism. So lets take a look at the flip side lets look at it from an English mans point of view, people in there own country who get no extra help, whos ancestors died in two world wars helping to keep the world free, whos ancestors helped biuld the NHS, the welfare state, A country where foriegners can refer to Brits by the colour of their skin but if they do it back its racism. A country where we have to accept all and yet they arent willing to accept us. When you look at both sides is it still a balanced picture and is it any wonder whats happening.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Punjab was divided and DESTROYED in 1947....SIKHS were REFUGEES for less than six months...max a year...then they moved ON...there are NO REFUGEE CAMPS...no one is born in one...WEALTHY SIKHS lost everything..came to India and became settled again..recovered through own hard work... the Muslims who movewd over..are still the same poverty riddden malangs they were once before in 1947
Palestine was created in 1947...
TILL TODAY there are REFUGEE CAMPS and THREE GENERATIONS have been BORN in those camps
INDIANS were BOOTED out of Uganda with just the clothes on their back 1970s.......not a single one has remained a REFUGEE in Britain...most were WEALTHY SIKHS..who lost everything and became rich again through HARD WORK..NOT WELFARE..
Malaysia has been INDEPENDENT since 1957.... the Muslims were to be helped with scholarships, grants, handouts, preferential treatment,QUOTAS, to catch up with the other races.......they are still demanding more of the same.. 50 years later...still demanding to be spoon fed...
NAME any REGION in the world that has STRIFE/PROBLEMS/REVOLUTION/ARMED KILLINGS etc ewtc..you will find the COMMON Denominator EVERYWHERE !! Being politically correct doesnt make tyhe problem go away...STEPPING EVER BACKWARD encourages the other side to PUSH HARDER..Feeding milk to a YELLING baby..only makes him GO INTO TEMPER TANTRUMS !! I WANT ALL THE MILK>>NOW.or I BLOW UP a Car Bomb...railway station..mosque...the Baby never seems to GROW UP !!! so Naturally such creates a backlash..which such bnps take advantage of...becasue everyone else wants to be politcally correct..polite..not hurt anyones sentiments....bend over backwards until they fall on their backs.....and the DEmanding baby climbs all over you gleefully:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Feb 20, 2006
nottingham england
Couldn't have said it any better Gyani ji. Never seen a Sikh demand anything in England. they work hard, spend their money wisely, reap the rewards and generally go about their business unnoticed. If others where like this then the racist would die out. England is still the land of opportunity if your prepared to get of your backside and work for it, As any Sikh will tell you.


Jun 12, 2006
Thing is Tony, a rightward swing is not easily controllable. Once it goes that way....

To paraphrase a comedian...

First they start on Muslims, then blacks, Jews......then before you know it Sikhs are getting caught up in the mess.

From what you have said, it seems like working class English men and Muslims are fighting for freebies?? And the English side is upset that the Muslims are getting more than them?

I have to ask, why compare yourself or bring yourselves down to the level of freeloaders (Panjabi: mufti)?


Feb 20, 2006
nottingham england
Dalsingh ji
Where did I bring myself down to their level in any of my posts, I state quite clearly that England is a land of opportunity if your prepared to work for it. And it is your attitude of calling hard working English people who fund the free services available in the UK FREELOADERS, is it any wonder they vote BNP. these services where set up to help peolple in times of hardship not there to fund mass migration to britain, the idea was that you pay into the system and it payed you when you needed help, All the BNP voters Ive met are hard working people who are fed up with paying their taxes and watching it going to pay for free loading foreigners, Don't know how old you are but I'm 46 and have worked and payed my taxes for 40 yrs, when Ive not been in work Ive never claimed a single penny in unemployment benefits and guess what Ive been told that because of that i wont get a full pension yet some one who's only been here for a few yrs can. Also they don't support the war in Iraq or Afghanistan and want to bring our troops back, they don't want England to keep paying 40 million a day to Europe, Dalsingh ji you seem to have a superiority complex yourself do think you are better than the average white Brit, Where you born here, educated here, and work here, If so then you shouldn't put down the people who made it possible for you to make your fortune. Ethnic minorities are still discriminated against in the UK but now its positive discrimination now its the white man who cant get jobs, look at the political parties, there are Asian sections, black sections, women's sections, gay sections, but no average white working male sections, who represent them in their own country, well its the BNP who are offering and that's why there getting votes, they aren't just uneducated thugs they are hard working, well educated, some run large business's, some are judges and while ever there is positive disgrimination against the whites and people like your self calling them freeloders in their own country unfortunately the BNP will grow, especially while theres a recession. If you want to insult people go to pakistan, poland, albania, and see how long you as an Indian Sikh last there, go to france or germany and see how many times you suffer racist abuse, with in a month you will be begging to come back to the land of hope and glory if you can get out of jail or hospital. England is a wonderful country to live, its the demands made by minorities thats ruining it and allowing racism to grow. Insulting the natives only fuels racism, Go to your local council and see how many languages the literature is produced in, tell me what other country does that , check your local school and see how many have dropped their religious assemblies so as not to offend, no other country has, blue coat catholic school in nottingham, whites have to be catholic to get in yet its full of muslims to the point that local catholic children have to attend c of e schools just so they dont offend or appear to be discriminating, where else would you find this. England has bent over backwards to accomodate and you should hang your head in shame when you call the average working BRIT a FREELOADER, Just remember what youve got over here and what life could be have held for you had your parents not come to britian, think why did they leave india and have they achieved what they came here for. You think your self better than the white English people then your the racist, you call whites freeloaders then your a racist, you distinquish your self by the colour of your skin then your a racist, makes you no different to those who voted BNP, and certain shows what sort of SIKH you are. The guru jis said we are all one but you think you are better than white people. Want to know why racist parties are growing look at your own attitude towards the people you live amongst, look in the mirror. Sikhi is about all human beings worshiping one God as one people regardless of anything.
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