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Politics Neo Nazis Win Seats To Represent Britain In Europe


Jun 12, 2006
Tony, you seem to have gone on a rant. I find many of your comments old, tired arguments that I have heard before from racists (not saying you are one though). Give me an opportunity to address some of them.

These services where set up to help peolple in times of hardship not there to fund mass migration to britain, the idea was that you pay into the system and it payed you when you needed help.

Please do not ignore the disproportionate contributions made by successful minority groups in taxes. Using your logic some of those of foreign extraction who work hard here and do not burden the state could argue that they should not have to pay for others races accomodation.

Ive been told that because of that i wont get a full pension yet some one who's only been here for a few yrs can.

Tony, these are the kinds of blank statements that are generally used to egg on the ignorant massess and often have little basis in truth. But, even if this were true then the people responsible would be white politicians or policy makers. That is the problem with BNP supporters, in that they commonly scapegoat people who are not white for problems caused by their own. If what you are saying is true than I would imagine, I too would suffer under these pension rules you talk of. But I will not resort to blaming random foreigners for it! This is plain victim complex and blame shifting.

Also they don't support the war in Iraq or Afghanistan and want to bring our troops back, they don't want England to keep paying 40 million a day to Europe

That is good. I too was against the Iraq war. But again realise, no foreigners prompted the UK to attack Iraq, instead it was solely white people, who did it in the face of mass protest and bare faced porky pies to the public. What does that tell you? Who is making Britan join the EU, immigrants?

Dalsingh ji you seem to have a superiority complex yourself do think you are better than the average white Brit, Where you born here, educated here, and work here, If so then you shouldn't put down the people who made it possible for you to make your fortune.

Like my own people haven't contributed to the wealth of this country? Or even its existence. Take a look.... something they like to hide in history classes in the Uk...

Sikh Philosophy Network - dalsingh's Album: Sikhs in the world wars.

Ethnic minorities are still discriminated against in the UK but now its positive discrimination now its the white man who cant get jobs, look at the political parties, there are Asian sections, black sections, women's sections, gay sections, but no average white working male sections, who represent them in their own country, well its the BNP who are offering and that's why there getting votes, they aren't just uneducated thugs they are hard working, well educated, some run large business's, some are judges and while ever there is positive disgrimination against the whites and people like your self calling them freeloders in their own country unfortunately the BNP will grow, especially while theres a recession. If you want to insult people go to pakistan, poland, albania, and see how long you as an Indian Sikh last there, go to france or germany and see how many times you suffer racist abuse, with in a month you will be begging to come back to the land of hope and glory if you can get out of jail or hospital. England is a wonderful country to live, its the demands made by minorities thats ruining it and allowing racism to grow..

Don't act all innocent mate. There were plenty of racist attacks, some leading to death where I lived growing up, so this rosey picture you paint is false. The only reason it stopped was the brave counter attacks by ethnic men made against NF supporting thugs, one of whom is now an MEP!!! I know the English people have a section that is extremely xenophobic and hate filled, it is not the first time they have raised their heads. Let them, then the world will see them for what they really are.

England has bent over backwards to accomodate and you should hang your head in shame when you call the average working BRIT a FREELOADER, Just remember what youve got over here and what life could be have held for you had your parents not come to britian, think why did they leave india and have they achieved what they came here for.

Read some history books, we were doing pretty well before English people came to the Panjab and destroyed its kingdom, looting it blindly. They then walked away after spliting the land in half. If given the choice I would rather be in my own homeland, but this is not an option we have anymore thanks to racist, imperialist whitemen of the past. I will not support them now.

Want to know why racist parties are growing look at your own attitude towards the people you live amongst, look in the mirror. Sikhi is about all human beings worshiping one God as one people regardless of anything.

Tell that to the BNP supporters. I don't think any race/religion is superior to another but you on the other hand are justifying the support of nazis solely because of economic difficulties, that themselves were created by whitemen? Angry white people need to direct their hate in the right direction...not blame foreigners everytime things are not rosey.

Watch the video at the botton of this link and then tell me if you think we should be eternally grateful to be here as you seem to be indicating.

Sikhs: The Forgotten Volunteers | Sikhism - Sikh Religion


Feb 20, 2006
nottingham england
Dalsingh ji
Your post shows the racist views of the BNP, you live in the past and talk personally, I gave you all the reason for whites who vote BNP, I cannot be nor do I tolerate racism in any form, I would not support racism from either side. UK polaticians are self centred people who think of nothing but themselves. Ask your self this though, the Gudwara runs a free kitchen, how would Sikhs react if muslims want to have a say in how it was run, if the eastern europeans came and ate everything and never contributed to the point where there was very little left for the Sikhs , so you had to start paying more and more and getting less and less, they want to change the language, insisting that the Guru Granth sahib was written in many other languages at your expense, then you had a choice someone says they will stop it and another says to do it which will you vote. Make demands and those who you demand from will fight back, Expect nothing more than your fellow man and there can be no ill feelings. Btw why cant you go back to your home lands is it because its now under muslim rule,
Ps please show some respect when you put some ones name in your post, I believe the use of the word Ji is normal in panjabi, or am I not considered a Sikh because Im white, Thank you.


Jun 12, 2006
Tony ji,

Your post shows the racist views of the BNP, you live in the past and talk personally, I gave you all the reason for whites who vote BNP, I cannot be nor do I tolerate racism in any form, I would not support racism from either side.

Okay, but consider the views of people outside of this 'west versus Islam' scenario. What relevance does this have on me as a Sikh living in Britain? From where I am standing, neither side is blameless. It is not like Britain hasn't been bowling around the globe displacing people. The arguments you posted don't hold any weight to me because, going by that logic, the Aborignes should be kicking out white people from Austrailia, as should the Native Indians in America and indigenous people of New Zealand, who have often been butchered and displaced in their own homelands by Brits and left powerless in the Anglo political setup.

Ask your self this though, the Gudwara runs a free kitchen, how would Sikhs react if muslims want to have a say in how it was run, if the eastern europeans came and ate everything and never contributed to the point where there was very little left for the Sikhs ,

I don't think you understand the point of langar, if we offer it and people partake, they are entitled to. The whole point was about sharing with the less fortunate and promoting equality.

they want to change the language, insisting that the Guru Granth sahib was written in many other languages at your expense, then you had a choice someone says they will stop it and another says to do it which will you vote.

I'm all for the promotion of Sikhi in other languages and if you look people have done exactly what you have mentioned and translated the granth in many language at their own expense.

Btw why cant you go back to your home lands is it because its now under muslim rule,

It wouldn't have been if the British didn't turn up. That is the crux of the matter I guess, being blind to the way that white people have ruined other people's homelands and often subjected them to brutality and taken over their land. Look at the globe without blinkers.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Dal Singh Ji wrote:..>>>>It wouldn't have been if the British didn't turn up. That is the crux of the matter I guess, being blind to the way that white people have ruined other people's homelands and often subjected them to brutality and taken over their land. Look at the globe without blinkers.<<<

The World History.....

This is History...
IF the Mongols..hadnt turned up..
IF Hammurabbi hadnt trekked over the alps into Rome
IF Alexander hadnt turned up in Punjab..
IF Mahmood Ghazni had not looted India 17 times and established muslim rule for 700 years
IF babar hadnt conquered India..and ruled for another 300
IF the Brtits hadnt come and ruled for another 250
If the Vikings ahd stayed home
IF the Spanish Armada wasnt built
IF Columbus ahd stayed home
IF the Spansih conquistadoes had not looted and burned Mayas
IF the Cowboys ahd not burned down red Indians..and decimated them
IF Hitler had won the war..

SO many variables... IF we take OFF the "blinkers" we may be BLINDED similar to those who stare at the SUN !! ...WE NEED some sort of Blinkers...or sit in the shade...and PONDER. IMHO...There are valid concerns made by BOTH... Tony Ji and Dalsingh ji..

Even in a FAMILY...ALL must pull their weight...its natural. ALL must contribute their fair share of hard work...sadly there are variables..some take it as "cleverness" to escape responsibility while enjoying maximum benefits..many hardliners do that as a religious responsibility - to "strip the enemy of his resources as a sort of ecomic warfare in his own backyard" its REAL and not imaginary scenario - defeat the ***** in any and all ways is legitimate religious duty to some.:crazy::crazy::crazy::shifty::shifty::wink::}:)::yes:


Jun 12, 2006
Gyani Ji,

I'm not sure if I made the point clear enough in my post. What I was trying to say was that the very things that BNP types are complaining that others are doing, are exactly what such types are proud of. Conquering and destabilising people. They see Hitler as a role model and are proud of destroying other races powerbases.

Be really careful taking sides Gyani ji, you haven't seen Anglo hatred. What is actually happening is that the racist types want to dehumanise and kick all non whites out. They are not strong enough to deal with all of us together at the moment, and rightly or wrongly, Pakistanis are giving them a run for their money. Their strategy now is to use Islamophobia to deal with Muslims on their own first. If they ever suceeded, afterwards they would be on our case! DO NOT BE BLIND TO THIS!


Feb 20, 2006
nottingham england
Dalsingh ji
How can you call anyone when you have so much hatred for the british. The hatred you posess is the very thing that fuels the BNP, Hate begets hate, Your look at history seems to forget that prior to the british there where many more battles with the muslims that killed many more sikhs, muslims who murdered our Guru jis, Yet you prefer to hate a nation that now houses you , gives you an equal opportunity to become wealthy. Allows you the freedom of speech and movement. Even at the hieght of racism in England it was still a tiny minority, and ever since the English has done every thing to stop it, yet its still not enough for you. With the hatred you hold you blame the majority for a minority view, your hatred will only cause more to turn towards the BNP and why should they stick up for an ungrateful person, someone who seems to think that the british worker is responsable for all the worlds problems. Did you not see the support the gherkhas got for the right to live here, even the BNP supporters I now supported them, They have served England and are proud to call themselves British, you on the otherhand have earned your money here and hate us for doing so, As Randip singh ji said in another topic you spit in the bowl you eat from, foolish in my mind, your hatred for england is shameful. And if you want to look back at the English influence in the punjab after the fighting came to an end, it was followed by nearly 100 yrs of unprecedented peace and prosperity, and if they made a mistake when they handed it back I'm really sorry but it had nothing to do with the average white worker you hate so much. Born here, grew up here, live here, work here sorry mate but your English and if you choose to make yourself different by the colour of your skin then whos the racist. The punjab is not quite the prosperous place you seem to think either it has quite a high rate of people who live below the poverty line, suppose thats Englands fault as well. Think about your attitude to us then ask yourself am i any different to the BNP supporters, racism is racism whether it against blacks, Asians or whites it still wrong and definately not part of Guru Nanak Jis or any other of the nine Guru jis teachings. Call yourself a Sikh.


Jun 12, 2006
Tony ji

How can you call anyone when you have so much hatred for the british.

For the record I do not hate the British as you say, but I do have a problem with whinging Englishmen who want to blame foreigners for all their woes. This country (and I speak of England as I do not know Wales or Scotland), has become a nation of whiney, miserable folk. Hell, they haven't even got it that bad and they are still moaning. It is a part of the culture as far as I can tell.

The hatred you posess is the very thing that fuels the BNP, Hate begets hate,

The people behind the BNP are fuelled by their own hatred and (laughable) notions of superiority. They are neurotic people who I imagine view difference and change with some contorted fear that only a coward could fully understand. It is ironic that all of the change that BNP types hate stems from the actions of their own people. But instead of facing them, they shift blame like {censored}s.

Your look at history seems to forget that prior to the british there where many more battles with the muslims that killed many more sikhs, muslims who murdered our Guru jis,

Mate, Anglo-saxons did equally horrendous things to Native Indians, Aborignes etc. What about slavery? What about all of the people who used to be on the Caribbean islands (i.e. Arawak Indians) before the British (and others) packed out the place with slaves? Whilst we are on the topic, what happened to the last Sikh king, Daleep Singh, do you know?

Also why are you ignoring what state the Panjab was in just before the British appeared. We had finally settled our differences and were living properously as Panjabis, regardless of religion. That went down the drain pretty fast when Brits started to introduce their ideas.

Yet you prefer to hate a nation that now houses you , gives you an equal opportunity to become wealthy. Allows you the freedom of speech and movement.

Don't kid yourself as if glass ceilings don't exist and the top jobs are not reserved for good old (white) boys network. I worked in the city for a while and saw with my own eyes. For the record I have experienced racism in many jobs I have done. So it's not all peaches and cream as you keep trying to make out. Haven't you heard? Ethnics have to work twice as hard to get to the same position as a white counterpart. Thankfully, we are not programmed to whinge.

Even at the hieght of racism in England it was still a tiny minority, and ever since the English has done every thing to stop it, yet its still not enough for you.

One thing I like about the BNP is that it is exposing the closet facist tendency many have in this nation (especially up North for some reason?)

your hatred will only cause more to turn towards the BNP and why should they stick up for an ungrateful person, someone who seems to think that the british worker is responsable for all the worlds problems

They were hate filled from the start mate. They were just looking for the opportunity to spread again after the beating they got in the 70s/80s. I would like to ask you another question Tony.

Why is it that so many foreign workers are here? Why don't the British do all the jobs? Could they if they wanted too?

Did you not see the support the gherkhas got for the right to live here, even the BNP supporters I now supported them, They have served England and are proud to call themselves British, you on the otherhand have earned your money here and hate us for doing so,

I don't hate, get it right. But don't expect me to sit here watching neo-nazis and their supporters prancing about and not have anything to say about it. And what I do say is not likely to be positive.

And if you want to look back at the English influence in the punjab after the fighting came to an end, it was followed by nearly 100 yrs of unprecedented peace and prosperity, and if they made a mistake when they handed it back I'm really sorry but it had nothing to do with the average white worker you hate so much.

Is this your excuse for imperialism? Is this your justification for attacking so called friendly sovereign states and bleeding them?

Born here, grew up here, live here, work here sorry mate but your English and if you choose to make yourself different by the colour of your skin then whos the racist. The punjab is not quite the prosperous place you seem to think either it has quite a high rate of people who live below the poverty line, suppose thats Englands fault as well.

Mate, I'm Sikh, Panjabi & British in that order. When the colour of my skin does not mean anything here, I will say I'm fully British, but we both know that is not going to happen in our lives don't we....People like the BNP and their supporters make this even less likely don't they?

Sorry Tony ji, I just can't do it, I just can't condone closet nazism no matter how anyone puts it. That is the Sikh in me. English people should be ashamed of voting for the BNP given how much foreign blood has contributed to this place past and present. Ungrateful so and sos.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Gyani Ji,

I'm not sure if I made the point clear enough in my post. What I was trying to say was that the very things that BNP types are complaining that others are doing, are exactly what such types are proud of. Conquering and destabilising people. They see Hitler as a role model and are proud of destroying other races powerbases.

Be really careful taking sides Gyani ji, you haven't seen Anglo hatred. What is actually happening is that the racist types want to dehumanise and kick all non whites out. They are not strong enough to deal with all of us together at the moment, and rightly or wrongly, Pakistanis are giving them a run for their money. Their strategy now is to use Islamophobia to deal with Muslims on their own first. If they ever suceeded, afterwards they would be on our case! DO NOT BE BLIND TO THIS!

Dalsingh ji,

I got your points jios..crystal clear. I am not taking sides (although it may seem that way) I abhor hate in anyone..whether bnp nazis kkk or the islamic jihadists or even some sikh jathas. Two wrongs..or even ten wrongs dont make one right....its a sad commentary that we have to live in this world full of bigots and haters racists fundamentalists etc etc..SARBATT DA BHALLA is such a tiny minority...so few Bhai Ghnaiyahs...and so many suicide bombers blowing up innocent men women and children..sad.


Jun 12, 2006
Dalsingh ji,

I got your points jios..crystal clear. I am not taking sides (although it may seem that way) I abhor hate in anyone..whether bnp nazis kkk or the islamic jihadists or even some sikh jathas. Two wrongs..or even ten wrongs dont make one right....its a sad commentary that we have to live in this world full of bigots and haters racists fundamentalists etc etc..SARBATT DA BHALLA is such a tiny minority...so few Bhai Ghnaiyahs...and so many suicide bombers blowing up innocent men women and children..sad.

I know but give these WASPS a chance and they will jump into a country pretending to be heroes but having their eyes on resources all the while, i.e. oil.....

By the time they leave the place is even worse than it was before. It is a pattern. It happened in Panjab too!


Feb 20, 2006
nottingham england
Dalsingh ji
you have the same hatred for each other, You resent all the whites for the actions of a few, just the same as they hate all foriegners because of the few. unitill one side shows an understanding of the other sides views then your on a road to conflict, may be instead of showing anger,you should Try explaining to the average white the good that the sikh community does in this country, just a peaceful thought. May god bless you and your family, He has me with mine.
btw my wife has just rang me to see what sex my friends baby will be when its born, He voted BNP and gets on great with my wife, Shows the utmost respect to her, Only took a little understanding from both sides,( think hes trying to convert her to the BNP though.) funny old world we live in.


Jun 12, 2006
you have the same hatred for each other, You resent all the whites for the actions of a few, just the same as they hate all foriegners because of the few.

Not at all. I know exactly what type of person/thinking I am against. It is you who seem unable to read what I believe I am clearly stating. It is not all whites but the ones who support, excuse and turn a blind eye to the nazi ones that bother me.

I don't know how much clearer I can make it.

BTW, I do hope you are not here to peddle BNP cr4p. Keep that poison to yourselves.


Feb 20, 2006
nottingham england
Dalsingh ji
Hardly here to peddle BNP, my wifes Indian, my ex is polish, Kids from around the world, would go against my own if I was. Just promoting love and understanding from all sides, Dont support any one group just try to understand and do my bit to promote peace. looking at all things from all sides. Love breeds love. Have a nice day, off to do my bit for the economy.:happy:


Jun 12, 2006
Kelly Holmes is not fully British, says BNP MEP Andrew Brons

Andrew Brons, the BNP's first MEP, sparked outrage on Saturday after he said double Olympic gold medal winner Dame Kelly Holmes cannot be regarded as fully British.

Mr Brons, who became the first member of the British National Party to be elected to the European Parliament, has said that the athlete's mixed race heritage means she is "only partially from this country".

The BNP – which bars blacks or Asians from joining – rejects the notion of a multicultural society and refuses to consider black and ethnic minorities to be British, even if they or their parents were born here.

But until now it has been careful not to single out noted ethnic minority celebrities for fear of provoking a public backlash.

His comments have provoked anger from politicians and sporting bodies.

Liberal Democrat MP Ed Davey said: “This type of comment reveals the ugly face of the BNP which they try to hide from voters yet is at the heart of their extremism.”

Kelly Holmes is not fully British, says BNP MEP Andrew Brons - Telegraph



  • kellyHolmes_1423137c.jpg
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Feb 20, 2006
nottingham england
Dalsingh ji
I agree they are Nazi's, but I don't agree with the egg throwing nor do I agree with the racist abuse that some where shouting at him, ( I believe 1 muslim youth is to actually face prosecution for it). England is a democracy and if the majority has voted that way then they have a right to be heard. Every one has the right to walk the streets without any form of violence, the egg throwing and abuse he suffered is no better than what they stand for and it only gains them more support. Violence just brings more violence, Justify egg throwing, then the bottles, then comes the punches, then the guns and when does it stop, when is it going over the top, another world war. It all starts with a single bit of hatred and then it multiplies, grouping people just because of what they look like, where their from, BNP policies I believe, Sikhi teaches us not to judge, it doesnt teach us to put :D up and laugh at someone whos been assaulted, where supposed to care for all, to teach all the right way, The Sikhs of the 17th century didnt fight with hatred in their hearts they had God, when hatred consumes the heart theres no room for God, Draw the sword first and your the aggressor, Not the Sikhi I believe in. Not the Sikhi I read in the Guru Granth sahib, Not the reason Guru Gobind Singh gave us the Kirpaan for. The sword (violence) is the last resort not the first response. When your on the receiving end of any form of abuse you gain sympathy, Insult them, bomb them your only gaining them support, Talking with them is the way to find out why they think the way they do and usually they dont even know, they cant give you an answer, they fall flat on there face, show empathy and what have they got to hate, on the other hand show hatred and then theyve got a reason, theyve got an answer and they grow stronger on your hatred, gaining support untill theyre the majority and then the fighting begins. Let them talk, the monster in them will come out and consume them, let them show there hatred and no one will support them. Every one in England has friends from an ethnic background and when it looks like there under attack its human nature to defend the innocent. Let the BNP show they are the aggressors not us.
Ps who ever threw that egg wants locking up for wasting food, shame on them. Seriously though look at the smirk in his eyes hes knows theyve just helped his cause and gave them publicity. FOOLS


Jun 12, 2006
England is a democracy and if the majority has voted that way then they have a right to be heard. Every one has the right to walk the streets without any form of violence, the egg throwing and abuse he suffered is no better than what they stand for and it only gains them more support. Violence just brings more violence,

Given their NF backgrounds, they are hardly ones to talk about violence. BTW, even if so many have voted for them, that is not to say that the English do not have lumpen groups of nazis within them.


Feb 20, 2006
nottingham england
Dalsingh ji
OK so if both sides are violent which one is in the wrong. there are groups of extremist in every society even here on this forum there are those who hold the same views as the BNP, they are against interacial marriages, they believe in the caste system, We shouldnt have different sects but we have, Please explain the difference, please explain why my wife is viewed by some Amritdhari's as an outcast, why they stare and frown at us when where in town together, why do they view her as a less sikh than other Sikh ladies, plain and simple racism, She sees all as one race no difference between colour, I'd say that makes her a good Sikh, Explain the replies on the topics of interacial marriages, on inter caste marriages, explain why every Sikh I've met refers to people by the colour of their skin, and tell me whos better than who. Whats the difference between them and the BNP. Its no good trying to sort out someone elses house till your own is in order. Sorry but its all a form of racism/ secterianism. Its all totally against whats written in the Guru Granth Sahib and not what the 10 Gurus practiced and taught us. Look forward to your reply
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