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Jun 7, 2006

Friends, I was born an Anglo, pretty much without religion, and had karmic ties with Sikhi, that I am aware of since very young childhood.

I lived as Khalsa for a long time, and still have my hair uncut, but presently I am struggling to find the core of Sikhi for myself.

I suppose one of the reasons I drifted away is the emmense nationalistic predjudice that one sees amongst some Panjabi Sikhs towards non Asian Sikhs.

I believe that even for a Sikh of the Guru to claim that they have Waheguru "figured out" is just as much a fool as expressed by Guru Nanaak in JapJi.

I have a VERY strong philosophical bent, and this is helping approach the Guru's Dharma from a much more comfortable position.

I love the Guru, and crave to slowly work and find my way back into Sikhi.

I regularly read from English translations of SGGS Ji Maharaj, as well as to recite Nitnem every day in English as well as in Gurmukhi. I also have an established meditation practice.

I am in college presently working on my Associate's Degree in Psychology, hoping to go all the way to my Master's and PhD.

Thanks for being here, I have read a lot of these forums and wholeheartedly "click" with it's contents!

Gur Fateh,

Anand-Gurdas Singh
Joseph S. Galbraith


Jun 8, 2006
I live in everything
I have just joined this forum today. As I was searching the web for Sikh interpretation of God/Heaven and Devil/Hell. Looks like a good sight with no annoying people who just raise conflict on Mesaage Boards to fuel there ego.

I am looking foward to my time here...

I try and always read the original scriptures for myself and follow what I believe sikhism is not what the masses is telling me. But this is not always easy as alot of the stuff like Dassam Granth is in persian/Gurmukhi etc. So I still become open to interpretation.

Though my dad recently has moved towards reading sikhism rather than just believing what is passed down. Which is good for me as he understands old gurmukhi alot better than I do.

P.S. other books I have reaad is Asa Di Var and a historical/factual book by Dr Gopal Singh. Not many you are thinking! These books are so complex (to me) that each one needs time for refelction and understanding of where do I fit in this.

Hope that sort of shows what I am about.



Sep 16, 2004
Dear Anand- Gurdas aka Joseph S. Galbraith

Welcome to the forum !
I can understand the problem you might have faced in hands of eggoistic Punjabi who think they own Sikhism ,
But time is changing now sikhi is spreading its wings beyond punjab as it was meant to be .
I think this site might help you as we also have some non asian members of sikh faith here
Lookinf forward Interact learn together on this forum.

Dear Bopadum

Welcome to this forum!

You are very right in your approach to sikhism as per my understanding as interpretation of masses can mislead you in real sense

Best of luck with your journey on this path and I hope this forum will prove handy

Jatinder Singh


Jun 7, 2006
It just seems such an obvious deduction, in that the Panjabi word sikh is an extraction of shikha or chela, meaning simply "disciple."

If Guru Nanak Dev Ji meant something else, he certainly would have preached it, and yet his word betray ANY kind of "ism"..."There is no Hindu or Musilman."

Reading JapJi, one also observes that the entire celestial order is mentioned as singing the praises of Waheguru...not just "Sikhs."

Having said the above, there has always been, and always will remain, a deep and abiding love for "Sikhism," although I am uncomfortable with the idea of having to belong to a "group." Sikhs are simply children of the Guru...but cannot be said of all mankind?

The Sadsanghat are the company of those that believe in Ik Ong Kar, in the Ten Guru's, Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and the Amrit of the Guru when one becomes Khalsa...etc...but I don't see any other "requirements" (I do not like the word, but cannot think of any other) for being a Sikh...

I am allowing my hair and beard to grow once again...alas unturbaned, in San Antonio if you go around wearing a dastar, its like asking yourself to be a target of a driveby shooting...I haven't the bravery required for that...perhaps Waheguru will bless me one day.

Sat Sri Akaal

Anand-Gurdas Singh
Joseph S. Galbraith
Jul 30, 2004

There are some orders in us who do not wear Turban but keep uncut hairs visit www.udasi.org but anyway these punjabis who think that Sikhism is thier own right are not at all sikhs and need to be kicked out of Panth(Faith).So no need to bother for them.

Rather stay in and make yourself strong enough that you can challenge them to get out of faith.In your Area if it is difficult to wear turban then do interact with those guys who think you to be accoicted with Islamic fundamentialists and clarify them that you are not a Muslim.And as it happned after knowing Sikhism BNP people in UK,used them to fight Islamic fundamentailism ,then to say shot them.
Jun 10, 2006
Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji ki Fateh,

I take grave offense to words by Vijaydeep Singh esp. since he is an SPN Sewadaar. Who has given him the self imposed jurisdiction of kicking Sikhs who cut their hair?

If such is the practice of this website, let this be mentioned so people like me do not register here. This fostering of hatred and division is not what i expected from some sewadar.

I regret that my first post on this site is vitriolic but it couldnt be any other way since message 594 was the first one that i read, when i clicked on the link to introduce myself.

What Sikhism is being preached here? The Golden Temple has 4 doors to welcome people from all 4 directions. But i think this and other messages in the Guru Granth Sahib is lost among those who just do a rote ritual reading.

This is my introduction, quoting Sheikh Fareed

fareedaa kaalay maiday kaprhay kaalaa maidaa vays.
gunhee bhari-aa mai firaa lok kahai darvays.



Jun 1, 2004
Welcome GS Bhasin Ji, everybody here is a SPN Sewadaar including yourself, as you can see from your profile on this page. He is presenting his views... you are presenting your views... No need to get offensive. :)
Jun 10, 2006
Aman Singh Ji,
Thanks for your comments as the admin. I didnt see that everyone is a Sewadar until you pointed this out. And i was not getting offensive just trying to understand if it was a policy here.
I apologise if my words cause undue bitterness here.
Jul 30, 2004

Forgive das Bhasin Sahib,

das will try to eloborate what he meant.Actualy what happens in west and also in India that some people ho are in Gurudwara Management,are totaly unawre of Gurmat and try to let people go as Managements ego want them to go.

These guys are more Punajbi egoists and unlike Panthic grous like AKJ,DDT or Missioanries do not welcome new Sikh converts or even discourge native Europians,Hindus or Africans to visit Gurudwara or Become Sikh.

We are missonary faith and we are to preach Panth to others under the conceopt of sharing or Wand Chhakna.

As one new member posted that these Punjabis are making him away from Gurmat due to his Anglo race.Das just wanted to tell him that inite of being Anglo he is better Sikh then these Punjabis and it is better that people like those Punjabis be kicked out for the better of Panth.Das do not behold them Sikh at all.

We have instance in Gurbani when Pandits did not allow lower caste Sant Namdev Ji in Temple but by prasing name of Akal,Namdev Ji Saw Temple turing towards him.

Das repeat the apology for mistake but seek your opinion if Das was wrong.


Jun 7, 2006
While I have the DEEPEST respect for the the Sikh Panth, I would comment that neither Guru Nanaak Dev Ji, or Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj EVER imagined a "sect" OR religion. That is more than ENTIRELY clear by everything they themselve wrote, sang, preached and taught.

While I in NO way consider myself a Christian for decades now, I would comment that the last apostle, Paul said "true religion and undefiled is this, to care for the poor and orphaned, feed widows, and take care of the homeless."

Religion with a small "r" is the territory of man, while religion with a capital "R" is the essence of Waheguru and Gurmat. Even Guru Gobind Singh Ji, initiating, and creating the Khalsa, did not in any way mean to or wish to create a "religion." I sometimes think that he might just very DEEPLY disapprove of such a thing.

And, I'm not in any way intimating that religion is a bad thing, no, not at all, but we MUST always remember, what the Ten Masters revealed, and also embodied in Guru Granth Sahib Ji...Not a religion, rather a relationship with Akaal Purkh Waheguru.

While there ARE in fact very many sincere Panjabi Sikhs, that follow Gurmat, I observe the EXACT same thing in the Panth, that has occured in nearly EVERY religion that has ever existed...that would be man made history and interpretation, which again isn't necessarily bad or wrong, but must simply be seen for what it is.

While not mentioning where or whom, very MANY Panjabi Sikh where I lived and attending the Gurdwara continually had a scathing and negative attitude towards anyone who was not Panjabi, being an active and faithful Sikh in the Khalsa Panth...and when they did, they almost always distrusted us...again, not much different than any OTHER "religion."

Having said all of the above, I am convinced, and for a very long time, that Gurbani and Waheguru Simran are the only and very direct way to merge ones self with the Guru and reach Moksha...I know this, not because of ANYTHING I was EVER taught, but by both reading GGS Ji, and remembering the Lord's name, in my heart and mind, to the exlusion of all else.

You'll find, that I won't ever bow to political/religous/philosophical "flame wars", neither is it my nature, nor do I want to travel down that path of destruction.

I do agree with what one brother said in an earlier posting...
that the Golden Temple has doors facing the Cardinal directions, because Guru Ji, intends that ALL have access to liberation, not just one ethnic class, nor "religion" as is again noted by Guru Nanaak Dev Ji having both a Hindu and a Muslim disciple/companion.

I pray that ALL may come to know Guru Ji's grace as I have...


Anand-Gurdas Singh, bliss filled slave of the Guru

Sat Naam Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguruuuuu. . . . . . .
Jul 30, 2004
Anand-Gurdas said:
While I have the DEEPEST respect for the the Sikh Panth, I would comment that neither Guru Nanaak Dev Ji, or Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj EVER imagined a "sect" OR religion. That is more than ENTIRELY clear by everything they themselve wrote, sang, preached and taught.

While I in NO way consider myself a Christian for decades now, I would comment that the last apostle, Paul said "true religion and undefiled is this, to care for the poor and orphaned, feed widows, and take care of the homeless."

Religion with a small "r" is the territory of man, while religion with a capital "R" is the essence of Waheguru and Gurmat. Even Guru Gobind Singh Ji, initiating, and creating the Khalsa, did not in any way mean to or wish to create a "religion." I sometimes think that he might just very DEEPLY disapprove of such a thing.

And, I'm not in any way intimating that religion is a bad thing, no, not at all, but we MUST always remember, what the Ten Masters revealed, and also embodied in Guru Granth Sahib Ji...Not a religion, rather a relationship with Akaal Purkh Waheguru.

While there ARE in fact very many sincere Panjabi Sikhs, that follow Gurmat, I observe the EXACT same thing in the Panth, that has occured in nearly EVERY religion that has ever existed...that would be man made history and interpretation, which again isn't necessarily bad or wrong, but must simply be seen for what it is.

While not mentioning where or whom, very MANY Panjabi Sikh where I lived and attending the Gurdwara continually had a scathing and negative attitude towards anyone who was not Panjabi, being an active and faithful Sikh in the Khalsa Panth...and when they did, they almost always distrusted us...again, not much different than any OTHER "religion."

Having said all of the above, I am convinced, and for a very long time, that Gurbani and Waheguru Simran are the only and very direct way to merge ones self with the Guru and reach Moksha...I know this, not because of ANYTHING I was EVER taught, but by both reading GGS Ji, and remembering the Lord's name, in my heart and mind, to the exlusion of all else.

You'll find, that I won't ever bow to political/religous/philosophical "flame wars", neither is it my nature, nor do I want to travel down that path of destruction.

I do agree with what one brother said in an earlier posting...
that the Golden Temple has doors facing the Cardinal directions, because Guru Ji, intends that ALL have access to liberation, not just one ethnic class, nor "religion" as is again noted by Guru Nanaak Dev Ji having both a Hindu and a Muslim disciple/companion.

I pray that ALL may come to know Guru Ji's grace as I have...


Anand-Gurdas Singh, bliss filled slave of the Guru

Sat Naam Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguruuuuu. . . . . . .

Das is making a new thread about racilism in Gurudwaras and we can discuss this thing further over there.

If some one does racialim in Gurudwara it is bigger offensce then removing 5ks as one of the main purpose of 5ks and Baptism is to end racialism.such person is pseudo Sikh.



Jun 5, 2006

Sat Sri Akal everyone. My name is Tanu and I am here mainly because I want to get different perspective on this one issue that I have been trying to look at through a "sikh" view. The issue has to do with being in a relationship. So if you have anything to say about this, feel free to message me back and I shall give you more details as to what I think. I do plan to be an active member regardless of responses to my issue. The idea of joining a sikh group online was sparked by reading of I.J Singh's book "A Sikh's View". So that's why I am here, to make more sense of my religion as part of my everyday life.


Jun 15, 2006
First let me say that I smiled when I saw Aman Singh's avatar. I wear a yin/yang charm.
I'm visiting from the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) site as there was an invitation on a bulletin board there to 'come and check us out'.
I'm willing to learn to enhance my own spiritual journey.


Jun 17, 2006
waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh. I hope you are all well. I'm 20 years old and currently studying in the uk. With all this forum stuff being very new to me I'd appreciate any hints on how to use the service.

viveksj said:

My name is Vivek. Reason behind joining this group is to know more about my relign.

Vivek Singh Jagpal

I just joined the website today & was browsing through the forums and noticed we happen to share the same surname! Anyway, this was just a friendly sat sri akaal.
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