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Sep 16, 2004
Dear Balvirsd , Ravinder KAur ,jag1t

All are most welcomed on this forum !:)

Lookinf forward to learn together on this forum .

Dear Jag1t

This forum and sikhism is more about spirtuality than the boundaries of religion .So I hope you will find it useful

Jatinder Singh


Jul 7, 2006
Thank you kindly for your welcome. Hope to interact for benefit of all. Also would like to know availability of 'satik' interpretation of Aasa - Di - Waar on the net. Regards.

Could you please tell me how to edit my profile.
Last edited:


Jul 12, 2006
west london
Re: Introducing Member's Chatroom Facility

Sat sri akal everyone
Im new here so just wanted to introduce myself - im Allison Pal
Yes i am a gori but i am learning sikhism which is already a big part of my life. I hope with your help i will learn so much more. Looking forward to getting to know you guys.
Bye for now


Sep 16, 2004
Re: Introducing Member's Chatroom Facility

Dear Allison Pal

Sat Sri Akal

Welcome to this forum .
your introduction was interesting where you refered your self as gori :)
Anyway in punjabi language it is an Compliment to a girl :)
Anyway there other western Sikh on this forum so it will nice learning together in clasroom called life
You reminded me something I read over one blog you might find it interesting
Gora Sikh Pride
Ok…it’s friday so thought I would have a little fun. Here is the latest from the “Gora” line of clothing. I remember in India people used to always whisper… “Oh…Gora Sikh hai…!”. Hahaha… !! If you are thinking critically of this, it’s time for you to go on vacation because you’re too serious. This is just for fun!
I’m going to order this shirt and get a few for my friends.
You might see it online at: http://www.gorasikhpride.com
Ps. For all those Goray’s out there, if you want to get a shirt you can get $5 off with this coupon code: “POINTSLOUDER” (when checking out).

Anyway have a Good time here looking forward hear more from you

Jatinder Singh


Jul 12, 2006
Re: Introducing Member's Chatroom Facility

I'm a new member from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. A brief introduction of myself follows:

I was born into a devout Sikh family and was fortunate to have been given the proper guidance about the religion very early in life by my parents. However, it was only through my association with Sikh Naujawan Sabha Malaysia and its Samelans, that I realised that Sikhi was not just having kesh and dastaar but much much more than that. I made my commitment to Guru Gobind Singh Ji at the age of 19 and have been an Amritdhari since. I have a deep love for Gurbani Sangeet and have had the privelege of accompanying some leading Raagis on their tours in Malaysia. Amongst them are Bhai Niranjan Singh Ji-Jawaddi Kalan Wale, Bhai Satwinder Singh Ji-Delhi Wale, Bhai Manpreet Singh Ji-UK Wale and also Bhai Sarabjeet Singh Ji Rangila on Tabla. Recently I contributed some vocals to Bhai Dya Singh Ji-Australia Wale's recording of Asa Dhi Vaar. These are some momentous occasions of my life which I treasure and look forward to more such opportunities. I was introduced to Kirtan by my late father, Sardar Hari Singh who was himself as accomplished Kirtania in Malaysia. I am married to Sharan Kaur and we have been blessed with 2 lovely daughters, Harsohela Kaur (4 yrs old) and Gurparkash Kaur (2 yrs old). My mother, Mata Bachan Kaur lives with us in Kuala Lumpur. I hope to benefit from the vast knowledge and guidance of the virtual sangat at this web-site.
I any member is interested to know more about Malaysian Sikhs, I can also be reached at bskenth@khalsa.com
Thank you and a warm Gurfateh,
Balvinder Singh Kenth


Jul 16, 2006
sat sri akal,
I am working as an architect in delhi, my grandfather was from khotta, pakistan,
Look forward to be with you all.
Gurvinder singh chowdhury


Jul 22, 2006
Hi Everyone,
I am retired CEO of a 2.5 billion dollar company in the US. I have been in the US for the last 45 years and love Gurbani. Looking forward to learning and sharing information with you for our spiritual growth. I was born in Pakistan and our family now lives in New Delhi.
With loving regards,


Jul 24, 2006
I Think I Posted My First Letter In A Wrong Mail Box. It Is Sidh Gosht What I Was Going Through That I Received You Pop And Possibly Replied There On Introducing Myself

Kirpal Singh

Jul 23, 2006
GurFateh to all.My name is Kirpal Singh.I am a retired fellow living in DaytonaBeach,Florida.I rejoice in reading,listening & watching activities of Sikhs as they seek guidance to live meaningful lives from Gurbani ,Sikh history & from eachother as cybersangat or otherwise.May Waheguru multiply our efforts to help eachother &reach out to the world with message of peace&coexistence as preached by our Great Gurus'.


Jul 25, 2006
Gur Khalsa - GurFateh
Hello everyone I am Nirmal Singh Gill. Born and raised in Mission, B.C., Canada. I am 45 years young and happily married to my lovely wife Parminder from New Delhi for 25 years. We just celebrated our 25th. wedding anniversary at Whistler resort in B.C. this past weekend. Our wedding day was July 18, 1981 in Abbotsford, B.C., Canada. We have three lovely children. One boy 23, One boy 20, and my lovely Princess Jessica who is 7 years old. I am retired on a WCB pension due to a serious back injury at work last October. I have went through two surgeries and will be undergoing a third shortly to repair the damage in my back. But all is well when the Lord is watching I will be O.K. due to my religious beliefs from early childhood. I lost my father due to a car accident in 1968 and my Mother due to cancer in 2001.

So thank-you everyone for the warm welcome and I am looking forward to speaking with many of you and sharing my views also.
Thank-you Mr. Aman Singh for the reply to my registration. Looking forward to chatting with you. I have one question to all of you out there. I am looking for mool mantar in gurmakhi, with an Ik Onkar symbol also. I am hoping to get a tattoo on my upper right arm. Please reply.

Sat-Sri-Akal to all. May God Bless.


Jul 25, 2006
Thank-you very much Mr. Aman ji...
Could you please tell me where I can find a picture of a Kanda? I am having problems finding one on the net.

Thank-you kindly,

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