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Jul 27, 2006
My names simon and im a student currently finishing my degree in religion at Bath Spa University. I am doing a dissertation on how gurdwaras have changed in their use and application thorughout the world over time and with migration to other countries. I chose Sikhism to write about as it has more definate principles whihc can be absorbed as they are studied. To sum me up in a sentence: Im one of those smart dumb people who knows stuff, but says little about it. :)
Jul 13, 2004
beanface said:
My names simon and im a student currently finishing my degree in religion at Bath Spa University. I am doing a dissertation on how gurdwaras have changed in their use and application thorughout the world over time and with migration to other countries. I chose Sikhism to write about as it has more definate principles whihc can be absorbed as they are studied. To sum me up in a sentence: Im one of those smart dumb people who knows stuff, but says little about it. :)
That sounds like an interesting topic. Please spare time to share your work :)

and welcome everyone on SPN :wah:


Jul 27, 2006
Hello there! My name is Tiffany Refsnider. I grew up in your typical non-practising Christian American family. We never really celebrated religion, except when chocolates or gifts were involved of course.
On one side that hurt me, never learning any faith from my parents. Because my parents didn't uphold any religious practises, I never knew the power such a belief could have in your life. Not to say that I couldn't have made the choice independantly to do so myself. Maybe what I thought I knew wasn't the path I was to take.
On the other side, never learning any outstanding faith from my family gave the opportunity to seek out my own beliefs. I've learned to question everything. And eventually I realized that my chance to figure out what I believed to be true, and to find way to study that was mine to take.
I am currently enrolled in college in South Florida. Last semester I took a World Religions course, not really expecting what did happen to me to happen. So much of what Sikhs believe are the same beliefs I find myself grounded in, due to my own personal inventory. Since then everything I've read I've related to.
I so look forward to learning about, and eventually absorbing myself in this beautiful faith of yours. Any advice anyone can give me is greatly appreciated! -Tiffany Refsnider

bali Virk

Jul 27, 2006
Hi all, just a quick introduction...just registered as a member to gain further knowledge and insight into the Sikh religion and more information on Sant Baba Ranjit Singh ji who did a divaan at our local Gurudwara two days ago.
As noted earlier, my name is
Bali Virk from Coventry West Midlands. I work as a PA for the Chief Executive for a local voluntary organisation. Welcome to you all and i look forward to chatting with other Sikhs. Thanx


Jul 27, 2006
Hi all.
My dissertations official title is "
In what ways has the role of the Gurdwara changed to meet the needs of the Sikh community in Diaspora?" It was made with help from my lecturer so sounds a little more formal than i would have intended. I am not a great explainer of my own work but here goes: My introduction deals with, as an overview, the history of Guru Nanaks decleration that trappings such as temples and idols were not welcome within the faith, this i thought was important as it shows that, to start with, the 'gurdwara' was a gathering, similar in concept to the early christian church as an underground movement, meeting outside of the urban sprawl. This whole element of the beginings of Sikhism is something which i may have misinterpreted, but beleive could very well have been the feeling of the Sikhs at the time of Guru Nanak. It then follows on to say that Guru Hargobind created the phrase "Gurdwara", or so the McLeod books i have say, a quote from Pashaura Singh-Brars book Sikh Identity, Continuity and Change on the early dharamsalas and how they were not gurdwaras, along with some information on the early functions of gurdwaras. My frist chapter is history and the gurdwara and details some of the history of the gurdwara, relevent events such as the storming of the Amritsar Temple by the Indian army in 1984, as an example both of the Sikh devotion to defending the right of ones faith and ones principles, and that Gurdwaras are not only like churches in christianity, just places to pray and sing hyms, but a living dimention of the Sikh community, somethiing like a church with the community centre, which should be down the road, right inside it. I mention Langar and how this continues today, and that the first places of gathering for whorship which could be termed 'places' as opposed to spaces of worship, were often peoples homes or private buildings. I found that this too fitted in with my idea of a faith fighting against the odds, which in the later part of the ten Gurus history it indeed became violent and an unequal battle in terms of material numbers. I also mention the Adi Granth as a source of authority, and how Guru Gobhind Singh created the Panth to be the second source of authority.
I then go on to mention Gurdwaras in the UK, now as a title that may sound quite boring, but i have decided, and made a small start, to combine actual real gurdwara stuff in this part of the project. I will get a book or two on places like bradford, i know that there are a few which would allow me to get enough references, and the, because i cant really travel everywhere, i will webhunt as much data as possible on Gurdwaras in the UK, what its like to be in one, what goes on, and all that kind of stuff so that i can build a picture, when im writing about what effects british culture and society has had on the gurdwara here, so that i do not seem so aloof from the subject. Although i have not yet started them, the third paragraph is hopefully going to be about Sikh gurdwaras in America and other countries, but if the figures i have seen are to be believed, there are only around 5 million Sikhs outside of the Punjab. Now i read this in McLeod, and whilst he has provided me with many quotes and taught me a bit about the Gurus, I have read many peoples comments against his style and attitude towards his subjects of study. Whilst i am no professional I take such comments seriously, and so only use his work for factual, rather than opinion-driven, quotes. I am also taking a guess here, after seeing that there were so many gurdwaras in the UK, that there are more Sikhs in the UK than anywhere else outside of the Punjab? Finally my conclusion is how Gurdwaras have changed, and it is my beleif already that whilst the materials and certain apsects may have changed for legal reasons in certain countries, the Sikh faith has found itself at a point of triumph in the way that its customs and religious traditions have been fought for, and won. :)

And thats that. I also write horror stories for fun and have tried to get them published, but failed because i found out that you have to get a book done before people will take on short stories, although i could fill 100,000 + words of a book with em:D (i like these face things)

Oh yeah, and my names simon and i live in Frome in Somerset in the UK:)
Last edited:
Jul 28, 2006
Dear Friends,

I have just joined this forum and am extremely happy to reach here. I was always looking for sikh forum and am happy to see many youth working towards redefining our faith and religion as per present systems.

My main area of exploration is sikh way of deep meditation. I know that sikh Gurus have not laid much importance to it, but still am sure that we do have some methods of self realisation and healings in our faith too.

Would be happy to learn and share with all of you



Sep 16, 2004
Dear Tiffany Refsnider,

Welcome to this forum

All of us on the forum are just like you , helping each other to understand the Creation and the creator which in essense is common to all religions and Humanity .

Looking forward to learn more together on this forum

Jatinder Singh


Jul 25, 2006
:) Hello everyone, i'm nirmal singh, from beautiful british columbia, canada. i would like to learn more about the sikh religion and meditation... please share with me and i will share with you...


Jun 1, 2004
Weather in India is quite rough as usual... somewhere its raining pretty heavily and elsewhere there are chances of drought... anyways welcome everybody to SPN... we hope you love your stay over here... :)
Aug 3, 2006
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Thank you for allowing me to join this forum. Hope to learn a lot from here.
To introduce myself - I am 48 years of age, happily married with 3 lovely children aged 19,18 and 13 (all teenagers!!!). Part of the sewa circle with Sikh Naujawan Sabha Malaysia. Looking forward to get deeper understanding of the Guru's message.


Aug 4, 2006
Hello. My name is Sunaina Kaur and i joined here because I had a question about Sikhi and googled it and this site came up! So it looked pretty intresting so i registered! Hopefully, I can learn a lot from here! =)
Aug 5, 2006
Hello All!
i am not sure at this point that who will be getting this message.I just registered and don't no much about this website. If any one could help me that will be great.


Sep 16, 2004
Dear Gursangeet Kaur

Welcome to SPN Forum

On this forum there are lot of disscusions related to SIKHI and Spirtuality Under Different Topics .
If you need furtjher help just just let us know

Jatinder Singh


Jun 1, 2004
gursangeet kaur said:
Hello All!
i am not sure at this point that who will be getting this message.I just registered and don't no much about this website. If any one could help me that will be great.

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