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Jun 1, 2004
The Power Of Da Positive Thinking Is Awesome
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment Thanks God.

************************************************** ******

Sterling Words!! Welcome to SPN, Let us pray to God to bestow us with the power of Positive Living!! :)


Apr 28, 2005

Hi. Sat sri akal ji.reference to your question i may give one good answer that coming to this site your broaden your knowledge and fid very motivatings ways. but if you have not come out from your youth yet it is no good for you.But sometime people spent lots of time when they wake up at early age.

You will be getting there very soon.

Thanks and good luck.


kaka_bhoondpataka said:
ok what

all can i do on this site..i mean why should i spend my time on this site..pls let me know...im not trying to be rude or nething but if my fellow sikhs on this site could tell me with all the hardwork i need to put into my studies,why should i spare my time and visit this site instead of going to some music site for getting refreshed........


Apr 11, 2006
Pyare Khalsa sadh cyber-sangat jio! Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh!

About me:
My name is Lakhveer (I use the pen-name Lakhtan because it nearly was my name!).
I was born (in 1977) and brought up in the UK.
I work as a hospital doctor.
I am married and have a daughter.

First (serious) interest in Sikhi:
1. 1984 My father called me to the bedroom - there was a newsflash on the television. I remember looking at pictures of the Akal Takht in flames and my father being very angry at the actions of the then Indian government.
2. Aged 12y I discovered a book about sikh history in 2 parts by Gupta. The book was an old one and in a tatty condition - but the rivetting story it told, ignited a passion to read further into my history, culture and religion - From then on the line on my bookshelf ended with the likes of Sir Canon Doyle and Tolkein, and names such as Ganda Singh, Khushwant Singh...filled my shelves.
3. Around that time my mother took me to the Victoria Albert Museum in London and there, in front of me, my reading came to life - I vividly remeber the paintings and golden throne of Sarkar-i-Khalsa Maharaja Ranjit Singh Sher-i-Punjab.

Am I a shining Knight of the Khalsa?
Oh how I wish I was - but alas not! I enjoy reading more about Sikhi and Sikhi heritage and religious philosophy and one day when I am truely ready I would like to take Amrit baptism. My reason for taking such a step is that a)It is a true internal desire that I am wanting to fulfill later. b)I want to show my family and younger generation that despite the maya in today's world that HERE is an example of a Gursikh (eventually!). c)I want to leave this mortal body having maintained it in the roop of the Khalsa. But despite treading on the path of gyan-khand, I am at the moment a work-loving, whiskey drinking womanising ( ;-o) Jat!

All the best and I hope to contribute now and again to the interesting topics.
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh!!!


Jun 21, 2006
Sat Shri Akaal to everyone.
I am Tarun Sardana just registrered to Sikh Philosphy.
Wishing Chardi Kala to everyone


Jun 21, 2006
I have never posted anything anywhere on the internet before. So this is my first.

I have had more problems than you would believe with religions because one of my guiding principles is "knowledge above belief." Beliefs change from time to time, but knowledge is eternal. I hope here to gain and, who knows, maybe to share knowledge.


Sep 16, 2004
Dear Mary Mary ,

Welcome to this forum

I totally respect your principle about knowledge above belief and is also the principle of mordern world

In sikhism Knowledge and belief go hand by Hand , so may be you will find it interesting .

My view about belief and knowledge is that both changes some quite quickly and some takes time but if the object of bekief and knowledge is it self not changing just like Eternal timeless god then you cant be decieved ,

Jatinder Singh
Jun 28, 2006
hello and sat sri akal ji to one and all,
my name is gurjot singh
i am 19 years of age with alot to learn about my roots and culture
i love and have faith in God and i love my music
waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh
Jun 29, 2006
Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh!
I am privileged to be in the SPN family.I wish to learn about the sikh values from the members of this family.To grow in love for the Guru Divine.To live an inspired life immersed in Simran and Kirtan and Seva.
I am 42 years, teach in a school and have deep interest in Gurmat spirituality.
I feel inspired by Bhai Veer Singh Ji,Prof. Puran Singh,Raghubir Singh Bir,Joel Goldsmith etc.
Wish to have a loving relationship with th SPN family.
Regards and Love
Jagmeet Singh Jolly:p


Apr 10, 2006
I had actually joined this forum quite a while back but I didn't get around to posting anything thanks in large part to exams and a summer job. I think its great to have a place that facilitates honest and open discussion of sikhism and its principles; especially since there are quite a few misconceptions about the religion. Thank you to those who set up this site and I look forward to contributing.
Jun 30, 2006
Dear brothers and sisters of all walks of faith, SSRK, Salaam and peace be on all of you. As you've probably noticed I'm a Muslim that's signed up onto a Sikh website. My intentions of joining this site do not in anyway rest on disrespecting any faith or hurting anybody's feelings. My sole purpose for joining is to explore the similarities and differences between Islam and Sikhism, I understand that as a human being (no matter what my beliefs) I do have faults, however these faults are my own and have no connection to my faith, Islam. I'm 22 years old and have been brought up a Muslim (Pakistani Muslim that is). By age 17 however I had completely left my faith and fallen into the hands of Western Ideologies and beliefs which allowed me to have unadulterated enjoyments void of any moral contemplation. By 18 years of age I had left home and gone to university, this was the furthest I had been away from my family, friends and religion (whom i left all for my ambitions). It was only in the second year of uni, did I reflect upon my life and realise it had lost all meaning, who am I and what am I doing here? i realsied it was my dreams and ambitions which were giving me a false sense of identity driving me to an ever darker path. After a while of questioning my reality and my existence I had a life changing experience...I felt my soul, a very deep experience, one I find hard to explain, it was as though i remembered God, well more like God remembered me, it was a very old feeling one i last remember experiencing throughout my joyful and less hectic childhood, but this time with much more intensity, and with a sense of urgency, probably because i had strayed so far from the straight path. I stopped moving...no longer was I running around looking for my next kick out of life, I had found God who brought my soul peace and contenment, All Praise is to God. From here I knew religion was Real, in my heart and soul i felt the Almighty and knew that he was here with me through out my life, it was i that drifted away from Reality. All those ideas that were put in my head (e.g. evolution) vanished, now religion was the way forward. I read the Qur'an and felt the word of God flow through me, a mixture of love and fear ran through my vains sending my emotions wild until God reminded me to use my intellect, the sword which every true muslim posesses. I dropped out of university, broke up with my girlfriend quit drinking and no longer was a seeker of riches as my thirst for knowledge had surpassed all other desires. God is great.

note to brother
Aman Singh: I'm very impressed by the website and very grateful for the hospitibal welcome, but I do have a query about one of the forum rules.

Dear brothers and sisters of all walks of faith, SSRK, Salaam and peace be on all of you. As you've probably noticed I'm a Muslim that's signed up onto a Sikh website. My intentions of joining this site do not in anyway rest on disrespecting any faith or hurting anybody's feelings. My sole purpose for joining is to explore the similarities and differences between Islam and Sikhism, I understand that as a human being (no matter what my beliefs) I do have faults, however these faults are my own and have no connection to my faith, Islam. I'm 22 years old and have been brought up a Muslim (Pakistani Muslim that is). By age 17 however I had completely left my faith and fallen into the hands of Western Ideologies and beliefs which allowed me to have unadulterated enjoyments void of any moral contemplation. By 18 years of age I had left home and gone to university, this was the furthest I had been away from my family, friends and religion (whom i left all for my ambitions). It was only in the second year of uni, did I reflect upon my life and realise it had lost all meaning, who am I and what am I doing here? i realsied it was my dreams and ambitions which were giving me a false sense of identity driving me to an ever darker path. After a while of questioning my reality and my existence I had a life changing experience...I felt my soul, a very deep experience, one I find hard to explain, it was as though i remembered God, well more like God remembered me, it was a very old feeling one i last remember experiencing throughout my joyful and less hectic childhood, but this time with much more intensity, and with a sense of urgency, probably because i had strayed so far from the straight path. I stopped moving...no longer was I running around looking for my next kick out of life, I had found God who brought my soul peace and contenment, All Praise is to God. From here I knew religion was Real, in my heart and soul i felt the Almighty and knew that he was here with me through out my life, it was i that drifted away from Reality. All those ideas that were put in my head (e.g. evolution) vanished, now religion was the way forward. I read the Qur'an and felt the word of God flow through me, a mixture of love and fear ran through my vains sending my emotions wild until God reminded me to use my intellect, the sword which every true muslim posesses. I dropped out of university, broke up with my girlfriend quit drinking and no longer was a seeker of riches as my thirst for knowledge had surpassed all other desires. God is great.

note to brother
Aman Singh: I'm very impressed by the website and very grateful for the hospitibal welcome, thank you!

To MaryMary "knowledge above belief."
As a Sikh brother earlier said, knowledge and belief go hand in hand. i.e belief is knowledge. however if true knowledge (i.e the truth) were to exist in the physical (in the form of a book) then this book would have to stand the test of time and be void of all human error, (actually it would have to be free of all human intervention) it would have to be indestructable for nothing can destroy the Truth. Real knowledge can only be given by the Knower of all things, the reciever would be a Prophet, a person chosen amongst all people.
Beliefs have changed from time to time but this is due to the nature of humankind, one of the laws on earth is that of decomposition i.e. rotting, religion is not free from this, today we don't see many places on earth where true religion is prevailing (however there are a few such as the city of Fez in Morocco), people then may ask, when will we have a new religion to guide us to the True Path? for if one is needed its needed now! the answer to that lies in The Book. God is One.

note:i hope nobody minds this reply as i know it may not go side by side with the Sikh faith, however i believe we all have intellects and should be able to discern truth from falsehood as individuals.
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a muslim

Jul 4, 2006
may peace be upon all of you. i am a sincere seeker of knowledge, treading this path has taken me to islam. i am here for an education, to learn about sikhism from the inside out, to acquire information on the normative approach to sikh rationale, the role of emotion and other such topics. i had an experience very similar to brother Qasim (assalam o alaikum) regarding my upbringing. i denounced my inherited religion knowing only the exoteric side of it, realised how exposed and unprotected i was and reverted back with new vitality and understanding by the grace of Allah. Now i seek to further my understanding of comparitive religion, but before any potential debate arises i would like to remind all sisters and brothers that we have far more in common than we aknowledge. this is the spirit with which i would like to proceed. may Allah maintain our humility and prevent our nafs (pride, ego, self) from interfering with rational dialogue.

btw i would like to thank whoever is behind this forum for doing an excellent job. a great service to people interested in dialogue within and between faiths
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Jul 4, 2006
sat shri akal

hi my name is dalbir singh shergill
i am here for information and maybe religious dialogue
but most of all i wanne get any sakhis or any religious garanths
that any of u may have on ur computers anything
janam sakhis of any of the gurus
and specially the sau sakhi that i have heard off over the last couple of months i really want to read the sau sakhi

waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ke fateh


Jun 1, 2004
note to brother Aman Singh: I'm very impressed by the website and very grateful for the hospitibal welcome, but I do have a query about one of the forum rules.
Welcome to SPN!! :) Dear Qasim, please letme know about your query. If you want the query to be discussed in private then you can always use our Private Messenging service.

Thanks everybody for your kinds words of encouragement. These words mean a lot to us. Please have a nice time around here. :)

Best Regards
Jul 5, 2006

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Hi I just registered to this site. I hope to learn a lot more on sikhism and also hope to share my views with all. I hope I will be able to contribute as much as I can.


Jul 7, 2006
hello have just registered. am more interested in spiritualism than religion

nice to have come across this site and forum. i am more interested in spirituality than religion
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