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Islam Quran - To All Sikh Students

Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
Muslims say that Quran is the complete code of life or complete in any sense.
Then why, do Muslims seek help from the Hadiths? (Traditions)

Muslims cannot understand the Quran without the Hadiths!
If a Muslim does not believe in the (Hadiths) tradition of Mohd, he loses half of his deen, (Religion) --- Is it not highlighting the failure of the Quran itself?

Here are some of the Hadiths !!!!!

(1) Mohd married with Ayesha when She was six year old and had sexual intercourse with her when she was 9 year old. (Al-Bukhari,Vol3,p91)
(2) Mohd used to make love with all of his 9 wives in one go. (Al-Bukhari,Vol3,P118)
(3) Mohd possessed sexual strength of 30 men (Al-Bukhari, Vol1, p181) and many similar Hadiths are in their authentic books.
It is sickening to read the Hadiths. Imam Bukhari has provided more sexual details of Mohd in his AL-Bukhari Sharef, than in the KOKSHASTER. Muslims say that all Al-Bukhari Sharef hadiths are authentic.
For example it is not mentioned in the Quran how you have to perform the five prayers, even the five prayers are not mentioned in the Quran, Details of the Hajj rituals have also not been given.
Other things have not been mentioned, and are missing in the Quran, for example, how do Muslims lawfully slaughter the animals?
The Quran does not say anything about circumcision, and details of when and where it should take place. Which method should be used is not highlighted.

This is not all. There are many more funny things in Hadiths that would be repulsive to normal thinking modern human being.

Do you still want to read Quran !!!

Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
Muslims say that Quran is the complete code of life or complete in any sense.
Then why, do Muslims seek help from the Hadiths? (Traditions)

Muslims cannot understand the Quran without the Hadiths!
If a Muslim does not believe in the (Hadiths) tradition of Mohd, he loses half of his deen, (Religion) --- Is it not highlighting the failure of the Quran itself?

Here are some of the Hadiths !!!!!

(1) Mohd married with Ayesha when She was six year old and had sexual intercourse with her when she was 9 year old. (Al-Bukhari,Vol3,p91)
(2) Mohd used to make love with all of his 9 wives in one go. (Al-Bukhari,Vol3,P118)
(3) Mohd possessed sexual strength of 30 men (Al-Bukhari, Vol1, p181) and many similar Hadiths are in their authentic books.
It is sickening to read the Hadiths. Imam Bukhari has provided more sexual details of Mohd in his AL-Bukhari Sharef, than in the KOKSHASTER. Muslims say that all Al-Bukhari Sharef hadiths are authentic.
For example it is not mentioned in the Quran how you have to perform the five prayers, even the five prayers are not mentioned in the Quran, Details of the Hajj rituals have also not been given.
Other things have not been mentioned, and are missing in the Quran, for example, how do Muslims lawfully slaughter the animals?
The Quran does not say anything about circumcision, and details of when and where it should take place. Which method should be used is not highlighted.

This is not all. There are many more funny things in Hadiths that would be repulsive to normal thinking modern human being.

Do you still want to read Quran !!!



Apr 24, 2006
i think guru granth sahib can lead us better than quran but i am not against the idea of reading it... but also say that it will be useless for someone that has the treasure of SGGS
Jul 10, 2006
Blah..Blah...Blah...Blah Blah.

No thanks."S|kH". We have been given a priceless treasure in the form of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Why should we revert back to semi-fiction story book?

If you really are a Sikh ie a student of Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji's teaching, you wont be posting a topic like this.

Please look up some wonderful topic on Naam simran and Gurbani on this site and WAKE UP you 20yrd old delusional human being.

Look up the meaning of "Sikh" in the link below:


"Ram rahim puran quran, anek kahain mat ek na manyo."

"Sabh Sikhan Ko Hukam hai Guru Manio Granth."

Your topic shows that you are weak and do not have a strong and unwavering believe in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji.

If you are a Sikh please promote Sikhi, Gurbani found in our beautiful and priceless treasure Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji - sacred words of Waheguroo.

Why look any other way when you have Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji in your lap? Read from,comtemplate on, sing from Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji.



Jan 22, 2005
Read the SGGS and there will be no need to wander to other paths

In swaveye one of the nit name baani Guru Gobind Singh ji wrote, ‘srawag sidh smooh sidhan ke dekh firio ghar jog jatikey...He checked all these houses for us. We need not waste time reinventing wheel. No time for these things. Gurmat is unlimited.’ Let us learn this first. Therefore leave all above aside and, “jphu qw eyko nwmw ] Avir inrwPl kwmw ] - chant the Name of One God only and rise up in the flood light of Gursabd. All other actions lead to hypocrisy, superstitions and confusions thus are fruitless.” - Guru Granth ang.728.5.
Sahni Mohinder
Jul 10, 2006
<<"Ram rahim puran quran, anek kahain mat ek na manyo.">>

kaur-1 ji i want to know where the above line is written

Veerji, The pangtee is from sampuran Rahras Sahib evening prayers part of Nitnem. Part of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Maharaj ji's hymn.

pWie ghyy jb qy qumry qb qy koaU AWK qry nhI AwnXo ]
rwm rhIm purwn kurwn Anyk khYN mq eyk n mwnXo ]
Paahe gahe jab te tumre tab te kou aankh tare nahi aanyo|| Raam Raheem Puraan Kuraan aneyk kahai mat eyk na maanyo||

isMimRiq swsqR byd sBY bhu Byd khY hm eyk n jwnXo ]
sRI Aispwn ikRpw qumrI kir mY n khXo sB qoih bKwnXo ]863]
Sinmrit Shaastra Bed sabhai bahu bhed kahai ham ek naa jaanyo|| Sri asipaan kripaa tumri kar mai na kahyo sabh tohe bakhaanyo||863||[/FONT][/FONT]

You will have to ask the forum sangat the correct english translation for the above pangtee's.
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
Dear friends, while I feel that it is healthy to keep an open mind the only benefit of reading the Koran is to see that it is a handbook of evil.
No need to sit and wonder why Islam is such a violent and destructive religion and why muslims go around exploding? Read the Koran and all will be clear.

Here is the fuel that drives Islam

1.Quran Surah 4:
2.Allah will bestow a vast reward on those who fight in religious wars.
3.Have no unbelieving friends. Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them.
4.If the unbelievers do not offer you peace, kill them wherever you find them. Against such you are given clear warrant.
Quran Surah 5
Those who make war with Allah and his messenger will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. That is how they will be treated in this world.

Surah 9:
Slay the idolaters wherever you find them.
Give tiding of a painful doom to Christians and Jews.
If you refuse to fight, Allah will afflict you with a painful doom.
Fight disbelievers who are near you, and let them see the harshness in you.
:rofl!!: :rofl!!:
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
Thecoops is perfectly right.

Muslims are close eyed and close mind people. They are unable to see through the teachings mentioned in Quran which are nothing but destructive to humanity.
They commit cruelty in the name of God.

Pity them.
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
A very precise of Islam !!!

"Islam is a caustic blend of regurgitated paganism and twisted Bible stories. Muhammad, its lone prophet, conceived his religion solely to satiate his lust for power, sex, and money."


Jul 11, 2004
No thanks."S|kH". We have been given a priceless treasure in the form of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Why should we revert back to semi-fiction story book?

If you really are a Sikh ie a student of Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji's teaching, you wont be posting a topic like this.

Please look up some wonderful topic on Naam simran and Gurbani on this site and WAKE UP you 20yrd old delusional human being.

Look up the meaning of "Sikh" in the link below:


"Ram rahim puran quran, anek kahain mat ek na manyo."

"Sabh Sikhan Ko Hukam hai Guru Manio Granth."

Your topic shows that you are weak and do not have a strong and unwavering believe in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji.

If you are a Sikh please promote Sikhi, Gurbani found in our beautiful and priceless treasure Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji - sacred words of Waheguroo.

Why look any other way when you have Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji in your lap? Read from,comtemplate on, sing from Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji.


Yes, I'm a student of the Guru...the same one who had read the Quran, the same ones who had read multiple other books and wrote their bani with analytical skills learned and based off the Quran.

Following their footsteps by reading other scriptures and basing a foundational knowledge of life is a bad thing?

And Kaur-1 called me "delusional".

I've been on this site since it almost opened a few years back...I'm far from delusional, research my post topics please.

Learn to open your mind.
Jul 10, 2006
Sikh's should be spending what little time they have on this earth to read from, contemplate on and live the sacred words of gurbani in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji.

Reading any other books are a total waste of time for the young Sikh youth.

So what if you have been on this site since the beginning.!

So what if you have read the quran.!

Please ask the Sikh youths to read from Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji.

Your heading should have been "Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji" - To all Sikh Students.


Oct 5, 2006
I don't really think Sikhs should read the Quran as their first Guru seemed to have a lot of teachings that seemed to disaprove of what the Quran taught.

Cutting off the hands of thieves, being able to have 4 wives, having to go to Mecca, how Islam needed war to spread itself early on, etc. I think Sikhism disaproves of such things.


Apr 3, 2005
I don't really think Sikhs should read the Quran as their first Guru seemed to have a lot of teachings that seemed to disaprove of what the Quran taught.

Cutting off the hands of thieves, being able to have 4 wives, having to go to Mecca, how Islam needed war to spread itself early on, etc. I think Sikhism disaproves of such things.

you are right sikhism disapprove such things.
Jul 30, 2004

Dear Kaur-1,

It is not OK that we should act as police men to other Sikhs regarging what they should do or do not do.

our member 'Sikh' is not bad guy or say lacks knowledge,we need to leran a lot from him.

As per sgpc Rahit Maryada,it is OK to read scriptures of others faith,in order to gain more and more knowledge.

If we read Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Dasham Granth Sahib and Sarbloh Granth also,We understand that our Gurus had great knowledge of Islam.Jaffernamah may have terms like that from Holy Kuran.

If we do not know say Holy Kuran,then we may not able be able to preach Muslims,the Gurmat.After reading thier scripture we can tell them how exactly what is writtan in thier scripture and how our idealogy interprets that and so how our Ideolgy is the best.

It is wrong to make Gurmat as faith in cocoon,like jainism was.Allah Hafiz,Akal Sahai.
Jul 10, 2006

Dear Kaur-1,

It is not OK that we should act as police men to other Sikhs regarging what they should do or do not do.

our member 'Sikh' is not bad guy or say lacks knowledge,we need to leran a lot from him.

As per sgpc Rahit Maryada,it is OK to read scriptures of others faith,in order to gain more and more knowledge.

If we read Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Dasham Granth Sahib and Sarbloh Granth also,We understand that our Gurus had great knowledge of Islam.Jaffernamah may have terms like that from Holy Kuran.

If we do not know say Holy Kuran,then we may not able be able to preach Muslims,the Gurmat.After reading thier scripture we can tell them how exactly what is writtan in thier scripture and how our idealogy interprets that and so how our Ideolgy is the best.

It is wrong to make Gurmat as faith in cocoon,like jainism was.Allah Hafiz,Akal Sahai.

Waheguroo ji Ka Khalsa Waheguroo ji ki Fateh,

If the Sikh youth are well versed with the teachings in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji thats one think.

But most us know too well that this is NOT the case is it? Just look around you and you will know that this is a fact!. Thats is my point. I am not saying to keep "Gurmat as faith in cacoon" as you stated in your reply above.

Why dont you and S|kh create a post or an article listing the difference of various religion from SIKHI?

I think this will be more beneficial to the Sikh youth dont you think?

AS both you and S|kh are well read in various books for various religions, why dont you help us out by listing and arming the Sikh youth?

The list will also help the adults Sikh!.
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
To read the Koran or not to read the Koran? I ask for what purpose would we read it?
The whole world is riding a wave of Islamic hatred that is fuelled by the Koran, beheadings, torture and wanton cruelty are dished out everyday to those that Muslims view as infidels. Do you think Sikh’s will be spared from this evil? We are all the infidel prepare yourselves for the fire of Allah, we can either be consumed or recognise where this evil is coming from!:}8-:

The main message of the Koran is one of hate and killing.
1.Quran Surah 4:
2.Allah will bestow a vast reward on those who fight in religious wars.
Have no unbelieving friends. Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them.
Surah 9:
Slay the idolaters wherever you find them.
Give tiding of a painful doom to Christians and Jews.
Fight disbelievers who are near you, and let them see the harshness in you.
Tabari IX:69
"Killing disbelievers is a small matter to us."

"Do the {censored}s think that we are not their equal in fighting? We are men who think that there is no shame in killing."

‘By Allah, had Muhammad ordered me to murder you, my brother, I would have cut off your head.'

Qur'an 5:33
"The punishment for those who wage war against Allah and His Prophet and make mischief in the land, is to murder them, crucify them, or cut off a hand and foot on opposite sides...their doom is dreadful. They will not escape the fire, suffering constantly."

Qur'an 8:12
"Your Lord inspired the angels with the message: ‘I will terrorize the unbelievers. Therefore smite them on their necks and every joint and incapacitate them. Strike off their heads and cut off each of their fingers and toes."

Tabari VII:81
"‘What do you think Khattab?' Muhammad asked. ‘I say you should hand them over to me so that I can cut off their heads. Thus Allah will know that there is no leniency in our hearts toward the unbelievers.'

Here is that hate learnt from the Koran in action...
Christian beaten to death
in hospital by Muslim cop
Policeman: 'I have offered my religious duty ... I'm spiritually satisfied'

Samuel Masih was buried in Lahore, Pakistan, yesterday following injuries he received from a Muslim policeman who beat the 27-year-old Christian with a hammer as he lay in his hospital bed recovering from a bout of tuberculosis.
Masih had been in jail since Aug. 23, 2003, awaiting trial on charges of blasphemy under Pakistan's strict "Law 295" – which forbids desecrating the Quran and "defiling" the name of Islam's prophet, Muhammad. On the day of his arrest, Masih was collecting garden rubbish, which he heaped temporarily against the wall of a mosque in Lahore's Lawrence Gardens section while collecting more that he planned to burn later. This action brought the blasphemy charge, which carries a maximum two-year prison sentence.
He had been held in the Lahore Central Jail for nine months when he had a severe tuberculosis attack and was transferred to a local hospital. According to reports in the Lahore Daily Times, the constable assigned to guard the prisoner's room at the hospital, Officer Faryad Ali, savagely beat Masih with a hammer used for cutting bricks after learning he had been accused of strewing garbage near the mosque's walls.
Faryad Ali, who has been jailed and charged with murder, reportedly told investigators it was his religious duty as a Muslim to kill the Christian man. According to Voice of the Martyrs, he is reported to have said, "I have offered my religious duty for killing the man. I'm spiritually satisfied and ready to face the consequences."


May 13, 2006
you are right about what you are saying about the quran but the strange thing is that you are telling us to read the quaran but it is the muslims who claim to follow their religion. many of them know lots about the quran and their religion but they do not follow it properly. in the quran it says that men and women should be treated equally, if that is true then why do women have to cover there face when they go out in public. i believe that what is writen in the quran is correct but muslims do not follow there religion. please can you comment on wh t i think about them saying women and men are equal but ladies must cover there face
Jul 10, 2006
you are right about what you are saying about the quran but the strange thing is that you are telling us to read the quaran but it is the muslims who claim to follow their religion. many of them know lots about the quran and their religion but they do not follow it properly. in the quran it says that men and women should be treated equally, if that is true then why do women have to cover there face when they go out in public. i believe that what is writen in the quran is correct but muslims do not follow there religion. please can you comment on wh t i think about them saying women and men are equal but ladies must cover there face

Waheguru ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji ki Fateh,

Your comment "i believe that what is writen in the quran is correct but muslims do not follow there religion." is half true and half false".

Yes, the second part of not following is correct but unfortunately whats written in the Koran has a lot of "manmade" nonsense such as promoting violence and treating women as second class citizen.

This is probably due to "political" reason of those times - power hungry man of those times. Ego comes in big time! That is why in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, we are adiviced to eliminate our Ego, one of the 5 vices.

Some religions are so old that over time, the real teachings from Waheguroo have been lost and distorted. Manmade nonsense added to their religious books.

Thank Waheguroo, that Sikhi is a fairly new religion and the real teachings from Waheguroo are still intact.

Dont forget that Mohamed was a thief, a "gang" leader terrorising and looting villages before the so called "call" from God.

Did you know that when they say "Allah ho akbar". They actually are saying that only their God called Allah is Akbar ie almighty. This means that the rest of human kind do not believe in a God as only their i.e. muslim's God is the almighty.!

That is why I called their religious book "semi-fiction" in a previous post. I could have said its "semi-factual" so as to sound less harsh. But its the truth because of mans ego, facts are changed, added to over time.

Dont forget that the supposedly teachers of God's word have/might also been affected by Ego in this very old religions.

I thank Waheguroo that I have been shown the Sikhi path.

Boleh So Nihal Sat Sri Akal
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